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Today, we celebrate Satguru Maharaj Ji’s 41 years of selfless service to humanity, reigning as the Spiritual Commander-General Of The Universe and Supreme Power in human form. Maharaj Ji is now in our midst to perform the Herculean task of saving the world from total disintegration beginning from Nigeria by taking people from darkness into Light and establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, One Love Family (The Alajobi of Old). Congratulations Children of Light.






By the Grace of the Grace and benevolence of our Ancestors, I welcome and congratulate the Children of Light, Sincere Seekers of Truth and the entire Creation as we celebrate the 41 Years Appearance Anniversary of the Divine Enigma of Life in the world. Indeed, the time have come for all to recognize Humanity’s Best Friend and Father of all the Holi Men, who has come in the past bodies of other Masters such as Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha, Moses etc., to reveal The Light and reconnect mankind to the Creator whom hitherto, had lost the link and were groping in darkness. The forces of darkness prior to this time had a field day with the world as her play thing. Disasters, destructions, hunger and starvation, plagues and diseases, wars, violence etc. became the order of the day; leaving in its trail humanity wailing and gnashing their teeth due to untold pains and sufferings with the world at the brink of total collapse.

Satguru Maharaj Ji, the Supreme Power in human form 41 years ago sudden appearance in the world scene turned the dire situation that was holding the entire world to a standstill with little or no hope for a way out. Fortune smiled on humanity when The Father of all Creations received the mantle of Divine Mastership from His Predecessor, His Holiness Shri Prempal Singh Rawat, through His proclamation in a Divine Lecture “THE PEACE BOMB” held at the University of Pennsylvania, State of Pennsylvania, USA on July 17, 1976 when he said, “There is no doubt and why should there be any doubt? There is a Greater Soul coming ……. Mohammed Sahib …. who you would understand better. If you listen to Him, you will be greater than now. Right from the most thickly populated Black Nation in the world, Nigeria, Africa, where civilization started.” and the Creator-In-Person returned to its source, Africa, Nigeria on July 17, 1980 to kick off His Soul Saving Mission and the Sun smiled on the earth planet once again

Despite the Euro-Arabian minor organizers who carefully, skillfully abducted and exploited the Atlantis children for material and spiritual gains to the detriment of black humanity who have been at the disadvantage side over the past centuries due to gross ignorance and heavy manipulative plots designed to perpetually make her spiritually blind and spell bound to continually inculcate their ideologies, principles, philosophies and dogmas! What we saw was the turban wearing Usman Dan Fodio coming from the Sahara bringing in the Quran, while the hand clappers and book carriers journeying through the Atlantic Ocean, introducing the Bible, in order to bestow upon us the good news in the books; which manuscripts were stolen from Ibadan (Oyo-Ile) precisely, so many centuries ago and cleverly edited to erase every semblance of our black history in a bid to subtly replace our Nucleus culture of Alajobi while describing it as the “Word of God” from His Son/Holy Prophet alike. During the slave trade, missionary and colonial eras, black humanity witnessed massive exploitations and gross inhumane treatment from her slave masters that was contrary to any civilized and humanitarian principles and till date, continues to make mockery of Africa’s dignity and independence. Also, betrayal of one’s kith and kin, clan, tribe, country was anathema, but seems to be the norm now. And one may go to any extent to extract a pound of flesh for a perceived wrong doing. Needless to say, this has left us in dire situation with far reaching consequences to contend with today.

Suffice to say, so long as promoters of colonialism and imperialism continue to undermine the Black race through their actions and inactions, the world would continue to have human problems. Hence, we are witnesses to tornado, hurricane, volcano, tsunami, wild fire, earth quakes, etc. happening here and there. Today, what we now see is perpetration of wickedness in high places, accidental and untimely deaths of the younger generation, diseases and sicknesses prevalent in the society, pandemics, homo-sexuality, nudity, war, organized crime, violence, broken homes and marriages, divorce, single parenthood, incest, disrespect to the elders and traditional institutions also disregard for our culture and tradition. Not forgetting, the rate of mortality on the increase with life expectancy said to be three scores and ten afterwards one is expected to go meet God in the sky. Whereas, this wasn’t the case in the days of our forbearers who lived beyond 250 years.

From the forgoing, we can see that religion has failed with all its glories. Religion is a horse on paper, (its potency cannot be felt). Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster and others have all come and gone. What their promoters have done today in their names are simply make-believe. It is all a yahoo, meant to blindfold the people by creating an illusion of the existence of a Higher Power in the sky, while they sap our resources dry and impress upon our psychic their superiority as the ones closest to the Creator. Our mumu don do! Our embrace and assimilation of mono-cultural values has overtime eroded our black heritage and made us to be a shadow of our once glorious selves. Oh, Maharaj Ji where are you? It is high time we jettison the Oyinboman’s religion and go back to our culture and tradition which serves as the checks and balance guiding our activities and putting us on the right path of life. Henceforth, let’s cherish our originality and uniqueness and see ourselves as blessed people. Let’s change our Oyinbo names to African names i.e., from Elizabeth, James, Fann, Juliet, Amanda, Esther to Kwame, Thembo, Ade, Arike, Balogun etc. These Oyinbo names are the ones the mermaids use to turn our lives upside down in order to exploit our pure vibration in exchange for mediocrity.

It is now time for the Oyinboman to show love and accept that we are all children of the same Father, Maharaj Ji. They need to love the black man like the way they love their pets as well as declare to the world that the first human beings on earth were Blacks. Likewise, the Oyinboman came from Africa before they went to the other side when they could no longer obey natural laws and principles. The Creator in His loving kindness and tender mercies does not accept us on the basis of the color of our skin but our heart. They need to understand this is the time to operate from their hearts and not their mind, because the mind has only caused the down fall of man and making of real sacrifices by extending true hands of brotherhood and friendship to the Blacks. Because, if we are to go by the law of nature that says, you reap what you sow, then who is to be blamed when Mother Earth begins to react? For the Creator in His stillness records all activities on the planet and He is never unjust.

The redemption of the planet earth must start from Africa, where civilization started from to prove to the world that the Black race has not failed. They will re-emerge to take up his position as the leader race in the world. So, I am calling on Nigerians, Africans and World leaders to use the Holi Name Maharaj Ji or invite Satguru Maharaj Ji to your home/country to free yourself from the yoke of bondage and all encumbrances by virtue of hosting the Holi Father and receipt of Divine Knowledge. Maharaj Ji is waiting. Don’t wait, tomorrow might be too late, because delay has made us to lose some of our finest and brightest brains in their prime. Furthermore, there is need for everyone to take full advantage of The Great Light walking physically in our midst today. The hour is now, once you embrace Maharaj Ji, nobody can marginalize you, whether you are German, African, American, Asian, Jamaican etc. Finally, Succor has come our way.



On July 17, 1980, exactly 4 years after the then Guru Maharaj Ji’s proclamation, the present Satguru, at 33 years of age, the age “Jesus” ended his earthly service; came down to Nigeria from London, after the spiritual exchange of baton of Divine Leadership, to start His Mission of Saving Lives. Two years later in 1982, the young but Divine Father hired a new house at 33, Shittu Thompson Street, off Shoboyejo Road, Elliot Bus-stop, Iju Water Works Road, Iju, Agege, Ifako-Ijaiye LGA, Lagos from where His Divine Service of saving the world started.

In fulfilment of the scriptures that The Lord and Savior of Mankind will come like a thief in the dark. (1 Thess 5:2) The Good Shepherd of Old boarded a Nigeria Airways night flight to Muritala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos on July 16, 1980 to arrive Lagos in the morning of July 17, 1980, four years after the Pennsylvania’s Peace Bomb Declaration of July 17, 1976.

Prominent Nigerians on board the aircraft includes Chief T.O.S Benson, ex-minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and other eminent world citizens. Other co-passengers unconsciously and blissfully celebrated the relocation of the Supreme Light of Creation (The GODMAN) back to its Nucleus base. There was heavy merriment throughout the flight period. The passengers on board ate, drank and danced joyfully in the spirit of one love, while the film “Escape To Freedom” was on for all to watch. Unknown to them, indeed humanity is finally from the forces of darkness, who hitherto ruled the world with reckless abandon.

Today, we celebrate Satguru Maharaj Ji’s 41 years of selfless service to humanity, reigning as the Spiritual Commander-General Of The Universe and Supreme Power in human form. Maharaj Ji is now in our midst to perform the Herculean task of saving the world from total disintegration beginning from Nigeria by taking people from darkness into Light and establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, One Love Family (The Alajobi of Old). Congratulations Children of Light.


Over the years, sages of different kinds have come forward to testify about the supremacy and potency of Satguru Maharaj Ji. Their experiences in real time have practically lent credence to the working wonders of The Great Light-Satguru Maharaj Ji, The Christ/Mahdi of this Time and the Number One Whistle Blower of the Universe, who whistle blew the true and original name of the Creator as MAHARAJ JI and ended the deception of the Oyinboman who gave us hybrid names such as God, Elohim, Yahweh, Gott etc. that carries little or no vibration further worsening man’s dire situation on earth.

As the physically representation of the Creator on the planet today, Satguru Maharaj Ji reveals every mystery of the known and unknown as well as empowering you with all that is needed to equip yourself with the resources to make life meaningful and worth living thereby impacting on the society uncommon virtues that would make one write their names on the sands of time.


“There is no doubt and why should there be any doubt? There is a Greater soul coming………MOHAMMED SAHIB……..who you would understand better. If you listen to Him, you will be greater than now. Right from the most thickly populated Black Nation in the world, Nigeria, Africa, where civilization started” Shri Prempal Singh Rawat, Predecessor to Nigerian born SATGURU MAHARAJ JI of Our Time, at a Peace Bomb Lecture delivered on July 17, 1976, at The University of Pennsylvania, State of Pennsylvania, USA.


An era is coming; the world will witness the coming of The World Leader who would manifest in the most thickly populated Black Nation of the world. He would be coming as THE SATGURU; who would bring the Golden Age of Life. The Golden Age of Life would be of no death, no sickness, no pain, no poverty, no hunger, no war…….it would be a period everything would be there for the asking. With the Golden Age of life era, would come the Titan Race……….which would be highly spiritually conscious race”
Dr. T. Lobsang Rampa, 1978- in his book, “ The Chapters of Life”


During a revival ministry organized by WOSEM, a prayer warrior ministry, in 1979 held at Elewura, sango, behind Sango cemetery, Prophet Obadare prophesied the coming of the Godman, Satguru Maharaj Ji in Nigeria and in a Nigerian body. At the climax of the prayer-warrior session, prophet Obadare then declared everybody to stop praying. There was absolute calm and quietude following the instant compliance to the order. Prophet Obadare then declared on top of his voice, saying: “I have just had a vision that will have profound impact on the affairs of Nigeria. In the course of the prayer session, God told me that He has chosen Nigeria as a place of abode and will be coming down soon physically in Nigeria. God therefore, directed me to spread the good news to Nigeria and ask them to pray hard so that everybody will know and accept Him when the hour comes.

In a related development, few years later, 1982/1983, in compliance with God’s instruction, Prophet Obadare sent many members of the WOSEM ministry to conduct a street registration exercise in the Holy City of Ibadan land, Old Nazareth, to ensure that the names of the city residents enter into the Holy Book of Life. At that time, members of the Ministry actually went around the street of Ibadan and carried out the registration exercise as directed.


In 1982 the three Maggis of modern time, namely: Pope John Paul II, The Arch Bishop of Canterbury and Chief Imam of Mecca, visited Nigeria to pay obeisance to the Golden Child during which Pope John Paul II proclaimed “Oh! What a Beautiful Child”, however, they went back and failed to inform their followers accordingly.


Ex-President Bill Clinton of the United States of America, till date, remains the first head of state who has come out frankly to tell the world that the Creator is now walking on the planet. President Clinton’s open declaration was contained in his inaugural speech title “Renew America” said inter alia: “We earn our livelihood in America today in peaceful competition with people all across the earth. Profound and Powerful Forces are shaping and remaking our world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy” However, although President Clinton’s step seems commendable, it is not enough.

His reference to what he described as “Profound and Powerful Forces” lacks specification and direction. Logically, Clinton’s recognition of the Divine Power of Love is only as good, making a scratch on the surface of the whole spectrum, hence, it does not direct the people to know who and what is Satguru Maharaj Ji, now walking on the planet. ….. Culled from The Universe, June 25- July 25 1994, Pg 14.



“Nigeria will soon become the greatest and best country for pilgrimage latest in the 2000, Alleluyah. God will make very, very good and divine use of Nigeria in the mightiest way such that had never been witnessed before in the history of the whole world. He (the Nigerian) will start from where our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ finished his missionary works. He is the Messiah. “He will do mightier works than Jesus Christ. He is the same Jesus Christ, but will not be called Jesus Christ again. He has come this second time with a new name, just like the first Elijah died and came back with new name. The Lord died young, but will live longest this time – (228). He is a Nigerian”. …….. Late Prophet Samuel Adewole. ….. Culled from Sunday Champion Newspaper, January 3, 1998.

GOD IS A NIGERIAN ... By Olusegun Obasanjo

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo exclamation in major newspaper-publications during his tenure that “God is a Nigerian, and in a Nigerian body, I am not blaspheming”…Villa Scope Magazine, 2002 and he reported it in the Sunday Punch of December 3, 2010, thus: “God has been good to Nigeria: God is a Nigeria, because despite our many challenges, we are still moving on together”


“Among all humans Maharaj Ji is superior, among all Gods, He is great and above all, He has the missing key of Divine Knowledge which is the cement that seals every civilization. Anyone, who shall oppose me here will do so out of ignorance relating to the consummate mystery of reality. The Guru is a Good God and a GOOD Man.”
“Those who sincerely wish to know that The GURU is not a Satan, should know that nothing good can come from Satan but a lot of good things have come from the GURU to this nation, some of which are visible while some others are invisible. Those who have any proof to call Him Satan should forward their proofs to my e-mail. Such proof must be bereft of Western influence born of religious credo; because the White men together with their religions have never seen anything good in Africa.
“I have finished my finding on the GURU and my conclusion is that He should be appreciated for his noble and sincere work and therefore should be given a chance to assist our noble civilization. This is my humble plea with those in authority so that we can follow in the rank of those countries that are expected to be technologically recognized in the 2020” …..professor Nathan Uzorma Protus, Philosophical Reflections (The Reformer), Nigerian Daily Sun Newspaper, 2nd December, 2009. Pg. 19


Maharaj Ji thank you for honoring Onuiyi Haven with Your presence today at a time I have planned to travel out of the country for medical treatment as I had done in the last two years, 1991 and 1992.
“I hoped then that MAHARAJ JI will appreciate that as far as I am concerned, I have followed Your activities with interest and it coincided with my own idea of life and I said, when will I be able to meet MAHARAJ JI, I asked.
“But the presence of Maharaj Ji today has given me a new lease of life and made me feel that I still belong to this planet. My continued association with such individuals will not only make me grow, but will make me have full confidence that no matter the disease, I will always conquer and be alive. “When You spoke, You spoke the same language, You interpreted the world, You interpreted the Universe. You interpreted humanity. You interpreted our reactions, one to another and I said to myself; am I listening to myself or am I listening to my other self ”
“I want to thank you, Maharaj Ji for Your presence, with all the noble words you said, the promises and interpretation of history which you gave. “These are enough to inspire one and the way our friends here reacted, coincided with my own reaction, so I beg to be allowed to be one of Your followers (Applause).
…… Great Zik of the Universe at his Onuiyi Haven Nsukka while responding to the Divine speech made by The Father of Creation who visited to bless the Owelle of Onitsha at his Onuiyi Haven on Wednesday, March 31, 1993.

  1. Satguru Maharaj Ji Whistle-blew the hitherto hidden Original/True name of The Creator, Maharaj
    Ji, to the people of the world that was expunged from the holy books and replaced with God, Allah, Gott and so on by the European Aristocrats at their illegal Constantinople conferences of AD 21 and AD 60.
  2. Revealed there is no Heaven up in the Sky! The snag about heaven is used to sap the Black race.
  3. The Oyinbos concocted the names: God, Allah, Tetragrammaton, El-Shaddai etc., to create accident, death, suffering and misery cultism, corruption, state of apostasy and living dead in our society.
  4. With Satguru Maharaj Ji, you can now sentence Death to death as well as stop death in your home,
    by calling on the Holi Name, Maharaj Ji.
  5. He has brought Divine Knowledge, which is the key to Heaven on Earth and our world is the
    promised paradise.
  6. Anyone who receives Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge or uses the Altar (Photograph) of The Master
    enjoys 100% guaranteed safety and protection on Land, Sea and Air.
  7. Through His Divine Knowledge, we know that salvation is free and given by the physically Livng
    Master and not in the hands of Past Masters, who are gone forever. You can’t milk a dead cow!
  8. Revealed that the surest way to develop science and technology is through Divine Knowledge or a
    silent communication with MAHARAJ JI or His photograph (Altar).
  9. Call Maharaj Ji anywhere you are under the Sun and I will answer you. i.e., I ask the world population of 7.9 Billion to call on Maharaj Ji at a time, Satguru Maharaj Ji will manifest and answer all simultaneously.
  10. With Maharaj Ji’s photograph in your pocket anywhere you go, you will come back home safe and
  11. We are now aware that the original name of Jesus is Oluorogbo and his mother, Moremi.
  12. Made the Pope to confess that Jesus is not coming back to earth anymore. Sunday Newswatch, May
    11, 2014, Pg. 62. This is to prove that the concept “Jesus is Coming Soon” is a real con. Also, he promised to unveil the secret scroll hidden in the Vatican that contains the true name of the Creator. We are waiting!
  13. That disasters such as hurricane, earthquake, desert encroachment, typhoon etc., are due to gross
    hatred and injustice in racism, tribalism, ethnic and religious acrimonies programmed by the West
    against the Blacks. And if they can love the Black man like they love their pets all disasters will disappear in their domain.
  14. Revealed that all the Spirits/Deities and Oracles are back and we should not spill blood to appease
    them anymore and they will work.
  15. Ile-Ife in South-Western Nigeria, Africa is where civilization started and not Ohio or the Middle
    East as being falsely propagated by The World Council of Witches in California.
  16. He revealed Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher, Benazir Bhutto, Elizabeth Toro, Mariam Babangida, Mfon Abasi, Kikelomo, Banuso and Ngozi Ejimadu (the nine women of valor) are the owners and custodians of the Bible, Qur’an, Gita etc., and all other Holy Names. i.e., any prayer made to God, Allah, Elohim go to them and they make the decision that is why our problems become more complex, complicated with threat to life and destruction on the increase.
  17. The concept of animate and inanimate objects is wrong, now we know that there is vibration in
    everything in creation, hence all things are living.
    Try, test and experience the working wonders of the Holi Name, MAHARAJ JI.

Ever so often the Living Perfect Master appears in a red robe or garment. He is very fond of the color. Among flowers, the Lord prefers those in red. They are the dominant flowers at His lotus feet. The original factory color of Satguru Maharaj Ji’s car was white, now it is painted in a bright red color. In answer to questions as to why Maharaj Ji prefers the color red, Satguru Maharaj Ji says, it is the color of love. Perhaps, this will sound surprising in view of the old concept of red in the minds of a large section of our people. Majority of the natives believe that red is a symbol of danger others readily link it with horrors involving the shedding of blood. This in-built aversion against the red color has robbed many people of its benefit.


The Master says this attitude is wrong and calls for a change. Afterall the stream of life flowing in all human beings which is the blood is red. The radiation of a human being operates through the blood. It is the life force and it is not by coincidence that its color is red. The constituents are oxygen and haemoglobin, which forms the red compound oxy-haemoglobin. The haem is itself a red iron compound which contributes the electromagnetic nature of the blood, all this just goes to show the connection between life force and the color red.

We are living in an age dominated by science and technology. People now become skeptical or unbelieving of claims which are not scientifically testable and veritable. People want the truth and the most preferable way of doing that is by experiment. It could be interesting testing scientifically Satguru Maharaj Ji’s assertion that red is the King of all colors. The experiment is simple enough and it is one most of us did in Physics in our secondary school days. The apparatuses you need are neither too many not cumbersome. Take a glass prism and let a light beam pass through it from a horizontal direction. A torchlight could be useful for this purpose. Put a white screen, preferably a cardboard paper vertically on the other side of the glass prism and shift it until an image is formed on it. You will discover that the image on the screen is that of the rainbow and consists of seven colors. These are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

The conclusion from this observation is that red appears on top of other colors. It is the color with the shortest wavelength and highest frequency of vibration. It should therefore not be a thing of surprise that the color of the human blood is red. The same phenomenon can be observed in the ripening of flowers and fruits. Originally, most fruits are green in color, then gradually as the process of ripening progresses, the green of the fruit turns to yellow. Eventually, the process terminates as the fruit reddens.

You too as an Aspirant could make observations in nature and see how Mother Nature is in tune with Maharaj Ji’s principle. Struggle to attain Knowledge and see the wonders of Nature unfold in conformity with the teachings of Satguru Maharaj Ji.



Mothers, children, people running helter-skelter, the ensuing pandemonium which have befallen the people of Iraji is unprecedented. The people are calling on God to save them. Oh God save me! God where are you? God answer my prayers. My question is, who is this God we are all calling? Where does He live? Why is He not answering? Can He even hear His beloved children calling? Why does He stay akimbo while His creation is gradually being destroyed? All these questions are begging for answers. I am sure you are curious to know the answer. The adjective “God” being used to qualify the Creator/Supreme Being, as a matter of fact is non-existent. It only exists on paper. Yes, you heard right, it doesn’t. It is simply a name concocted by the slave masters to imbibe on the Blackman the spirit of servitude and paying obeisance to the Oyinboman while imposing their perceived supremacy or superiority on us as a people.

Also, why millions of prayers being made to God have failed is that it goes directly to the table of the Nine Women of Valor, namely Kikelomo, Ngozi Ejimadu, Mfon Abasi, Banuso, Maryam Babangida, Elizabeth Toro (Uganda) Uganda, Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan), Margaret Thatcher (Britain) and Queen Elizabeth II of England, who were exposed through Divine Knowledge, whose sole mission is to cause confusion and chaos and turn the world into one big hot mess! So, it is their pleasure when people are afflicted with pains and sufferings. Unfortunately for them, Satguru Maharaj Ji surprisingly came at the nick of time to undercut and turn the narratives of the world for good. Therefore, putting an end to all their evil machinations, plots and intrigues to watch the whole world burst into flames. In other words, Maharaj Ji’s coming has brought order into the once turbulent world, giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and putting square pegs in square holes and vice versa. Hence, restoring world peace, love, harmony and togetherness.

Therefore, if you want your prayers to be answered, stop calling on an imaginary God in the sky, a God you cannot see. Rather, call on Maharaj Ji silently from your heart anywhere and anytime, for quick answers to your prayers/supplications. Also, use the Altar (photograph) of Satguru Maharaj Ji for round the clock protection on Land, Sea and Air to guarantee your life and be free from the vicissitudes of life.


Our today’s existence is tied down to the choices we make yesterday. No man was born spiritually blind (without the third eye) but overtime, as he interacts with his environment, diverse views, ideas, doctrines and philosophies which are all by products of our belief system and way of life have an overriding influence in the making of our personality. Especially after one is caught up in the web of religion, the end result is spiritual blindness. They see absolutely nothing wrong in the concept of dying to see God in heaven, living only to die at the age of 70 years, a teenager dying, various diseases and plagues prevalent, war, hunger, disasters. All these sad and strange happenings are tagged as the “will of God”.

No, My good friend the Creator doesn’t bless you with a child then takes that same child away from you at a later date. He doesn’t give you a husband and years later make you a widow and leaving your children fatherless. He doesn’t give you a car, only for in six months time causes an accident, then you lose your legs, neither is He unflinching when His beloved children are in despair. No, He doesn’t! If really what the books said about Him are indeed true, i.e., Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, then He is the solution to all problems and a shield in the time of danger. Why then all these tribulations even after calling on Him for help? This leaves one wondering, does God (Almighty Creator) truly exist? Judging by what we see, one may rightly say, perhaps, He is in a deep sleep or resides on planet Pluto, millions of light-years away from earth. Hence, the delay in hearing our prayers, cries and begging for answers. The scriptures said, My people die for they lack knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) Mind you, I am not talking about the knowledge of physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry etc. but the knowledge of who and what he is. i.e., the knowledge of the Creator within him. Try Maharaj Ji, the original/true name of the Creator that was there at the beginning of creation which was changed to God, Elohim, Yahweh, Tettragramatton, Gott etc., by the European Elites at their illegal Conference in Constantinople in AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of humanity’s problems. This Holi Name has never failed. What are you waiting for? Many have called, used and testified to the Power above all Powers!

Receive Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, because it is the secret key to finding solutions to all of man’s problems and the Master’s gift to mankind. You are under obligation to save yourself and family from the forces that have held you bound and left you struggling while thinking, is there any meaning to man’s existence on earth. Most assuredly, there is a meaning to man’s existence. As the Creator-In-Person, the Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji is the purpose of life fulfilled. It gives you the Grace to live longer and become immortal. Also, you are empowered physically and spiritually to take full control of your life and the capacity to destroy all shackles of dominion over you. This is for sure. The ball is in your court, receive Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge. It is given free of charge and on Special Dates dedicated to bless the entire creation while empowering humanity as we journey to the Golden Age. The Age whereby mankind’s interaction with nature is best described as the Age of no more sorrow, sufferings and deaths. Thanks Maharaj Ji.
So, I enjoin you to come for My Divine Knowledge today and equip yourself and family with the key to unlocking your store-house to immeasurable and stupendous wealth.



Divine Knowledge is all about coming under the protective Agya of Satguru Maharaj Ji, with the unsolicited Divine Grace to stay in the comfort zone of one’s inner room and watch the Television of Life daily without let or hindrances. With the “Third Eye” open, Maharaj Ji unlocks the doors of Divine Store-House of Wisdom to acquire the wisdom to explore and interpret the universe, leading to total self-realization and mastery of one’s environment. Besides, Divine Knowledge equally unlocks the doors of Infinite Power and Wealth with guaranteed life of immortality.

Satguru Maharaj Ji is here to replant all erring souls and give them their lives back and the much needed salvation. Already, millions of souls have reaped immense Grace from The Satguru, such as advances in the latest technological breakthroughs in the field of information technology, electronics, automobile, aeronautic engineering and medicine etc., have been made by devotees of Satguru Maharaj Ji. Through Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, large photons of Light descends daily on Nigeria’s geographical space, paralysing the forces of darkness. With Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, every soul will be given perfect peace of mind to make this world a peaceful, harmonious and progressive place where realization of the self and the purpose of life will be attained with ease.
In Divine Knowledge lies the power to unravel all the underlying secrets behind the Creation

i. Satguru: You can see God alive, Satguru Maharaj Ji is The One that links Man with the Creator. While Religionists say, you die to see God in the sky. A dead God who can’t save his children in the time of danger.

ii. Satguru says, try, test and experience before you believe. Call Maharaj Ji to get instant answers to your prayers. While Religionists says, have faith and believe. This can be likened to milking a dead cow. You pray and pray yet, there is no solution to your problemdanger.

iii. Satguru say, ask and receive, knock and the door opens, seek and you will find. Maharaj Ji is always there to grant you your heart desires. While Religionists talks about watch and pray. Fast, keep vigil, burn candles, go to the mountain, yet no solution in sight to that problem.

iv. Satguru has brought Divine Knowledge to humanity, i.e., the key to Heaven is established on Earth again. Today, our world is the promised paradised. While Religionists talks about Book knowledge, the root cause of deciet, corruption, destruction, slavery, misery, untimely death, poverty, brain drain etc.

v. Satguru says, man will live forever on Earth. Ones life is guaranteed 100% on Land, Sea and Air. While Religionists says, man is born to die to see God up there, yet nobody is willing to die to go see God in heaven.

vi. Satguru says, the Creator can’t be mocked. Whatever a man sow, so shall he reap. Gal. 6: 7 While Religionists propagate the illusive doctrine of sin and repent. Which has given birth to so much corruption. The Bible and Qur’an promotes a world where you can do anything then repent at a later date.

vii. Satguru says Doom predictions are part of witches plans to create panic and swindle the less conscious of the their hard-earned income. While Religionists use this as a tool to further deceive people to believe that their so-called predictions are messages from God.


It’s a pleasure that today Akpotor Ohwo is still living, because nobody expected it. I am Service Premie Engr. Akpotor Ohwo, the Divine Minister of Science and Technology, One Love Family. I received Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on May 5, 1987 at Agbarho, Ughelli, Delta State. I worked in DSC as a Metallurgist. I work with metals.

As a metallurgist, I was going about my normal activities at my work place, not knowing that the world doesn’t like my way. They planned against me by setting up a furnace accident when I was at the workshop. There was this twelve-year-old boy who use to come and do menial jobs at the workshop with us. He had lost his father, so I took pity on him and decided to help him for he was a brilliant child. Unknown to me this boy told my extended family members that he knew how to kill me. According to him, “my head no dey gree” and they asked him “you fit kill am, and he answered yes.” He was asked how and he replied, “na fire we go take kill am.” They asked him, “Wetin go happen, if you no fit kill am?” he was so sure of himself and his response was, “he go die.” They asked him to sign an agreement to that effect which he did and they also signed.

So, on this fateful day, the oxygen (chemical substance) and the furnace exploded! There was fire everywhere and I was inside. I was confused and didn’t know what I was going to do. At this point, I was already on the floor burning. Then, I heard Maharaj Ji’s voice, saying, call Maharaj Ji. I started calling Maharaj Ji, then I saw an open door ahead of me and I ran out, fortunately there was a drum of water outside. Immediately, I jumped into the drum of water and the fire on my body quenched. Also, people were able to put off the fire and they began searching for me. Meanwhile, I was calling for help inside the drum of water. When they heard my voice, they brought me out of the drum and rushed me to the nearest clinic. On getting there, I told the nurses on duty to help me and they took care by giving me injections and other medications. When the doctor arrived, he looked at me for a while and asked how it happened, which I explained. After my explanation, he conducted some test on me and told me I had high blood pressure, I was shocked. After some minutes, the doctor left and I asked the nurse what brought about the matter of high blood pressure. Saying, “this is how you give injection of different ailment to people. What brought me to this hospital is different from what you are telling me now. Una don give me three injections now, make una discharge me make I go my house. “Na tortoise tell him children say na for him house na him go die”. Tortoise dey carry him house dey waka. I be tortoise make una discharge me make I go my house.” As a matter of fact, “I no go die because say, I be Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji, nobody fit kill me.”

I was informed only the doctor could discharge me. After sometime, the doctor came out of his office and I told him to discharge me. He said if I leave, I shouldn’t come back. I replied, ‘wetin I dey come do for here again? I no get anything to do here.” And so, with annoyance the Doctor went into his office and brought a bill of N5000 (five thousand naira) and said I was discharged. I told him I didn’t have the cash at hand but I would get the money to clear my bill. The doctor signed some papers and left. In those days, I use to dig the ground to keep my money. So, I went to my house, dug the ground and brought out some money, I returned to the clinic and paid my bill. Afterwards, I met someone who gave me concocted herbs that eased the swelling on my body, pains and burns. In no time, by Maharaj Ji’s Grace, I became fine. Seeing me now, you can’t believe I suffered fire burn in the past.

