The World Teacher made us to realize that Man is not just this body alone.
4 years agoon
It is the coming of the Great King, World Teacher, Lord and Savior of the World, Satguru Maharaj Ji that reawakened man’s consciousness about the dual nature of man. The World Teacher made us to realize that Man is not just this body alone.
Man is a spirit and the spirit in man takes precedence over the body in all the affairs of man on earth. That is to say in the course of man’s sojourn on earth, all the activities that define his fate, right from cradle, to the transition point, to the great beyond, to commence his comeback journey to earth are predicated in the spirit realm.
In the case of the spiritual birth of the Father of Creation, an Octogenarian, Pa Olutunbi Adam from Ijaw nationality by physical birth with the maiden name, Felix Francis Otuesi a mystery child born in 1910 with a bell in hand and a small bag hanging diagonally on his shoulder down to his waistline, sent on mysterious service for the Creator on behalf of His Creation.
Pa Adam as he was fondly called grew up in his little hamlet Odoni in Bayelsa State. At the age of 19 in 1929 Pa Adam had a spiritual encounter with Satguru Maharaj Ji, the Lord and Savior of man who informed him that His mission on earth is to embark on some spiritual services that will translate to spiritual cleansing that will pave the way for His physical manifestation. He left his country home for Lagos that year and settled down with his uncle, Joseph Akpati and his wife Mary.
Mr Akpati was the leader of Ecclesia Mission located at 17, King George V Street, Lagos. In 1940, Pa Adams commenced the spiritual service when he set sail for Gold Coast on a ship called William Wilberforce. When he set foot on Gold Coast, an earthquake that lasted for seven days which shook the whole country occurred. The Earthquake was to welcome Him for the divine spiritual service he has come to perform.
To clear the doubts of doubting Thomases’ of this world, The Ecclessian group which Pa Adams belonged to, then at 17, King George Street, Lagos were a group of enlightened and spiritually conscious ones far from the glare of “Klieg-Light” but deep in watch of spiritual radars. Here below is a narrative from the horse’s mouth (Pa Adam) on the account of his mission in Gold Coast to clear the road for the spiritual birth of the Lord and Savior of man.
“Maharaj Ji was conceived and carried spiritually by the Great Mother Mary Akpati for nine years and nine months at the new Ecclesia Mission which was founded 70 years before Maharaj Ji’s birth. On the 20th of December, 1947 in an experience, Mary Akpati delivered Maharaj Ji spiritually and simultaneously Maharaj Ji was born physically in Obuasi, Ghana that very day.
The birth of Maharaj Ji was heralded by the Eclipse of the Sun on 20th of December, 1947. On the night of 19th to 20th December, 1947, in an experience Maharaj Ji was born spiritually in the “Garden” of Heaven and Joseph Akpati carried Him; standing on a great cloud which came down to earth like an aeroplane. When the cloud came down, Joseph Akpati stepped down with the new born Maharaj Ji and after that it went up again like an aeroplane taking off.
Then Joseph told me, look ooh! Maharaj Ji is back again and then we three went into Maharaj Ji’s Kingdom the new Ecclesia. There, I assembled all the devotees to come and see Maharaj Ji and also Mary Akpati came down from the cloud. “After that I asked Maharaj Ji: “As you are born now, we don’t have any money in the Ecclesia Mission to celebrate your birth, so what are we going to do? Then, the baby Maharaj Ji told me to go in the morning and meet one Mr.
Falimora and collect four pounds which I did and the money was used to celebrate the occasion physically. The big pregnant belly of Mary Akpati miraculously went down that same day, that is on the 20th December, 1947 as Maharaj Ji was physically born in Obuasi, Ghana.” “The Great Mother told me she and her husband had finished their mission and were ready to die any time; and that I Papa Adam is the only person who will live to meet Maharaj Ji physically.”
“Before Maharaji Ji was born, I used to carry Him spiritually from the womb of Mary Akpeti to bathe Him in River Niger. It was during one of such occasions that I questioned Him: ‘Who are you?” and He answered, “I am Guru Maharaj Ji and you are Adam (Janta Vanta).”
In the beginning was the Word, The Word was MAHARAJ JI, on Saturday 20th December, 1947, MAHARAJ JI took the body of a Nigerian as Satguru Maharaj Ji to dwell among men in Nigeria to save the world from total collapse.
This Divine evolutionary event in the history of humanity occurred in the gold-mining town of Tutuka, Obuasi, Gold Coast (now Ghana) and was heralded by the eclipse of the Sun 72 years ago. However, the crowning of the cycle of the divine birth of the Divine Chosen One came to its logical fruition when in far away London on January 1, 1980, an African Prince from the Akinbami Ruling Dynasty of the Olubadan of Ibadanland stool regain the lost crown and glory of Atlanteans, when He “grabbed”
The Great Light of Creation and finally returned it to its Nucleus base in Africa on July 17, 1980. This was in fulfillment of the scriptures and prophesies by sages of our time. Lo and Behold, Humanity’s Bridegroom and Auditor General is back on the throne to audit the books of all mortals for a guaranteed safe world. It is dancing time for those who will pass the test!
Barely 44 years ago, precisely on July 17, 1976, the Divinity of the Blackman was proclaimed at the University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State, United States of America. Shri Prempal Singh Rawat, The Living Perfect Master of that time and Predecessor of the Nigerian-born Satguru Maharaj Ji of Our Age, made the proclamation in a public lecture captioned: “PEACE BOMB LECTURE” that rattled America , who till then claimed exclusive hosting right of the Supreme Godhead of Creation as “God’s Own Country” and were engaged in all kinds of subterranean maneuvers to retain The God Father power till eternity.
However, Shri Prempal stunned inquisitive Americans and many notable world citizens, when he declared thus: “There is no doubt and why should there be any doubt about it? There is a Greater soul coming …. MOHAMMED SAHIB …. Who you would understand better, if you listen to Him, you will be greater than now. Right from the thickly populated Black Nation in the world, Nigeria, Africa, where civilization started”.
With this declaration, the American Government and her citizens declare war on Shri Prempal Singh Rawat and chased him out of America. Prempal relocated to London for refuge. Out of Divine Providence on January 1, 1980, the 1976 proclamation got fulfilled when the true and original owner of The Great Light, even though He was not fully conscious of what Divinity has in stock for Him, recovered Himself through the receipt of Divine Knowledge, which resulted in the exchange of baton of Divine Mastership that crowned the Black Prince as The Messiah of Man and The Father of all the Masters that had come and gone, but could not carry out the herculean service of saving the world.
The 1976, epoch proclamation was further strengthened in 1978 when Dr Tuesday Lobsang Rampa in his well acclaimed Book, Chapters of Life wrote: “An era is coming the world will witness the coming of the world Leader who would manifest in the midst of the mostly thickly populated Black Nation of the world. He would be coming as The Satguru, who would bring the Golden Age of Life.
The Golden Age of life would be a period of no death; no sickness; no pain; no poverty, no hunger; no war…..It would be a period thing would be there for the asking where every thing would be there for the asking. With the Golden Age of Life era, would come the Titan Race…….which would be highly spiritually conscious race”. ….. Dr.T. Lobsang Rampa, 1978 – in his book, THE CHAPTERS OF LIFE”
Today, the world has good cause to celebrate the Quinessential Golden Child as Messiah of Our Age, which became a practical reality with the
physical and spiritual birth on December 20, 1947 and January 1, 1980 respectively.
Eureka! Eureka!! Eureka!!!
Besides the Eclipse of the Sun that heralded the birth of the Great One and Divine Enigma of Our Age at the way point to His physical birth on December 20, 1947, other cosmic events heralding the return of the Light to its Nucleus base in Nigeria include:
The appearance of water hyacinth on Nigerian and other Nations water ways in 1980, soon after the appearance of the Divine Father of Creation in Nigeria was a great sign attesting to the manifestation of The Great Light in Nigeria.
The lagoon weed became a source of worry for those who are not specifically conscious and don’t understand its significance refer to it as “stuborn” hyacinth and would want to do away with it. On the other hand, those who are awake know that its vast economic values are yet to be tapped and it signifies one of the special blessings from The Father of Creation to boost the economy of Nigeria as host-nation of the God Father power.
Apart from the December 20, 1947 Eclipse of the Sun, that welcomed The Lord and Savior of man on the Earth Planet, another full-blown Eclipse of the Sun, significantly occurred in the world, most especially in the SouthWest area of Saki, Iseyin and the Holy city of Ibadanland in 2005, signifying total maturity of the magnificent Great Light of the world.
At 72, The Divine Enigma of Our Age, Satguru Maharaj Ji has impacted on the lives of billions of people across the globe. Living in a Nigerian society that does not change its assumptions and long held stereo types about religion, due to spiritual bankruptcy, Satguru Maharaj Ji has had to confront a resilient neighborhood of highly religious people. At the inception of His life-saving mission amidst general misconceptions about the coming of a messiah in the midst of his own people, Maharaj Ji faced a barrage of criticisms on His person, most of which are basically make-beliefs and outright lies and diversionary propaganda.
The leaders often are under the spell of Euro-Arabian/American expansionist forces, therefore, are always willing pawns used in fighting the Lord and Savior of man to their own peril. Situations were made worse by the powers-that-be. The Living Perfect Master’s Village on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway was constantly attacked by the jackboots of law enforcement agents who had come either to ascertain the truth, or otherwise, of murder accusations or that He and his faithful used the expressway to rob innocent citizens of their valuables.