Weeks later, the boy I decided to help got struck by a strange illness. His family members questioned him and he said, “he signed for the death of the Oga (me) that wants to help him but the Oga no die.” They couldn’t believe their ears. Firstly, he was taken to different hospitals, they couldn’t tell what was wrong with him and few advised that they should try native treatment. Eventually, he was taken to a native doctor. The native doctor said he was going to cure everything whether he confessed his misdeeds or not. He charged them some amount of money which they paid. He was kept on a bed in one of the rooms. Right in the room, whenever this boy wants to excrete, he would pick a plate, poo in it and hide it under the bed. The people living together in the house with him began to perceive a foul odor, when it became unbearable, they began complaining and started searching for where the stench was coming from. They discovered it was from under the bed of this boy, they found plates filled with excreta and maggots feasting on them. The native doctor got angry and asked the boy’s family to come pick their ward, saying that he was no longer going to treat him. His family refused to allow him into the house and he was kept outside under rain and sun. This boy unremorseful told anyone who cared to listen that since he could not kill this Guru man, he would pay the price with his life. Days later, he died.

Subsequently, all those who connived with him died one after the other. As a result of this, all the people in my village started calling me Guru, the man who refused to die in the name of Maharaj Ji. I thank Maharaj Ji for everything.


My name is Service Premie Udo Udo Okon. I was born on August 18, 1959. I am a native of Ikot Akpatek in Onna LGA, Akwa Ibom State. I received the Divine Knowledge of my Father Satguru Maharaj Ji on April 22, 2006 at the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

Before I received Divine Knowledge, I was a church goer, but the more I went to church, the more I encountered problems. Due to too much problems, I prayed not in the name of Jesus but to my Creator, that He should direct me to where I will worship Him and have salvation.

One day, I dreamt and I saw a man wearing white attire from head to toe. The Light from the person beamed and affected my eyes and I was wondering the type of light that came out from that person. The man’s voice echoed “the God you are looking for, is the one you are seeing now”. I was shocked and I said to myself, why are people then saying one cannot see God face to face? The voice of the man said, “what you are seeing is a dream, in the morning, go to the big market in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State called Swali Market, ask anybody you meet in the market based on your sprit’s directive, where you can get salvation from the God that has appeared to you.” Getting to Swali Market, I met one elderly man and my spirit directed me to him. I excused the man, but he shunned me because he thought I was one of the area boys around. I didn’t relent I talked to him again, finally, he asked me what it was. Then I shared the dream I had with him. After sharing my dream with him, he embraced me. He is a Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji, he brought out some tracts from his pocket and gave them to me. Saying, the person I was looking for is Satguru Maharaj Ji and it was Maharaj Ji I saw in my dream. The man is a native of Ugo in Bayelsa State, he wrote down Port Guru’s Ashram address for me and directed that I should go there so that I would join other Devotees going on pilgrimage to Maharaj Ji Village, as it was The Lord’s Birthday celebration. Before I got to Port Guru Ashram, the bus conveying Devotee’s to Maharaj Ji Village had left. One of the Ashram Premies at Port Guru Ashram directed me to go to Mile 3 park where I would board a vehicle going to Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

Getting to Mile 3 park, I was told the vehicle would move in the evening by 5 pm, so I decided to get something to eat that would sustain me till I get to Maharaj Ji Village. I entered one of the restaurants around the park and told the woman I met where I was going, I don’t consume live, so, I needed only beverages, the mama asked me why I should go to such a place that people don’t consume live. I told her in as much as I would have peace of mind, I wouldn’t mind going there. She said, she doesn’t have beverages but she could get it for me from other shops. I gave her some money to buy them for me. After buying the beverages, she brought a cup and I opened the Malta added tomatoes sachet paste and mixed it with milk. After mixing it, I covered the cup with one of Maharaj Ji’s tracts that was given to me by man from Ugo. I left to ease myself, I didn’t know what the woman did with my beverages, but I believed she tempered with the drink and nemesis caught up with her instantly she became mad.

The woman was Igbo by tribe, she started shouting and tore her clothes. This attracted the people to her restaurant. They asked her what happened and she pointed at me, saying I used a charm on her. She said there was a paper in my pocket that I should bring it out. Some persons argued that I should be killed because I am a demonic agent who want to kill people and take their souls to my master. Afterwards, they attacked me and I got injured with bruises on my face and my clothes full of blood. They unanimously agreed that before they killed me, the landlord should be asked to come and witness what happened in his compound. When the landlord came, he said if I was killed on his land, he would be in trouble, and suggested that I should be handed over to the police for proper investigation. They called the police on the phone from Mile 3 Port Guru and they came to pick me up to their Station along with the woman who did not wear any clothes since she had already torn her clothes.

While we were at the police station the D.P.O (Divisional Police Officer) was off duty. He was called on the phone and told they have arrested a ritualist who specialized in killing people and taking their soul to his master and requested for his presence at the station. When the D.P.O arrived and saw blood dripping all over my body, he asked the I.P.O. Inspector Police Officer (an Igbo woman) who arrested me and brought me to the station, why many people were present at the station and wasn’t I taken to the hospital for first aid treatment? He further said, he sensed the I.P.O was bias based on the tribe of the other woman. The D.P.O was very angry with the I.P.O. that was when she asked me what happened to the woman, I narrated what happened. She asked the woman who she was, she said her name was Chidinma. The IPO then asked whether she knew me before, she replied “No”, the IPO told her if she wants to save her life and get well, she should say the truth. If she was mad before I went to ease myself or it happened after I returned from the gents. And what happened while I was away. She replied, before I left to the gents, I kept Maharaj Ji’s tract on top of the cup that contained my beverage, the tract attracted her and when she touched it, she became insane. The Inspector asked her why she opened my drink and if she wanted to poison my beverage.

The D.P.O asked the I.P.O to give him the tract which was lying on the floor with the beverage in the cup, the I.P.O insisted that she is a woman, and the D.P.O being a man should pick it since they said the tract made somebody to go mad. The D.P.O asked me to pick the tract and give it to him which I did. The I.P.O then asked Chidinma to confess what she did to my beverage, the woman said, “she was a witch and saw The Light all over me, which she wanted to quench by poisoning my beverage, so I would die later, but a man in complete white and beard appeared and stopped me. So, since I couldn’t fulfil my mission, it bounced back on me.” Then the D.P.O asked me to pray for her so that she will be well. I prayed for her, saying, “may the God I am going to meet in Ibadan healed you,” at this juncture the D.P.O gave me N5,000 for me to transport myself to Maharaj Ji Village.

After the whole drama, immediately I arrived in Maharaj Ji Village, it was as if Satguru Maharaj Ji was waiting for me. I got a message from one of the Ashram Premies saying Maharaj Ji was calling me. What a Grace! Thanks Maharaj Ji


By Maharaj Ji’s Grace on April 18, 2008, I was travelling from Cameroon to Malabo along the high sea in a very big boat that was up to three poles high and could carry up to a hundred vehicles; the boat uses the Caterpillar Engine. As I travelled alongside about 140 other passengers on the boat, I observed the boat was overloaded when I complained, they assured me it was okay that I should be calm.

On our way, we encountered a storm, which brought in water and made the boat to capsize. At this point, it became a tale of survival of the fittest. I was hanging on the floater for more than a day until I became very weak but continued to call on Maharaj Ji to come to my rescue as I was filled despair with no hope insight. Looking around me on the high sea, other passengers had drowned. But I never stopped calling on the Holi Name, begging Maharaj Ji to help me. It was then I recalled my grandmother who raised me and thinking if that was how I was going to lose my life without she reaping the fruits of her labor or saying goodbye to her. So many thoughts came to my mind.

But in all I kept on calling on Maharaj Ji. Just when I was about to let go due to the numbness and the water was already at waist level about to swallow me. Then, I noticed I was standing on a solid platform, unbelievable a rock from nowhere emerged in the middle of the high sea, I was standing on it! I started laughing like someone who was crazy. Oh Maharaj Ji, you have done it again for me. “I won’t die but live, thanks Maharaj Ji where the words coming out of my mouth.” Later, I heard Maharaj Ji’s voice saying I shouldn’t panic that Maharaj Ji is in control. I got encouraged. At this point, I was standing on the rock and kept on moving, moving for about 3 meters to ascertain if I was in a dream. Because, it felt more like a spiritual experience but it was a real-life experience. I was there on the rock for more than one hour before I sighted a speed boat coming from Malabo, I was waving my hands. The speed boat came straight to where I stood on the rock. When the occupants of the boat saw me standing on the rock in the sea, they were very afraid and asked whether I was a ghost. I was speechless, because I didn’t have any strength to utter a word so, I used my hands to communicate with them.

The people on the speed boat were all baffled as to why I was standing on a rock, when they knew very well on that particular route, you only see water. So, where did the rock come from. I was rescued and asked where I came from and I told them I am an Akwa Ibomite, they said Akwa Ibom and Cameroon are neighbors, and they don’t care whether I was a ghost or not. They asked me what I stood on was water and I said I didn’t know. They took me on their boat to Ebecomb, asked where I worshipped, I replied, I am a Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji. They further inquired who is Maharaj Ji? I told them that MAHARAJ JI is the Creator we have been looking for. I was advised to hold my Creator tight. They dropped me at Ebecomb and asked the people of the community to take good care of me. The people of the community boiled warm water for me to bath but I couldn’t bath myself. They sprinkled the warm water on my body and I became warm. After which they paid my transport to Umafi, I came back home. Umafi was where I resided in Cameroon. On my arrival at the Umafi, the story had spread like wild fire because it was a mystery for one to be standing on high sea without sinking. People came enmasse to see the man whom they tagged the “Mysterious Man” because none of the other occupants in the boat survived as the boat capsized. I was the last and only man standing!
I thank my father Satguru Maharaj Ji, the wonder working name for saving my life on the high sea (Atlantic Ocean). Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji Jai.


I am SP Ndidi Cookey, I hail from Opobo in Opobo Nkoro LGA in Rivers State. I am a mother of three children and a business woman. I received the Divine Knowledge of Maharaj Ji on April 29, 2021 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

As the year 2020 Christmas festivities drew close, one sunny afternoon I was taking a nap and in a flash, Maharaj Ji appeared to me and was repeatedly telling me “My Daughter go home, go home to your family compound in Bori” I woke up and started wondering what was about to happen.I told my husband the experience and he laughed at me as usual saying, “you don come ooo, better tell me say Christmas don come and you want go visit your people because you always like to visit home during December period” I just laughed because I knew he was ignorant and always doubting Maharaj Ji. I got myself ready, went to Portguru Ashram and bought wara N600.00, because I had stopped eating flesh. I later entered the market and bought some soup recipes like melon, pepper, tomatoes etc.

Then I travelled home unknown to me, my two brothers who were my co-triplets, but live in Lagos, came home too for the Yuletide season festivities, but were not conscious that something bad was about to happen at home. They didn’t tell me that they were coming home for Christmas, so I was very surprised to see them. I am the last among the triplet. Hence, meeting them at home was a pleasant surprise and we happily embraced one another. They asked me about my husband’s condition, since he had an accident. They complained of hunger after the long journey from Lagos and needed to eat something. There was a woman who was homeless and out of mercy, we gave her shelter in My father’s compound so that she could assist in taking care of the compound. The lot also fell on her to harvest both the cash crops and economic trees like palm fruits, coconut that abounds in the compound, since none of us was staying at home. We were all married and lived in the city. She had lived there for many years and maintains the compound. Whenever we visited home, she appeared to be very hardworking, caring and she is the one that always cook our food.

On that day, I brought out the wara and soup ingredients I bought and gave them to her with instructions that, she shouldn’t use fish or meat in preparing the meal because I am a lover of Maharaj Ji hence, a vegetarian. My triplet brothers laughed at me saying which one is Satguru Maharaj Ji and wara. Well, being an Aspirant, I lectured them to the best of my knowledge of who and what Maharaj Ji is, from my experiences since I got to know about Maharaj Ji. The woman prepared Eba and dished ours, unknown to us that it was already poisoned. From childhood, we always love to eat together from the same plate, even now as grown-ups; we never jettisoned that love amongst us. So, we sat down and before we began to eat, I said, let me bless this food and I said “Maharaj Ji food don come oo bless am for us”. The woman was surprised at the name of Maharaj Ji and asked “which one be Maharaj Ji again?” As I dipped hand to have the first cut of the eba unbelievably, eba waka go left, soup waka go right. That is to say, the plates of Eba and Soup parted ways in opposite directions. This was a shocking experience for all present! They asked me to repeat the prayer again and I did. The same thing repeated. We began screaming and it attracted crowd of people from the neighborhood who heard about this unprecedented event in the history of Bori land that plates of Eba and soup could move in opposite directions, as if they had legs. At this point, the crowd that gathered directed that the woman who cooked the food should eat the food first. She was hesitant and refused to eat the meal. They tried to force her but, she refused.

At this point, the young boys in our village who were in the habit of eating, drinking and smoking heard of the incident and gathered at our family house. They demanded that the food be brought back to the table and asked that I should repeat the prayers again. Once again, I said “Maharaj Ji come eat, Satan run away”, before their presence, the plate containing Eba and soup went in opposite directions. They were dumbfounded. They called the woman and asked her to eat the food but she refused and said her son should do the eating, but the boys refused, saying she who cooked the food should be the one to eat the food. Hence, the woman was left with no other option than to eat the food. Some minutes after eating the food, she started complaining about serious abdominal pains and requested for her to be taken to Christ Apostolic Church, Bori, where she worships, for them to pray for her. Meanwhile, I decided to go back to Portguru, while I was at the motor park waiting for our vehicle to get the required number of passengers, the message came that the woman was begging that I should come and see her because a man wearing white skirt and blouse with white head tie and flowers was sitting on her chest and she can’t breathe. That the man said, “if I come and see her, she will survive, but if I don’t come, she will die.” I sent a reply that I was already on my way to Portguru as such, couldn’t return to see her, concluding that if she could have the heart to do what she did, then she too has to face the consequences. Eventually, she died.

The woman’s daughter raised alarm saying, “I am the one who killed her mother and invited all the youths in the area and informed them that I went to join Ogboni society in Portguru to kill her mother, because she was living in our house in Bori, Ogoni.” Hence, they decided they will go and find out the cause of the woman’s death and requested that I should bring the sum of one hundred thousand naira, while they raise two hundred thousand naira to enable them go to the glass house to find out the cause of her death. They went further to say, if I was the one who killed the woman, I will refund their two hundred thousand naira and they will kill me in retaliation. My elder sister gave them the money and they left for the glass house, where it was revealed to all that the woman killed herself by poisoning the food she prepared for me and my brothers, which she was forced to eat, after the food was suspected to have been poisoned. The Oracle further revealed that the woman’s reason for her evil plan was because she wanted to take-over my father’s properties and for her to succeed, she must make sure my two brothers and I were dead. In particular, I was the prime target because among my father’s children delivered by twenty-six wives, I was the only one my father blessed specially before he gave up the ghost. According to the Oracle, the remaining members of our family were put under the spell of heavy charm for them to live abroad, never to remember coming home till they die. After the visit to the glass house, I concluded that the matter has been rested. But I was wrong.

Arriving home in Portguru, Policemen came and arrested me for killing the woman who was managing our compound in Bori. I followed them to Mile 1 Police Station, Portguru. On arrival, I got to know that the uncle to the daughter of the dead woman was behind my arrest because he rejected the findings at the glass house because according to him those who went there manipulated the outcome, on the belief that they were enemies of their family. I said “Maharaj Ji, please and please I hand over this case to you, Maharaj Ji” I called the Ashram Co-ordinator and told him what was happening. He said I shouldn’t be worried; Maharaj Ji is in control. At the police station, the man accused me of killing his sister. When I was interrogated, I denied the allegation saying, the woman poisoned the food I gave her to cook and when the revelation came, she was made to eat the food first and that was all I knew. However, she died. So, I didn’t see how I should be held responsible for her death. Immediately the woman’s brother took over the case, he used all manners of abusive words on me and said I must be jailed for committing murder. He gave the police N50, 000 to ensure his threat was carried out. I laughed and said “it is not my portion”. By the end of the day, the police told me to go home and take care of my husband who was nursing an injury he sustained in a motor bike accident and my children as one of them was already crying at the Police Station, with instruction that I should report back on Tuesday. Wonders they say, shall never end! On Monday night we received the news that the man had died, with his stomach swollen!!

Everybody in the community were shocked by this strange occurrence, saying “Another strange death again. Na wa for this Guru woman oooo, anybody wey try her dey die ooo” The man was taken to the evil forest and dumped there. If not for Maharaj Ji, my brothers and I would have died of food poisoning the same day. Thanks Maharaj Ji for saving my life. Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji Jai.


I am SP Engr. Danladi Tukura, I received the Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on July 6, 1995 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I hail from Sanga LGA, Kaduna State. I am a Chartered Electrical Engineer by profession and a Drone Specialist.

This physical experience took place in the month of November, 2002. As usual I went to the Ashram to receive Maharaj Ji’s Divine Blessings, towards afternoon there was noise outside the Ashram, so, Premie Dr. Osobase and I went out to see what was happening. To our surprise, coming towards us was an angry mob whose intentions was to cause mayhem. These group of Muslims were protesting the blasphemous publication in one of the national daily newspapers against Prophet Mohammed, who was said, “could have married one of the girls contesting for Miss World.” They wanted to vent their anger on the people they met in the Ashram, thinking we were a Religious Group. The irate rioters poured petrol on Premie Dr. Osobase and I and scratched matches to burn us alive, but the matches did not light and after several attempts, they brought out their daggers and stabbed us, but the knife did not penetrate our bodies. Subsequently, the enraged youths became afraid and ran away.


I am SP Olatunji O. Onuekwe. I received the coveted Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on August 27, 1992, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I am the Principal of Akator Inoma Community Secondary School, Anambra West LGA. By Maharaj Ji’s Grace, I am also the Divine Minister for Oil and Gas as well as Onitsha Chief Community Co-ordinator.

Ever since I received the Divine Knowledge of Maharaj Ji, I have enjoyed Maharaj Ji’s Love, Grace and Compassion. Also, the Grace of Maharaj Ji has touched me in many ways to change people’s lives. Sometime in 1994, when I was posted to Christ The King College, Onitsha. As a class teacher, Maharaj Ji used me to save a student who was already gone. On that day, I was teaching SS3, by 11:30 am the bell rang, it was the school break time. I left the classroom and was going to the staff room. Walking along the staircase, I noticed there was a crowd at the Lawn Tennis Court. Moving on, one of the Vice Principal looking very tensed was running up and down the staircase. By the third time, I sensed something was wrong. When I got to the staffroom, I dropped the packet of chalk I was carrying, then washed my hands and proceeded to the Lawn Tennis Court to find out what was really happening.

At the court, I saw a junior student lying lifeless. Everyone looked miserable because all efforts to save the dying boy were in vain. Even the school principal, a Reverend father and the school Chaplain couldn’t do anything to save the situation. So, Maharaj Ji in me, said, go closer and do something. Suddenly, I recalled a practice I learnt through a Premie who was giving Satsang on how to save somebody that was dying.

Boldly, I asked the crowd to give way, saying, I know what to do. Standing before the student, I requested for a cup of water. A student brought the water but it was in a blue cup. I refused to collect the cup and told him, any cup but blue. This time, he brought a white cup and I went into Holy Name, calling Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji up to 7 times and asked for the name of the boy lying lifeless on the ground. I called his name and by the fourth time, he answered from a distance, the already tensed atmosphere became a happy one. Everyone was laughing and clapping at the same time. Minutes later, I gave him the remaining water to drink; I stretched my hands and pulled him up amidst a loud ovation.

From that day, I became the magic man in the school. Whenever, I needed to attended Maharaj Ji’s program, the school principal would grant his permission without protest. I thank My Father Maharaj Ji for the Grace.


I am AP Adebimpe Edidiong, I hail from Oron Town in Oron L.G.A, Akwa Ibom State. I received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on August 2, 2001 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I am 24 years old.

Going by my experiences, Witch Eli (Queen Elizabeth II) literally declared a war of attrition against me, according to her, I don’t give her a moment of respite. When I was posted to our Ashram at Ogboli Road, situated at Onitsha Inland Town, our landlady came to me one day, saying, I was the one disturbing her and instantly began to fight me. From her hands, a needle-like object was shooting at me. But by Maharaj Ji’s Grace, I was empowered to dodge all the bullets coming from her. I equally, had the strength to beat her up mercilessly and she became weak. Suddenly, she changed to Witch Eli. I said to her, “Aaah, so you are the one using the face of my landlady?” and she replied, yes! I’ve been looking for you for a very long time. This time around you’re not going to escape, today na today, I must surely deal with you.”

I accepted the challenge. In a flash, we started fighting, she was throwing many needles at me and I was using my Instrument of Life to clear them away from my body. Later, my Instrument spoke to me, saying, “step aside and allow me fight this battle.” When I stepped aside, I saw an arrow come out of my Instrument, shot and pierced Witch Eli from behind. Immediately, she fell and I pounced on her, giving her the beating of her life. I left her weakened, without strength to neither fight nor talk.

On December 11, 2015, I sat in front of the Ashram main building which we share with an old lady who happens to be one of the wives of the late Community Coordinator, S.P Chike Unuegbu. I took off as I was relaxing at about 01:00 GMT Maharaj Ji came and tapped me spiritually and I woke up. Standing before me was a very big cat. I was wondering what could have brought that giant cat at that hour of the night. Instantly, I picked my catapult which I kept close to me and a stone. As I aimed to shoot the cat, Maharaj Ji directed me to shoot ahead of the cat, which I did. As the cat wanted to escape, the stone was right on target and it hit the head. The cat became unconscious. I carried the stick I kept nearby and rushed to the spot and started hitting the cat until it died. I threw it on the tarred road and watched for some minutes as vehicles plying the road ran over it.

In the early hours of the morning, one “Kekenapep” came and parked in front of the building and the old lady came out and boarded it. She didn’t return to the house for the next five days. Later, I got to know she was hospitalized. By Maharaj Ji’s Special Grace, I was able to put one on one together to unravel the whole game. However, the next day, I boarded a big commercial bus heading to Obosi in Onitsha, where another of Maharaj Ji’s Ashram is located.

It was “rush hour” for commercial vehicles, the driver was on a very high speed, other passengers told him to take caution by slowing down. As the bus conductor approached me for my transport fare, I got up and told the driver to slow down in the interest of all. When he refused to heed my advice, I told him it was up to him because by Maharaj Ji’s Grace, as far as, I was concerned, in the event of any accident, I will come out alive. Few seconds later, the driver shouted, “motor brake don fail ooooh.” The speeding bus jumped the bumpy road, somersaulted and then plunged into a deep gutter with the front inside and its back facing the sky. In the ensuing stampede, I hit my head on the window glass and became unconscious. Minutes later, Maharaj Ji touched me and I got up and managed to come out from the bus. The crowd rushed at me and began pouring cold water on me, I asked them to stop and they did. Then they told me that other passengers numbering about thirty had died and I was the only survivor. They concluded that I should go and thank my God very well.

Eventually, the Grace of Maharaj Ji touched me to be in Maharaj Ji Village for our Father Maharaj Ji’s 68th physical and 36th spiritual birthday, Witch Eli came in my experience and said “so you escape that accident” then it dawned on me the accident that occurred the other day was designed to get at me and the so-called passengers in the vehicle were not true. Thereafter, on April 12, 2016 she made real her threat that her fight with me was “fight to finish.” Witch Eli came to me again with apples in hand while I was in the front of the Ashram. This time around, she took the face of the old lady, she gave me the apples but I refused to take it. When she insisted, I asked her “since when did I start collecting anything from you?”

In an attempt to force me to take the apples from her, she changed to an animal with a human head and a fight ensued between us. I shouted “Maharaj Ji” and an arrow appeared in my hand which I used to pierce her severally. The arrow suddenly changed into a sword and I used it to cut her head. She took different faces and bodies, finally, she changed into a wolf and desperately wanted to bite me. Suddenly, I heard Maharaj Ji’s voice saying, “Captain, stay clear and dodge somewhere” I complied and sent down a huge cage from the sky and she got entrapped in her wolf body. Maharaj Ji again said, “set fire on the cage.” I did and fire started burning her. Finally, she got roasted and I came back to my body. Thanks Maharaj Ji for saving my life.


Service Premie Corlipu hails from Abiara, Isoko-North LGA, Delta State. He lost his father to the cold hands of death at an adolescent age. His father was the only one who truly cared about him, he felt very sad for losing his dad and in that state of grief, he would always question the Creator saying, “God why did you allow death to take away the only man that matter most in my life? Since it pleases You, to do so, please give me somebody who can love me the way my father loved me.” Long after that incident, one day in his dream, a man appeared to him dressed in white flowing gown and a head-tie to match and said, “baba come, let’s go”. The man asked him “are you not the one who, when your father died, begged the Creator to give you somebody who will love you like your father did? I am Satguru Maharaj Ji, the ONLY ONE who can love and do it for you in this life time.” He came back to himself physically and realized he was in a dream.

Shortly after that spiritual encounter, he met Satguru Maharaj Ji physically and received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge. One day, he had another spiritual encounter with Satguru Maharaj Ji while meditating at the Knowledge Room. In that experience, Maharaj Ji came and took him to the Divine School of Aeronautics where he saw many people taught how to make aircrafts and he joined them. That vibration entered into him and he came back to his body. Though, he never attended the conventional school of learning beyond secondary level, but with Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, he became a scientist. Spiritually, he found himself attending lectures, doing practicals at the laboratory and workshops, engaging in scientific experiments, carrying out projects in electronic science and aeronautical engineering. By Maharaj Ji’s Grace, he was able to source all the materials needed to invent an aircraft at Benin Airport and produced a prototype of the aircraft as he was taught in the spiritual world.

Subsequently, the aircraft was tested and it flew. But the Kaduna Mafia group were not happy because this laudable feat was linked to Satguru Maharaj Ji and His Devotee. Hence, General Ibrahim Babangida, the then military Head of State in his maradonic ways directed ex-military Governor, Col. John Mark Inienga of the defunct Mid-Western State to seize it and up till today, there is no news about it. Thereby effectively putting off Nigeria’s vision of producing her own “Made In Nigeria” aircraft.

Hence, Nucleus Ancestors have directed that Col. John Mark Inienga and IBB under whose watch the aircraft was tested and certified okay, should tell the world what happened to the aircraft!



Maharaj Ji is what no mortal can comprehend and His ways of doing things are mysterious. His love for humanity transcends everything in life. There is no amount of prayer and fasting that can make one know even .000000001 zillion percent of the working dynamics of Maharaj Ji. He is the Beginning and the End, the Seen and Unseen, the Known and Unknown. You may wonder and want to know why all these attributes and eulogies showered on Maharaj Ji. Relax, as I narrate to you my experience which gave rise to the aforementioned attributes about Satguru Maharaj Ji.

I am SP Alhaja Ramota Opeloyeru Tijani. I received my Father Maharaj Ji Divine Knowledge on September 07, 1986 in Bodija. I retired as the Chief Matron from Aminu Kano University Teaching Hospital, Kano State. I hail from Ibadan North LGA, Ibadan, Oyo State. I am a Nurse by profession, I discharge my service with due diligence and passion because I know as a child of Maharaj Ji, what is worth doing, is worth doing well and if I do what is right and just, no power under the Sun can cheat or destroy me because I have fulfilled my obligation as a person and that is the secret to long life, security and prosperity.

It all happened during my earlier days of service in 1994 as a Nurse. I didn’t know jealousy and hatred had set in from colleagues and even my boss, for reasons best known to them. One fateful day, I needed to get some of my documents for an official assignment so, I headed towards the Record’s Department to get my File to start processing my documents. Getting to the Record’s Department, it became a different ball game, I was told by the clerical staff they couldn’t find my file. In other words, my file was missing. They spent hours searching for it, but all efforts made were in vain. The only option left was for them to open a Temporary File to enable me do what I wanted to do pending when my original file is found. This also needed the approval of my direct boss, who is the Head of Nursing Department and Head of Service Management Board, he gave his consent and the file was created.

Then I started using this Temporary File for all my dealings. This was really a night mare because, without my original file that contains all my details, I can’t lay claim to work-related benefits which I was duly qualified for such as promotion and others. Few months later, there was an announcement that there would be a Promotion exercise and without my original file, I will not be enlisted. Then it truly dawned on me that it was time to do something. There is a serious game against me! So many questions came to my mind. How did the file got missing, when it got missing and who could be responsible for such act? All along, I had the assurance that Maharaj Ji would do it for me, because Maharaj Ji has never failed me. Then I called Maharaj Ji and narrated my plight. Maharaj Ji said I shouldn’t be bothered that the whole problem is under Maharaj Ji’s control. On my own I went into seven days dry fasting as my own contribution to what Maharaj Ji is doing on my behalf.

During the seven days fasting, it happened that I needed to do some official assignment and I still had to make use of my Temporary File. In the Civil Service Administration, the bureaucracy involved is strictly followed to the letter, such that when you want to process a document, your file must go through designated offices for approval and appending of signatures. So, I presented my temporary file to my Boss for signing afterwards he transferred it to one of his deputies for signing. After some hours, I went to the deputy’s office to request for my file. I knocked at his door, he asked me to come in. Without looking up, he said, “have a seat” which I did, immediately he raised his head and looked at me, as our eyes met, I observed his whole-body system changed, his eye balls were spinning, he was panting heavily and sweating profusely, he screamed and collapsed on his chair.

I ran out to call for help, I ran to my boss and reported that his deputy was dying. Without wasting time, they called for an ambulance, subsequently, he was rushed to the hospital for medical attention. Three days later, his clerk and secretary decided to tidy up his office, they did a thorough cleaning by arranging unkempt files on the table, scrubbing among other things. While they were cleaning the office floor, they took out the rug, lo and behold they found some files. In all, they found 35 files of staff hidden to either deny them their promotion or gratuity or simply to make life difficult for their victims. Among the 35 files discovered, mine was found among the lot.

Hmmm, this is unbelievable, Maharaj Ji has done it again. I shouted Maharaj Ji You Are Great. I called Maharaj Ji and told Maharaj Ji my missing file had been found. By this time, the registration exercise and file submission for promotion had almost come to an end. I enlisted and at the end of the day I was promoted to a senior level.

This is what Maharaj Ji can do. If not Maharaj Ji, I would have been denied promotion which I was qualified for. This is common in the Civil Service Commission and other firms be it private or public by those who feel they are the high and mighty, and would play with the lives of others either by denying them their promotion or putting up false allegations that would eventually culminate into sack. I can never thank Maharaj Ji enough for this love. Since then, I became a very special staff among other staff knowing that Maharaj Ji, the God I serve is always available to help at any time and it has been Satsang (telling other staff about Satguru Maharaj Ji) all year long till I retired from active service.


I am one of the wonders of Maharaj Ji. In 1990, when hired assassins besieged my residence at Independence Layout, Enugu, Satguru Maharaj Ji manifested in my bedroom where I was held to ransom. Maharaj Ji and directed my 7-year- old child on what to do. When one of the assassins gave signal that they should take me away to an unknown destination. She carried out Maharaj Ji’s instructions, they became confused and left home just like that.

Equally in 2011, I was sick and became unconscious for 7 days, during this time I had only 12% blood volume in my body. But the Grace of Maharaj Ji resurrected me and I am living as a testimony of Maharaj Ji- as a Wonder Worker. I am very grateful to Maharaj Ji for keeping my family and I safe at all time.