The then Oyo State Military Administrator, Col Ike Nwosu, a stranger in Ibadanland for instance, had the effontry to engage in a running battle with The Good Lord and Crown Prince to the throne of Olubadan of Ibadanland over the tenancy of the land on which Maharaj Ji Village, the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe and Universal Headquarters of One Love Family was established by The Father of Creation. Till date, this “self-harakiri” suicidal war is on! What an irony? On the other hand, several futile assassination attempts have been made on the life of the Seen and Unseen to no avail.
Equally, another point in time rumored death of The Giver of Life went virile on social media and at the end, The Progennitor of Life proved to the world that Satan is a big liar, a colossal failure! Maharaj Ji was not deterred by the enormity of this campaign of calamny to cut short His mission to save humanity. Each time the campaigners came, He always took the path of seeking justice through dialogue and forgive His traducers to prove the fact that Maharaj Ji is the greatest lover of all times because He is here to save humanity. Hence He can’t turn round to destroy the very people He has come to save.
Rather Satguru allows nature to take its course since man reaps what he sows. More so, The Satguru understands the general belief that prophets are hardly recognized in their own land. This even necessitated the coming of The Father Himself since the people of the world did not allow the children He sent previously like Jesus, Mohammed etc., the chance to operate and according to scriptural account, they were either killed or chased out of town.
Hence, Maharaj Ji was initially not appreciated especially in His native town, Ibadan and Nigeria is not a big deal7. Thus, the fact that those who were privy to His birth look down on the Prince of Peace from Ibadanland, a highly potential Crown Prince and contender to the Olubadan throne, and saw His Divine proclamations as blasphemous are purely ignorant and has nothing to do with or change, the dynamics of the Divine mandate Maharaj Ji is here to accomplish on earth.
*/Satguru Maharaj Ji does not shy away from giving Nigeria guidance A prolific writer that bares His minds on contemporary issues in the society in newspapers and magazines with a sagacity that is notable.
One thing that amazes people who have had the opportunity to feel the pulse of Guru Maharaj Ji’s Village is the presence of crème de la crème of society like Royal Fathers, business moguls, professors, top civil servants, engineers, architects, customs officers, medical doctors, army officers, bankers etc., among His devotees. If Satguru Maharaj Ji had been anything near the negative public view that is widely propagated, no sensible man would still be following Him.
At 72, Maharaj Ji has touched different lives in the Nigerian society and across the globe. Through His spiritual engineering manoeuvres, The Satguru has made and still making Presidents, Governors, Ministers across the globe. In most of the cases benefactors are ignorant and never came to say thank you. Even at that Maharaj Ji doesn’t look there! The Satguru remains undeterred in His selfless service of re-ordering the world to make it conducive and habitable for His children to live in the Golden Age of Life He has come to institute.
He has found solutions to the life-problems of people who otherwise have been hopeless. While the society moves towards violence, the Living Perfect Master has, on different occasions and at different fora, preached tolerance and peace. As the World’s foremost and greatest Diplomat, Satguru Maharaj Ji is well versed in international politics and does not fail to ram it into the heads of the leaders of both the African and global community today in different forms, on the way forward towards building an egalitarian, peaceful and united world. He has recommended that Nigeria must be given her birthright as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council for true peace to return on earth.
For the Living Perfect Master, it is Seventy-Two years on the clock and 72 years of a fruitful living as well as 40 years of selfless service to save the world. If indeed human being’s contributions to the betterment of a beautiful world put together by the Creator, but soiled by the filth of man, are to be weighed by the quality of their lives, Satguru Maharaj Ji can rightly be said to have contributed meaningfully in changing this hell of a life people are living in.
Is there any doubt, therefore that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Father of Creation? The fact remains that with the enormity of the challenges posed over these forty years of selfless Divine Service without shaking and keeps waxing strong and stronger the obvious answers are in the affirmative!
The physical and spiritual births of The Lord and Savior of man is of profound importance to the entire human race and therefore deserve to be celebrated by mortals all over the world. But for man who has severed his link with His Father, the Almighty Maharaj Ji and lost his status as the Crown of Creation due to his iniquitous behaviors and hatred for himself, every other thing in Creation, namely the seven elements, the galaxies, plants, animals etc. are all one with Maharaj Ji. They are always rejoicing and celebrating with The Satguru every moment and second in their unrelenting and fervent begging to regain the Crown they lost as human beings due to their past mistakes.