I am Service Premie Samali Olayemi Baker, I received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on January 10, 1993 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I hail from Warrake Town in Owan-East L.G.A, Edo State, Nigeria. I am 58 years old and a Business Tycoon, I deal on Real Estate, Oil and Gas and a Transporter by Maharaj Ji’s Grace. I reside in Lagos.

It is a sad paradox that people pray to God for safety. Pastors pray in the vehicle while on transit for people to arrive safe, yet people still die by accident the next moment. A lot of mind bogging questions as to why do we still fail when we pray to God. This is because, man now follow alien culture and a religion that talks about god in the sky with doctrine of sin and repent. So, one is not sure about tomorrow. But by receiving Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, death or failure are two parallel lines that can only go their separate ways in my life. Thus, we can never meet.


My experience of how I cheated death alongside two other Premies happened in February, 2004. I love going on Pilgrimage to Maharaj Ji Village for blessings, spiritual upliftment, fortifying my souls and replenishing my lost and misused vibrations. I attend virtually all programme schedule in the One Love Family Almanac. It was Golden Age Festival 2003, my family and I as usual were not left behind in the celebration as we were present, even after the official closing ceremony of the GAF 2003, we stayed till the next year, 2004. It was around February, one bright sunny afternoon, after engaging in service in the Village, I needed rest in order to regain lost energy as I sat down, I dozed off. Someone came to tap my shoulder, saying I should answer Maharaj Ji. Just as he was passing the message, I heard the same message from the loud speakers, it was the Diamond Voice of Maharaj Ji calling, “Samali Baker, answer Maharaj Ji” Hmmm, you can’t comprehend the feeling of joy that exudes someone being called by the Lord of the Universe.

Within spilt seconds, I took to my heels, got some fresh flowers, the fragrance oozing is enough to make one feel good. On reaching the office, Maharaj Ji was already waiting to receive my beautifully plucked fresh flowers. I presented them to Maharaj Ji and with a gleaming smile, Maharaj Ji said “Samali, get ready for a special service trip to Asaba to attend the burial ceremony of Service Premie brother Uche Nwabuku’s mother”. Afterwards, Maharaj Ji blessed me and told me to get ready for the trip. I moved straight to my car, a Mercedes Benz 200, flat booth, checked the road worthiness and drove to town to fix other things that may likely impede a smooth ride, since it was a far journey i.e., travelling from the West to the South. When I returned from servicing the car, Uche Nwabuku came to me saying Maharaj Ji had given final blessings for us to move. I rushed to pick some personal items at the luggage room, bought some snacks at the mini-mart then returned to the vehicle. Three of us were ready to embark on this journey. Uche Nwabuku, Obikwere Ilo Nwankwo and I.

By the Grace of Maharaj Ji, I commenced the trip to Asaba. All through to Benin, intermittently, we stopped over to either top fuel level, put water in the radiator, have a pee or stop at police check-points. We sang Arti, gave Satsang in all, it was a wonderful ride because the three of us were like peas in a pod and based on my nature, being a jovial person, it was fun filled as I cracked silly jokes. While I drove, Uche was on the passenger’s seat and Obikwere was at the back seat. The whole trip was smooth till we got to a town, few kilometers to Issele-Uku township, vehicles were making a U-turn at a very fast pace into a one-way road and when I sought to know why, motorists gave different answers. Some said armed robbers while others said it was kidnappers and so on. So, in order to play it safe I also negotiated a bend, made a U-turn and took one-way just like others.

All motorists took one-way till we got to an intersection linking our normal lane. Right at the intersection, there were Highway Patrol Police Officers with their van blocking the highway causing heavy traffic, they faulted motorists for taking one-way, even as we tried to explain what made us take oneway for fear of armed robbery attack, they declined our begging. When it was taking longer than necessary, I alighted from my car to see what was the reason for the hold-up. Before getting to the point, they had removed the barriers from the road and allowed motorists to go. As traffic started easing, Uche didn’t wait for me to return, he got into the driver seat and drove to where I was, then the police where ten meters ahead.

I never knew the game was about to start, at that point rather than taking over the steering from Uche, I allowed emotions and sentiments to overruled me, I didn’t bother, I jumped into the passenger’s seat with Uche assuming the driver’s seat. Few minutes later, I slept off. Based on the soundness of the car and a four-highway lane newly constructed with no speed bumps, Uche threw caution to the wind and was just accelerating at a very high speed. The next thing I heard was Uche’s voice shouting “Samali Samali, Samali” as I opened my eyes, haaaa our car had veered off the road and it was descending a steeply valley hitting anything it came in contact with like trees, rocks and so on. In fact, it was like an airplane without a pilot nose-diving for a crash. At that point, we were all shouting “Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji” till the vehicle finally stopped after several summersaults. It was a horror better imagined than experienced. To our alter dismay, we became stuck inside the car. Before the accident, the temperature was cold, so we winded up the windows for warmth. So, after the accident, the car mechanism became faulty and the doors were jammed on auto lock. There was absolutely no way for us to come out of the car. The back seat pushed forward and the dashboard pulled backward, the door compressed and the three of us were trapped in the middle. The ignition was still on and the car was steaming, at that point, if not for Maharaj Ji’s Grace, the car would have gone into flame, but Maharaj Ji said no, death has nothing to do with you. As we were contemplated ways to free ourselves, I felt cold air coming in from behind and I looked back, the back windscreen had broken and pulled off, so we all managed to get out through the back windscreen.

I hurriedly went to open the bonnet and disconnected the battery to avoid possible fire outbreak since the car was still on and was fuel leaking. Vehicles stopped to know what happened, we were taken to Asaba junction for first aid treatment. I noticed I couldn’t feel my right hand, after close examination, my right hand was dislocated, Uche had minor bruises and Obikwere had little cuts on his hand as a result of the shattered back windscreen. All those who stopped to offer assistance were asking the same question “where are the corpse of the passengers in this car” because it was damaged beyond repairs and to their astonishment, we told them we are alive and sound with minor injuries. A truck came and drove us to Asaba Junction and we connected with Premies residing in Asaba who came to our aid. I thank Maharaj Ji for this Grace that we are all alive and told death to shut up.



I am SP New Born Baby Opeyemi Adeleke, I received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on June 10, 2021 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I hail from Ogbomosho L.G.A, Ibadan, Oyo State. I am an Automobile Engineer and also have an Automobile Store where I sell all kinds of machines and motor parts as far as motor is concern. I am married with children and live in Abuja.

I thought I had all the wealth of knowledge about my family and myself considering my faith in God. Everything was going on fine for my family and I, until my life gradually turned into something else when I began having problems varying from customers buying on credit and refusing to pay, customers avoiding my store as such, there was a sharp decline in sales, ill health, incurring debts and spiritual attacks. These made my life very miserable. At this point, it was obvious there was a problem and I didn’t know the source. I sort solution from many spiritual homes and made lot of sacrifices. All I did could be likened to trying to trap an elephant with a cobweb. Is it possible? As if the torture wasn’t enough, the evil forces after me went on to burn my shop with goods such as Balancing Machine, Tyre Changers, Batteries, and other vehicles accessories, everything worth over N10,000,000 destroyed.

This incident happened in 2017, my automobile shop located near a Petrol Filling Station and a Car Painting company that operates an oven for heating and drying up cars immediately after painting. The fire incident occurred when the Car Painting Company used the car oven for hours exceeding the specified duration, this resulted in overheating thereby causing it to burst into flame and considering the close proximity to my shop, it got burnt to ashes without me been able to remove a pin. Consequently, I ran into huge debt and life became a living hell for my family and I. All my efforts calling on friends and family for assistance were futile. With no hope insight and no one else to call for help, I took to hustling on the street to make ends meet. All along, I never knew I was spiritually chained by unknown forces.

But glory be to Maharaj Ji, redemption was near when my wife, Ifunanaya Adeleke browsed on the internet and saw Maharaj Ji on facebook, she called my attention and asked me to come and hear what Maharaj Ji was saying, as Maharaj Ji was talking about saving lives and freeing one from all kinds of problem be it physical or spiritual. I wasn’t moved, I laughed it off and sometimes would shout at her asking her not to disturb my pitiful life with things that I don’t know. But she was persistent asking me to give Maharaj Ji a chance, because she believes Satguru Maharaj Ji can help us. Well, I succumbed to her wish and made arrangements to see Maharaj Ji, which we did and arrived in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan on April 29, 2021 which was a Knowledge Session day. On arrival, everything looked strange. My initial plan was to drop her off and leave, but I felt an unusual calm in me and began having a feeling of being at home. Before then, I consulted Ifa Oracle to know if the journey would be successful and wanted to know if there was any danger, Ifa told me to go. While in Maharaj Ji Village, the environment was lively and full of love which I never felt before in my life. I saw Maharaj Ji for the first time on the Altar on April 29, 2021 addressing the entire creation after the New Born Babies came out from the Knowledge Room. While Maharaj Ji was giving Satsang, the choices of words used by Maharaj Ji made me wonder, what manner of Man is Satguru Maharaj Ji? I had so many spiritual experiences till the day Maharaj Ji revealed Divine Knowledge to us on June 10, 2021.

As we entered the Knowledge Room, while on the Holy Name technique, I felt so many things moving very fast out of my body, but I didn’t open my eyes. Later, on the Light Technique, I dozed off and saw another of my body, naked and tightly chained in which I could not even move an inch, as I lay on the floor. Still meditating, while chanting Maharaj Ji, the chain began loosening off my body and I became a free man. Then I saw one of Maharaj Ji’s Ankara dress, the type sold at the Flower Shop by the side of my other body, the body stood up and wore the dress and disappeared.

When I narrated the experience to Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji said that was the cause of my life turning upside down and now I am free, everything will bounce back to a greater height. I thank Maharaj Ji for giving me a second chance to live again.


My name is SP Udogwu Atisele, from Osimili South L.G.A, Delta State. I am 86 years old. I received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on the 25th of July, 1986 at Bodija, Ibadan.

I am a retiree who last worked at 7up Bottling Company in 1993 as a Marketing Officer. Life with Maharaj Ji is always victorious. The depth of an ocean cannot be determined or defined by mere looking at it from the surface. It needs some technical equipments. This Life is not safe without Satguru Maharaj Ji. I was happily married to my wife who bore nine beautiful children, five of whom are alive and are graduates. I never knew I was living with a demon whose mission was to destroy my life, Maharaj Ji revealed her mission to me after the receipt of Divine Knowledge as a killer of my soul and her devilish agenda played out in 2007, when we had a burial function in my family in which I was to attend. I told my wife to get me the choosen material from the market, I never knew sending her on that errand was like giving a rat a fish for safekeeping. She went to the market, got it, and even promised to sew it for me using her fashion designer. Little did I know, after sewing the clothing material, she took it to her herbalist who invoked death. Saying, “anytime I wear the dress, I will die on the way and not get to my destination.

I got to know this through my meditation, Maharaj Ji revealed this to me. In my experience, there was three of them, one was standing at the middle and flanked by two others who were busy changing the material to coffin. They were chanting all manner of negatives words on it. Then Maharaj Ji instructed me to put the material before Maharaj Ji’s Altar when she gives the cloth to me and under no circumstances I am to travel home wearing that very cloth. When I woke up from the experience, I did exactly as Maharaj Ji directed, By the time my wife brought the cloth, I placed it under the Maharaj Ji’s Altar. Some day later, my wife went back to our home town, waiting to hear I had died while travelling home for the burial ceremony of a family member. On the day that I was to travel, I wore a different dress.

I travelled home safely by Maharaj Ji’s Grace, upon my arrival, when my wife heard I have come, she was weak and disorganized and couldn’t understand how I escaped her plan. She went and hid behind the door, I went in and greeted her saying your darling husband is here safe and sound by Maharaj Ji’s Grace. Instead of her greeting me welcome, she said, “so, you no die abi, you no want die?” I replied, “how I go die when I get Maharaj Ji as protector and Savior.” I went to the kitchen and got myself something to eat and slotted in Maharaj Ji’s Music to change the atmosphere of the house. After her failed attempt on my life, she became powerless until 2014 when she died and left me to serve Maharaj Ji in peace.


My name is SP Ebikabowei Nemizigha, I received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on 28th Feb. 1987 in Isheri, Lagos. I am a retired Naval Officer. I hail from Sagbama LGA, Bayelsa State. Life without Maharaj Ji can be likened to a carrot dangling before a hungry rabbit, with Maharaj Ji you are a victor all the time. But for Maharaj Ji, I would have increased the list of dead people.

In 1991, I was living at 1, Akanni Street, Onireke, opposite Ojo Barrack, Lagos, I was at home, when one of my female relatives, paid me a visit, which for a long time I never knew her visit had always been on how to eliminate me for reasons best known to her. She came in while observing her monthly menstrual period of which she knew, as a Premie, I don’t accommodate anyone in that condition. I told her to leave and she complied, unknown to me, she had fired a shot at me spiritually to actualize her mission of coming. After some weeks she came again, I was not sound health wise.

She tried in assisting me to get back on my feet. When she noticed I had not eaten, she went to a nearby fruit stall to get me Pineapple which I took. Hours later she left, my body system went from bad to worse, I began suffering from stomach pains and started defecating blood. I defecated blood continuously for 5 days, I couldn’t go to work. On the sixth day, I managed to go to my office. There, I needed to make use of the convenience, when I did, it was blood gushing out uncontrollably. This time, I felt weak and helpless. One of the staff who saw me raised alarm, swiftly they called in an ambulance. I was admitted at Third Wharf Extension, Apapa hospital, they did all they could to stop the blood, but it was to no avail. From there, I was transferred to Point Road Hospital, Lagos they tried to arrest the situation, the bleeding became reduced.

This relative of mine, still came to visit me at the hospital. She said, “ha! I heard you are not well” and I said yes. Later, she went out and got my favorite fruit which I ate. My health worsen again. I never suspected that my relative was the mastermind of the whole thing. Every hospital I went to for treatment, her group was there. There was this Indian doctor who did his best to help me, but all amounted to nothing. He had to transfer me to Idi-Araba, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). I was there for two to three weeks. After series of X-Rays and test nothing was found. One day the doctors suggested I receive prayers from their prayer warriors who always come to pray for patients if that would help matters. I decline and it made them furious. They pressurized me but I resisted and stood my ground. Afterwards, for refusing their order, they secretly agreed to stop my treatment By Maharaj Ji’s Grace, one out of those taking care of me came and revealed their plans to me. When they saw I was not ready to bow, they abandoned their plan and commenced treatment. I was taken to a ward where my entire body would be examined through inserting a gadget into my anus.

I was in the ward, they inserted the first gadget, as they tried putting in the second one, some of my left ribs got broken which made them to stop the procedure, they pulled out the gadget, and the broken ribs caused internal and external bleeding. This surpassed what they could handle. I left the bed, went outside to get fresh flowers, then went to my Altar ( Photo of Maharaj Ji) by my bed side. I knelt down and begged for Maharaj Ji’s Grace to convert the flowers to medicine for me, I dropped the fresh flowers and removed the old ones which I chewed and people stood sympathizing with me. I could hear some saying “oh! So, this man will soon die” I went back to my ward and sat. All along, the Hospital had been providing me with vegetarian meal and I survived on that. On the very day, the cook brought me food, I prayed in the name of Maharaj Ji and as I was about to eat, meat appeared from the food, saying “Papa don’t eat this food, I am inside” As this revelation was made, I called the Matron, reported to her and she went to investigate and confirmed the cook grinded the meat together with the ingredient so I could not notice it. Because, they wanted to see what would happen if I ate meat, if the Maharaj Ji in me will leave. Later, they apologized and decided to get me Ogi (pap), still they secretly added egg which was blended.

When I took the spoon to take the first helping, egg appeared and said “Papa don’t eat it, I am inside”. For this, I stopped eating from the hospital canteen services. Their plan to eliminate me thickens. One sunny afternoon, a woman sneaked into my room informing me about the staff devilish plan to kill me and I should leave the hospital without delay. Not wasting anytime, immediately I went to seek my discharge papers from the Head Doctor. He declined saying, I was not fit to go home.

So, I had to go home without the approval of the hospital authority because my life was at stake. I started taking treatment in another hospital at 33 Adams street, at Marina Road, Lagos. There I was placed on just water for three days so that I could go for an x-ray and subsequently operation. On the fourth day, they did the x-ray and discovered it was my left rib that was broken. Afterwards, operation commenced. I was taken to the theatre room, before the time they began the operation. The doctor realized he skipped an important aspect, so he rushed out to get some apparatus. While he left, I was calling Maharaj Ji as many times as possible within a second, calling Maharaj Ji to come to my rescue. Behold, Maharaj Ji manifested in the Theatre physically, saying “papa I am here with you, don’t worry, you will be well” Maharaj Ji came in with a tool bag, He brought out some instruments and operated on my shattered ribs, He brought out the fragments and used water and a white towel to clean it.

I was just watching as the Divine Doctor-Maharaj Ji was working on me. After that, Maharaj Ji dipped His hand inside the bag and brought out new strong ribs and fixed it. Then sealed up my body. The moment Maharaj Ji completed the operation and left, the doctor entered and saw me sitting, looking agile and strong like Bash Ali. I was full of smiles. He was perplexed and asked “what is happening? you look happy” I replied “ Maharaj Ji came to operate me and he should forget about the operation”. Also, I made a request to go home. He ran the scan on me only to discover there was no broken ribs and I was discharged. Till date, I still wonder at Maharaj Ji’s working grace. The hospital remains unbeaten. Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji Jai.


By Maharaj Ji’s Grace, I am SP Mama Yogwala Alafa, I received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on December 26, 1990, in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I hail from Selga L.G.A, Bayelsa State. I am 63 years old and a trader.

With Maharaj Ji, all things are possible. A world without Maharaj Ji, is like living in hell, on earth. This is because one becomes a puppet who is programmed to live at the whims and caprices of the high and mighty commanders of forces of negativity. I never knew one’s fate in life, physically, is determined spiritually, before physical manifestation that has been the reason behind a greater percentage of people living in penury. It all started in February 14, 2017, when I went out for my usual daily trading business to keep life going like every other person. To my greatest surprise, I came back home on that day only to discover that all my life’s property has been razed down by fire in My absence. Not even a pin was rescued from my house. The only thing that was left with me was the dress on me.

In that state of emotional trauma, I become hopeless, not knowing what to do next, with all my life belongings gone. I then remembered I have Maharaj Ji and I called Maharaj Ji. Promptly, I narrated the incident. Maharaj Ji instructed me to come to Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan to see Maharaj Ji. I gathered myself together and honored the call. I met Maharaj Ji and narrated my plight to Maharaj Ji and without hesitation. I was drafted to join the Marathon Meditation group for some days until the day the Grace touched us for Knowledge Session and Maharaj Ji selected me to be part of it. In the course of meditation, during the Knowledge Session, I was still down casted like a motherless child, begging seriously for Maharaj Ji’s help. In that state of despair, having lost my property to fire, I was so sobered. Suddenly, I took-off and saw myself in the spiritual realm passing through the gate leading to The School of Aeronautics, where aircrafts are manufactured. Instantly, a white man appeared and blocked me from gaining entry into the school. When I questioned him on the reason for stopping me, he said “You are too old to be allowedinto the school of Aeronautics” and that was how I woke up. I felt disappointed.

At the end of the Knowledge Session, Maharaj Ji entered the Knowledge Room and it was time to share experiences. When it got to my turn, I narrated my experience to Maharaj Ji before the audience in the Knowledge Room. Maharaj Ji, then, threw the question to the audience: “what is the age limit for any person to own an Aircraft?” The consciousness reply to the question was: “No Age Limit or barrier, at any age one can own an aircraft”. Maharaj Ji then said, “mama have you heard? There is need for you to go in more.” Maharaj Ji as the Most Merciful and loving Father selected me to take part on the next Knowledge Session and instructed that I should go back to the same school. While I was meditating,
I saw myself on the same path advancing to get access into the School of Aeronautics for the second time. The moment same Oyinbo man sighted me from afar, lo and behold, he took to his heels as if tsunami was giving him a hot chase. That was how I entered into the Aeronautic School and saw many inventions relating to the, building of different kinds of aircrafts. Maharaj Ji came, congratulate me and taught me how to build Aeroplane in Ijaw Language and I came back to my physical body.

This time around when it was time to share experience, I proudly shared my victorious encounter, spiritually. Both our Father Maharaj Ji and the crowd were happy for my eventual defeat over the forces of negativities who have been dictating and deciding the fate of billions of people on earth. I thank Maharaj Ji for the victory and begging for the time and enabling environment the Grace will touch me to bring down my aircraft invention experience, physically. For me, it became crystal clear that life without Divine Knowledge is an illusion stuck in forlorn hope for a better tomorrow.
Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji Jai.


I am SP Nsidibe Iwatt, I hail from Ikot Aba in Ikpa Ibekwe, Ikot Abasi LGA, Akwa Ibom. I received the Divine Knowledge of Maharaj Ji on April 23, 1998, in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

I rented a house in Iba, Ojo LGA, Lagos State in 2016; this was a Three Bedroom Flat in a compound that has 6 other 3 Bedroom Flats with tiled floor. It’s a beautiful house with each room having it own toilet. Furthermore, it has a big parlor and a kitchen. The scenery very relaxing and it is within an Estate. Matter of fact, when you see this compound, you cannot resist it and the rent quite affordable. I lived in this house for 2 years before I began noticing things were not going right anymore. Firstly, my business wasn’t thriving anymore and on several occasion, I have killed scorpions in the house, in my bedroom and other rooms. This got me wondering where these things were coming from. Not only that, it was as though I was living with spiders in the house. There were always cobwebs in the house that no matter the sanitation, they were always there, other time it was dead bird at my door post in the morning. It was as if there was no end to these things. At first, I didn’t think much of these things but as time went on, I added one on one and it all began to make sense. It dawned on me that I entered a “One Chance” building. Hmmm… Maharaj Ji I have Maharaj Ji to fight my battles for me. And so, I had to go in. i.e., take my Instrument of Life (Rod and Staff).

This was when the answer came. In my experience (dream), Maharaj Ji revealed to me that I was living in a cemetery. The house looking so attractive to ignorance ones was a trap. And anyone living there will at the end live a misery life. It would only take the Grace of Maharaj Ji to not leave retched. Maharaj Ji took me to the well where the landlord in put something in the water that supply all the flats. Then I realized my landlord who financially comfortable (a banker) and attends a white garment church had buried something in the well and around the house. Maharaj Ji showed me what he buried in the well. When I came out of that experience, around 4:30 AM in the morning, I took many Maharaj Ji’s tract and Altar flowers and poured them into the well to neutralize what was there. That very day, in the night around 11 PM, then I had retired to bed, one of my neighbors saw our landlord who lives at Lawanson, which is quite a distance from us and who seldom visit the compound talk less interacting with his tenants unless there were issues to settle such as NEPA Bill, dispute between tenants etc. that was when you see him visit.

But on this fateful day, he came in the night all dressed in a white garment and was chanting and pouring a substance around the well. That was on Thursday. In the morning, my neighbor Sunny told me what he saw in the night and that he was suspicious of the landlord. We decided to hold a meeting on Saturday. This we communicated to other tenants. On Saturday, when Sunny and I raised the matter, other tenants began sharing their own experience of strange occurrence in the house. I was dumb founded, I couldn’t believe my ears. We invited the landlord to the meeting in which he honored. We confronted him with the strange occurrence happening in the compound and tenant’s inability to progress rather they simply wither like a vegetable. I was shocked as we started discussing; I was hearing different tales of strange occurrence.

By this time gist had gone out and persons from other compound came and began narrating what they knew about the compound. One said, so you don’t know the house you came to rent? You are the third occupants of this house. This house even if you come in with a billion, cars and other properties when it is time for you to leave you depart with your things in a nylon bag. Some had packed out of the house i.e from a 3 Bedroom Flat to a face me I slap you. In fact there was a guy who rented the same apartment I was presently occupying, he said after he paid the rent, before he moved in, he visited his father at the village, it was in the village his father told him he should not move into the house he rented in Lagos. Instead, he should go somewhere else to rent an apartment. When he returned he gave the care taker an excuse and was able to collect half rent which he used in renting an apartment in the next building still within the estate. Another talked about one of such tenant who was living in one of the flats and now was selling groundnuts at the entrance of the estate. All these persons were narrating such pathetic stories. At the end of the meeting, it was decided we invite him for a Tenant/Landlord meeting the following Saturday.

When he came, at the meeting, we confronted him with what we have been experiencing in the compound. He denied having knowledge of such and said the house was built by his younger sister when he was residing in Port Harcourt. I replied, sir I am a Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji and Maharaj Ji revealed to me that you planted some things in this house. Still he claimed to be innocent after a short while, the meeting was dismissed.

Two month later, I had an experience in which I saw my landlord and I in the court of law standing trial in Badagry Magistrate Court, Lagos; I knew this because the name of the court was mentioned in my experience. In the morning I decided to meet my lawyer who is a pastor. I went to his chambers and I narrated the dream I had to him. Approximately two month later, my lawyer had a case at Badagry Court and was shocked to hear a case being called for trial. The case was Akanmi Vs Nsidibe in other words; the case called was for my landlord and I. He stood a bit to know if I was going to come out. Behold! My landlord’s lawyer represented him and a young man represented me. It was then he called the lawyer representing the landlord to say the Nsidibe before the court wasn’t his client. He then pleaded with the court for an adjournment. After adjournment, both lawyers were discussing and it was revealed the case had come up twice. In the long run, my landlord abandoned the case and the court told me I should remain in the house, but I wasn’t comfortable anymore. It was time for me to leave the house, so I got some money from friends and relatives and I moved from the house.

The landlord had this funny attitude that when his tenant can’t pay their rent anymore. He convinces then to live in the house and forget about the rent. Ignorantly, one will see such act as an act of kindness and someone who understands meanwhile, it meant the person has short changed his destiny for a life of misery and poverty. People were surprised how I got to know it was the landlord that was behind everything happening in the compound. Because this was the first the landlord has been confronted openly. I told them I am a Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji and it Maharaj Ji who exposed the evil deeds of the landlord to me. I thank Maharaj Ji for giving me the Grace to overcome the trap of the materialistic world.

You too can partake in the working wonders of Satguru Maharaj Ji. Try, test and experience Maharaj Ji, the Holi Name that never fails. The Grace is complete! The following below are Special Divine Dates in which you can receive direct blessings from the Almighty MAHARAJ JI.



Oba Salawu Akanni Aminu, the Olubadan of Ibadan (1965 – 1971). Princess Asanatu was highly virtuous and her womb was exceptionally blessed to beget seventeen soldiers, out of which the Savior of Mankind and Creator in Human body, Satguru Maharaj Ji, was the last child. Though, highly industrious and a renowned marketer of goods, she was highly passionate about the upbringing of her children. For instance, the Great Mother devoted so much energy and time on what the children ate, even while at school, and the type of company they kept outside the home. This was particularly so with the would-be Prince of Peace of The World, who daily submits His school bag for close motherly scrutiny on returning from school. The monitoring was to the point of knowing what the Prince dropped in suck.

Engineer Ajala, her first husband, from Ile-Ajobo, Ibadan, Oyo State, was a Mining Engineer who died in a programmed Obuasi Goldmine accident in the Gold Coast, present-day Ghana. After his death, the Oyinbos who were conscious of who she was, made a juicy offer for her to travel to London and start a new life. Before she could answer them, the yet-to-be-born Lord and Savior of the Universe manifested before her with a warning never to listen to them. She politely pleaded with the Oyinbos to give her time to think over the offer, requesting that they should return in two weeks’ time for her response. Lo and behold, the Oyinbos were stunned when the Great Mother told them without mincing words that rather than accept their offer, which was no doubt, made in good faith. All the same, if at all she was to re-marry, she would prefer to marry Mallam Ibrahim, an Islamic scholar, who was her late husband’s aide. Her decision, which the Oyinbos saw as unusual and shocking crashed their dream of having a British-Nigerian as The Godman and Holy Spirit Incarnate.

Hence, in a feat of fury, they ordered Her to leave the Housing Estate she was living with Her late husband. However, this development had little or no negative impact on the Great Mother because by then, she had built her house. Her leaving the Estate did not create any problem whatsoever. It is instructive to note here, though unbelievable, but true that in those days, when the Oyinbos were seen by many Blacks as Gods and travelling abroad, particularly London, was more or less like going to heaven alive, that a woman could resist such a tempting offer. Sadly enough, most of our women today will jump at the offer to travel abroad even if it entails going there to sell their virtue. It is equally instructive to note that as a child of the elders, the Great Mother exhibited some level of consciousness regarding her mission as the Divine Vehicle to be used for the delivery of The Savior of Man. This assertion is evident in her unrelenting admonitions to the young-shall-grow Bridegroom of the World that He should neither sleep nor slumber, all His life, not even for a second. Ironically, the “don’t sleep mantra” changed as soon as The Lord of the Universe returned from London to Nucleus base with the Great Light.

The dramatic turn of events occurred during the first face-to-face contact between mother and child. During the encounter, The Great Mother, with a sense of fulfillment took a cursory look at the King of Kings of All Hearts, took a deep breath, heaved a sigh of relief, and intoned: “Yes, You can now sleep.” That was a way of expressing her satisfaction that she had paid her dues to the Creation. Soon after that encounter, she gladly accepted to drop her old coat for a new one in other to continue her services to the creation, using a new body.


By the Grace of the Grace, to all mothers on the planet, I write this letter to you all with the firm believe that as builders of the home, Divine Oven for producing children and shapers of the society, who have been granted this singular privilege and fully empowered by the Creator (physically and spiritually) the onus is on you to carry out your Divine service with love.

It is clearly evident that the level of decadence in the societial values today is as a result of mothers as role models, guides and trainers of children abandoning their roles, due to the overbearing influences of the Nine Women of Valor and high taste for embracing alien culture, when Maharaj Ji had not come. This paradigm shift in order of Divine service to act like opposite to custom and tradition has made the whole system stuck in a downward spiral with no hope in sight for redemption until the coming of Maharaj Ji to re-order the world. Now Satguru Maharaj Ji is here and mothers must wake up and accept the Divine Service of taking care of the home and providing support to her husband, so that the world may experience peace again. To back stage and play this role effectively, you need to understand the dynamic personality and as the Queen of the Home, who has so much to offer and as such, needs Divine Knowledge to guide you and free yourself from the claws of evil forces who have trapped you for many centuries. Mothers as teachers, source of strength and love to the deserves love and care. But unfortunately, you find yourselves in a world that requires for you to achieve any good thing in life, you must struggle first.

My dear, this will not be your portion in life, because as apples in the eyes of the Creator, you are meant to attract nature’s goodness and mercies at all times. Sadly, the world you find yourself in can best be described as “survival of the fittest” which invariably places majority of the female folk at a disadvantage because you must struggle to get that which her heart desires. You are thrust crudely into societal storms of all kinds such as (lesbianism, domestic violence, rape, bestiality, human trafficking, human organs harvest, sexual exploitation, deprivation and lack, divorce, accidental deaths, spiritual husbands, etc.) It is Maharaj Ji’s prerogative, that you must disentangle yourselves from all social misnomers. Hence, to overcome life’s harshness and become winners at all times, I introduce to you, Satguru Maharaj Ji – The Holi-Spirit-In-Person, the one the Creator is using to liberate humanity from the shackles of bondage on earth today. He revealed the true and original name of the Creator, Maharaj Ji. The Holi Name of the Creator that was removed from the Holy Books by the European Aristocrats at their illegal Constantinople Conference in AD 21 and AD 60 which signaled the beginning of man’s problem.