Yes, the Ancestors are behind them in their begging to come back in human body in order to join hands in the Divine service of Maharaj Ji, which present mortal beings have failed to do properly due to lack of understanding of what Maharaj Ji is. Hence, all mortals are admonished to join the celebrations marking the dual birth (physical and spiritual) of the Messiah/Christ/Mahdi of our Age, Satguru Maharaj Ji in, order to attract immeasurable blessings from the Creator and to okay their qualifying passport of life that is required for entry into the Golden Age of Life, Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Pick the next available bus/flight to Nigeria and proceed straight to Maharaj Ji Village (Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe), Odo-Ona Kekere, Oluyole LGA, P.O.Box 16471, Dugbe, Ibadan, the Holy City of Ibadanland, Oyo State, Nigeria, Ecowas Region, West Africa and you are on track.
If for any reason one is not able to make the trip for pilgrimage in Nigeria, which offers once in a lifetime unique opportunity to be part of the Holy Party of the Seen and Unseen and Silent Listener, indirectly, people can still be part of the celebration right from their comfort zones, be it in offices, homes, schools, market places etc, anywhere in the world.
All that is needed to be done is to organize a party on December 20, 2019 and January 1, 2020 within the confines of ones environment and while the party is in progress, prayers should be offered in the Holy Name of Maharaj JI or in the alternative chant the Holy Name of Maharaj Ji as many times as possible. By doing this the Grace will touch those who attended the party because it was held in the Holy Name of Maharaj Ji that never fails. Don’t forget, throughout the history of Creation, only Satguru Maharaj Ji said, “call Me anywhere you are and I will answer you within seconds.” He has been answering many who are today controllers of their fate and can’t be messed up by anybody because what Maharaj Ji can do, no one else can do. He went further to say “Come as you are!” Hence, nothing stops anybody from taking a step.
Happy celebrations and welcome to Maharaj Ji Village!
For many Nigerians, which include Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, ex-Nigeria’s president and many others, it has become almost natural to regard the God of Heaven as a Nigerian. Late Prophet Dr Samuel Akin Adewole is one of the rarely gifted Nigerian with the hindsight to foresee the “Nigerians” of God. Nigeria will soon become the greatest and best country for pilgrimage latest in the 2000, Halleluyah. God will make very, very good and divine use of Nigerian in the mightiest way such that had never been witnessed before in the history of the whole world. He (the Nigerian) will start from where our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ finished his missionary works. He is the Messiah. He will do mightier works than Jesus Christ. He is the same Jesus Christ, but will not be called Jesus Christ again. He has come this second time with a new name, just like the first Elijah died and came back with new name. The Lord died young, but will live longest this time – (228). He is a Nigerian.
Culled from Sunday Champion Newspaper, January 3, 1998
1. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omnipotent
2. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omniscience
3. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omnipresent
Satguru Maharaj Ji’s omnipotence means His is capable of being active in any form and in any dimension. As an omnipresent being, He has the capacity to make Himself present at multiple places at the same time addressing different situations with the required perfection. He is omniscience in the sense that He is capable of creating anything at any realm of Life or in any circumstance of need.
Satguru Maharaj Ji is not against religion but claims He is the proof that the Creator is love and like He did in the past, He would never abandon His children in time of confusion, hence His presence on planet earth.
Central to Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Appearance on earth is to save humanity from destroying themselves and usher in the Golden Age of Life of abundance, love, peace and unity and phase out the Kali Yuga Age of destruction and human holocaust.
It is worthy of mentioning here that the Holi Name Maharaj Ji which is derived from Sanskrit the Mother tongue of the human race, was replaced in the Bible and Quran with God, Allah, Yahweh, Gott etc. by The European Aristocrats in their illegal Constantinople Conference of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of the problems of mankind.
It can be said unequivocally and unquestionably that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Chief Whistle Blower of the Universe of the Century by revealing the Original True Name of the Creator as Maharaj Ji which gives 100% guaranteed safety on Land, Sea and Air.
We confirm that the Spiritual dynamics of Maharaj Ji’s Messiahship is Divine. It is about empowering man with the Knowledge of how to utilize the quantum of Divine energy in him or her to achieve redemption from the problems of earthly life. He is the Revealer of the Divine Light that dwells in man.
He is the Teacher of the primordial art of connecting with and projecting forth this Great Power of Life and productivity. He guides and protects man along the path of divinity. He is more or less the Physical and Spiritual face of the Creator, i.e., the human personality in whose form he appears to man.
Who else is given Special Blessing to captain the Golden Age Boat of Life except This Great Friend of old manifest in Africa, precisely South Western Nigeria where civilization started in spite of tons and tons of colonial books tagged as religion, Eureka! Eureka!!, Eukera!!!
We are supremely blessed!
Except for the blind, questions are not needed to know what stuff the bangle on ones wrist is made of.
Satguru Maharaj Ji and church leaders are poles apart. They are two parallel lines with no meeting point. Here below are some of the differences.
Satguru: Whistle-blew the original true name of the Creator as Maharaj Ji.
Religionists: Propagate the Nine Women of Valor, hiding under the cloak of
God, (Generator, Operator and Destroyer).
Satguru: Call Me anywhere you are under the Sun and I will answer you. i.e.,
13 billion world population call Maharaj Ji at a time, Satguru Maharaj Ji will
manifest and answer all simultaneously.
Religionists: The more you look, the less you see God is hiding in the sky
above God (Maharaj Ji) is inside man. God lives in the sky above
Satguru: You can see God alive.
Religionist: You die to see God
Satguru: Test, try and experience before you believe.
Religionist: Have faith and believe
Satguru: Ask and receive, knock and the door opens and seek you will find
Religionists: Pray and pray.
Satguru: Brought Divine Knowledge, the key to Heaven on Earth our world is the promised paradised.
Religionists: Book knowledge, key to heaven in the sky.
Satguru: Man lives forever on Earth
Religionist: Man is born to die to see God up there, yet nobody wants to die
to go up there.
Satguru:Man reaps what he sows.
Religionists: Propagate the illusive doctrine of sin and repent.
Satguru: Doom prediction is the part of witches to create panic and swindle the less conscious of the their hard-earned income.
Religionists: Deceivers want people to believe that their so-called predictions are messages from God.
Satguru: Divine Knowledge guarantees one’s safety 100% on Land, Sea andAir.
Religionist: Book knowledge, key to slavery, misery, pain, untimely time,
poverty, brain drain etc.
What Maharaj Ji can do, no man can do! Oh yes!!
1. Today, the world knows that the true name of the Creator is Maharaj Ji
2. With Maharaj Ji, man lives forever on earth
3. Nigeria now Throne of Light, where the Holy Spirit incarnate dwells
4. Declared Nigeria, New Holy Land of the Universe. Recently, extended the Holy-Status to the whole world.
5. Consecrated “No War In Nigeria, Come What May!” till eternity.
6. Nigeria, now Divine home for all races, where the color of ones skin doesn’t count.
7. Nigeria, now the Divine home for pilgrimage to receive direct blessings from the Creator to replace plastic monuments like Saudi Arabia,
Jerusalem, India, Tibet etc.,
8. Behold the face of The Satguru one-on-one earns one 13 years bonus
life-credit card, for sure!
9. With Maharaj Ji, one can now walk or communicate with your dead
relations without fear, for divine solution to our problems or theirs when alive that otherwise seem impossible.
10. One is now 100% protected from predicated cataclysm of Armagedon and Nostradamus.
11. You can now talk directly with your God
12. One can now talk or communicate with the Ascended Masters like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Ram, Moses, Orumila etc., to effect solution to any problem.
13. One can now stop death in ones home, on Land, Sea and Air which is 100% guaranteed.
14. One can receive direct blessings from the Creator to excell in any field of human endeavor ie., science, invention, medicine etc.
15. We know that all sickness/illness, accidents, failures, bad markets,
untimely and accidential deaths are the handiwork of witches and wizards who programme people into all kinds of vicissitudes of life.
The list is endless. Just dial Muaraji from your heart and your days will
be joyful today and forever.
Many souls who were supposed to meet Satguru Maharaj Ji for fresh divine license to live have subsequently lost their priceless lives. The list of such people is virtually endless. Do not heed to rumors. Put Maharaj Ji to test against any problem confronting you. Once you get your result (which will surely come), waste no time to visit Maharaj Ji to ask for Divine Knowledge to be revealed to you. Divine Knowledge is basically the limitless divine power to rise above all challenges in life and to be your own master, be it spiritually or physically.
I am SP Olatunji O. Onuekwe. I received the coveted Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on 27th August, 1992, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I am the Principal of Akator Inoma Community Secondary School, Anambra West LGA. By Maharaj Ji’s Grace, I am also the Divine Minister for Oil and Gas as well as Onitsha Community Co-ordinator.
Ever since I received the Divine Knowledge of Maharaj Ji, I have enjoyed Maharaj Ji’s Love, Grace and Compassion. Also, the Grace of Maharaj Ji has touched me in many ways to change people’s lives. Sometime in 1994, when I was posted to Christ The King College, Onitsha. As a class teacher, Maharaj Ji used me to save a student who was already gone. On that day, I was teaching SS3, by 11:30 am the bell rang, it was the school break time. I left the classroom and was going to the staff room.