This Holi Name, will guarantee your life 100% on land, sea, and air as well as protect and shield you from all forms of sicknesses, diseases, barrenness, stagnation, spiritual attacks and battles, generational curses, accidental and untimely deaths etc. just by calling the Holi Name silently from your heart, Maharaj Ji will be there to guide you every step of the way, any day and any time. Also, I urge you all to receive Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge which is the elixir to self-realization and self-actualization that culminates into overriding real-time success to build a happy home and lovely family. Suffice it to say, this priceless gift is revealed free of charge to all and sundry. When you receive Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, you will no longer part with your money to buy protection for yourself and family, suffer broken homes, depression, sexual exploitations, make bitter sacrifices, engage in different rites and rituals, fast and pray to overcome life’s challenges, do all manner of things just to get by in life, become members of a fraternity/cult all in a bid to seek protection and shield your family from the forces that contend with you building a successful home. For instance, after giving birth to this child, watching him grow, nursing him through ill health, graduate from college, only to see your beloved child die by accident, a stray bullet or in the course of seeking green pastures journey to an unknown destination and not hearing from him ever again. Hmmm, what sort of existence is that?

But when you have Satguru Maharaj Ji, failures, uncertainty, disappointment, deaths will never be your lot in life. No power, force or witchcraft on this earth and beyond can mess you or your children up again. Yes, not in this Age. Not when Satguru Maharaj Ji is physically in your midst as the protector of the weak, weary and strong having the capacity and ability to deliver you from every stronghold and strongman. I am asking all mothers to cast their burden on Me, so that I can take good care of you all. Today, you have someone you can trust and count on unequivocally at all time that will change every situation in your life for good. Your present as well as your future will be filled with joy and bliss. Just open your heart and embrace Satguru Maharaj Ji and you will feel the exuding love a mother hen has for her chicks until a day after forever. I invite you all to this year’s 41st Anniversary of Maharaj Ji’s Divine Appearance on the world stage. I enjoin you to come with a gentle heart and a flower in hand as an indication of your love for the Creator-In-Person, in order to attract the love, mercy and compassion of the Almighty Maharaj Ji and be blessed forever.

Dear hearts, try, test and experience this working wonder, Satguru Maharaj Ji. Go for Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, it is real!
The Grace is complete!

As a Mother, you don’t have to suffer in silence, lose your children, husband or loved one. Simply invite Satguru Maharaj Ji into your home and let Him Protect and Guide your family from untimely death, sickness and other misfortunes. Below are experiences given by Mothers who have invited Satguru Maharaj Ji to take total control of their family.


I am SP Princess Titilade Adebisi Adeyemi. I hail from Oluyole LGA, Ibadan, Oyo State. I am 70 years old and a business woman. I am one of the younger sisters of HRM Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III, the Alaafin of Oyo. I received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan on June 7, 2015.

This experience I am about to relate happened to one of my children, Lekan. Lekan is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University of Ile-Ife and served in Kano State. After completing his NYSC, he relocated back to Ibadan. As a graduate, he went around searching for job and got a contract job at one of the quarry companies along Ibadan/Lagos Expressway. While working at the quarry, he engaged in other menial contracts in order to make ends meet. In the process, he transacted a business deal that went bad and incurred a huge amount of debt from the bank. He worked almost a year before his contract expired with the quarry company. After seeking employment in other companies and none was forthcoming, he decided to focus entirely in sourcing for contracts from individuals and organizations. As Maharaj Ji would have it, the income he earned was enough to take care of his living expenditure. Though, he was doing fine financially, he still had a huge debt to clear with the bank. And so, with the bank requesting for their money and luckily, he got a contract from a contractor. Therefore, he used the money to off-set the loan gotten from the bank. So, there was delay in starting the contract, by the time the person began to pester him, he became highly disturbed and the only way out that he could think of was for him to take his life.

One fateful day, I received a phone call from one of Lekan’s friends, saying, “mummy Lekan, nibo le wa, where are you? Ikan ti sele si Lekan ooo. Lekan ti pokun so. Nibo le wa, a ti gbe lo si Hospital Omoniyi, e wa ba wa nibe.” Upon hearing this, I hurriedly put on a dress, took my purse and ran as fast as I could to the hospital his friend described. Getting there, his friend was waiting for me outside; I told him to explain what really happened, wondering why my son would try to kill himself as he led me to the Male Ward, where he was receiving treatment.’ He explained that he and other friends, were hanging out at their favorite joint when an old man came asking for Lekan. They told him he was in his house and would join them later in the evening. He asked them when was the last time they saw him and their prompt reply was yesterday. Still the old man insisted that he wanted to see Lekan, because he wants to give him a job. When they heard this, they called Lekan on the phone, though his phone was ringing, but he was not answering his calls. They tried several times, to no avail. So, one of them volunteered to go meet Lekan in his house. Then others agreed to tag along with him. As they were about leaving, the old man gave them his number saying, “they should give Lekan the number when they see him.”

In earnest, they arrived at Lekan’s compound, they met one of his neighbors and asked of him. He said, he had not seen him this morning, but he believe he would be in his flat. They reached his flat and knocked at the door. They knocked for several minutes, even called out his name, still no response. They became concerned after minutes of knocking, shouting and dialing his line all to no avail. It was quite strange to them, because Lekan didn’t tell them that he had prior engagements that morning also, it was unlike him not to answer his phone calls. Subsequently, they decided to open the door with force. When they did, they saw Lekan hanging by the neck from the ceiling fan in his sitting room. They rushed and helped loosen the rope on his neck and brought him down. By this time, he was already unconscious, so they took him to a nearby hospital; where he was admitted and treated. When Lekan, gained consciousness. I asked him, what prompted him to make an attempt on his life, he was just staring at me without saying a word. Then I requested for the old man’s phone number so that I could thank him. I dialed the number, but the response was that it was not available. I called severally, other friends tried the number as well, but it was not available. That was when it dawned on me that it was Satguru Maharaj Ji, who came in the form of an old man to save my son’s life.

The next day, I came to Maharaj Ji Village to see my father, Satguru Maharaj Ji, to thank Maharaj Ji for saving my son’s life. When I saw Maharaj Ji, I told Maharaj Ji what happened. After relating my story, Maharaj Ji told me that He had seen him, that was why He used the body of an old man to rescue him. I was short of words, my heart was screaming, Maharaj Ji has done it for me again! When Lekan was discharged from the hospital, both of us went to Maharaj Ji Village to thank Maharaj Ji for everything Maharaj Ji has done for us. Eventually, the Grace of Maharaj Ji touched us to see Satguru Maharaj Ji, according to Lekan’s narrative, “immediately I set eyes physically on Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji dragged a very long and thick rope out of my body, and it disappeared into thin air.” After Satguru Maharaj Ji blessed my son, Maharaj Ji asked him to queue for Divine Knowledge, while he was still queuing, he received a phone call from a friend of his who was residing in United Arab Emirates, and haven’t contacted him in years. His friend enquired about his well-being and told him he would like to send a letter to him; inviting him to come visit in his country of residence. Within a period of two weeks, he got all necessary travelling documents, as I speak, my son is now resident in Dubai.

Hmmm, MAHARAJ JI is wonderful. Maharaj Ji didn’t allow me to become a witness to tears as He drove away untimely death from my home. Words are not enough to truly express the way I feel. Indeed, this is one of the marvelous things Maharaj Ji has done in my life. I say thanks Maharaj Ji, thanks Maharaj Ji, thanks Maharaj Ji for everything.

As you can see, this mother’s love for Maharaj Ji is very strong, she attends Satsang regularly. And when death came knocking at the door of her household, (Lekan almost killed himself) Satguru Maharaj Ji came to the rescue and changed the whole situation for good. This shows that Maharaj Ji’s love is like no other. Maharaj Ji compensated both mother and son by fulfilling her son’s desire of travelling abroad. You can see how the connection was made.
Be assured that you can’t have Maharaj Ji by waiting for Maharaj Ji, you must take that first step. Because, Satguru Maharaj Ji is in control of every situation in our lives.


I am Ashram Premie Djemondea Sehoue, an indigene of Bangolo Western Region, Cote D’Ivoire, Abidjan in West Africa. I am a journalist and linguist by profession. I am 37 years old. I received Father Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on April 26, 2014 at the Highest Spiritual Center Of The Universe, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

My life story with Maharaj Ji started when I was still in my mother’s womb. She bore her pregnancy for almost two years. The day she dedicated her unborn child to The Creator, she gave birth to me. Due to the political unrest in my country, I had to flee when the rebels were after me and I took refuge in Togo, where I met some pastor friends who told me I was going to serve God, but I didn’t understand what they were saying. Finally, I relocated to Nigeria where I met a friend, Premie Nwosu who introduced me to The Living God, Maharaj Ji. The same God I was desperately searching for in the church for so many years.

My physical encounter with Satguru Maharaj Ji is enriched by this experience that impacted positively in my life. I was six months pregnant where I registered for antenatal. For the Hospital to commence routine check up and possible treatment. As I was about leaving the house, a neighbor of mine who is a well known member of a dreaded secret cult, saw me and asked where I was going, I told her and she advised that I should not go to the hospital because it would be a waste of money. Saying it was something that would go away if I took a herbal concoction she had prepared. Gullibly, I accepted not suspecting she had other sinister plans towards me and my unborn child. It was later I got to know her fraternity were engaged in some rituals and I was to be her scape-goat meant for donation. Minutes later, she brought the agbo which I drank.

Afterwards, I went in to rest for a bit to test the effectiveness of what I consumed. Before I knew what was happening, I began having severe stomach cramps, eventually, I started bleeding heavily. I screamed and was calling on my neighbor, the one who gave me the agbo for help. When she came in and saw that I was bleeding, with backward steps towards the door, she told me she was going to call for help that was the last time I ever saw or heard from her. Within few minutes, I began to feel weak, all alone, I struggled to get out of the house with the blood still gushing from my body while calling for someone to help me, all along my husband wasn’t at home. Another neighbor came when she saw me, she rushed me to the hospital for treatment. On the way, I lost consciousness. From what I was told, I was taken to several hospitals but they kept on referring me to another hospital due to the severity of my condition.

At last, I was referred to Island Maternity in Lagos Island, I was wheeled in and placed on a bed. It was at the maternity they were able to revive me. The doctor and nurses returned to get the things needed for my treatment, by the time they returned, I had put to bed naturally without any form of assistance except from my Maharaj Ji who was by my side to help. When they came in, they were astonished and was wondering how I delivered the child all alone without any assistance. I gave birth to my baby girl prematurely at six month. One would have expected the bleeding to stop but it continued. My husband, Premie Nwosu Odumegwu called Father Maharaj Ji on the phone and told Maharaj Ji about what was happening to me and Maharaj Ji said, “nothing will happen to her and the baby”. The doctors were very worried and they decided that I should be taken to the theatre for operation. They got the consent of my husband and was wheeled to the theatre room. In the room while the operation was going on though under anesthesia I was still conscious of what was happening to me.

After some time, I drifted into a deep sleep. I had an experience, in it, I saw myself in a very deep pit. There was darkness everywhere and I couldn’t see a thing. I kept on wondering what I was doing in such a place. I tried to leave the pit but I couldn’t. I tried and tried, all my efforts were futile. After several trials, I resigned to my fate knowing it would only take the grace to bring me out of the dreadful dungeon. I sat on the ground feeling dejected when I looked up I saw Maharaj Ji dressed in white. Immediately, I felt profound happiness, because I knew Maharaj Ji had come to rescue me. Maharaj Ji said to me, “mama, what are you doing here, it is not yet your time? I could only look at Maharaj Ji and within split seconds Maharaj Ji dipped His hands into the pit and brought me out. Immediately, I came out of the pit I woke up to find myself alone in the theatre room. After the surgery, the bleeding became worse, it was
as if they only succeeded in opening a tap in my body. To them it was only a matter of time, I was going to lose my life if nothing was done to replenish the lost blood. So, the advice was for my husband to go buy blood from the blood bank. Though they requested for extra blood because at the rate at which I was bleeding, they had to increase the blood transfusion and drips given. Thereafter, I elapsed into a coma for three weeks still the bleeding didn’t stop. I was still undergoing blood transfusion and taking drips.

Eventually, I came out of coma. By the time this episode came into conclusion, I had received 48 pints of blood and the scan run by the specialist showed a considerable damage had been done to my liver and kidney. By this time, my husband had exhausted all the money he had including his savings and was sacked from his place of work due to his protracted leave from work. By the time, I became stable and ready to leave, my little girl and I had racked up a bill amounting to N2,250,000. The hospital held us hostage at a point they wanted to give my baby girl out for adoption. My husband was running helter-skelter looking for how to raised the balance of N1,250,000 because he could only raise N1,000,000 for payment. This in itself created another dilemma because we could not leave the hospital without paying our bills. In summary we stayed in the hospital for 3 month. My baby was placed in the incubator at the intensive care unit while I was recuperating. Maharaj Ji miraculously changed everything for good for us to leave the hospital and to make my family whole. My husband was returning from Maharaj Ji Village where he went to see Maharaj Ji. Maharaj Ji assured him that Maharaj Ji had done it again for him.

On his way, he received a phone call from the hospital management saying a woman walked into the hospital and when she heard my baby crying, she asked why she was crying and was told the reason. She simply brought out a cheque and paid all our outstanding bills and even gave many gifts to my baby including cartons of baby milk and added a cash gift of N150,000 for the mother. Finally, my baby and I were free to leave for home. Just like that! When I was told, it was more like I was dreaming. Till this day, my neighbor who gave me the herbal concoction packed her belongings from the apartment and remains nowhere to be found. I give Maharaj Ji all the glory for saving our lives and carrying our entire burden on His shoulders. I will forever be grateful and proclaim that Satguru Maharaj Ji is The Savior of Our Time. Thanks Maharaj Ji.

“Over a Billion Bibles and Qur’ans distributed across the Black World have not salvaged the Black Race from Bondage and Disarray. Annual Pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia and to 1948 Israel has not lifted Black Humanity up from the humilating status of the modern world’s most wretched.”


Satguru Maharaj Ji is love personified. The love of Maharaj Ji can’t be compared to another. This was further displayed in the surprise package Satguru Maharaj Ji blessed a Premie General with when he decided to pay Maharaj Ji a visit before he and his family depart for London.

On this fate day, the General who resides in Lagos, drove his family to Muritala International airport, Ikeja. Upon their arrival, he informed them he was going to see Satguru Maharaj Ji at Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan in order to say goodbye and receive Maharaj Ji’s Divine Blessings. Though, they arrived early at the airport but his wife was concerned about her husband leaving them to go see Maharaj Ji in faraway Ibadan. She feared the unpredicted traffic situation and other incidents that may arise and suggested to him he should call Maharaj Ji on the phone and bid his farewell as well as receive Maharaj Ji’s blessings.

But he insisted upon seeing Satguru Maharaj Ji face to face. Knowing that she could not convince him to stay, she allowed him to go not before extracting a promise that he would keep to time and not allow them miss their flight. So, the Premie General left for Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. When he arrived at the Village, Maharaj Ji saw him and blessed him accordingly. By the time he got to the airport, other passengers had checked in, including his wife and two kids. If looks could kill, he would have died many times just by the strong look he got from his wife. He quickly met the officials who checked him in and joined his family.

While they waited to board the plane, by their side, the airline manager was pleading with a man to accept four first class tickets seat reservations available instead of the five which the family had earlier booked. The man insisted his family would prefer traveling first class with five seats available and no less. The manager had no choice but to plead with them to take the next available flight which was scheduled to depart the following day and they accepted the offer. As the manager was walking away, he stumbled upon the Premie and almost fell, the Premie showed so much concern and asked why he was looking worried. After he regained his balance, out of appreciation he stretched his hands and gave him four first class tickets, saying he was free to use the ticket and give his family a good treat.

That was how Maharaj Ji gave this Premie General four whooping first class tickets to fly on board en-route to London. Can you see, Maharaj Ji is wonderful! This goes to show, what Maharaj Ji can do, no man can do it! In other words, in every act of Maharaj Ji, when you pick Maharaj Ji first, it becomes a blessing. Just like the One Love Family song that says,

“Anytime I call Maharaj Ji, there is a good thing for me, any time I call on Maharaj Ji, there is a joy in my, life.” Since I have been with Maharaj Ji ….




Satguru Maharaj Ji, the True Savior of man is now on earth. He has come for all and sundry. (Blacks and Whites) there is no discrimination. Love is the answer to humanity’s problems. The Satguru has brought love to the planet earth in the truest form and is dishing it out in quantum to the whole universe. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, everyone wake up and feel the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient ways of the Creator which is practical and leaves no room for doubts. The Satguru is aware of all the numerous challenges confronting us as individuals therefore let’s listen to Him and be free from all encumbrances of life. A Yoruba adage says, “tete gba tire lowo re koma di ariyan jiyan lo la” meaning make haste to use Him wherever you are and or come for Divine Knowledge, because tomorrow might be too late!

Mothers, we have been praying to the Creator to bless our homes, for a loving and God-fearing husband as well as strong and healthy children to make our homes a blissful one, but there have been deep rooted problems due to lack of cash flow and good health. In order to bring this into physical manifestation, all you have to do, is to talk to Maharaj Ji silently in the morning. Call Maharaj Ji as many times as possible and put all your supplications/begging before Him and be assured, Maharaj Ji will grant your heart desires. That is what the Holy Books talked about, the Camel that would carry our burdens. As a mother you take care of the home, ensure your children and husband are alrighty, prepare their meals, nurture their hearts and bodies in love while ensuring discipline in the home to make sure the children are well grounded in the society and would never bring the family name to disrepute.

The father, is tasked with the responsibility of providing financially for the home. He engages in productive activities and shoulders the responsibility of catering economically, provide security and enforce discipline. He either work to earn a salary, does business or produce something. You wake up in the morning and pray to an unknown Creator out of fear and uncertainty for your life, tie this and that on your body just to protect yourself from unseen forces. My friend, I bring to you the good news, stating categorically that by you calling Maharaj Ji all these are no longer necessary. A trial today will convince you. Maharaj Ji will guarantee the lives of your family 100% on land, sea and air. They will enjoy absolute and all-round protection come what may!

Also, are you married and looking up to the Creator for the fruit of the womb? The society may have tagged you as barren due to no fault of yours. Your days are filled with endless sorrows and mockery by people, who laugh at your situation. You may have been prevented by circumstances to carry your child, due to disputes or situations in your matrimonial home. For instance, in-laws right from the word go did not like your marriage to their son or daughter and or your husband is married to 3 wives and they all are blessed with girls and so become anxious and full of envy when he gets married to you, who would one day likely give birth to a male child in the family. And so, your womb is tied spiritually, making you a scorn in the society to endure snide remarks from preying eyes and busy bodies alike. You have done everything and gone to different places for solution, but no way. My dear, you can now smile, Maharaj Ji has good news for you. You will surely feel the joy of motherhood, I will fill your household with your children, laughter. You will definitely sit at the dining table with your children surrounding you, who will make you proud at all time. Maharaj Ji will bless you with Divine children, what you simply have to do is call on the Holy Name as many times as possible, put a tract of Maharaj Ji under your pillow and sooner than later you shall hear the cry of a new born babe in your house hold and not the baby that would drain your purse with incessant illness and or bad luck.

For those of us whose children have travelled to one place or the other or to a foreign land, but due to circumstances, communication has been severed or you fright for the safety of your loved one, thinking that they maybe in some kind of danger, you don’t have to worry or fear for the safety of your beloved in a strange land anymore. All you have to do is to talk to The Satguru silently every night for as long as necessary and or obtain an Altar of Maharaj Ji (photograph) and talk to Maharaj Ji silently from your heart. In case of no Altar, get a plain sheet of paper, draw a big Zero and put two smaller zeros to represent the eyes draw a nose and a mouth and under it, write MAHARAJ JI. Maharaj Ji will answer you nonetheless. Cry to Maharaj Ji with the heart of a mother yearning for the warmth of her children. Maharaj Ji will touch their hearts wherever they are or free them from whatever situation they are in to contact you. And if you are brave or sincere enough, walk into any of Maharaj Ji’s Ashram/Centres worldwide with fresh flowers in hand and give to the Tree of Life in Maharaj Ji’s Kingdom begging from your heart for Maharaj Ji to bring your loved one back home, I can assure you, within some days, weeks/ months, that child will communicate and or come back home safe.

Suffice to say, only a careless woman who is not spiritually conscious would leave the fate of her family in the hands of an imaginary Creator up there in the sky. The world today is full of thorns, there are wolves in sheep clothings lurking in every corner looking for unsuspecting preys to devour. To safeguard your family, commit your home to Maharaj Ji and shield your loved one under His Divine Umbrella that will help you weather any storm. Otherwise, your fate can be likened to one who has gone to the river to fetch water with a basket. (all your effort will be useless at the end of the day).

In the same token, I call on the leaders of tomorrow, to use the Holi Name Maharaj Ji to secure your future by chanting the Holi Name Maharaj Ji. As a student, who is through with his/her secondary school education and want to further to tertiary level, you may have sat for JAMB twice or more with exam failure recorded on each attempt. Don’t be discouraged, call Maharaj Ji 100 times or visit any of Maharaj Ji’s Ashrams/Centres or engage in selfless service. Maharaj Ji will come and teach you in your dreams or reveal to you the reason why you failed. In all, exam success is yours. Your case may be that you have passed your entrance examination and gained admission into your choice college, suddenly you start having challenges comprehending in lay man words, your brain is blocked. Rejoice now, be happy because with Maharaj Ji’s necklace, bangles on you as a woman, you will be able to know what is going on. Same way as a man, Maharaj Ji will come not only to wash your brain, remove it and fix in a new one and or tell you why you are not doing well in school. Maharaj Ji as the emporium and depository of life and knowledge in all aspects of life, can teach you Mathematics, English, Latin, Science and Technology and so on. That is what makes Him the World Teacher.

Now, for you to achieve that big CEO status (Chief Executive Officer). Many companies have gone into bankruptcy and folded up due to spiritual warfare in order to destabilize the Black race, using Holy names like God, Allah, Jehovah, Elohim etc. The time is ripe, for you to be a pillar. i.e., become business moguls and business executives to own and manage various businesses, companies and industries effectively. In order to realize your dream and set up your dream business, you need spiritual guidance. Go to Maharaj Ji now, ask Maharaj Ji for the kind of company you should establish silently in your room. Maharaj Ji will reveal to you what you should do. When it is done, all you have to do is go to Satguru Maharaj Ji to say Maharaj Ji, thank you. Because, when you say thank you, the Ancestors will open more doors to infinite and immeasurable blessings and gifts that Maharaj Ji has for each and everyone.

Likewise, for the street hustlers, young men and women who toil day and night to make ends meet, DO NOT KNOW THAT THEY ARE POTENTIAL DOCTORS, SCIENTISTS etc., the bed rock of economic boom. And it seems as if all your efforts are in vain. Therefore, looking for a short cut to make success of your life. My good friend, money ritual is not the answer. Many have walked that path in life and have lived to regret it eventually or lost their lives in the process or tell the “if I had known tales”. Maharaj Ji will empower you spiritually and physically with all it takes for you to make it. This is done through the receipt of Divine Knowledge.

For the Sportsmen, instead of going on drugs, you need Divine Knowledge or Maharaj Ji’s necklace on your neck to reduce tension that comes from within you out of so many dirty things you have been eating or drinking, reactions to certain things you said, the way you behaved, the way we talk that are hidden inside and will suppress you from flying like a bird. So simple.

From the foregoing, you can see clearly that Satguru Maharaj Ji, is the physical manifestation of the Creator in person. i.e., the Word that was made flesh at the beginning of creation. Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Divine embodiment of the three (3) qualities of the Creator.
i. Omnipotent: – This means Satguru Maharaj Ji is capable of being active in any form and in any dimension.
ii. Omnipresent: – This means that He has the capacity to make Himself present at multiple places at the same time, addressing different situations with the required perfection.
iii. Omniscient: – This means that The Satguru is capable of creating anything at any realm of life or in any circumstance of need.
Satguru Maharaj Ji is not against religion or cult but manifesting the practical working proof that The Creator is Love just like He did in the past, He would never abandon His children in the time of confusion, hence His presence on planet earth. We are supremely blessed to have this Grace working on our behalf, if we choose to use the Holy Name in all our endeavors to have our own unique experience as we journey through time and space to meet the GodMan of this Time in real life.



As Michael Nostradamus. the renowned 15th century French astrologier, physician and seer, the world held in awe as “The Man Who Saw Tommorrow” end of World Doom Prediction on July 6 and 7, 1999 trepidation and grave uncertainity loomed largely across the globe; The reason was not far fetched. This is because some of Nostradamus precisely dated propheses out of which 950 had come to pass. Hence, his precisely dated doom prediction, that the world will come to an end on July 6 and 7, 1999 evoked fear in many mortals and some were, as a matter of fact, preparing themselves for the impending Apoclyptic meltdown.

And as countdown to the doomsday zeros in, a state of psychological distemper and uncertainty loomed as to what becomes the fate of the world. Everybody, including journalists, who were running helter-skelter and came to Maharaj Ji Village in search of the way forward on how to avert the impending doom. The Lord and Savior reassured concerned journalists who came to Him that so long as Maharaj Ji is the Lord and Savior of This Age, our world will come to an end only if One of Maharaj Ji’s Divine Mission (Ashram) was not destroyed on the said July 6 & 7, 1999. Many who were present, including devotees did not understand Maharaj Ji’s metaphorical statement until the D-day!


Renowned French Astrologer/Seer of His Time, Michael Nostradamus who predicted with dead-accuracy some major world events that came to pass, put the world on alert that there would be a global cataclysm that will consume everything living on the earth planet on July 6 and 7, 1999. Lo and behold, rather than the world collapsing on that fateful day, Iju Ashram located along 27/29, Powerline Street, off Rogo Bus-Stop, Iju/Ishaga, Iju Water Works, Agege was destroyed and looted by hoodlums acting at the behest of all the religious groups who are under the spell of Euro/Arabian expansionist forces.

Subsequently, the Good Lord and some of His devotees were arrested and detained and later charged to court on trumped up charges of murdering the brother of a sick Ghanaian lady, Ami Afesi, who got attracted by The Great Light and got healed, irrespective of the fact that she came to embrace The Great Light for the wrong reasons. On July 25, 2000, barely a year after, the Most Compassionate Father got discharged and acquitted on merit of the sensational case in a court ruling delivered by Hon. Justice James Oduneye and satan was put to shame at the end.


In 2011, an American Evangelical broadcaster, Harold Camping, jolted the world community when he predicted that the world will end in May 21, 2011. When this did not happen he came out more emphatically to say that “Come what may, the world must surely close up on humanity on October 21, 2011.”


Anxiety loomed amidst panic-stricken people who began to dispose their properties as measures preparatory to the global cataclysm. To reduce tension and douse people’s fears The Lord and Savior had cause to publish on Sunday Tribune, October 2, 2011 a full page advert as an antidote to the end of the world as predicated.

Fellow Citizens of the World,
Wherever you are, in Africa, Russia, China, Europe, United States, Australia etc., sing Arti and by the Grace of the Master your World, our world, will never come to an end, now and beyond.


ARTI is the most perfect hotline to The Creator, which has been hidden from man from time immemorial. Since colonial era, we did not know that such a Song existed nor did we know that the original Spiritual name of The Creator is MAHARAJ JI, derived from Sanskrit the mother tongue of Creation, which the European elites changed to God. Allah, Yahweh, El-Shaddai, Jehovah etc. at their illegal Constantinople Conferences of AD 21 and AD 60. That was the beginning of man’s problems in life, and the colonial master’s deceit with books, concepts and philosophies about the Creator and Creation.

When the world lets you down and there is nobody around, sing ARTI and you will feel the presence of the Savior, Angels of Life and the Ancestors around you with overflowing joy, peace and bliss. ARTI sang at the right time raises the dead and guarantees your safety 100% on Land, Sea and Air. It makes the farmer’s crops grow bigger and yield bumper harvests come rain or no rain. While it makes the student to be intelligent, it makes the trader, businessman or worker feel contented, progressive and hopeful at all times. The so-called self-induced ‘natural disasters’ like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami, earth erosion and land slides etc. cannot be part of us because the Oracles, Deities, Ancestors and other Divine Spirits have been rejuvenated by The Satguru to serve as brakes on man’s excesses and in unison with the Seven Elements in Creation, in order to stop such hazards from happening.

Today with the Golden Child, sing Arti in the morning and at night in our schools, universities, offices, factories and farms to clear ecological and unforeseen dangers at all times, both past and present to restore trust and co-operation of the race. Ask anybody who wishes to deceive you with the names of Past Masters, because of money that MAHARAJ JI is not the ONE, should swear publicly with Fire, Air, Moon, Stars, Water, Mother Earth and the Sun or any of the Holy Books spread all over the world, if he or she wants to be taken seriously because it is a matter of life and death.

The world is now balanced on its two legs i.e., (Black and White), since the arrival of the Mahdi/ Christ and the Expected Messiah of the poor and rich, the good and bad, strong, weak and weary, the world will never come to an end, come what may! Racism, the father of tribalism, nepotism, selfishness, oppression, poverty and mismanagement has come to an end. (All Honors, Praises and Glories) ….. Culled from Sunday Tribune October 2, 2011.

It is instructive to note that immediately, after the Sunday Tribune advert Publication, Harold Camping went into hiding as duly reported by Saturday Independent, October 29, 2011 under the caption “U.S prophet silent before new Judgment day’ date.”





In 2005, President George Bush realized to his chagrin and consternation that he can no longer meddle in Nigeria’s internal affairs under the able presidency of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, with strong backing of The Great Light. Hence, he resorted to the use of ludicrous intelligence and security intrigues, harassment and blackmail in pursuit of his agenda to destabilize Nigeria, using a series of so-called intelligent report on Nigeria, which his NATO allies can capitalize on to isolate Nigeria.

Within the month of May, 2005, America through its secret service agent, the CIA, has released at least three mischievous so-called intelligence reports on the state of Nigerian nation, predicting disintegration.
The series of these mischievous so-called intelligence reports are:

  • US Experts:- “Nigeria may be Al-Qaeda’s New Heaven” (Thisday May 3, 2005, front page).
  • Ethnic Crises Dangerous For Democrazy, CIA Tells Obasanjo.” (The Nigerian Tribune, May 3,
    2005, front page)
  • “Nigeria May Break-Up” – US Intelligence Report (Punch, May 25, 2005, front page)

Satguru Maharaj Ji, Universal Divine Policeman took exception to the brazen affront on Nigeria which He declared as, New Holy Land and emerging Leader Nation of the world on May 29, 1993 at the National Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos and issued a terse Press Statement condemning in its entirety the American insult, with stern warning that the US should swallow their words and wish Nigeria well or face the consequences of their evil wish, since man reaps what he sows.