Walking along the staircase, I noticed there was a crowd at the Lawn Tennis Court. Moving on, one of the Vice Principal looking very tensed was running up and down the staircase. By the third time, I sensed something was wrong. When I got to the staffroom, I dropped the packet of chalk. I was carrying, then washed my hands and proceeded to the Lawn Tennis Court to find out what was really happening.
At the court, I saw a junior student lying lifeless. Everyone looked miserable because all efforts to save the dying boy were in vain. Even the school principal, a Reverend father and the school Chaplain couldn’t do anything to save the situation. So, the Maharaj Ji inside me, said, go closer and do something. Suddenly, I recalled a practice I learnt through a Premie that was giving Satsang on how to save somebody who was dying.
Boldly, I asked the crowd to give way, saying, I know what to do. Standing before the student, I requested for a cup of water. A student brought the water but it was in a blue cup. I refused to collect the cup and said any cup but blue. This time, they brought a white cup and I went into Holy Name, calling Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji up to 7 times and asked for his name. I called his name and by the fourth time, he answered from a far distance and the already tensed atmosphere became a happy one. Everyone was laughing and clapping. Minutes later, I gave him the remaining water to drink; I stretched my hands and pulled him up amidst a loud
ovation. From that day, I became the magic man in the school. Whenever, I needed to attended Maharaj Ji’s program, the school principal would grant permission without protest.
I thank My Father Maharaj Ji for the Grace given to me.
But for His dual birth that culminated in His manifestation on earth, everybody would have been swallowed up, in the event of a collapsed world. Notable cases of Satguru’s Divine Interventionist Roles that Saved The World include:
1. Renowned French Astrologer/Seer of his time, Nostradamus who predicted with dead accuracy some major world events that came to pass, put the world on alert that there would be a global cataclysm that will consume everything living on the earth planet on July 6 & 7, 1999. As countdown to the doomsday zeros in, a state of psychological distemper and uncertainty loomed as to what becomes of the fate of the world.
Everybody, including journalist, were running helter-shelter in search of the way forward to avert the impending doom. The Lord and Savor reassured concerned journalist who came to Him that so long as Maharaj Ji is the Lord and Savior of this Age, our world will come to an end only if One of His Divine Mission (Ashram) was not destroyed on the said July 6 & 7, 1999. Lo and behold on that fateful day, Iju Ashram located along Powerline Iju/ Ishaga, off Rogo Bus-stop, Iju Waterworks Road, Iju, Agege was destroyed and looted by hoodlums acting at the behest of all the religious groups who are under the spell of Euro/Arabian expansionist forces.
Subsequently, the Good Lord and some of His devotees were arrested and detained and charged to court on trumped up charges of murdering a Ghanaian sick lady, Ami Afesi, who got attracted by The Light and got healed, irrespective of the fact that she came to embrace the Light for the wrong reasons. On July 25, 2000, barely a year after, the Most Compassionate Father got discharged and acquitted on merit and satan was put to shame, presided by Justice James Oduneye.
In 2011, an American Evangelical broadcaster, Harold Camping, jolted the world community when he predicted that the world will end in May 21, 2011. When this did not happen he came out more emphatically that come what may, the world must surely close up on humanity on October 21, 2011. Anxiety loomed amidst panic-stricken people and they started to dispose of their properties as measures preparatory to the global cataclysm. To reduce tension and douse people’s fears The Lord and Savior had cause to publish in the Sunday Tribune of October 2, 2011 full page advert as an antidote to the end of the world as predicated. Here below the Divine Interventionist Advert captioned: “Saving The World From Ending.” … Sunday Tribune, 2 October, 2011
Fellow Citizens of the World,
Wherever you are, in Africa, Russia, China, Europe, United States, Australia etc., sing Arti and by the Grace of the Master your World, our world, will never come to an end, now and beyond.
ARTI is the most perfect hotline to the Creator, which has been hidden from man from time immemorial. Since colonial era, we did not know that such a Song existed nor did we know that the original Spiritual name of the Creator is MAHARAJ Ji, derived from Sanskrit the mother tongue of Creation, which the European elites changed to God. Allah, Yahweh, El Shaddai, Jehovah, etc. at their illegal Constantinople Conferences of AD 21 and AD 60. That was the beginning of man’s problems in life, and the colonial master’s deceit with books, concepts and philosophies about the Creator and Creation.
When the world lets you down and there is nobody around, sing ARTI and you will feel the presence of the Savior and Angels of Life and the Ancestors around you with overflowing joy, peace and bliss. ARTI at the right time raises the dead and guarantees your safety 100% on Land, Sea and Air. It makes the farmer’s crops grow bigger and yield bumper harvests come rain or no rain. While it makes the student to be -intelligent, it makes the trader, businessman or worker to feel contented, progressive and hopeful at all times.