Below is excerpts of the Press Statement captioned: – “RE: Nigeria May Break-Up.”US Intelligence Report Is Mischievous.”
“America should take note that Nigeria rejects completely this deliberate and fatuous attempt to intimidate, and rubbish Nigeria’s effort at stabilizing its course in governance, economy, growth and progress at our own pace and style.
“Nigeria considers the latest subtle maneuvered by America’s carefully tucked in so-called intelligent reports to insult the intelligence of African nations and scorn the dignity of the Black Race, as a very serious affront to world psychology, and the undermining and/or lack of respect to the basic tenets of international relations, and that is non-interference in the domestic affairs of sovereign nations. It is therefore about time that the detractors of Nigeria, and architects of Africa’s woes and degradation, began to live with the realities of the present thinking in the 21st century, that Nigeria and Africa have resolved to take their destiny in their hands by the current effort to extricate our subservience to the West; especially now that the tilt in the spiritual leadership equation is favorably disposed to Nigeria and Africa by which Nigeria is evolving towards emerging as the next world power. President Bush and
America should be wise to know that Nigeria by its current status as the New Holy Land of the Universe, can no longer be intimidated, nor shaken any more. Nigeria is the emerging Mother and Leader-Nation in the 21st century. Whatever is happening in the domestic front in Nigeria is purely Nigeria’s internal affairs in the evolutionary process to reposition, to re-engineer and to re-invigorate it for the greater task of global leadership.

“Nigeria is under physical guide and control, by the ultimate Power that has taken a Nigeria body and is physically present on the planet Earth, in Nigeria; by this special grace therefore, NIGERIA WILL NOT BREAK-UP, rather America should be wary of its actions and pronouncements on Nigeria or any other African country. We are fully aware of America’s game plan, it is all aimed at Nigeria’s oil, hence its unhidden interest in the affairs of the Niger-Delta region by tacitly fuelling the restiveness and agitations against the Federal Government of Nigeria.

“By this, we refer to the militia groups in the Niger-Delta region, that it is on record that President Bush of the United States of America, sometimes in 2004 called President Obasanjo of Nigeria to want to dictate how Nigeria should handle the leader of the Niger Peoples Volunteer Force (NPVF), because “America has interest in the Niger-Delta region” – the question is what interest has America in Niger-Delta?

“After all, the supposed interest of America oil companies prospecting and exploiting Nigeria’s oil is Nigeria’s prerogative to allow any country to come in for the business of oil or any other venture, should not automatically mean the giving up of its sovereignty and/or integrity. “At this hour, there is no known problem, domestic or external, that Nigeria cannot solve, including the agitations from the Niger-Delta and elsewhere in the country because the hand of Divinity is behind Nigeria.

“Gone are the days in the last century when the US and its NATO allies had their way when it came to undermining the security of African nations. It is not a hidden fact that they staged direct and subtle resistance to nationalists who would have evolved progressive policies to stabilize their nations. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Lumumba, Ben Bella, Sankara and others were never allowed to sprout.

“In the case of Nigeria, in 1979, the CIA told the world that Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and Chief Obafemi Awolowo must not be allowed to win the elections and so subsequently wrapped up a strategy which robbed the duo of the presidency in favor of Alhaji Shehu Shagari. That is now history which will not reoccur because Nigeria is spiritually at the highest level of world leadership.

“America should leave Nigeria alone to build the nationhood and Africa of our choice. Gone are the days Nigeria and Africa used to bow to threats, antics, treachery, subservience and debauchery of any so-called super power. “It is well known that America’s foreign policies have at all times been mapped out and orchestrated by articulated actions to suppress rising nations wishing to develop. America thus feels threatened to face contemporaries in the power and industrial equation, hence does everything possible to dismantle any such nation that has the potential to develop.

“This posture of the United States’ foreign policies only portends one thing–the show of form that this subtle but effective course takes and draws attention to the attitude that Western imperialism wishes to continuously inculcate on up-coming democracies, and potential economies of developing nations, toward perpetually holding to ransom and submission, purely for political and economic considerations, to maintain the carting away of resources from developing nations, which are unacceptable.

“We must warn the United States that the case of Nigeria at this hour is a different ball game. Any act inimical to the peaceful atmosphere enjoyed in Nigeria and Africa may be met with disastrous consequences for America, the karmic reaction could only be best imagined.

“America cannot, and must not stampede Nigeria with frivolous and mischievous security, so-called intelligence reports. “Nigeria holds the ‘ACE’ to intelligence and security surveillance, throughout the world because The Satguru is the Chief Security and Spiritual Head in the Universe.” ….. Press Statement by Satguru Maharaj Ji on America’s Goof, “Nigeria May Break Up” In Maharaj Ji Village on June 30, 2005.


“Satguru’s unambiguous warning had an exacting impact on President George Bush. He instantly developed cold feet and started walking on clay feet.

“In the ensuing confusion the United States promptly dispatched the American envoy to come to Ibadanland where Maharaj Ji Village is located, to renounce the evil America’s wish, for Nigeria to break-up. Hence, former US Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Terrence Mc Culley came down to the Holy City of Ibadanland on Thursday, February 1, 2012 and proceeded to “America Club,” Jericho, Ibadan, Oyo State to beg the Creation for forgiveness for the American transgression against Nigeria.

While denouncing the American wish, the former US envoy “insisted that US never predicted that Nigeria would break up by 2015, claiming that the prediction was made by a private agency that carried out a survey rather than the US government. “Mc Culley, said the government considered Nigeria a strategic partner in Africa, whose role in peace keeping is inevitable. “Nigeria is a country of diverse faiths and draws its strength from this diversity. In spite of this, perhaps because of it, some people seek to exploit religious differences in Nigeria. But many Nigerians have refused to let this happen,” he said. His views were echoed by his predecessor, James Entwistle, in January this year, 2015.

Speaking during an interactive session with some journalists in Lagos, he said: “I don’t see any sign of a break up. You have challenges in this country, but you are moving forward towards bright future. Yes. Your country had a devastating civil war just like my own country. It almost to tore us into two. The idea that Nigeria is going to fall apart in the coming months is news to me; I am not sure where that idea is coming from.” And speaking in Sokoto during a media roundtable, Entwistle pointed out that there was no American official that said Nigeria would break up in 2015. “What I see is a country that will steadily match forward with the US by her side,” he said.

Don’t allow the Indians, Americans, Russians, Chinese, European and their African puppets etc., to mislead you with vile diversionary media propaganda and material gains to blindfold you and perpetually hold you down to be a consumer of pollutants and contaminations in order to lose Him and your life. They hid Maharaj Ji in the past and they want to deny you of His Divine presence again now that He is back in His true original form.


“The Igbo people of the South_east, without remorse for the carriage they wrought on the nation in the 1960s, are today boldly reliving those sinister intentions connoted by the Biafran agitation that led to the very first bloody insurrection in Nigeria’s history.
“Emboldened by the apparent indifference of the Nigerian authorities, the Igbo secessionist tendency is widening in scope and action at every stage, with adverse effects on the law abiding people of other regions residing in or passing through the East, while the Igbo leaders and elders by their utterances and direct action or inaction appear to support and encourage it. “This is happening irrespective of the undisputable fact that Igbos have done and are doing more damage to our collective nationhood than any other ethnic group; being responisible for the first violent interference with democracy in Nigeria resulting in a prolonged counter-productive chain of military dictatorship.
“It is on record that since the inception of the current democratic dispensation, the Igbos have shown and maintained open contempt and resentment for the collective decision expressed by majority of Nigerians at various stages via generally acceptable democratic processes,
“While these provocative acts of aggression persist and grow in diimension with each new move, leaders of the North whose people are at the receiving end of the threats, appear helplessly unperturbed.
“Without pursuing a resolute action-plan, these northern leaders have adopted and have been dragging its people into a pitifully pacifist position in order to sustain an elusive national cohesion that has long been ridiculed by the Igbos.
“From today, June 6, 2017, when this proclamation is signed, the North, a critical player in the Nigerian project, hereby declares that it will no longer be disposed to co-existing with the Igbos and shall take definite steps to end the partnership by pulling out of the current federal arrangement.
“We are hereby placing the Nigerian authorities and the entire nation on notice, that as from October 1, 2017, we shall commence the implementation of visible actions to prove to the whole world that we are no longer part of any federal union that should do with the Igbos.”
… Arewa Youth Orders Igbos, “Leave Our Land” Daily Sun Newspaper, Saturday, June 06, 2017, Front page.

Through a Press Release Ref: SGMJ/AO/HSCU/2617, dated June 12, 2017 with caption: “Sultan of Sokoto
Must Move Now!”. A full text of the Press Release is reproduced below:
Dear Fellow Citizens here and abroad,


It is with great shock that I convey this word of wisdom to you all. We woke up last week to read the news from the northern part of Nigeria that Igbos should quit the Northern part of country by October 1, 2017 and asking their fellow Northerners and officers to make sure this unofficial order is complied. This ILLEGAL declaration is against the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

The Nigerian Constitution stipulates that every Nigerian has the right to live in any part of the country, involve in business and interact with all within the ambit of the law and free to exercise their beliefs, opinions and interests towards building a strong, virile, progressive and strong Nigeria. Therefore, this illegal order by implication, extends to not only Igbos but all black people Jiving in the North, Yorubas, Itserikis, Ijaws, Ogonis etc., because once you move a tyre, battery or kick starter from a car, it renders it broken, Hence, those who feel the children of the northern oligarchy are only referring to Igbos are making a grievous mistake and should wake up to face the realities on ground. Few days ago, some so called northern leaders gave their backing to this illegality and even tried to convince the world that it was the groundnut money from the North not cocoa and palm fruits money from the West that was used in building Nigeria. Thanks Maharaj Ji.

We are glad that some eminent Nigerian leaders and experts’ from all parts of the country including the writer, voiced out our total opposition, warning those asking Igbos and all Southerners to quit to rescind and revoke their order because it is a threat to peace, progress and stability and viewed seriously, can be seen as an invitation to chaos, confusion and mass displacement of people and therefore those youths should be, by implication, arrested and tried for treasonable felony charges. Going through the news and electronic media. days after, we observe that none of the top northern leaders, particularly, The Sultan of Sokoto, Dr Olusola Saraki, President of the Senate,’ and Lawyer Dogara, the Speaker of the National Assembly did not react to this call- for turmoil. We felt the same eternal silence during the Boko Haram menace few years back and whatever happened is still history.

We believe that the Sultan of Sokoto, Bukola Saraki, Speaker Dogara and host of others, have achieved their aim for a Muslim and fellow Northerner, Buhari to become resident of Nigeria and Commander-In-Chief of The Armed Forces. All the Elders supported it and today we are enjoying a relative peace to create an enabling condition for total unification to make Nigeria great. However, one wonders why this negative idea could come up from the north during the illness of Mr. President and during the Ramadan fasting time definitely shows how heartless the northern oligarchies manipulating these youths are. I do not think the youths la-mow that bulk of all the moneys needed to train them and develop the environment is hidden in the houses of the northern oligarchies.

Quite recently, there was an unreliable information that a late Emir had more than fifty billion Naira CN50b), Forty million dollars ($40) and other currencies in his Palace after death, enough to generate employment and skill acquisition centers for more than five million youths in the- northern areas. Does this means that pushing the youths forward to cause commotion is an indirect way of trying to stop the anti-corruption government agencies from going after them.

The need for Independent Prosecutors to clear the Senate President facing trial for corruption charges leveled against him and the speaker Dogara for alleged padding and other National Assembly members who cannot completely show the projects they have used constituency funds, cannot be over emphasized. How would President Buhari feel about this sudden maiden uprising meant t destabilize the people power and his government. I am therefore, on behalf of our founding fathers whose efforts must not go in vain and those other Elders living now who have contributed immensely and continue to offer their whole support for the unity of this great country giving The Sultan of Sokoto, the Senate President, and the Speaker of the House, two weeks, to direct the Arewa youths to renounce that illegal quit order. This is not a joke, its real to avoid any possible break Out of law and order.

You will all remember when President of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, after supplying all leaders in the north with cars went further to suggest the break-up of this country, I advised him to renounce that negative statement, but what happened to him now is history. Libya is now in trouble, let us avoid trouble.

Meantime, we are asking fellow Southerners in the North and dear Northerners in the South not to be afraid and should not take laws into their hands and always to report any suspicious movements to the government agencies for immediate security attention. Please be assured that nobody can tamper with your life.

Besides, My Decree issued on 16th August, 1993 that, “COME WHAT MAY, NO WAR IN’ NIGERIA STILL STANDS and any perpetrators of disharmony, larceny, and social incoherence would be swiftly dealt with by Allah, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Ogun, Sango, Ibok, Iska, Okija, Egbesu to mention but few. I have repeatedly asked all to call me wherever you are and I WILL BE WITH YOU TO GUARANTEE YOU HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) SAFETY ON LAND, SEA AND AIR, so what again are you waiting for? I am the source of all things in creation for you to tap free of charge. Up till now Nigeria and the people of the world have not tapped up to even one zillionth of Point of what is in stock for them. Please, take a step to love and have the grace to enter this new boat of life by selling your heart, not your mind. The Grace is overflowing. Concludes the Press Release.

Suffice to say, less than two weeks after the ultimatum was issued by The Satguru, the Sultan came out to say, “NIGERIA WILL REMAIN ONE UNITED COUNTRY.”
“We should stop looking down on others unless we want to lift them up. We should understand ourselves and respect one another.
“Let us sit down, discuss these issues so that together we can find out what really went wrong. Let us retrace our steps and see where did we start to get things wrong so that we can find the way of sorting things out.
“It is a simple thing because we are eager to live in peace, united and to have a morally upright country based on justice, equity and above all the fear of God.
“So, I am not totally surprised over what is happening. No matter what anybody can say, no matter what is happening, we are still one big family.
“If you see you son misbehaving and decide to keep quiet, it means you are supporting him because no father wants to see his son go astray without doing anything.
“I am confident that Nigeria would still remain as one indivisible entity despite all the agitations in the polity.” ….. ThisDay Newspaper, Friday, June 23, 2017, Front page.


A video surfaced online showing one Alhaji Mekuturu, issuing an ultimatum to all Igbos to leave Lagos. He said, “this is a warning to the Igbos living in Yorubaland, we are giving you from today, Friday, 23rd of October, 2020 until Sunday, 25th of October, 2020, to leave Yorubaland. He further went on to say, from Monday, 26th of October 2020, we will close the roads, stop all the vehicles across Yorubaland and every Igbo’s national will be dealt with accordingly”

Again, I reacted in a Press Release in response to Alhaji Mekuturu asking all Igbos to leave Lagos with Ref: SGMJ SGMJJ/OLF/HSCU/AO/PR/591020 dated October 26, 2020. As captured below:

Fellow Nigerians,


By the Grace of the Grace, I wish to inform fellow Nigerians that the real name of the Impostor called Oyekan’s Son who is asking Igbos to leave Lagos is Alhaji Mekuturu. He is not from The Royal Family of Lagos and so he is unauthorized to act for and on behalf of neither the Royal Family of Lagos nor the Lagos State Government. The content of his broadcast which was aired in the last forty eight hours is full of hatred, frustration and confusion, without regard for human life and the respect for the rule of law and the principle of natural and national justice as enshrined in the Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria and therefore he, the impostor, impersonator and fake ‘Oyekan’s Son should neither be listened to, nor to be believed in the said recorded statement. Rather, he should be reported to the DSS and or Interpol for immediate arrest, interrogation, confinement and prosecution for issuing out threats to life and properties of Nigerians, which is tantamount to treason and felony.

All Igbos and other ethnic groups staying in Lagos should go about doing their legitimate businesses peacefully and be law abiding and be free to exercise their freedom and opinion without fear, favor and prejudice.The Demoniacal aura around him portrays a drug addict, a terrorist and a gangster-paidagent of the El-Rufai group, who want the present Government to fail, in order for them to bastardize the socio-economic and political state of Nigeria, while they loot its treasury, human and material treasures away, in order to dehumanize the social character of the Atlantis Children into modern day slavery, suicide and extinction. It was the same group the Northern Youths who financed him that on June 8, 2017, issued an order that all Igbos must leave the North on or before October 1, 2017. Notable Northern leaders who claim falsely to love the dynamics of Igbos like Babangida, Atiku, Dangote, Junaid, Ciroma, to mention but few etc., did not talk until I pounced on the whole Northern Oligarchy, asking them to tell the world how one can distinguish between Igbo man from Yoruba, Tapa, Ijaw, Fanti, Malian, Cameroonian, etc. and that this order was politically motivated to create psychological warfare to send the whole South into confusion.

This informed My giving the Sultan of Sokoto, who is the head of Muslim Group in Nigeria to correct the Youths otherwise, it shall be deemed that the Northern Oligarchies are indirectly declaring war on blacks through the youths. The Sultan did this through a reply that published in Nigerian Newspaper, the front page of Daily Sun, Wednesday, June 7, 2017 and that saved the situation. (Copy attached) Hence, all mischief makers and manipulators of the polity who are hell-bent in creating disaffection amongst Nigerians, leading to chaos and social incoherence are hereby advised to steer clear and halt their evil game of deceits, otherwise they should be prepared for the worst.

This warning has become necessary because all segments of the constituent ethnic nationalities that make up Nigeria’s nationhood have made a lot sacrifices to keep on course the dream Nigeria of our founding Fathers.They should not forget that by the Special Grace of Maharaj Ji, Nigeria has been declared New Holy Land of the Universe since May 29, 1993 as well as the consecration of “No War In Nigeria, Come What May” on August 16, 1993. Hence, the ill-advised activities of these minor organizers, who are trying to create problems here and there could be likened to hunting in forest of lions with a ‘chakabula’. Going by the way and manner the Northern Herdsmen have been encouraged to kill, maim and destroy life and properties in the South, with impunity, it is highly imperative that the machinery of national security should further be strengthened to cover the VIPs and others involved in sensitive areas of the economy, to prevent any potential threat to their lives and properties, since by extension safety for Lagosians covers all Nigerians, particularly the Southeast and South-South, who are the engine house of the macroeconomic wheel of the state.

It will be necessary to take a census of all those residing in Lagos, in order to assist the government on security because of influx of unknown people and of course give data for economic planning strategy. We are deeply grateful for the timely intervention of the Southwest Group of Governors, ex-Governors and Ministers to assure you all that Nigeria would overcome her problems through peaceful means.

Finally, please, all should remember that we have no place than Lagos and so, all hands must be on deck to salvage it, through hard-work, vigilance, peace, love and harmony.


Many a time, Africa has been described as the Dark Continent, this isn’t due to her lack of resources or people but for rudderless and visionless leaders who are pre-occupied aping the Oyinboman’s mono-cultural values, doctrines and religion to the detriment of her spiritual and economic growth and development. The fight in the ongoing political terrain is focal on the race to free the continent from the shackles of colonialism. Little did our leaders know the new economic drive for social development conceived under many mantras pursued by different governments in the continent are just fruitless journeys in our search for the way forward in combating many socio-economic challenges betiding the continent.

Now we know that man is made up of three things, the body, mind and soul. Yes, the body is the structure made ready to accommodate the soul and mind comes as we interact, gain access to information, process data and take pictures. That leaves us with the question, who is to take control of the body? It is the soul of course! But due to disconnection from the Nucleus Culture and traditional values, transmigration and movements coupled with heavy information war and pogrom that has led to the death of most of the spiritual leaders, one has found it difficult to back stage while helplessly imbibing new concepts, ideas and values about what we call the scriptures today, which was brought to us by the Colonial Masters. As if that was not enough, anybody who practiced the culture of the land, were seen as fetish and perceived as enemies in contrast to what was the norm in those days when the Alaafin’s, Obas and others were actually taking care of our traditionalists to ensure smooth running of our traditional institutions and social coherence.

Unfortunately, we have allowed this situation to linger on for so long under such dangerous hegemony, the truth is bitter as the saying goes. Nonetheless, those who have found out about this dangerous trend, didn’t see the need to control those who were going to be the practitioners of this false new way of communicating with the Creator on paper, thus, embracing the content of the books by force without reservations. Hence, the image we see, rather than helping to uplift the society, it became perpetrators of evil in the society, built along faulty lines of trying to cook, mend a soup that is already sour. (no matter the ingredients added the taste has already been altered)

The last decade, is full of dastardly acts taking place all over the world, particularly the African continent, whereby church services have taken a new form like magical scene, in conducting miracles and healings of different kinds under the pretext of using the books and the power of Jesus which are unarguably proof of African science at its best; with musical instruments and other effects to make the show surreal as if the spirit of God were in their midst while pretentiously ascribing the praise to Jesus Christ. Where did these African men-of-God get their power? Surely, not from the Oyinboman who introduced them or by reading the books.

The only logical conclusion, is that they are using the tradition and culture of the black man to polish/ embellish religion that is why nowadays, touch and fall scenes abound and other kinds of questionable miracles which are organized or stage managed to win converts for economic gains and popularity. Total betrayal of the Nucleus values of transparency, honesty and morality.

For example, sometimes ago, Erelu Agbaye who became popular for her confession indicting the high and mighty in the church caused a big stir in Nigeria’s Christianity environment when she exposed the deceits of these so-called men of God perpetuated under the guise of Religion. In her confession, she revealed a list of top Nigerian pastors who used her powers to do miracles and amassing wealth for themselves in the name of Jesus. She further told of how she buried humans/animals alike in many churches in order to bring in people to sustain the place. These were done not minding the spiritual implications on the society or nation. Also, she spoke about how these church leaders came to her with a “shut up” offering of N85 million if she were to make a statement saying, she was not of sound mind when she was making her confession to the world and go into hiding afterwards. But she refused which subsequently led to several attempts made to take her life. They shot at her severally, but all their efforts amounted to nothing.

What is even more dangerous is the lack of intelligence of some of our leaders which has led to the failure and death of so many African leaders. Failure in terms of economic planning and death as a result of karmic reactions for acts of taboos and abominations committed against the people. Among them includes Frederick Chiluba of Zambia, whose tenure in office as president would be remembered for indictments of corruption charges both home and abroad. Also, Prof. John Atta Mills of Ghana who was known to have a close relationship with TB Joshua, calling him God, died of heart attack at age 68, three days after marking his birthday while in office as Ghanaian President. No sooner that Atta Mills met TB Joshua, he started implementing draconian laws against his fellow Africans. Likewise, George Weah of Liberia, who I arranged through Snr. Reverend Mr Greene to make sure he won the presidential election, Weah won the election, but the Americans manipulated it because they didn’t want somebody who was less educated to be on the Seat of Power, hence, his victory was disallowed. Thus, in order to beat them at their game, he had to further his education, eventually after returning he contested for the Liberian presidency for a third time, which he won. Instead of Weah going to Maharaj Ji, he was stopped because they knew he would support Maharaj Ji Soul Saving Mission, but went to thank TB Joshua. If asked what he gained from there, I would say absolutely nothing!

From the foregoing, these Heads of State share common similarities, they ascribed to TB Joshua the “God status”, as such they all went to him to kneel, pray and seek the face of their God. They were endorsed by him, saying, “they were the one’s chosen by God to lead their people to the promised land,” alas, it was all a hoax. Also, their tenure was characterized by corruption, economic mismanagement, injustice, lest I forget death.

I say with all certainty, if these African leaders had Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, they would at the end of their tenure had their names conspicuously written in Gold on the sand of time undoubtedly. Because Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Grace would have propelled them to make the best decisions for their respective nations and implement workable policies in Africa-No-Crazy Government, the new form of governance that would bring out the best in everything they did.

Sadly, religion has been a potent tool used to manipulate the Blacks all over the world, knowing too well the vast power wedged by using our tradition and culture can’t be underestimated, therefore the need to do away with it. This is buttressed in a letter sent by King Leopold II of Belgium to the missionaries, “Your mission in the Congo is never to teach the niggers to know God, this they know already. Rather, facilitate the task of administrators and industrialists which means you will go to interpret the gospel in the way it will in the best protect your interests. You find texts ordering and encouraging your followers to love poverty, like “Happier are the poor because they inherit the heaven and it’s very difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. You have to detach from them and make reference to their Mystic System and their war fetish – warfare protection and must do everything in your power to make it disappear.” ….. Letter from King Leopold II of Belgium to Colonial Missionaries, 1883. Culled from Vanguard Newspaper, Thursday, October 6, 2005, pg. 46.

Today, it is glaring to everyone the evil and exploitative intentions of the Missionaries who came to deliver the good news of Christ to us and the colossal damage done over past centuries viz-a-viz. But, the sudden appearance of Satguru Maharaj Ji in the world over the past decades has changed the polarity of the situation whereby it is simply out of Grace we have a Black man becoming the Secretary-General of United Nations. But does the ordinary African know that the truth gradually being revealed is nothing but Maharaj Ji’s Divine intervention at work?

One of the reasons that creates doubts in their minds is the name Maharaj Ji, which everyone thinks is of Indian extraction. Have no doubt, if it was Indian, they won’t have allowed the name/personality depart from their midst. No, they would have fought tooth and nail to keep it with them, but divinity has overall transcending powers over the entire creation. That is why as a people, we need to go to the archives, where we will find that the true name of the Creator is MUA-RA-JI which is derived from Sanskrit, the first language spoken by man on earth and not God, El-Shaddai amongst others given to us. But the conspiring Europeans ganged up and changed the spellings to MAHARAJ JI removing any similarity of man’s original language and making it more English. They at times represented Maharaj Ji with Maharaj Ja in order to undermine the supreme vibration of the Holi Name.

They did not stop there, the European Aristocrats conspired to remove the Holi Name, Maharaj Ji from the Holy Books in their illegal Constantinople Conference in AD 21 and further ratified in AD 60, that was the beginning of man’s problems of earth.

Therefore, I want to correct the impression, using mundane things of the world where anything goes to explain. For example, the car, ring, shoe, typewriter, computer etc., being used are gotten from different parts of the world, to make a computer set, different components are sourced from here and there to create a new machine. So, why do we worry and attach more importance to the name rather than the product itself? We need somebody who will drive the car, our focus shouldn’t be on, if he is English, Yoruba or an Igbo man but on how to get a competent driver who will take us to our destination. We need somebody who will carry our load, it doesn’t matter whether it is a horse, camel, lion or an elephant.

So, we want African leaders to take seriously what Dr. Obadiah Mailafia, former deputy governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) said on Nigerian Tribune Newspaper, Monday, June 21, 2021, last page as one of the reasons why Kaunda’s economic policy didn’t work was that he still believed the Europeans could tell the truth and got manipulated to go for, “a pseudo-Guru called Maharishi, who he apparently fell under his spell.” Lest we forget, it was the same Yogi Master, who revealed the bogus act of meditating to the European musical group called The Beatles that made the infamous statement, “we are more popular than Jesus now’. Not knowing that Jesus, an exalted European cult is built to hold the European race together against the Blacks, who always produce the Living Master and that was the beginning of the fall of the Beatles and their eventual split in later years.

Many a time, the White Aristocracy have apologized for the pogrom committed against the Blacks, but none has come out with tangible solutions on a micro level to sort out real data from the unwholesome tons of garbage being dished out to Africa to syphon its wealth of human and material resources, therefore creating a dangerous state of disequilibrium in human behavior, which is the cause of global insecurity and incessant disasters that could lead humanity into another precipice if this state of chicanery that pollutes or depletes the Ozone layer system is allowed to go on unchecked.

Also, you will recall the Guyana tragedy, in which more than 900 Americans, members of a San Francisco religious-based group lost their lives. Their leader, Reverend Jim Jones who was highly manipulated and claimed that he came from an alien planet called heaven and felt the urge to go there, therefore he convinced his followers to go with him, this would be actualized when they end their lives. They all drank poison which eventually ended their lives. What a loss!

In the same vein, there was this man, who acted in the film “Jesus” when racists found out that people in the Southern belt of Africa were beginning to realize who and what Satguru Maharaj Ji is in Nigeria, brought in this guy and published on the media, “Jesus Christ has arrived in Uganda.” Though, it was a stunt, but it is said, “you can’t mock God and Ignorance of the law is not an excuse” the man is not well now, because he was used to mislead the people from going to search for The Light.

Likewise, Olumba Olumba Obu who is the founder of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star with its headquarters situated in Calabar dared to fight The Great Light, Maharaj Ji. The verbal attack made by the then fire co-ordinator, now known as Prof. Nathan Protus was to test the power of Divinity. One Love Family countered this information and as well sent a strong note of warning to those who were responsible to either report to Satguru Maharaj Ji or face the wrath of creation.

Prof. Nathan Protus remorsefully came forward to take responsibility for the verbal attack subsequently, he was forgiven. After his encounter with Satguru Maharaj Ji, he left the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. This bold affront further led to other revelations that signaled the fall of O.O Obu. One of My devotees whom I snatched from the clutches of the Britannia forces and revealed Divine Knowledge to, Sister Mfon Abasi, is one of the Nine Women of Valor, who before the appearance of Satguru Maharaj Ji on the planet earth ruled the world alongside her group. She revealed she was the one who passed her powers to O.O Obu. As his spiritual mother in the mermaid world, she narrated how she gave him a white bird and that was the beginning of his unsubstantiated miracles and other claims to be this and that. The effect of misleading the people and misrepresenting the Creator in order to divert the hearts of the people from seeking the Living Perfect Master- Satguru Maharaj Ji was a verdict passed by the Spiritual Court that he must pay for his actions thus the fall of O. O Obu.
Hence, it is My belief that the rest of us living would not make the same mistake, i.e., robbing Peter to pay Paul. Enough is enough. Remember, what the scriptures said, “the road to destruction is broad and beautiful, while the road to realization is narrow and full of thorns.” Matt 7: 13–14

Sheik Ahmad Gumi, a Nigerian cleric has been using his position and influence to mislead people to have a distorted notion about the Creator. For a people who are mostly uneducated, they are drawn to his teachings which is viewed as a life line out of the oppressive society they find themselves. Until early this year, did he appoint himself as a middle man for negotiating with bandits in the kidnap for ransom crisis plaguing Northern Nigeria. He is known to have said in one of his interviews granted by Channels Television’s “Politics Today” Programme, among other things that the “Fulanis were only on ethnic revenge, engaged in kidnapping to make money and they have nothing like civilization other than the AK 47 guns they carry.” Though the situation is tense, but the solution is simple, saying what the Fulani needed was negotiation and the teachings of Islam … interesting to say the least.

I wonder, who in his right mind would show sympathy to a bandit who has killed and is still killing? If not Gumi. Little wonder, like the saying goes, like father, like son, it runs in the blood. Going by history, his father was the founder of the Izala Sect, who is credited to have started the gradual radicalization of Islam in the North. Ahmad Gumi seems to have forgotten that as a cleric he should be the mouth piece of Allah, PBUH propagating messages of peace instead of he is being seen to be inciting hatred and violence all over. I liken this to the small flame of fire set by the father yesteryears is now being fanned by the son today. May Allah help us all! It will be recalled also that Gumi is an ally of Umar Farouk, who is described as the “Underwear Bomber” that was apprehended on his way en-route Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan, US after a failed attempt to bomb the aircraft. Farouk, allegedly had links with Sheikh Gumi because his phone contact was not only found with him, but he also confirmed Gumi to be one of his associates.

I am of the opinion that a person who frolics with a terrorist, shouldn’t be trusted with sensitive matters that has to do with our national security, no matter how good or honorable his intentions may be. To be forewarned is to be forearmed!

Alhaji Mocadam, an Islamic Cleric who claim to be Oko Aje, the Chairman of World Witches and spiritual adviser to IBB, swore to deal decisively with Satguru Maharaj Ji, if Maharaj Ji would dare meet him at the National Stadium, Lagos. Later on, the government of IBB announced they would not allow such confrontation to take place.

Also, a man of God named Reverend Esiri who resides in Edo State, Benin, heard about Satguru Maharaj Ji and dared to fight The Great Light. In his vain attempt to test the power of God in him, sent out words of challenge to Satguru Maharaj Ji, saying, “if Satguru Maharaj Ji can come to Muritala Mohammed Square in Benin by 9:30 am on Saturday morning, he would use Thunder to blow Maharaj Ji’s head.” Satguru Maharaj Ji accepted the challenge and travelled with some Devotees to Benin from Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

They got to Muritala Mohammed Square by 9:00 am to meet Reverend Esiri for the said appointed time. When we arrived, upon sighting Satguru Maharaj Ji from afar, he became humbled and introduced himself saying everything that happened was all a misunderstanding. Maharaj Ji accepted his apology but insisted he must come with us to all the media houses to retract the statements he made earlier, which he did. That was how Reverend Esiri ate the humbling pie at the Lotus Feet of Maharaj Ji.

In 1995, as part of the plot by Kaduna Mafia to permanently shut the door of the presidency against the Southerners, General Sani Abacha who escaped all attempts by IBB group on his life, staged a bloodless coup against Chief Ernest Shonekan causing shock waves in IBB camp. He was advised to seek powers to protect himself when he then opted for TB Joshua and Pastor Adewole who on the strength of their advice did away with all the Holy Instruments Maharaj Ji gave Abacha. They were able to confuse Abacha who claimed TB Joshua was the next best thing that could happen in his life. Thus, TB Joshua became an Ambassador with special ticket, transport etc. and He resume his dictatorial tendencies. When he started misbehaving, I told him off. That was the beginning of another wahala in the country with Abacha. IBB is still using the items I gave him.

When Abacha couldn’t stand the immense pressure physically and spiritually which made things very difficult for him, he opted to return to the wishes of the Ancestors. He apologized to Me and decided to stage a come-back after all efforts to dislodge Nigerians to make sure he elongated his tenure failed. He decided to make a National Broadcast to hand over power to one of My Devotees on June 9, 1998 but it was too late. It was on the eve of the broadcast the Muslim hierarchy in Nigeria organized Yasser Arafat to come and finished him with Anthrax, that was how he died.

The media is no exception. Up till now, they are still calling Satguru Maharaj Ji “self-acclaimed” as well as so easy to accept envelops to falsify Maharaj Ji’s personality without cause or reason unaware that ignorance of the law is no excuse. No wonder Buhari is trying to gag the Press if they could fail to realize that Maharaj Ji is the absolute end to Information War against the Blacks and their condition of horror and woe.

Religion or calling on Jesus is like tying one’s face, two legs and being thrown into the sea. One has no chance of survival. Despite Africa’s enormous human and material resources they are still going and struggling in the wrong direction. The problem of the Black race is spiritual. All the blacks need to do is to drop the colonial/hybrid names, like Walter, Michael, Bloyy, Cynthia, Florence etc., the Continent should embrace her culture and languages in order to discover the secret of science, and they will find out that more than 50% of the fight have been won, only then will the Ancestors answer, because they are the originators of life.

Remember, the world has laid down a systematic siege against The Giver of Life and his human kind, that is why the decision for resolving issues are not given spiritual considerations. To join the status presented by the coalition of White Nations to suppress the Blacks with their technological fits because they know that when this Grace is known by the Blacks that will be the end of the feud between the two, and the old argument as to whether God is Black or White. The journey through self-realization starts with you, the whole idea is your devotion, love and sincerity. Whoever, seeks the truth will always find love, peace and harmony. I believe that I have brought harmony to the world and everybody is entitled to it. That is why I have declared the whole world holy and the particular nation which host the Great Light, automatically becomes the New Holy Land.

Lest not forget, the Oyinboman is watching as we fight each other, likewise all our children are running away. Africa is struggling under brain drain deficits as our economic giants flee for greener pastures in dangerous zones. In order to save the situation, let’s invite, call or use Maharaj Ji now. He is the only and surest way to emancipate the Black man and the world from the brink of destruction.


The world today is predominantly divided into two religious’ blocs among others. Namely Christianity and Islam. They are basically new comers in the religious circle and their foundations are laid on the doctrine of calling on a God you cannot see, die to see God in heaven or Al’jana in the sky and reading books to know about the Creator.

The Creator is nature itself. Just like the elements in creation, certainly I can feel the brightness of the sun, air on my skin, hotness of fire, solidness of Mother Earth etc. Does it mean, I need to read books before I can relate with my Maker, even though I am made in the likeness of His image? Why do I have to meet my Creator on a book? Does this mean an illiterate can’t relate with her Creator? Their doctrine dictates that believers as a matter of necessity must go on pilgrimage to the Holy Sites of Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and so on in order to have a first-hand experience of the life and times of the past Master while he lived on earth. And so, believers are encouraged to make this journey even if it is once in a life time.

It is common knowledge that the Masters of that time are no more physically present to lead and guide their followers. They have all come and gone. Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed etc., are long gone. I mean, what does a student intend to achieve by attending a class when the teacher is conspicuously absent? How does it help their bid to learn? Can it be compared to a classroom where both the teacher and students are interacting together? The obvious answer is No. The crux of the matter is, to a believer, what are the spiritual benefits of embarking on pilgrimage for enriching ones soul and enhancing its spiritual life to a land that has lost the Holy Land Status and right to qualify as home for Pilgrimage because the Master is no longer there?

Why then do the promoters of these illusionary doctrines, still sell their products to ignorant and unsuspecting patrons? Is there an underling goal to be achieved other than what they make us to believe? For instance, Christians who are one of the late comers into the religious scene, going on pilgrimage to Jerusalem can be questioned. I mean, Jesus Christ is alleged to have completed His earthly service and ascended some 2,000 years ago, while same can be said for the Muslims whose Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Unto Him) lived most of his life in Mecca and Medina are encouraged to do so as well. Yet, fulfilling this obligation by going on pilgrimage does not stop pilgrims from dying the next day in a plane crash, falling ill, getting involved in road accident, bomb blast, kidnapping and abduction etc. The worse is they are left spiritually bankrupt with no possibility of connecting with the Creator, because these so-called Holy Lands are plastic monuments that carries little or no vibration.

For a start, the Oyinboman didn’t write the scriptures. Rather, they were stolen from Oyo-Ile in Ibadan and cleverly doctored to sap the Blackman dry. At such, the names, places and events mentioned there-in are all happenings that occurred in Africa when the world was one big land mass.

Perhaps, could it be for economic benefits? Millions of pilgrims converge in Mecca therefore accumulating foreign earnings of $12 billion. Likewise, Christian pilgrims journeying to Israel, grossing about $1.5 billion Not to mention, the amount realized from the sales of different literatures/publications and other religious materials promoting these past Masters to the detriment of the Black man. The amount is staggering!

Surely, Holy Ghost fire has not worked, events of the last 2 years have proven that this make-believe called religion are simply acts of deceit conned by the Euro-Arabian slave masters. The Coronavirus among others have revealed that calling on these alien Gods can’t help but heighten ones fears and insecurities. What we saw all over the world and even the so-called Holy Lands from 2020 which has lingered on to 2021 were waves of deaths and a total/partial lock down simply to avoid being infected by the virus. Behold, calling on God, Allah, Jesus, Angelus, Krishna, Buddha didn’t help in stopping the stealthy hands of death from grabbing their beloved followers from its stranglehold. So, what role did they play in combating the virus or shielding their believers from dying, if truly they guide and protect? Because, it would have been a very simple task for them. Also, their Generals (men of God) were conspicuously missing in action. No crusade, vigil, prayers and fasting, ablution, sprinkling of holy water, burning of candles etc., were effective. What about all those pastors dishing out miracles of healing here and there on National Television, they all went into hiding, revealing their faces only on virtual online to continue spreading their messages of deceit? It only goes to prove that these are all spiritual gymnastics that can never lead man to reach his desired goal.

Meanwhile, just as Coronavirus was spreading like a wild fire all over the world, Satguru Maharaj Ji and the Children of Light killed and buried the virus on March 21, 2020 at City Hall, on Catholic Mission Street, Lagos Island, Lagos in a Public Lecture captioned “Absolute End To Modern-Day Slavery and The Only Way Forward” and thereby uplifting the world spiritually from the Highest Spiritual Centre of The Universe, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan without harboring fear of contacting the dreaded novel virus when the ghost of COVID-19 was still on the prowl and killing people, Maharaj Ji in His infinite Love and Mercy during the 9-Day celebration of the 33rd Year Anniversary of Founding Maharaj Ji Village and committed some Divinely selected Premies to Marathon Meditation, when the Children of Light meditated on The Light, they arrested and killed the ghost of COVID-19.

Also, what moral justification does these countries have to still lay claim to being called Holy Lands, when there are conflicts among herself and others nation? For example, there is continued hostility and wedging of war with other countries. Killings and other atrocities are committed which are glaring to the sight, yet everyone look the other direction. Saudi Arabia is at war with Yemen and are busy importing arms and ammunitions to kill Allah’s children. They cut the limbs of adults and even children alike, stone citizens for alleged witchcraftcy, beheading are all carried out in public glare to serve as punishment for varying degrees of offences which are executed under Royal permission or discretion of the judge.

Israelis on the other side of the divide are busy bombing the Gaza strip killing civilians and even children in a bid to destroy terrorists with arms purchased from allied nations. Can they truly be called Holy Lands? Enough is enough, promoters of deceits, let My children go, their true Father is here. Satguru Maharaj Ji is here now. No more traveling abroad on pilgrimage to those plastic monuments that produced societies where we have to throw stones to kill satan. Since the advent of the missionary crusade, the Blackman have paid a very high price for embracing an alien God which have been of no real benefit to her. They have mostly been at the receiving end of this dog-eat-dog farce called religion that has broken homes, offices and ruin nations.

Satguru Maharaj Ji’s One Love Family is neither a religion, nor a cult, sect, fraternity etc., He has not come to introduce to us a new doctrine, dogma or ideology. Maharaj Ji’s teachings are based on love. Loving the Creator and every face you see. Regardless of race, religion, status, gender and so on. Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Master of all the Masters. He is the same one who have been coming in these different bodies in the past to represent the Creator (MAHARAJ JI) physically on the planet earth. His Sole Mission is to save your live and reveal the Knowledge of the Creator within man. He is the only and surest link between the Creator and man today. No one else. Before the coming of Satguru Maharaj Ji, humanity never had it so good. Now, we have somebody who truly cares and a camel that can carry our loads on our behalf. In His hands lays the secret key to dissolve and resolve all conflictsand global disasters.

Today, Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Word that was made Flesh at the beginning. He has come to enlighten the world. He is the Holy Man, the teacher present in the classroom teaching, guiding, giving instructions 24 hours round the clock, non-stop. Just glazing and hearing His platinum diamond voice your problems disappear, taking the Nectar from His Lotus Feet cleanse you of sins. Instead of the solemn looking portrait or statue of past Masters.

He is the Light of the Creator shining now. Come on pilgrimage, all roads lead to Satguru Maharaj Ji Village, Km. 10, Ibadan/Lagos Expressway, Odo-Ona Kekere, Oluyole LGA, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The New Holy Land Of The Universe. To feel the Sun shine.


What do you think Jesus meant when He said, “Don’t put your faith in the world because things of the world would pass away, but put your trust in God who doesn’t pass away? It is obvious, isn’t it? If you are leaning on something that is going to be snatched away from you anytime, you are going to fall and if you are depending for your peace of mind or inner stability, whatever you want to call it, on something that ends or changes, then you are going to get an unpleasant shock.

But that is riduclous, isn’t it? Doesn’t everything end? Our body, ideas, beliefs and concepts, the people around us, the things we do. Yes, it is true; yet Jesus said don’t put your trust in these things. Instead, He puts an alternative. He suggested someone called God who never ends. For people today, though, that is just another belief or concept, beliefs and concepts are not enough. They are just ideas in our heads. We can believe there are millions of naira in the bank, but no matter how much we believe in it, it is not going to make us rich.

Jesus did not mean this. He gave a direct and practical experience of God, and a practical experience cannot be denied. It is the same for all who have it and it is in its own proof. The same Spirit in a different Body is giving the same experience today. He is SATGURU MAHARAJ JI. We know it is just incredible to believe. But do not believe, come and see. Test Him yourself.



Religion, as an opium of the masses has brought nothing but pain, misery, death, uncertainty, poverty and backwardness to the people. It has failed in all its glories and in all honesty has done more harm than good to the Black race. Over the centuries, we have lost some of our best and brightest stars to the clutches of religion, who otherwise would have been alive today. But for this cankerworm that has eaten deep into our social fabrics, the only way forward is to backstage and embrace our culture and tradition.

The Black heritage is jettisoned for alien religion. The society today takes great pride in introducing how White they have become in their homes, forgetting that they can’t be more White than the Europeans. Foreign languages have become our lingual franca. They have gone as far as substituting their native attires for suits and tie, skirts and blouse, trousers, men now plait and perm the hair, put stud earrings to look more fashionable. Women are now standing on the pulpit to preach in the church, even when it is said in the same books, “women are not allowed to do so.” (1 Timothy 2: 12) Also, nudity has now become the order of the day, whereby the less wears you have on, the more fashion savvy you are considered to be. Equally more worrisome, is the fact that our royal fathers who are the custodian of our culture and tradition, now bear foreign names, wear foreign attires, bear religious titles. Some time ago, an Oba from one of the Western states made head line news for sitting on the throne of his forefathers in Jeans and T-shirt or the Kabiyesi who substituted his traditional title for a religious one, to say the least. Taboos and sacrileges are committed in the name of assimilating Western culture and religion. For the Blacks not to lose their identity, we must inculcate the habit of speaking our languages and not alien languages as our lingual franca, change our Oyinbo names to African names, eat locally made food and not fertalized or genetical modified food (GMOs) etc.

Now, the latest trend is the bridal romance between religious groups and the political class. We see them all over the place from cities, states, nations and even continents, they go around soliciting God’s endorsement from religious leaders. Instances are abound of men and women who have found it rewarding to play along religious corridors to garden power to gain victory in political elections. Though, Nigeria is a secular state, with the affairs of the state long separated from religious affairs, but due to quest for spiritual powers and influence, the romance still continues. Moreso, months before elections, you will witness an influx of political elites scrambling for more anointing from men-of-God. They go to pastors/prophets of God who make predictions to further convince their members that they truly heard from God, being His right hand men. They have used this tactics to curry favor from politicians in order to receive economic gains. For example, ex-President Jonathan went as far as kneeling before a popular pastor and making monetary donations to religious groups in the country to receive God’s special anointing before his defeat at the 2015 presidential election. El-Rufai bowing to a leader of an Islamic group in the same state he now governs. The list is endless. Below are some of Africa’s illustruous sons and daughters who were misled by religion.


Chief Adegoke Adelabu who is popularly known as Penkelemesi was born on September 3, 1915. He came from a humble background, but with hard work and perservance, he became an influential figure in Ibadan politics and the Western Region. Before Nigeria gained her independence in 1960, he was Nigeria’s Minister for Natural Resources and Social Services and the opposition leader in the old Western Regional Assembly until his death in 1958.

As a believer in African tradition, he and other nationalists attended one of the constitutional conferences that took place in London. Story had it, the legendary traditionalist astonished the British colonial powers, when the British authorities threw their zoo open and charged the Nigerian delegates that if any of them could enter the cage and play with the wild and hungry lion, Nigeria will be granted her independence. To the chagrin of all, Penkelemesi, been a core-traditionlist, accepted the challenge. He got up and entered the cage and began playing with the lions. This singular incident compelled the colonialists to surrender and accept to grant Nigeria her independence. It was further agreed, he would be Nigeria’s First Prime Minister.

But the enemies were not happy with this feat. They came unsuspectingly with their suggestions for him to go on pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina to further fortify his nucleus powers. Though, he declined initially but succumbed afterwards. Unknown to him the die had been casted. Before he travelled, some elders in yoruba land called him and advised him, even though he would be travelling on pilgrimage, it was their wish that he wouldn’t lose himself to the alien religion. He assured them he was only going to fulfill an obligation. Afterwards, he went on pilgrimage and upon his return, he refused to the appease the Deities and Oracles who have always supported him. Slowly but surely, the Nucleus powers within him became weakened as he jettisoned the African culture and tradition for the alien one introduced to him, in the process committing several taboos. i.e., going against the dos and don’ts of the powers within him. Subsequently, our Ancestors felt disappointed and turned their backs on him.

The programming was such that Chief could not escape a planned motor accident, which occurred on Mile 51, Lagos/Ibadan Expressway, close to Shagamu. Unfortunately, as he was returning from Lagos to Ibadan accompained by a Syrian business man their car was hit by an oncoming vehicle and both of them died instantly. The enemies had their way and Adelabu never lived to witness Nigeria gaining political independence on October 1, 1960 or being Nigeria’s first Prime Minister.


Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola, popularly known as M. K. O. Abiola from Egba Clan was born into an Aristocrat family on August 24, 1937. He was a businessman, publisher and politician who backed the traditional title of the Aare Ona Kakanfo XIV of Yorubaland. Chief MKO Abiola ran for the 1993 presidency, for which the election results were declared annulled by the presiding military Head of State, Ibrahim Babangida, IBB because the Kaduna Mafia alleged that the election was unfair and marred by corrupt practices. Though, Chief MKO support in the June 1993 presidential election cut across geo-political zones and religious divisions.

He saw and admired the Great Light but could not embrace Maharaj Ji fully. When The Satguru relocated to Nigeria, the High Chief from Egbaland was among members of the political class to be contacted with a view to assisting in the propagation of The Light to the people of the world, starting from Nigeria. Chief MKO was the only one among the then political leadership of the country that responded to Maharaj Ji’s message of love for saving humanity.

In the event of the brohaha that ensued after the June 12 General Election, which was adjudged both at home and abroad by electoral observers as the freest and fairest election ever held in the history of Nigeria, there was strong conviction down the heart of Chief MKO Abiola that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the only One he can entrust the responsibility of representing him in the deliberations with the ruling military junta, regarding the search for peaceful resolution and restoration of the mandate given to him by Nigerians. Satguru Maharaj Ji accepted the offer and participated fully through His able representatives in the persons of Chief Oloye Salami, an Ibadan High Chief and Chief Fani Kayode a.k.a Fani Power, his lawyer during the deliberations of National Reconciliation Committee set up by Gen. Sani Abacha in order to broker peace and return the country to normalcy.

Though, MKO Abiola was gettting close to Maharaj Ji, the closeness was not enough for him to receive Divine Knowledge. All the same, the closeness sent panic waves down the spines of the trio of Alhaji Alao Arisekola, Alhaji Ajagbemogeferi and Chief Adedibu, the strong man of Ibadan politics, who are stooges of the Sokoto Caliphate in the South-West of Nigeria. Their fear was aggravated when Chief MKO Abiola gave Alhaji Ajagbemogeferi one of the tracts of Maharaj Ji and Maharaj Ji appeared in his bedroom in the night, even as the main gate to the compound and all the doors and windows of the building were securely locked. This perplexing development as to how Satguru Maharaj Ji entered his room, prompted them to write a letter to the then Sultan of Sokoto warning that Abiola will be very difficult to control if eventually he was allowed to be the President of Nigeria.

Consequent upon this development, the Sultan of Sokoto wrote to IBB advising that making Chief President will be counter-productive to the interest of the North. IBB, therefore, got the election result annulled! This was the real reason behind the annulment of the June 12 election. Hence, whatever reasons, that was adduced by IBB for the election annulment were concocted falsehood to deceive the people. The same group manipulated Abiola to swear-in himself as President at Campus Square Lagos, which eventually led to his death. Had it been that Abiola received Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, listened and abided by Maharaj Ji’s Divine instructions, he would have become the President of Nigeria, because Satguru Maharaj Ji would have guided and protected him, just in the same manner, Maharaj Ji did for Obasanjo, who eventually became President in spite of all odds.


He was born on July 21, 1994 in Tarkwa, Ghana. He was a politician and legal scholar and served as Ghanaian president from 2009 until his death in 2012. He suffered a heart attack three days after his 68 years old birthday. He is known as a friend of TB Joshua and visited SCOAN several times. He is quoted to have said, “TB Joshua was instrumental to him being in office as president”. He has referred to TB Joshua as his god severally who also doubles as his personal pastor/physician. Though, he went to TB Joshua in search for a cure for his ailment, until his death, he didn’t receive any miraculous healing from the man of God.

His tenure was known for draconian laws against the Blacks. He was not patriotic to fellow Africans. As such, propagated laws that would only serve the selfish interest of few and not the overall good of the nation/continent. The laws were discriminatory against fellow Africans from other nationalities.


He is the first democratic president of Zambia after the introduction of multi-party system in 1991. He was born on April 30, 1943 in Kitwe and died on June 18, 2011 at the age of 68, after suffering heart failure. He is also one of those political leaders who went to TB Joshua to seek God’s approval for running for the country’s presidential election. He saw TB Joshua as his God and took to every word spoken by him literally. Even though, he was endorsed and backed by this so-called man of God, that didn’t translate to real economic growth and political stability for his country.

Though, they maintained close contact until his demise, still his tenure was dogged with corruption allegations home and abroad, siphoning of public funds to private bank accounts. He eventually left office in 2002 after an unsuccessful attempt to change the country’s constitution to allow him run for a third term in office.


The late General was born on September 20, 1943 in Kano. He became Head of State after a military coup in November 1993. He served as Nigerian military general from 1993 until his death in 1998. It is common knowledge that there was no post mortem carried out after his death to ascertain the cause. His government was accused of wide spread human rights abuses, in which case, Nigeria was suspended from the Common Wealth of Nations after the execution of nine human rights activists. His tenure was best known for destruction and brutality. He was said to have stolen billions of dollars which were stashed in foreign accounts. Though he stole billion of dollars before he died but he never got the chance to spend his loot. He is one of the few Heads of States, though dead, still gift Nigeria money! What an irony!!

Suffice to say, late General Abacha was in close contact with TB Joshua and pastor Adewole and felt TB Joshua was the best thing that could happen to him, yet on the whole as the Head of State, he didn’t make any meaning impact in the lives of the people and the nation’s economic. Until the later part of his stay in office, he realized who and what Satguru Maharaj Ji is and decided to embrace The Great Light again. He decided to make a National Broadcast to hand over power to one of My Devotees on June 9, 1998 but it was too late for him. Because on the eve of the broadcast the Muslim hierarchy in Nigeria organized Yasser Arafat to come and finished him with Anthrax, and that was how he died.


The late Tanzanian president won the 2015 presidential election. He was a close friend of TB Joshua. He frequents the church for special prayers. He died of heart complications at a hospital on March 26, 2021 at age 61. He like others sort the endorsement of the man-of-God. Equally more astonishing was that he was known for his authoritarian leadership style and the bulldozer of human rights and freedom of the press. As such, he was revered and loathed at the same time by his people. Also, his association with TB Joshua raised eye brows from different walks of life, they questioned his continued romance with the Prophet among others.


She is a Malawian politician, was born on April 12, 1950. She was said to have visited SCOAN severally of which till date, the role she played in the death of her predecessor, Bingu Wa Mutharika is still not clear to all. Owing to the fact that TB Joshua was said to have been instrumental to his death, he predicted the then president would die and she would take over as president. This prediction was made when she served under his government as Vice President. This prediction eventually came to pass. Bingu Wa Mutharika died of heart attack on April 5, 2012.

Known as the first female president of Malawi. She became the president of Malawi on April 7, 2012 and her tenure lasted till May 31, 2014 after losing the presidential election. Subsequently, she fled the country. Though, the country is known as one of the poorest in Africa, it was mired with massive corruption scandal which exposed government officials and her members of her cabinet siphoning millions of dollars of public funds. Also, she openly supported homosexuality which is un-African and unbiblical. Her god and mentor, TB Joshua chose to look the other way. His in fluence was so much in the country that the nation induced a probe of his prophecy in the cause of late Mutharika’s demise.


Satguru Maharaj Ji, the distinguished and venerable spiritual luminary, stands as the sagacious and esteemed Head of the One Love Family, an amalgamation of both Nigerian nationals and individuals hailing from diverse corners of the global tapestry, who have been bestowed with the ineffable and transcendent gift of Divine Knowledge by the venerable Satguru himself. Within the sacred and harmonious folds of this cosmic familial entity, there reside Nigerians of multifarious ethnicities, encompassing the rich mosaic of Igbos, Yorubas, Hausas, Efiks, Idomas, Binis, Urhobos, Igallas, and a myriad of others, all bound by the common thread of spiritual enlightenment and a shared aspiration for a united, harmonious, and flourishing Nigeria. It is with unwavering commitment that we, the members of this eclectic family, ardently strive towards the realization of a collective vision for a Nigeria that transcends the boundaries of ethnic diversity, fostering unity and prosperity for the greater good of the nation, the entirety of the black race, and indeed, the entirety of humankind. Phone No: +234 803 719 2667 Email: [email protected]

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  1. AP Omamerie Ariegwe

    2023-08-05 at 8:55 PM


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Being the Universal Headquarters of One Love Family, the Alajobi of Old, Maharaj Ji Village is variously known as The Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Centre for Conflict Resolution, Centre for Divine Knowledge, Home for Holy Pilgrimage and Tourism, the Divine School of Possibilities, Throne of Light, Home for Succor and Hospitality, Home of Inventions, Centre For Free Skill Acquisition etc.

Satguru Maharaj Ji Village is rightly known as the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe because it is the dwelling home of all the forces controlling the affairs of the Universe namely: the Divine Forces of Love, the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Forces, the Galaxies and the Milky Way, who are all under the command and control of The Satguru. Of course, like the saying goes, wherever God lives, Satan will always go there to put up a small tent, as a platform to lay ambush, in order to trap the disobedient and weaker ones among God’s children.

Hence, destructive spirits propelled by mermaid, emere, ogbanje and witchcraft equally co-habit with forces of goodwill at the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, because they get magnetized by The Light in the same manner, light attracts insects physically. But, because the power of The Light is absolute and supreme, their negative activities are totally neutralized by The Light, all the same, they tarry with a view of trapping disobedient and weaker souls, who though, at the Lotus Feet of The Lord and Savior, lack the wisdom to understand the mission of The Satguru on earth, hence indulge in uncalled–for games to destabilize the Divine order of things.

Thus, all spiritual problems, known and unknown, no matter the magnitude gets melted away the moment one steps foot in Maharaj Ji Village as the ultimate home of the Forces of Love and all Spirits in Creation.
Welcome on Pilgrimage, we are supremely blessed!




I am SP Ejugo Akpor, aka Action Man. I hail from Iriri, Isoko-South LGA, Delta State. I received the Divine Knowledge of my Father Satguru Maharaj Ji on September 25, 1988 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I am a professional Plant Engineer and a staff of TICTS shipping Line Ltd, Apapa Wharf, Lagos.

In the month of April, 2012, I had a spiritual experience where I was stripped off the clothes I was wearing. I knew that such an experience spelt danger, but remained unshaken since I was already a devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji, also, knowing my life was 100% secured.

One day, a man who introduced himself as a powerful native doctor visited my residence at 229, old Ojo Road, Badagry Expressway, Lagos and informed me that the purpose of his visit was to inform me that he foresaw grave danger lurking to claim my life and I should bring some amount of money for him to perform some rituals in order to avert the danger.

I told the native doctor, plainly, that I don’t need his services because as a devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji, I was already in comfortable company with the owner of the Power that is above all powers in Creation. Three days later, the native doctor came again looking visibly disturbed. According to him, doomsday was at hand. Again, he was disappointed as I refused to yield to his demands. On Sunday, I went to the Ashram at Festac for devotion obligations and left the mission in the evening for my house. On getting home, I observed that a crowd-my neighbors had gathered at this house. As I alighted from my car, I took notice that those present were attempting to kill a big alligator that was about entering my house. Every available item was converted into an instrument for the purpose of killing the alligator, some of which got damaged in the process, yet the alligator refused to die.

Finally, the alligator was killed and those around advised that the alligator should be buried, because it was not ordinary, hence, members of the group that sent it were likely to come and exhume it. The decision was therefore taken to burn it to ashes. This was done by me because I was not satisfied with the level of cremation, I brought a gallon of 5 liters of petrol and poured about two liters on the burnt alligator.

From nowhere, the remaining three liters in the gallon caught fire, rather than throwing away the container; I began blowing off the flame with my mouth while still carrying the container.

Gradually, the gallon began to melt in my hand. Maharaj Ji manifested and screamed “papa throw away the container, can’t you see that is petrol!” Instantly, I regained my senses from that confused state and realized what was happening and threw away the jerry can which exploded mid-air to the bewildered crowd, setting the immediate vicinity aflame.

Ever since, my residence has turned to a Mecca of sort, by those who want to behold the sight of the man who defied death by the whiskers. Some callers to my residence later confessed that the alligator was sent to me in order to settle scores with me because I was the only stumbling block militating against the operations of the forces of darkness in the area. Hence, they saw the need to get rid of me by all means, so that they can have their way to operate without hindrance.



My name is Service Premie Udo Udo Okon. I was born on August 18, 1959. I am a native of Ikot Akpatek in Onna LGA, Akwa Ibom State. I received the Divine Knowledge of my Father Satguru Maharaj Ji on April 22, 2006 at the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

Before I received Divine Knowledge, I was a church goer, but the more I went to church, the more I encountered problems. Due to too much problems, I prayed not in the name of Jesus but to my Creator, that He should direct me to where I will worship Him and have salvation.

By Maharaj Ji’s Grace on April 18, 2008, I was travelling from Cameroon to Malabo along the high sea in a very big boat that was up to three poles high and could carry up to a hundred vehicles; the boat uses the Caterpillar Engine. As I travelled alongside about 140 other passengers on the boat, I observed the boat was overloaded when I complained, they assured me it was okay that I should be calm.

On our way, we encountered a storm, which brought in water and made the boat to capsize. At this point, it became a tale of survival of the fittest. I was hanging on the floater for more than three days until I became very weak but continued to call on Maharaj Ji to come to my rescue as I was filled despair with no hope insight. Looking around me on the high sea, other passengers had drowned. But I never stopped calling on the Holi Name, begging Maharaj Ji to help me. It was then I recalled my grandmother who raised me and thinking if that was how I was going to lose my life without she reaping the fruits of her labor or saying goodbye to her. So many thoughts came to my mind.

But in all I kept on calling on Maharaj Ji. Just when I was about to let go due to the numbness and the water was already at waist level about to swallow me. Then, I noticed I was standing on a solid platform, unbelievable a rock from nowhere emerged in the middle of the high sea, I was standing on it! I started laughing like someone who was crazy. Oh Maharaj Ji, you have done it again for me. “I won’t die but live, thanks Maharaj Ji where the words coming out of my mouth.” Later, I heard Maharaj Ji’s voice saying I shouldn’t panic that Maharaj Ji is in control. I got encouraged. At this point, I was standing on the rock and kept on moving, moving for about 3 meters to ascertain if I was in a dream. Because, it felt more like a spiritual experience but it was a real-life experience.

I was there on the rock for more than one hour before I sighted a speed boat coming from Malabo, I was waving my hands. The speed boat came straight to where I stood on the rock. When the occupants of the boat saw me standing on the rock in the sea, they were very afraid and asked whether I was a ghost. I was speechless, because I didn’t have any strength to utter a word so, I used my hands to communicate with them.

The people on the speed boat were all baffled as to why I was standing on a rock, when they knew very well on that particular route, you only see water. So, where did the rock come from. I was rescued and asked where I came from and I told them I am an Akwa Ibomite, they said Akwa Ibom and Cameroon are neighbors, and they don’t care whether I was a ghost or not. They asked me what I stood on was water and I said I didn’t know. They took me on their boat to Ebecomb, asked where I worshipped, I replied, I am a Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji. They further inquired who is Maharaj Ji? I told them that MAHARAJ JI is the Creator we have been looking for. I was advised to hold my Creator tight. They dropped me at Ebecomb and asked the people of the community to take good care of me. The people of the community boiled warm water for me to bath but I couldn’t bath myself.