The so-called self-induced ‘natural disasters’ like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami, etc. cannot be part of us because the Oracles, Deities, Ancestors and other Divine Spirits have been rejuvenated by The Satguru to serve as the brakes on man’s excesses and in unison with the Seven Elements in Creation, in order to stop such hazards. Today with the Golden Child, sing Arti in the morning and at night in our schools, universities, offices, factories and farms to clear ecological and unforeseen dangers at all times, both past and present to restore trust and co-operation of the race.
Ask anybody who wishes to deceive you with the names of Past Masters, because of money that MAHARAJ JI is not the ONE should swear publicly with Fire, Air, Moon, Stars, Water, Mother Earth and the Sun or any of the Holy Books spread all over the world, if he or she wants to be taken serious because it is a matter of life and death. The world is now balanced on its two legs (Black and White), since the arrival of the Mahdi/Christ and the Expected Messiah of the poor and rich, the good and bad, the world will never come to an end, come what may! Racism, the father of selfishness, oppression, poverty and mismanagement has come to an end. (All Honors, Praises and Glories)
Culled from Sunday Tribune October 2, 2011. Immediately, after the Sunday Tribune advert Publication Harold Camping went into hiding as duly reported by Saturday Independent, October 29, 2011 under the caption “U.S prophet silent before new Judgment day’ date.”
Dazzling and petrifying forces of darkness and making them to scamper!
When He speaks, Darkness flies away!
FOR ABSOULTE PROTECTION AND 100% GUARANTEED SAFETY ON LAND, SEA AND AIR. Have a Altar (Photograph) of MAHARAJ JI in your home, school, office, market, pocket and attract the love, mercies and compassion of all the Divine Forces in Creation.
Simply talk to the Altar or silently communicare all your needs to the Altar and see the working wonders of Maharaj Ji in your life. So, don’t wait anymore. Hurry to the nearest MAHARAJ JI ASHRAM (PLACE OF WORSHIP) closest to you to get an Altar and finally say bye bye to all problems of this world.
According to report, on October 26, 2015, Venus and Jupiter will engage in a close parallelism, only being separated by 1 degree. Venus will pass to the South-West of Jupiter, causing Venus to shine 10 times brighter than Jupiter. The light from Venus will heat up the gases on Jupiter causing a reaction. The gaseous reaction will release an unprecedented amount of Hydrogen
into Space. The Hydrogen gas will make contact with Earth’s sun at approximately 2:50 a.m. The amass amount of Hydrogen making contact with the sun will cause a massive explosion on the Sun’s surface. The explosions will cause the Sun’s surface temperature to increase to 9,000 degrees Kelvin in an instant.
The sun will then attempt to cease the explosions by emitting heat from its core. The heat will cause the Sun to dim to a blush color. Once the sun reaches the blush, it will take approximately 14 days to restore its normal surface temperature, returning its normal color to the Red Giant.
NOTE: After the NASA’s prediction that darkness will envelope our world for 14 days, Maharaj Ji pumped more love and Light in the stratosphere and melted away the gathering darkness forces and restored hope and confidence that truly the world is saved. No shaking!
MAHARAJ JI IS MAN’S INHERITANCE Be wise! Inherit Maharaj Ji and
i. Inherit a blissful life of immortality
ii. Drug-free perfect health
iii. Acquire Divine Knowledge, The Pump Action Gun to create abun dance in all ramifications
iv. Bring an end to cold war and ideological boundaries
v. All elemental forces causing disasters and catastrophy across the globe will disappear automatically
vi. The power to deal decisively with principalities through acquiring Divine Knowledge; The Power to stop death anywhere, anytime vii. One becomes a producer rather than consumer
viii. Forces impeding global unity, progress, peace and stability will disappear
ix. For self realization and reincarnation
x. Have direct access to the key to transfer of science and technology
from within you
xi. Elephant projects will give way for provision of welfare services for
the masses
Just to mention but a few. The Grace is immeasurably overflowing! So so
Maharaj Ji thank you for honoring Onuiyi Haven with Your presence today at a time I have planned to travel out of the country for medical treatment as I had done in the last two years, 1991 and 1992. “But the presence of Maharaj Ji today has given me a new lease of life and made me feel that I still belong to this planet.