They sprinkled the warm water on my body and I became warm. After which they paid my transport to Umafi, I came back home. Umafi was where I resided in Cameroon. On my arrival at the Umafi, the story had spread like wild fire because it was a mystery for one to be standing on high sea without sinking. People came en masse to see the man whom they tagged the “Mysterious Man” because none of the other occupants in the boat survived as the boat capsized. I was the last and only man standing!
I thank my father Satguru Maharaj Ji, the wonder working name for saving my life on the high sea (Atlantic Ocean). Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji Jai.



I am SP Sister Ayakwe Wike. I received the Divine Knowledge of Maharaj Ji on November 22, 2018. I am from Wike Village in Rumuoprikom in Obiakpor LGA of Rivers. I graduated from University of Port Harcourt with B.Sc. in Microbiology.

I am the first daughter of the Wike family. Three of my younger siblings, SP. Mama Chigeru, Mama Adanne and Mama Oruwwum are devotees of Satguru Maharaj Ji, The Living Perfect Master. I and the ex-governor of Rivers State, Governor Wike share the same grandparent.

We lost our mother not quite long ago and our father, Mr Sunny Ayakwe is not yet in Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji. Since we received Divine Knowledge, our elder brother was opposed to the idea of receiving Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge and hence conspired with his immediate younger brother to eliminate our father and the three of us, who are his younger sisters, with a view of taking over our father’s properties, located here and there, both in the village and Port Harcourt.

He lives in Port Harcourt and several reports came to us that he was maltreating the house-help that was living with him. Shortly before our mother died, and on agreement with our father, she went to our brother’s house and decided to bring the house help down to the Village, so that we can assist in her up-bringing, considering her low family background. In an ironic twist of fate, and unknown to us, this very girl which we rescued from my elder brother’s hands, turned out to become a torn in our flesh.

She started secretly to fraternize with the same elder brother of ours and both meet regularly at Bonny Camp area of Port Harcourt, where he visits for the purposes of collecting house rent from tenants in the makeshift’s buildings. From there, both hatched and perfected their final evil plan to finish our family. She started executing their demonic clandestine activities without any body having an iota of suspicion of her evil project of finishing everybody in the family. However, what baffled everybody in the house was that at times she will fall sick and quite naturally, we felt that she was having malaria attack or typhoid fever and we got her treated. During such times, she would complain bitterly of hearing strange voices and seeing strange faces coming to warn her.

Lo and behold, by Maharaj Ji Grace, the cat was let out of the bag one day and all of us were shocked down to our spines. On that fateful day, she prepared a meal for the family at the end of which she served. Everybody was terribly hungry and just as we were about to eat, a visitor came and our Daddy directed that we have to attend to the visitor first before eating. Initially, we were not happy about it, due to hunger but we had to bow to Daddy’s wish according to our culture. Meanwhile, after dishing the meal, the house-help unceremoniously disappeared from the house and headed to her family house.

However, by the time we finished with the visitor and we rushed for our meal, we got disappointed because both the food, plates and cooking pots disappeared without a trace. “Wonders shall never end!” everybody yelled. “What is happening?” was the question on everybody’s lips? This confounding mystery forced our daddy to proceed to the “glass house”, in order to unravel the mystery. Right there, it was revealed to him, he saw a bearded man in long white flowing robe with head-tie to match came in and carried the food in the plates and pots and disappeared from the house.

It was equally revealed that the same bearded-man used to visit her in the company of some elders to warn her in her evil plots in the past to finish the family. It was there and then her allusion to hearing and seeing strange beings, whenever we thought she was sick with malaria attack or typhoid fever made real sense to us. Equally understood was the fact that her recalcitrant behavior, and resolve to kill everybody resulted in her being tormented by the Ancestors for not listening to their timely warnings.

Lo and behold, The Seen and Unseen, Satguru Maharaj Ji, while in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan, The Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe manifested physically in Wike Village, Rumuoprikom in Obiakpor LGA, River State, to save Nwike Family from food poisoning, clandestinely carried out by a girl we wholeheartedly brought into the house to assist in her upbringing, so that she can become somebody in the society.

If not for Maharaj Ji, the whole Nwike’s family would have disappeared just like that.


A SPOKESPERSON for the Vatican has officially announced today that the second coming of Jesus, the only son of the God, may not happen now after all, but urged followers to still continue with their faith, regardless of the news.

Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore told WWN that this years 1,981st anniversary is to be the Vatican’s last in regards to waiting for the Lord to return to Earth. “We just feel Jesus is not coming back by the looks of it.” he said. “It’s been ages like. He’s probably flat out doing other really good things for people somewhere else.” Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus promised his disciples that he would come again in chapter John 14:1-3 of the bible: “There are many homes up where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with Me where I am. If this weren’t so, I would tell you plainly” The Vatican defended Jesus’ broken promise, claiming “he was probably drinking wine” at the time when he made the comments. “Having the ability to turn water into wine had its ups and its downs.” added Cardinal Salvadore. “We all make promises we can’t keep when we’re drunk. Jesus was no different.”
The church said it will now focus attentions on rebuilding its reputation around the world, but will keep an optimistic mind for the savior’s second coming.

Look Around you deaths pain fear agony Confusion Are order of the day and you Say Satguru Maharaj Ji should leave you alone


Today, Maharaj Ji is the ultimate cover against all dangers. Wherever you are, in Africa, Russia, China, Europe, United States of America, Australia etc., sing Arti and by the Grace of MAHARAJ JI things will never fall apart.

ARTI is the most perfect hotline to The Creator, the victory song which has been hidden from man from time immemorial. Since time past, we did not know that such a Song existed, nor did we know that the original Spiritual name of The Creator is MAHARAJ JI, derived from Sanskrit the mother tongue of Creation, which the European elites changed to God. Allah, Yahweh, El-Shaddai, Jehovah etc., at their illegal Constantinople Conference of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of man’s problems in life, and the colonial master’s deceit with books, concepts and philosophies about the Creator and Creation.

When the world lets you down and there is nobody around, sing ARTI and you will feel the presence of the Savior and Angels of Life and the Ancestors around you with overflowing joy, peace and bliss. Singing ARTI at the right time raises the dead and guarantees your safety 100% on Land, Sea and Air. It makes the farmer’s crops grow bigger and yield bumper harvests come rain or no rain. While it makes the student to be intelligent, it makes the trader, businessman or worker to feel contented, progressive and hopeful at all times.

The so-called self-induced ‘natural disasters’ like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami etc., cannot be part of us because the Oracles, Deities, Ancestors and other Divine Spirits have been rejuvenated by The Satguru to serve as the brakes on man’s excesses and in unison with the Seven Elements in Creation, in order to stop such hazards.



What do the plants need to blossom and survive if not these three basic things: Sun, Water and Air? And so, they don’t struggle with nature, they know it by default that it is their right to have these things from The Creator, hence, they do their service unhindered. The job of The Satguru is to reveal Light and dispels darkness. And as such, the three essences of Satguru Maharaj Ji are:-

1. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omnipotent

2. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omniscient

3. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omnipresent


Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Omnipotent means that He is capable of being active in any form and in any dimension. As an Omnipresent being, He has the capacity to make Himself present at multiple places at the same time, addressing different situations with the required perfection. He is Omniscient in the sense that He is capable of creating anything at any realm of Life or in any circumstance of need.


Satguru Maharaj Ji is not against religion or cult but manifesting the practical working proof that The Creator is Love and like He did in the past, He would never abandon His children in time of confusion, hence His presence on planet earth.


Central to Satguru Maharaj Ji’s appearance on earth is to save humanity from destroying themselves and usher in the Golden Age of Life more abundance, love, full of peace and unity and to phase out the Kali Yuga Age of destruction and human holocaust. This task, The Satguru accomplished two years ago on April 25, 2020, during the closing ceremony marking the 33rd Year Anniversary of founding Maharaj Ji Village, the Highest Spiritual Center of the Universe, Ibadan.


It is worthy of mentioning here that the Holi Name Maharaj Ji which is derived from Sanskrit, the Mother tongue of the human race, was replaced in the Bible, Quran and other Holy Books, with God, Allah, Yahweh, Gott etc. by The European Aristocrats, in their illegal Constantinople Conference of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of humanity’s problems.


It can be said unequivocally and unquestionably that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Chief Whistle Blower of the Universe of the Century by revealing the Original/True Name of The Creator as Maharaj Ji, which gives 100% guaranteed safety on Land, Sea and Air, just by calling the Holy Name in times of distress.


We confirm that the Spiritual dynamics of Maharaj Ji’s Messiahship is Divine. It is about empowering man with the Knowledge of how to utilize the quantum of Divine energy in him or her to achieve redemption from the problems of earthly life. He is the Revealer of the Divine Light that dwells in man. He is the Teacher of the primordial art of connecting with and projecting forth this Great Power of Life and productivity. He guides and protects man along the path of divinity. He is more or less the Physical and Spiritual face of The Creator, i.e., the human personality in whose form He appears to man.


Who else is given Special Blessing to captain the Noah’s Boat of This Age, except This Great Friend of Old, manifest in Africa, precisely South Western Nigeria, where civilization started, in spite of tons and tons of colonial books tagged as religion.

Continue Reading






My Dear Hearts,
The Golden Age Festival is a convocation of the blessed ones to meet The Father of Creation to tap more Grace for the survival of the human race and sustenance of our world from another global catastrophe.

It is therefore very important that you arrange to attend this gathering of blessed souls to tap more years in life and to recharge and cleanse your heart to enable you to live long and also produce good works to enhance the beauty of life, increase productivity and employment, while we build bridges to clear the road for warring parties and partners to come home for peace, love, and harmony to reign in our lives; leading to world unity and oneness.





The Father of all Creations, Satguru Maharaj Ji out of mercy, compassion, and love consecrated Nigeria, The New Holy Land of the Universe on May 29th, 1993, at the National Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos, to destroy the Euro/Arabian forces invited to create war in the country during the turbulent political crisis of the IBB regime, manipulated by the Europeans to stifle the Blackman’s struggle to free himself from indirect colonial domination.

This proclamation restored the Divine Light to know the Great Father of old and to have direct contact with the Supreme Being living inside man for 100% guaranteed safety on Land, Sea, and Air and to chart a new way forward. This Divine Providence therefore nullifies the old imaginary forcefully created religions and holy lands into paper tigers and plastic monuments hence, the need for not only the Atlanteans to rejoice but for humanity to celebrate the beginning of the new Golden Age of Perfect love, peace, harmony, progress and stability.

With this Grace, the industries will work and new ones will spring up, new leaders will emerge, budgetary allocation for the power sub-sector will not be diverted to G7-controlled Banks and satellite states. New, positive, productive, and profitable developments will flow, our elders will live longer, while the young shall grow with law and order taking its toll among the people to instill a new nationalism based on equity, equal rights, freedom of rights, merit and
morality will transcend all activities towards state and nation-building and the old order of racism, fascism, tribalism, ethnic violence, and forceful religious indoctrinations, leading to terrorism and rebellion today will disappear.

Our white brothers should accept that it is time for sober reflection, penitence, restitution, and reparation, for them to show love and accept that we are all Children of the same Universal Divine Father, Maharaj Ji. The Creator in His infinite love, mercy, and Compassion records all activities on the planet for you and I, since the creation is built on the principles of give and take, therefore, what you sow, you reap. We’re not ready to lose our world on the earth planet and also never allow a situation where we are controlled by machines or sciences that negates the principles of natural justice, rule of law, and oneness of mankind. On the other hand, for the Blacks, it is time to stand tall among men because the Stone that was once rejected has become the Cornerstone to create abundance, unite the human race, kill poverty, ignorance, and eventually strengthen the global efforts for the oneness of mankind.

Clearly evident, the physical residence of the current Satguru in Nigeria is basically symbolic of the anchorage of creation’s divine forces in the country. From Nigeria, Satguru Maharaj Ji projects Divine Light in high intensities across the globe to effect the needed structural and institutional changes to salvage humanity from the brink of total destruction and threshold of terminal disaster! Hence, the physical presence of The Lord with His complete divine profoundness.

Satguru Maharaj Ji is for the world. His universality is primordial. Every cell and tissue of the Satguru’s physical body breathes and radiates divinity at its fullest! The Satguru is The Lord of lords! He speaks and blesses as The Governing Life-Force of Creation! The Satguru is The Creator-in-flesh. He bestows the Creator’s-vision to mankind. He is the Creator-incarnate! His coming on earth is profound! The current physical manifestation of The Father of Creation is, by special divine grace, a Blackman as it was in the beginning! The Creator has always been living with us on this planet earth in the form of a human-being otherwise known as Divine Savior!

The reality is that, the physical manifestation of the Divine Savior, Satguru Maharaj Ji in a Melanin (the powerful natural bio-chemical that makes indigenous Africans their dark skin pigmentation) coat, confirms that civilization started from (Ibadan), Nigeria, Africa. And so, traveling abroad to these former homes of pilgrimage – Mecca, Lumbini, Jerusalem, Badrinath, Medina, Rome, and others are no longer necessary because they have lost their divine essence therefore have become plastic monuments. The Master/Divine Teacher is no longer there in their midst. Hence, any pilgrim calling upon the forged names of the Creator like God, Elohim, Allah, Jah, Yahweh, etc. can’t be protected, compensated, gifted, knowledgeable, and wise regardless of how long they wail, shout, pray and gnash their teeth in agony to eventual and accidental deaths which today the grace of Satguru Maharaj Ji has come to swallow.

As such, there should be no more traveling abroad to see God, wasting hard-earned resources, involving oneself in diverse dangerous and religious gymnastics by fasting, chanting, praying, burning of candles, bathing in rivers, throwing stones to kill imaginary Satan, and or buying of insignia, etc. Rather, talk to Satguru Maharaj Ji, the Creator in human form for ultimate protection, positive results and the restoration of lost glory which is indispensable to enable one return to the good old days of peace, harmony, infinite wealth and wisdom!


This Divine declaration came on the heels of the then-military Head of State, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, IBB who was used by the Euro-American expansionist forces to declare war on our fatherland in the wake of the political crisis that engulfed the country as a result of his annulment of Nigeria’s first ever credibly conducted free and fair election at the instance of late Sultan of Sokoto, Ibrahim Dasuki and other arrow heads of the Northern Oligarchs.

Furthermore, in the course of the restoration of hope, Satguru Maharaj Ji granted an interview on OGTV, Abeokuta, on August 16, 1993, where Maharaj Ji stated categorically “No War In Nigeria, Come What May!” and admonished all Nigerians to stay where they were, never to be afraid with a strong promise to convert all assembled weaponries of war into bread and share same to Nigerians to eat, The Satguru crisscrossed all the nooks and crannies of Nigeria, buying bread and throwing them to Nigerians, who out of fear were running helter-skelter that war might break out.

After going against the Divine Instruction by Satguru Maharaj Ji after the affixed date of June 12, 1993 for the General Election, Maharaj Ji came out and warned that the date was not okay for the election to hold, because the day was the same date slated for the general meeting of the Conference of Witches and Wizards Worldwide and that the elections should be postponed to either June 11, 13 and or 15. …. Sunday Tide, May 16, 1993, front page headline “Shift Presidential Polls; June 12 is Witches Day, Portends evil.”

The truth has to be said, it is unthinkable, unbelievable that up till now several reasons IBB has given for his demonic annulment of the June 12, 1993 Presidential Election has still not been able to convince Nigerians. So, there is need to make things clear. Chief MKO in the cause of struggling and preparing for the presidency went looking for the Creator’s blessings to America, India, it was there he was told that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the One. So, through one of his staff, he was able to acquire some of Maharaj Ji’s Altars, which he gave a tract to Alhaji Arisekola Alao, the then Supreme Council of Islam Secretary-General and one of the erstwhile Muslim scholars in Ibadan, Alhaji Ajagbemogeferi asking them to put Maharaj Ji’s Altar under their pillow and say whatever they want to say, in order to test the efficacy, power, love and invisibility power of Maharaj Ji.

No War in Nigeria 2

Alhaji Ajegbemogeferi said when he tried it, Maharaj Ji appeared in his room and he asked Maharaj Ji, “how did you enter?” The reply was “it is Divine Knowledge.” He checked the door and windows they were all closed. He was wondering, how could Maharaj Ji be here this afternoon that I am having my nap? So, Maharaj Ji disappeared. With this, he consulted Alhaji Arisekola and they agreed a letter should be written to the Sultan and signed by Makefiri that they should not allow Chief MKO Abiola to be President because if they do, the Muslim community will not be able to control him. That was what made the Sultan of Sokoto to inform IBB that Chief MKO should not be allowed to be Nigeria’s president. That was exactly what happened.

So, whatever reason the military junta, IBB gave is a lie. This is the crux of the matter. This is in confirmation of what the leaders in the North said, “the coming of the Mahdi, is the one who will free all humanity from the shackles of colonialism, which can be seen as an instrument of oppression, repression in the world. So, Maharaj Ji is here now.

Look Around you deaths pain fear agony Confusion Are order of the day and you Say Satguru Maharaj Ji should leave you alone


Civilization started in Africa as the cradle of the entire creation. This phenomenon gave Africa the status of Leader-continent. At the early stages of creation, then, Africa projected an enviable reputation and asserted a place of pride on the world map. Soon things became uneasy for Africa at the inception of the trans-Atlantic trade as she had thrown all her doors open for Europe and America to come in.

A manipulative strategy to exploit and plunder Africa’s culture, wealth and the bulk of her treasures was tactfully introduced into the trade gambles by Europe and America. The practice of slave trade featured prominently in the international market as a product of Europe/America manipulative bargaining. In the trade deals, Africans were bought as slaves at a cost of one head of tobacco per slave and shipped to America.

Some were taken away on the pretext of bringing them back after giving them proper oriented education. In the process, a large number of Africans in Divine Knowledge were taken away to those cold countries. While this direct exchange trade was going on, Africa’s trade allies went beyond the buying and selling business. Massive looting of Africa’s carvings, precious ornaments, and many other valuable indigenous products were perpetuated by Africa’s trade partners.

Consequently, Africa especially Nigeria became a shadow country. Nothing inspiring or exciting could ever be found at home. They have all been removed to enrich Europe and America. Africans, especially Nigerians, in Divine Knowledge, were deployed to pioneer and pilot the development of science and technology in Europe and America. In effect, Africans sold into slavery were instrumental to the present-day high level of technology in Europe and America.

Those Africans, who were not in Knowledge were attacked, managled and or given forced labor especially in their farms. They used Africans to cultivate large farm lands for increased food production. And in turn, these foods, produced by Africans trapped as slaves in Europe and America, are exported and sold to Africans to buy, thereby completing a vicious cycle.

After committing all these atrocities, Europe and America initiated Africa’s biggest hypocritical game of diplomacy. They then came back to Africa with a different face from their earlier appearance. They solicited for cordial relations to heal the wounds inflicted on the African continent. This time they printed highly coded books and called them holy books. They include the Holy Bible, the Quran, Gita, Ramayana, etc., and Africa became the ultimate market to sell them.

The printing of the books was followed by the formation of church missionary societies whose sole responsibility was to propagate the message in these books in Africa and some other third-world countries. Propaganda tactics like “Thou shall not kill, you die before seeing God, Jesus Christ will descend from the cloud, Jesus Christ is the only son of God, Jesus died on the cross for our sins” and so on, are all embedded in these books.

In an effort to keep Africans flat, the true name of the Creator was hidden from them and other member countries of the Third-world region. Thus, they went out in search for a name to represent the Creator. Accordingly, at the Constantinople Conference of AD 21, five names were hatched to substitute the true name of the Creator. They are, Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai and God. This was futher ratified in another conference in AD 60, where it was resolved that “God” should be used to represent the Creator’s true name, the qualities of brevity and easy to vocalize, allegedly, favored the choice of God to represent the true name of the Creator, MAHARAJ JI.

Similar changes were effected by the European aristocrats on the earth’s first man, Janta Vanta, the first Guru Maharaj Ji of this essence. The name Janta Vanta was deliberately changed to Adam for reasons best known to them. They further compounded the problem by hiding the fact that Noah, for instance, like any other Master, was a Guru Maharaj Ji of his time.

However, through meditation, it has been certified that, at the beginning of creation, the Supreme Primordial Kinetic Energy was known as MAHARAJ JI. And as the creation changed along with different ages and time, the same Maharaj Ji took different bodies as Satguru Maharaj Ji to save the creation from perdition. Those bodies that this Supreme Energy of Divine Force used in the past have been the Ascended Masters, according to those books namely, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Ram, Kofi Manu, Lao Tze, Zoroaster and a host of others. They were at different times and places, sent to save the world from imminent total

The bodies that the Divine Infinite Mercy used therefore become the Guru Maharaj Ji. Thus, the correct way of addressing Master Mohammed and Master Jesus should have been Guru Maharaj Ji.

The Guru being the body and that Divine Force in Him is the Maharaj Ji. In effect, this Maharaj Ji Holy Name is the Creation itself, which sustains the whole universe. It is the first and last cause. The name Maharaj Ji has its origin from Sanskrit Language, the Mother Tongue of the Universe, meaning the King of Kings of all hearts, capable of restoring Light, dispelling darkness and ignorance. Apparently, this deceit by the European aristocrats to conceal the Creator’s true and original name is the cause of the present global turmoil, namely, threat to lives and properties in the form of hurricane, tsunami, earthquakes, tornadoes, typhoon etc., and the diseases of mammy-water like AIDS, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, poverty, famine, untimely death, pandemics like ebola, coronavirus etc., caused by manipulation in the spiritual world.

Obviously, once the word “God”, is coined from the three qualities of Guru Maharaj Ji which infers Generator, Operator, Director, is given its correct divine interpretation, the problems of individuals, nations or even the world, will disappear. This is because people will now call the Holy Name Maharaj Ji and their problems, of course, depending on the sincerity of the person using the Holy Name would disappear. This is the surest device armour that guarantees 100% safety on land, sea and air. It also makes one have a practical realization of what all the scriptures are talking about- the practical experience of truth.

“Show more wonders, show more wonders- Maharaj Ji You are THE ONE.” Suffice to say that, virtually every devotee of Maharaj Ji has in one way or the other experienced the wondrous work of Satguru Maharaj Ji in their lives.

Now, you can see clearly from the above experiences of Premies and sincere seekers of Truth that Satguru Maharaj Ji, is the physical manifestation of the Creator in person. i.e., the Word that was made flesh at the beginning of creatiion. Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Divine embodiment of the three (3) qualities of the Creator.

i. Omnipotent.
ii. Omnipresent
iii. Omniscient.

Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Omnipotent means that He is capable of being active in any form and in any dimension. As an Omnipresent being, He has the capacity to make Himself present at multiple places at the same time, addressing different situations with the required perfection. He is Omniscient in the sense that He is capable of creating anything at any realm of Life or in any circumstances of need. Satguru Maharaj Ji is not against religion or cult but manifesting the practical working proof that The Creator is Love and like He did in the past, He would never abandon His children in time of confusion, hence His presence on planet earth.

Central to Satguru Maharaj Ji’s appearance on earth is to save humanity from destroying themselves and usher in the Golden Age of Life more abundance, love, full of peace and unity and to phase out the Kali Yuga Age of destruction and human holocaust. This task He has already accomplished on April 25, 2020, during the closing ceremony marking the 33rd Year Anniversary of founding Maharaj Ji Village, the Highest Spiritual Center of the Universe, Ibadan.

It is worthy of mentioning here that the Holy Name Maharaj Ji which is derived from Sanskrit, the Mother tongue of the human race, was replaced in the Bible, Quran and other Holy Books, with God, Allah, Yahweh, Gott etc. by The European Aristocrats, in their illegal Constantinople Conferences of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of the problems of mankind. It can be said unequivocally and unquestionably that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Chief Whistle Blower of the Universe of the Century by revealing the Original/True Name of The Creator as Maharaj Ji, which gives 100% guaranteed safety on Land, Sea and Air, just by calling the Holy Name in times of distress.

We confirm that the Spiritual dynamics of Maharaj Ji’s Messiahship is Divine. It is about empowering man with the Knowledge of how to utilize the quantum of Divine energy in him or her to achieve redemption from the problems of earthly life. He is the Revealer of the Divine Light that dwells in man. He is the Teacher of the primordial art of connecting with and projecting forth this Great Power of Life and productivity. He guides and protects man along the path of divinity. He is more or less the Physical and Spiritual face of The Creator, i.e., the human personality in whose form He appears to man.

Who else is given Special Blessing to captain the Golden Age Boat of Life, except This Great Friend of Old, manifest in Africa, precisely South Western Nigeria, where civilization started, in spite of tons and tons of colonial books tagged as religion.

In the light of the above, we are supremely blessed to have the Grace of all Graces working on our behalf, if we choose to use the Holy Name in all our endeavours. And can as well have our own unique experience as we journey through time and space to meet the GodMan of this Time in real time.


Today, Maharaj Ji is the ultimate cover against all dangers. Wherever you are, in Africa, Russia, China, Europe, United States of America, Australia etc., sing Arti and by the Grace of MAHARAJ JI things will never fall apart.

ARTI is the most perfect hotline to The Creator, the victory song which has been hidden from man from time immemorial. Since time past, we did not know that such a Song existed, nor did we know that the original Spiritual name of The Creator is MAHARAJ JI, derived from Sanskrit the mother tongue of Creation, which the European elites changed to God. Allah, Yahweh, El-Shaddai, Jehovah etc., at their illegal Constantinople Conference of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of man’s problems in life, and the colonial master’s deceit with books, concepts and philosophies about the Creator and Creation.

When the world lets you down and there is nobody around, sing ARTI and you will feel the presence of the Savior and Angels of Life and the Ancestors around you with overflowing joy, peace and bliss.

Singing ARTI at the right time raises the dead and guarantees your safety 100% on Land, Sea and Air. It makes the farmer’s crops grow bigger and yield bumper harvests come rain or no rain. While it makes the student to be intelligent, it makes the trader, businessman or worker to feel contented, progressive and hopeful at all times.

The so-called self-induced ‘natural disasters’ like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami etc., cannot be part of us because the Oracles, Deities, Ancestors and other Divine Spirits have been rejuvenated by The Satguru to serve as the brakes on man’s excesses and in unison with the Seven Elements in Creation, in order to stop such hazards.





My name is Service Premie Udo Udo Okon. I was born on August 18, 1959. I am a native of Ikot Akpatek in Onna LGA, Akwa Ibom State. I received the Divine Knowledge of my Father Satguru Maharaj Ji on April 22, 2006 at the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

Before I received Divine Knowledge, I was a church goer, but the more I went to church, the more I encountered problems. Due to too much problems, I prayed not in the name of Jesus but to my Creator, that He should direct me to where I will worship Him and have salvation.

By Maharaj Ji’s Grace on April 18, 2008, I was travelling from Cameroon to Malabo along the high sea in a very big boat that was up to three poles high and could carry up to a hundred vehicles; the boat uses the Caterpillar Engine. As I travelled alongside about 140 other passengers on the boat, I observed the boat was overloaded when I complained, they assured me it was okay that I should be calm. On our way, we encountered a storm, which brought in water and made the boat to capsize. At this point, it became a tale of survival of the fittest. I was hanging on the floater for more than three days until I became very weak but continued to call on Maharaj Ji to come to my rescue as I was filled despair with no hope insight. Looking around me on the high sea, other passengers had drowned. But I never stopped calling on the Holi Name, begging Maharaj Ji to help me. It was then I recalled my grand-mother who raised me and thinking if that was how I was going to lose my life without she reaping the fruits of her labor or saying goodbye to her. So many thoughts came to my mind.

But in all I kept on calling on Maharaj Ji. Just when I was about to let go due to the numbness and the water was already at waist level about to swallow me. Then, I noticed I was standing on a solid platform, unbelievable a rock from nowhere emerged in the middle of the high sea, I was standing on it! I started laughing like someone who was crazy. Oh Maharaj Ji, you have done it again for me. “I won’t die but live, thanks Maharaj Ji where the words coming out of my mouth.” Later, I heard Maharaj Ji’s voice saying I shouldn’t panic that Maharaj Ji is in control. I got encouraged. At this point, I was standing on the rock and kept on moving, moving for about 3 meters to ascertain if I was in a dream. Because, it felt more like a spiritual experience but it was a real-life experience.

I was there on the rock for more than one hour before I sighted a speed boat coming from Malabo, I was waving my hands. The speed boat came straight to where I stood on the rock. When the occupants of the boat saw me standing on the rock in the sea, they were very afraid and asked whether I was a ghost. I was speechless, because I didn’t have any strength to utter a word so, I used my hands to communicate with them.

The people on the speed boat were all baffled as to why I was standing on a rock, when they knew very well on that particular route, you only see water. So, where did the rock come from. I was rescued and asked where I came from and I told them I am an Akwa Ibomite, they said Akwa Ibom and Cameroon are neighbors, and they don’t care whether I was a ghost or not. They asked me what I stood on was water and I said I didn’t know.

They took me on their boat to Ebecomb, asked where I worshipped, I replied, I am a Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji. They further inquired who is Maharaj Ji? I told them that MAHARAJ JI is the Creator we have been looking for. I was advised to hold my Creator tight. They dropped me at Ebecomb and asked the people of the community to take good care of me. The people of the community boiled warm water for me to bath but I couldn’t bath myself. They sprinkled the warm water on my body and I became warm. After which they paid my transport to Umafi, I came back home. Umafi was where I resided in Cameroon. On my arrival at the Umafi, the story had spread like wild fire because it was a mystery for one to be standing on high sea without sinking. People came en masse to see the man whom they tagged the “Mysterious Man” because none of the other occupants in the boat survived as the boat capsized. I was the last and only man standing!

I thank my father Satguru Maharaj Ji, the wonder working name for saving my life on the high sea (Atlantic Ocean).




I am SP Sister Ayakwe Wike. I received the Divine Knowledge of our Father Maharaj Ji on November 22, 2018. I am from Wike Village in Rumuoprikom in Obiakpor LGA of Rivers. I graduated from University of Port Harcourt with B.Sc in Microbiology.

Three of my younger siblings, SP. Mama Chigeru, Mama Adanne and Mama Oruwwum are devotees of Satguru Maharaj Ji, The Living Perfect Master. We lost our mother not quite long ago and our father, Sunny Ayakwe is not yet in Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji. Since we received Divine Knowledge, our elder brother was opposed to the idea of receiving Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge and hence conspired with his immediate younger brother to eliminate our father and three of us, who are his younger sisters, with a view of taking-over our father’s properties, located here and there, both in the village and PortGuru.

He lives in Port Harcourt and several reports came to us that he was maltreating the house-help that was living with him. Shortly before our mother died, and on agreement with our father, she went to our brother’s house and decided to bring the house help down to the Village, so that we can assist in her up-bringing, considering her low family background. In an ironic twist of fate, and unknown to us, this very girl which we rescued from my elder brother’s hands, turned out to become a torn in our flesh.

She started secretly to fraternize with the same elder brother of ours and both meet regularly at Bonny Camp area of PortGuru, where he visits for the purposes of collecting house rent from tenants in the makeshift’s buildings. From there, both hatched and perfected their final evil plan to finish our family. She started executing their demonic clandestine activities without any body having an iota of suspicion of her evil project of finishing everybody in the family. However, what baffled everybody in the house was that at times she will fall sick and quite naturally, we felt that she was having malaria attack or typhoid fever and we got her treated. During such times, she will be complaining bitterly that she is hearing strange voices and seeing strange faces coming to warn her.

Lo and behold, by Maharaj Ji Grace, the cat was let out of the bag one day and all of us were shocked down to our spines. On that fateful day, she prepared a meal for the family at the end of which she served. Everybody was terribly hungry and just as we were about to eat, a visitor came and our Daddy directed that we have to attend to the visitor first before eating. Initially, we were not happy about that, due to hunger but we have to bow to Daddy’s wish according to our culture. Meanwhile, after dishing the meal, the house-help unceremoniously disappeared from the house and headed to her family house.

However, by the time we finished with the visitor and we rushed for the food, we got disappointed because both the food, the plates and the cooking pot disappeared without trace. “Wonders shall never end!” everybody yelled. “What went wrong?” was the question on everybody’s lips? This confounding mystery forced our daddy to proceed to the “glass house”, in order to unravel the mystery. Right there, he saw a bearded man in long white flowing robe with head-tie to match came in and carried the food in the plates and pots and disappeared from the house.

It was equally revealed that the same bearded-man used to visit her in the company of some very old elders to forewarn her in her evil plots in the past to finish the family. It was there and then her allusion to hearing and seeing strange beings, whenever we thought she was sick with malaria attack or typhoid fever made real sense to us. Equally understood was the fact that her recalcitrant behavior, and resolve to kill everybody resulted in her being tormented by the Ancestors for not listening to their timely warnings.

Lo and behold, The Seen and Unseen, Satguru Maharaj Ji, while in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan, The Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe manifested physically in Wike Village, Rumuoprikom in Obiakpor LGA, River State, to save Nwike Family from food poisoning, clandestinely carried out by a girl we wholeheartedly brought into the house to assist in her upbringing, so that she can become somebody in the society.

If not for Maharaj Ji, the whole Nwike’s family would have disappeared just like that. What did we do to merit this kind of love, please Father Maharaj Ji? Thank you is not enough to express our deepest appreciation for this love that has no reason.



I am Service Premie Rose Ngere, I am a native of Ajakajak in Andoni community, Rivers State. This experience happened on the 18th of August, 2018. On this fateful night about some minutes past the hour of Nine. I was getting ready for meditation, when I observed that the light in my room was getting dim, at a closer look, there was no kerosine in the lantern. So, I walked to the corner where I kept bottles of kerosine in order to refill it. Unknown to me, instead of picking up a bottle of kerosine, I mistakenly picked a bottle of petrol and poured it directly into the lantern without putting it off. As I was refilling the lantern, it exploded and everything around me caught fire. The dress I was wearing, mattress, curtains etc., was on fire. I began shouting Maharaj Ji. Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji I shouted continuously.

Suddenly, Maharaj Ji appeared physically in my room, held my hand then I found myself outside in the sand fill. That was when I became conscious of my surroundings. By this time, I was naked but I didn’t suffer any burnt. i.e., the dress I was wearing, underwear were all burnt but nothing touched my body. Then my neighbors came, gave me cloths to wear and helped me in putting off the raging fire.

Till this day, I still marvel at the wonders of Maharaj Ji. I give thanks to Maharaj Ji for saving my life.



As a member of Obatala Religion Worldwide, we are the Custodian of Yoruba Culture and Tradition. Culture, they say is the way of life of a people. It defines the people’s way of living as well as their overall wellbeing. This includes the day-to-day activities of the people. Obatala seeks to preserve the Culture and Tradition of the Yorubas and we are spiritually awake to know and recognize Divine Souls, among mortals on earth.

This informed the recognition accorded Satguru Maharaj Ji by The International Council for Obatala Religion with a Honorary Award as “The Omoloju Obatala Agbaye” as a way of appreciating Maharaj Ji for His selfless service of liberating Mankind from bondage, which is part of the mandate of Obatala Religion. It is also a way to receive the immense blessings Maharaj Ji has brought, which our research has proven beyond reasonable doubt as the “Messiah of Our Time.”

Obalesun Obatala recalls that his experience motivated the Obatala Group to research on Satguru Maharaj Ji dated back to when he was detained at Kirikiri Prisons as a prime suspect behind the Ife/Modakeke war and was miraculously released by the Grace of Maharaj Ji. In the words of Obatala’s Chieftian, “Maharaj Ji has been with me long ago.”

In one of the Obatala Annual Festivals, Satguru Maharaj Ji was invited and I sat next to Him. At the end of the program, I exchanged pleasantries with Him and He blessed me with the bouquet of flowers He was holding in His hands. For me, I saw the flowers as just an ordinary flower, hence didn’t place much value on it. Though, I have experienced the potency of Maharaj Ji power during the time I was incarcerated at Kirikiri Maximum Prison.

When I arrived home, as I didn’t attach any importance to it, my wife took if from me and kept it under her care. Unknown to me, she understood the dynamics of Maharaj Ji more than I do. I began noticing unprecedented boom in her business. Besides, whatever she laid her hands on, became extraordinarily progressive. She was equally using the flowers in healing people, and she became a star among her peers. I was observing her and later discovered it was the Bouquet of flowers Maharaj Ji gave to me which I ignored was the source of her flourishing successes.

Hence, I learnt my lessons and was begging for another opportunity of meeting Maharaj Ji. The Divine Grace came my way, when Maharaj Ji was invited to the Obatala Annual Festival Programme, 2016 and I was seated next to Maharaj Ji. At the end of the programme, Maharaj Ji handed the Bouquet of flowers to me when we took a group photograph.

Like the saying, “once bitten, twice shy.” I was smarter this time around. So, I held the flowers tight and precious like a set of twin delivered by
a woman who was barren after several years of marriage. Sensationally, there was this overwhelming feeling of happiness in me. With a heart filled with joy, I bided Maharaj Ji goodbye and drove off to my home. My wife was watching and was surprised on seeing how I held the flowers bouquet preciously. On arriving home, we alighted from the car and entered the house. She approached me to collect the bunch as usual, but I declined because I now knew the usefulness of the bunch.

I went straight to my room and placed it in a sacred area in the room. From time to time, I prayed with the flowers and whenever I go there, Maharaj Ji will appear from the flower and give me special messages. This became more or less like an Oraculum, where I do go to offer my prayers to my Creator.

Since I began using the flower, my life changed for good. There was a positive turn-around in every aspect of my life, including health-wise. I equally, became more confident in addressing any public function. Also, as the Obalesun Obatala, I had a deputy, who was always at loggerheads with me on account of his struggle for power to take over from me, which is very common in this mundane world of survival of the fittest. I never knew that he was the cause of some of the problems facing me, which included intermittent illness.

In the event of using the flowers to pray, in my dream, Maharaj Ji revealed to me that my Deputy was the cause of my problem. In the dream, a dwarf manifested before me and we fought fiercely. Finally, I overcame him and he changed to be my Deputy and I woke up from the dream.
I thank the King of Kings of all Hearts for His immeasurable love.





My name is SP Preye Jumbo, I hail from Bonny Island in Rivers State. I am 40 years old and a Logistic Manager. I received the Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on September 7, 2019 in Maharaj Ji Village, Iju, Lagos Annex.

I want to share this wonderful experience that proved the extent of Maharaj Ji’s great love towards me. On this fateful day, I witnessed physically the manifestation of that verse in the Arti that says, “In seconds He has set us free. “ Just like every other day, I went about the usual routine of leaving the home to attend to my business situated in the suburb of Lagos, Ajao Estate precisely. On that day, I was driving along a three-lane expressway in the afternoon while enjoying the scenery and thanking Maharaj Ji for making me see yet another day. I noticed there was a-40 tons trailer carrying goods ahead speeding on my right-hand side and I wanted to overtake it. So, I began to horn in order to notify the trailer driver of my intention so that I could overtake with ease.

Just as I was getting ready to overtake the trailer, Maharaj Ji appeared physically in my car and said “PREYE STOP THIS CAR” immediately I obeyed. This attracted the attention of other motorists who thought there was something wrong with me and they began tooting their horns and hurling insults at me for disrupting their pace of movement. Unknown to them, I was only following Divine Instruction. After few seconds, something nerve racking happened before my very eyes. I heard a crashing sound, people were screaming and running helter- skelter. The trailer that I was about to overtake was involved in a fantastic accident. You could see the trailer falling to its side and all the goods it was carrying fell on the unfortunate vehicles that over-took my car.

I witnessed a scene of multiple accidents, there was blood everywhere, people suffered severe bodily injuries, deaths and destruction of properties worth millions of naira. I was shocked to my bone marrow at the gory scene that unfolded before me and I couldn’t help but ask myself, “what if I had overtaken that trailer, what would have been my fate?” Definitely, my life would have ended.

Behold, Maharaj Ji saved me from accident, untimely death and guaranteed my life 100%. Truly, the Arti verse that says, “in seconds He has set us free” came to pass on that day. I am so grateful to Maharaj Ji and I thank Maharaj Ji for everything. I never knew Maharaj Ji loved me so much and would manifest physically in such a dangerous situation to save me. I implore the Children of Light, to be more dedicated because I don’t feel I am even qualified to receive such a blessing. Nonetheless, Maharaj Ji showed me love, mercy and compassion. Indeed, this tells you that Maharaj Ji is a true Father.



By the Grace of Maharaj Ji, animate as well as the so called inanimate objects carries a vibration. Hence, we now know names of people or objects have its effect. They may give a true picture and reflection of culture and tradition of the land from which they originate.

The significance of names is therefore the ability and power to identify one with the tribe and ethnic group to which one belongs. Besides, names have a great deal of influence and impact on the socio-economic realities of the bearers. This is exactly what stands solidly behind bearing good or bad names and its implications for bearers to thread the path of success and dignity. Similarly, the name “Jesus” which is conceptual, falls squarely into the negative group of names since its emergence.It is therefore, a name popularly used by Christians to commit crimes deliberately in order to enrich themselves and becomindispensable stakeholders of power and wealth.


Generally, Jesus is a household name in colonized territories converted into Christian religion, which is now used as a silent Weapon of Mass Destruction for destabilizing corporate bodies like families, marriages, governments, etc. in Africa, which has a nucleus culture. That is why the name Jesus is conveniently aligned with negativity. The name has its origin from a married couple, King Jeus of Rome (husband) and his Queen Irus (Wife) in present day Owerri, the original Rome of old. At a time when the biblical Saul was reported to have undertaken criminal journey to Jerusalem (now Lagos) with a deadly plan to kill Christians, as we were made to understand by the scriptures. Unfortunately, Saul had a surprised package when he saw a dreadful beam of light intensity which caused him to become blind.

Later, Saul was brought to Ananias, a high devotee and an Initiator of Guru Maharaj Ji of that time and was healed of his blindness. The Guru Maharaj Ji of that time was the former Oluorogbo, son of Ela (Father) and Moremi (mother) both were of Ibadan (old Nazareth). Indeed, the couples left for Ijebu-Ode (Bethlehem of old) under serious threat to life, while Moremi was carrying a six month pregnancy. It was from here Oluorogbo who later became known as Guru Maharaj Ji after receiving the Divine Knowledge, grew up. Eventually, the blind Saul recovered his sight and became known as Paul shortly after receiving the Divine Knowledge of Ananias. Paul was given a service delivering a letter that invited Guru Maharaj Ji to visit King Jeus’ in Owerri, Headquarters of Old Rome. Nevertheless, instead of going to register his physical presence as was requested, a reply with instructions of delivering a letter that invited Guru Maharaj Ji to visit King Jeus’ in Owerri, a reply with instructions of placing his photograph at public places including schools and doing flower service to the photographs, was forwarded to King Jeus.

A careful study of the reply from Guru Maharaj Ji made the King of Rome appreciate the significance of flowers in the service of the Creator and consented but his Queen, Irus protested with the argument that such a step will amount to having two Kings in Rome. This according to Queen Irus will pose a serious threat to the authority of the King and they reached an accord to use Jeus (husband) photograph in place of that of Guru Maharaj Ji. Subsequently, a compromise was struck when both husband and wife agreed on developing a con name instead of using their respective names. Therefore amalgamated “JES” as part of the husband’s name, Jeus, and “us” as part of the wife’s name Irus, to form JESUS, claimed to be the only son of God, and savior of that time, to deceive the world an ultimately marked the Almighty Creator, who we believe possesses full Omnipotent powers to look like a horse on paper.

Consequently, Paul was brought under serious threat for using Guru Maharaj Ji as the master of that time in all his public preaching, contrary to using the name of the King of Rome, Jeus and Queen, Irus who were more or less regarded as the Almighty God of Rome. From the root of its formation, it is clear the name Jesus is a concept that emerged from a built-up component part of two different names. That is why the name Jesus has no vibration to generate new situations and flush out old ones. People in the Christian religion are attracted to use the name “Jesus” to accomplish their criminal motives, which stands far away from divinity.

Nigeria and Africa would have been the best place to live in the world with millions of Africans using the name Jesus in their daily prayers every second, every minute, after it has been forced on them. Almost every street in all African towns and cities are littered with Churches and Mosques shouting Jesus, Awusubilahi Mina Shetani, morning, afternoon and evening. Yet, Africa becomes terror stricken, a condition that changed the country to a state of insurgency, armed robbery, stealing, killing amidst other offensive and criminal activities featuring every day. The truth is, if the name Jesus was Holy and positive, Nigeria would have been the safest, and indeed because there is no element of vibration in the name, Jesus, God and Allah we find the country horror-stricken and an awful place for living.

It is the coming of MAHARAJ JI, The Holy Spirit, The HOLY NAME that never fails that Nigeria and Nigerians are jubilating now as the spread of the Holy Name Maharaj Ji is gradually exposing and phasing out all acts of criminality in all parts of Africa and the world. The much talked about industrial revolution can only be possible through the receipt of Divine Knowledge of the Holy Father, Satguru Maharaj Ji to churn out new inventions that would create jobs, secure people’s lives, good health and promote trust and co-operation in the society. Come to Maharaj Ji and win forever.

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By the Grace, I am inviting You to the 43 Years Anniversary Celebrations marking My physical presence on earth to reveal The Light, end all manners of oppression, to transform our world from diseases, poverty, upheavals and perennial obstacles into an egalitarian society where every country and state would produce enough to share unconditionally to others to ensure peace, love and harmony for oneness of mankind to become a reality.

In a world saturated with artificialism living on the fringe of mercy and compassion, My physical presence has impacted on the people to lean towards traditional and cultural values to find the ideal structural foundation of man plagiarized with sectarianism, idealism, racism, nepotism, tribalism, making it possible for man to clear doubts, fear and hatred in life in order to give birth to freedom, justice, liberty and confidence. Everybody, like the Bee, is a potential Millionaire.

I am therefore begging that you attend to celebrate, jubilate and appreciate the humongous Grace that the Creator has bestowed on us and to righteously channel our thoughts and actions positively for the safety of the people and our environment.

It’s been an unending wonderful experience, moving with the high and low, rich and poor, a path that makes one to realize the importance of this life and being alive, in the face of daunting self-induced surmountable challenges, which the Light gives one the grace to melt within seconds, restores the energy, vibration, stamina, courage, determination and understanding to do more every step of the way. Like the saying: “Givers Never Lack” has come to play when through Divine Knowledge, you are able to know why this and that happened in your life, how one can recover, what to do and where to go for spiritual fortification and solution, is the hallmark of Self Realization. What a Grace!

You must be wondering how Nigeria was able to survive in the face of heavy manipulation from all the G7 Countries and their neo-colonialists agents here and abroad, bombarding us with toxic waste, jalopies, junks of all kinds and of course, compromising corruption at all levels superintended with officially recognized religious advisers who fail to recognize that you cannot milk a dead cow and/or tie firewood together through shouting.

Today, we feel strongly that Nigeria has arrived with a new Federal Government that has been blessed to change the terror polarized state of Nigeria and Africa and by extension the global world into One Love Family as it was in the beginning.

The 43 Years Appearance Program is it, that would give you the Absolute and Ultimate Grace to make it in this lifetime, come what may, and therefore I just cannot relax until I see you for us to merge forever to be crowned with a LIFE CREDIT CARD FOR 13 YEARS that would be added to your present age each time we meet. This Earth is our heaven. The Workshop for Reincarnation is Divine Knowledge.



The ONLY fundamental change that has saved the human race in the search for the Genius of Divinity to guide, protect and integrate our energies in one direction and give us meaning to our isolated existence is the sudden appearance of the Satguru Maharaj Ji, proclaiming that the True/Original name of the Creator before Africa, Europe, North-America, South-America, Asia, Australia and Antarctica were created is MAHARAJ JI pronounced (MARAAJI) and that the Mother Tongue before the Atlantis Deluge is SANSKRIT.

With the Holy Name, no power can cheat you and get away with it, while scientific and technological innovations has been flowing from all corners of Africa since His arrival in 1980, signaling the final melt down of principalities that have held the world in bondage.



Most Christians believe that they get their mandate for exclusivist claims from the Bible. Jesus does say that no one can come to the Father except through Him, and in Acts we hear it proclaimed that there is no other name under Heaven that is given for salvation (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Those passages seem to be categorical enough to make all debates superfluous. But is this all that the Bible says, with nothing, as it were, on the side of inclusiveness and universality, and does the exclusivist case seem reasonable in the light of human history and development?

To claim God exclusively for Christians is to make God too small and in a real sense is blasphemous. God is bigger than Christianity and cares for more than Christians only. He has to, if only for the simple reason that Christians are quite late arrivals on the world scene. God has been around since even before creation, and that is a very long time. If God’s love is limited to Christians, what must be the fate of all who existed before Christ? Are they condemned to eternal perdition for no fault of their own, as they must be if the exclusivist position is to be pushed to its logical conclusion? If that were the case, we would be left with a totally untenable situation of a God who could be guilty of such bizarre justice.

I hope I have done enough to convince die-hard exclusivists that the Christian cause is served better by a joyful acknowledgment that God is not the special preserve of Christians and is the God of all human beings, to whom He has vouch safe, a revelation of His nature and with whom it is possible for all to have a real encounter and relationship.
. ….. Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Nobel Peace Laureate and First Black Archbishop of Cape Town, in his book Titled “ God is not A Christian”



Speaking before a delegation of Jewish leaders at the Vatican on Thursday, Pope Francis revealed he has instructed the Vatican Secret Archives to unseal a set of ancient scrolls that have been kept hidden from public knowledge for centuries by the Church. The scrolls, which were encased in marble and buried in 463 A.D. are said to contain the true name of God as communicated to Moses in the Book of Exodus.

The Pope told an audience during an event celebrating a new version of the Torah that his decision to upend over fifteen hundred years of secrecy was driven in part by a need for “greater transparency” within the Catholic Church. “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another,” declared Pope Francis before adding that the Church is “leading a double life” by continuing to keep God’s name secret.
…… Real News Right Now Online Media. By R. Hobbus J. D Febrost


Like every other mortal being that is not conscious, SP Segun Adeyeye passed through the thick and thin of life. Before he met Satguru Maharaj Ji, little did he realize that the “kokoro” in the leaf that was programming him to death was his physical mother and one of his uncles, who is a business man. This uncle of his, he diligently served and gave his business a boost at the prime of his life. Here is SP Papa Adeyeye, who is above 70 years, reliving his ordeal in the hands of his “beloved mother and maternal uncle before he saw the Light at the end of the tunnel and became a free man.

I am SP Papa Segun Adeyeye. I hail from Ilesha Town in Ilesha-West LGA, Osun State. I spent my youthful and productive years in Ibadan, the then capital of the old Western Region. At the age of 27, I was already mobile and my peers respected me so much and nicknamed me “bullet” because I could perform with ease tasks that would puzzle them with awe. In terms of economic prowess, I was far ahead of them. I got married and had my first child at that relatively young age.

At a stage, I joined my maternal uncle who was a cocoa merchant, then, cocoa was the major item of trade and exportation. This was with a view that he will settle me one day. My uncle recognized and appreciated my hard work to an extent that I was the one managing his business and when he wanted to do “juju” in order to boost his business, he called on me to follow him. When the items needed for the rituals were made known to him, he gave me money and instructed me to go and make the purchase. When it was time for the rituals to be performed, he insisted that I would be the one to put the life pigeon inside the pot that was to be buried at his business location and I obeyed. Afterwards, problems started coming up and my uncle began to maltreat me. Since I was in charge of the produce store, I would from time to time go and collect some items, which I sold to get upkeep allowance. Finally, I left my uncle and tried several other means for survival. So far, the journey was sweet. Somehow along the line, the table turned and life became like the garrison of hell and all my struggling efforts came to nothing.

Some how, my maternal uncle’s produce business gradually folded up when I left him. It was around 1985 when I realized that I had a very serious problem to battle with. The journey for solutions to my problems began. I visited Wolis, Alfas, evangelists, pastors and Babalawos houses. I even crossed the border to Cotonou in Benin Republic yet no answer came. In all the places I visited the question that was put to me, which came like re-occurring decimal was, “where is your mother? Hmm, you’re to take good care of her ooo” My usual reaction to the above question is: “she is well, I take good care of her. She is my mother and she loves me. As a danfo driver then, one day a woman chartered my vehicle and asked me to take her to Oke Ado area in Ibadan. In the course of discussing with her, I narrated my life ordeal to her, she took me to a church owned by a 75-year-old pastor from Ondo State.

The Baba saw me and started crying. I was embarrassed by his strange behavior and I was forced to ask “Baba, why are you crying” his reply was “I am crying because of you.” He went further to add “can’t you see, you are supposed to be one of those ruling the country but the forces are turning you upside down.” Within that same period, a man took me to the shrine of Osanyin Deity which was behind my backyard. Upon consultation, the Deity had this to say “you are going to somewhere, but from the look of things, you can’t get there, for you to get there, you need to serve Ogun”. Three days from the day you start to serve Ogun, you’ll meet with the ONLY MAN on earth who can help you find solutions to your problems in life. In that state of helplessness, I complied with what Osanyin Deity said and became Ogun worshipper anticipating how help will come my way.

Unbelievably, the third day after performing the rites and rituals involved in Ogun worshipping, my late biological father came in my dream and held me by my left hands and took me through Sango to Awolowo Road in Bodija, down to Housing Corporation then we crossed over to Osuntoku area. We proceeded and came out at Akintola Road in New Bodija and finally headed to Kongi Street and stopped at where Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Ashram was and my late father said, “this is where your problems will be solved.” Then I came to my physical body, there and then, it dawned on me that it was a dream.

It then occurred to me that someone had earlier given me a tract of Satguru Maharaj Ji but I didn’t take it seriously. Miraculously, on the third day, I practically saw myself moving along those very paths my late father took me through in my dream with someone. As we were going, we got to a point where I saw a billboard with the inscription “Satguru Maharaj Ji” when I looked forward I sighted the gateman who was dressed fully on a white attire having beards with head tie. As I wanted to pass through the gate, the man said, “baba, wait, how are you, what about your family?” I replied “everything is okay” The gateman went further to say, “I am the One Osanyin Deity at your backyard said you will meet after three days of worshipping Ogun.” He continued, “is it not Ogun you served the day before yesterday? Did Osanyin Deity not tell you you will meet a man dressed in white attire? Look at Me, am I not wearing white attire? Baba, welcome back home!” That was it!! The link has been restored! After the brief dialogue, I went inside and joined others and listened to Satsang (testimonies of Premies).

Right from that day, I got to know that witches/wizards, emere, obanje etc., are human beings and could be anybody, only that one needs Divine Knowledge to know who is who. Soon after receiving Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, hope was restored in my life. All the problems facing me started melting away one after the other, because I was inspired to know myself and all the things happening around me. Today I can beat my chest, proudly and confidently say, no power anywhere in the world can threaten or take away my life.

The ancient wisdom of old said if you don’t know where you are going, you must remember where you are coming from. Equally, the scripture said, I am not the God of the dead, but for the living….”Matt 22:32. Hey, let’s be careful about the concept of paradise in the sky above, where one can see God after death, yet no one wants to die to see God up there. It is a hoax! There is salvation in the land. Paradise is right here on earth. Yes, it is on earth one can eat sumptuous meals like pounded yam with egusi soup, dress well etc.

Divine Knowledge of Maharaj Ji is the key to unlock all the hidden secrets in creation as well as eternal life, if one is serious about enjoying the fruits of his labor, right here on earth.

Don’t believe Him! Just try, test and experience Maharaj Ji before you believe Him!! The difference is clear!!!


I am SP Dr. Oghenemahro Akpotu, I am a researcher, I hail from Isoko-North LGA in Delta State and I received the Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on November 23, 1993 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.

I thank My Father, Satguru Maharaj Ji who has always been there for me and my family. It is by the Special Grace of my Father Maharaj Ji, that I share this experience in wholesomeness. Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji jai.

Sometime in August, 2015, I had a near death experience, such that, if it wasn’t for the Grace of Maharaj Ji that took total control, I would have been disfigured beyond one’s imagination/recognition and or probably lost my life. On this day, at the University of Ibadan, as a Master’s student, I was carrying out an experiment at the Chemistry laboratory, the material I was using was acid. These acids were of two types; one was sulphuric acid while the other was phosphoric acid. The effect of combinating both acids can be so powerful. Nevertheless, I continued with my experiment. It got to a point, I became careless and within a tinkle of an eye, all the acid meant for the experiment spilled on my body i.e from head to down to my legs. to know the harsh intensity of the chemical, the underwear, cloth and jacket I wore melted as though it was salt inside water. Worse was the burning sensation in my eyes.

But as Maharaj Ji would have it, about this time, a colleague of mine, who had left some hours ago and had virtually no business being within the school premises, suddenly came into the laboratory and found me in such hallowing distress. Taken aback, asking what happened and how it happened, he gently led me to a tap and began to run the flowing water on me to wet my body. While this was on, I kept on saying, ‘my eye, my eye, I can’t see anymore,” my colleague told me not to panic that all will be well.

Subsequently, he led me to my hostel at the school campus. I cannot explain how I fell asleep that night? But, one thing I know, is that by day break, I was fine. It was as if the experience of the previous evening didn’t happen. My skin was perfectly normal and my sight sharp and clear. I give all glory and thanks to Maharaj Ji. Some days later, I went in for medical check up, particularly, for an eye test, and the optician assured me, my sight was good.

Today, I still remain in awe as to the wonders of Maharaj Ji. Because, judging by my skin, no one can tell I had an acid bath. I look fresh by the Special Grace of Maharaj Ji. I thank Maharaj Ji for sparing my life and putting to shame all the voices that had spoken against me in condemnation. Thanks Maharaj Ji


I am SP Obafemi Rubgarugba, I hail from Ughelli L.G.A of Delta State, a driver by profession and recieved Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on August 7, 1987 in Iju, Lagos State.

Maharaj Ji has made me number one in anything I do. On this day, my wife, the kids and I were at home enjoying family time. After eating, the children were playing hide and seek. Later my son came to meet me, saying, daddy, I am satisfied. I just laughed and asked him to go play with his siblings. At bed time, we ensured the kids were sleeping before retiring to our room. I took my Instrument of Life to meditate. While I was meditating, I came back to myself suddenly, it was then I heard my wife calling on me papa Kome, Papa Kome, papa Kome. She was shouting at the top of her voice. I wondered what the emergency was. When I got to meet her, I saw our son on the floor with his mouth tightly shut and she was trying to force a spoon into his mouth.

She was saying hospital, hospital, hospital. I wondered how we would leave the house by 2:00 am in the morning not only that, it was a distance from us. So, the only line of action was to use the Holy Name, Maharaj Ji. I told my wife to be calm that our son won’t die and every thing will be okay. I took our child from her and I went into strong Holy Name, calling Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, before I knew it, our son opened his eyes and started crying. We gave him some food to eat; his mother was just staring at us. By the time he had finished eating, I handed him over to his mother.
I thank Maharaj Ji for bringing my son back to life.

LOOK AROUND YOU DEATHSPinFearAgony Confusion Are Order Of The Day And You Say Maharaj Ji Should Leave You Alone


My name is SP Preye Jumbo, I hail from Bonny Island in Rivers State. I am a Logistic Manager. I received the Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on September 7, 2019 in Maharaj Ji Village, Iju, Lagos Annex.

I want to share this wonderful experience that proved the extent of Maharaj Ji’s great love towards me. On this fateful day, I witnessed physically the manifestation of that verse in the Arti that says, “In seconds He has set us free. “ Just like every other day, I went about the usual routine of leaving the home to attend to my business situated in the suburb of Lagos, Ajao Estate precisely.

On that day, I was driving along a three-lane express way in the afternoon while enjoying the scenery and thanking Maharaj Ji for making me see yet another day. I noticed there was a-40 ton trailer carrying goods ahead speeding on my right-hand side and I wanted to overtake it. So, I began to horn in order to notify the trailer driver of my intention so that I could overtake with ease. Just as I was getting ready to overtake the trailer, Maharaj Ji appeared physically in my car and said “PREYE STOP THIS CAR” immediately I obeyed. This attracted the attention of other motorists who thought there was something wrong with me and they began tooting their horns and hurling insults at me for disrupting their pace of movement. Unknown to them, I was simply following a Divine Instruction. After some seconds, something nerve racking happened before my very eyes. I heard a crashing sound, people were screaming and running helter-skelter. The trailer that I was about to overtake was involved in an accident. The trailer had fallen to its left and all the goods it was carrying fell on the unfortunate vehicles that overtook my car I witnessed a scene of multiple accidents, there was blood everywhere, people who suffered severe bodily injuries, deaths and destruction of properties worth millions of naira. I was shocked to my bone marrow at the gory scene that unfolded before me and I couldn’t help but ask myself, “what if I had overtaken that trailer, what would have been my fate?” definitely, my life would have ended.

Behold, Maharaj Ji saved me from accident, untimely death and guaranteed my life 100%. Truly the Arti verse that says, “In seconds He has set us free” came to past on that day. I am so grateful to Maharaj Ji and I thank Maharaj Ji for everything. I never knew that Maharaj Ji would manifest physically in such a dangerous situation to save me. I implore the Children of Light, to be more dedicated because I don’t feel I am even qualified to receive such a blessing, Nonetheless, Maharaj Ji showed me mercy and compassion.

Indeed, this tells you that Maharaj Ji is a true Father.
Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji Jai.



Maharaj Ji thank you for honoring Onuiyi Haven with Your presence today at a time I have planned to travel out of the country for medical treatment as I had done in the last two years, 1991 and 1992. “I hoped then that MAHARAJ JI will appreciate that as far as I am concerned, I have followed Your activities with interest and it coincided with my own idea of life and I said, when will I be able to meet MAHARAJ JI, I asked.

“But the presence of Maharaj Ji today has given me a new lease of life and made me feel that I still belong to this planet. My continued association with such individuals will not only make me grow, but will make me have full confidence that no matter the disease, I will always conquer and be alive. “When You spoke, You spoke the same language, You interpreted the world, You interpreted the Universe. You interpreted humanity. You interpreted our reactions, one to another and I said to myself; am I listening to myself or am I listening to my other self ” “I want to thank you, Maharaj Ji for Your presence, with all the noble words you said, the promises and interpretation of history which you gave. “These are enough to inspire one and the way our friends here reacted, coincided with my own reaction, so I beg to be allowed to be one of Your followers
(Applause)….… Great Zik of the Universe at his Onuiyi Haven, Nsukka while responding to the Divine speech made by The Father of Creation who visited to bless the Owelle of Onitsha at his Onuiyi Haven on Wednesday, March 31, 1993.


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