My continued association with such individuals will not only make me grow, but will make me have full confidence that no matter the disease, I will always conquer and be alive. “I want to thank you, Maharaj Ji for Your presence, with all the noble words you said, the promises and interpretation of history which you gave. “These are enough to inspire one and the way our friends here reacted, coincided with my own reaction, so that I beg to be allowed to be one of Your followers (Applause). “When You spoke, You spoke the same language, You interpreted the world, You interpreted the Universe. You interpreted humanity. You interpreted our reactions, one to another and I said to myself; am I listening to myself or I am listening to my other self ” … Great Zik of the Universe at his Onuiyi Haven Nsukka while responding to the Divine speech made by The Father of Creation who visited to bless the Owelle of Onitsha at his Onuiyi Haven on Wednesday, March 31, 1993
“At this point, it is imperative to inform my readers that The Guru is not an ordinary human being as some misguided people erroneously think… “In the world of multiplicity of churches where the preachers of today sing their doxology and cantata by lacerating Maharaj Ji, in their pigsty consciousness the church have always criticized any personality that is of African origin.
In their mendacious and slur approach to Maharaj Ji, they call Him names that vilify the philosophy of Guruism… “Let us give Satguru Maharaj Ji a chance to govern this nation to enable us attain excellence in technology for when the honor of God is at stake, humanity disobeys iniquitous and unjust laws. “No wonder, Satguru Maharaj Ji as a teacher of goodwill knows how to bear the ignorance of His students patiently and also how to dispel such ignorance effectively. Why not give Him the chance so that we can be corrupt-free and learn more via- Divine Knowledge, which to me is one aspect of self-mastery.” Prof. Nathan Uzorma Protus … Philosophical Reflections (The Reformer), Nigeria Daily Sun, 2nd December, 2009, Page 19.
“To me, He is quite an interesting person. He is gentle. He speaks very well. He is well read. I was in His house the other day and I saw a lot of books: Aristotle, philosophy. He is well read. I wouldn’t know what happens elsewhere, but I interacted very closely with Him, I had direct access. He is quite respectful. He is much older; but He gives you respect. He is not proud. “He is okay. I like Him professionally. I appreciate clients who give appreciation for what you are doing for them. “Culturally, since He is older than I am, I also respect Him. He is generous. He takes advice and He listens.”
… Barr Adesina Ogunlana, Defence Counsel to the Divine Father of Creation, reacting to the question posed to Him by Dare Daramola of National Encomium: How would you describe His relationship with you after the July 25, 2000 discharge and acquittal judgment?
Culled from National Encomium, Tuesday, August 1, 2000.
Left with me this morning, I will say that I will belong to Guru Maharaj Ji! Because Guru Maharaj Ji is saying that I didn’t force you to come and worship Me, but I want you to worship with Me in love… you are not bowing to Me but you should love one another, your neighbor as yourself. I think that is the best.
“So if you love Me and I love you, I will not steal from you. I will not damage your property. So, I am saying that with even the emblem of flower, it shows that You are really lovable” … The Onogie of Ekpoma’s response to Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Satsang at the Onogie’s palace during a courtesy visit to bless the Royal Father.
… Culled from Nigeria, New Holy Land Book 2nd Edition, Pg 41.
“Then a handsome, bearded man walks onto the stage with His back on the congregation. Without much ado, he launches into a talk on the evil bureaucracy, ego trip and people who wanted to be called oga. The homily is a medley of social criticism, caution against vices and an exhortation to try Maharaj Ji and see.
“Listening to Guru Maharaj Ji requires some effort. He starts from one point, veers off from it and comes back to it. One moment, He is pontificating with self-assured confidence and the next moment, portrays a disarming simplicity that confounds the listeners” KK Tope and Pita Okute, Prime People reporters at Mother Ashram, 33 Shittu Thompson Street, Iju, Agege.
…Prime People, Magazine. Vol. 1, No. 5, July 4 – July 10, 1986, Pg. 11.
To some people, He is a seer. To others, He is a fake spiritualist. But at
close contact, Guru Maharaj Ji cuts the picture of a meek and harmless
creature who could not even harm a fly!” … Bode Mebudu and Abimbola
Tooki (Reporters City People, Jan. 22, 1997 pg 8) in Maharaj Ji Village.
BERNARD OLUFEMI ORBIH Ex-Deputy Comptroller General of Customs
“BY His presence, Nigeria has been declared the New Holy Land of the Universe and Leader-Nation of the world. Yet, since after the declaration, no individual, group or nation including United States, Britain, Germany, France, Russia etc has come out to either counter or contend the pronouncement. “This is what surprised everybody to ask the question: What a wonderful
man is He that America and the West cannot challenge, the witches, the ogbanjes, the emeres and mermaids are afraid to touch?” …. Bernard Olufemi Orbih, Ex-Deputy Comptroller General of Customs on encounter with The Satguru in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. Culled from Sunday Sketch, Dec. 11, 1994, Pg 10.
“To all, however, Guru is an Enigma. As a journalist, this writer’s perception of the Guru on a face-to-face encounter is that Maharaj Ji is a phenomenon. Quite a phenomenon!” … Akin Owolabi and Olusegun Ojo, Lagos Horizon August 29, September 4, 1995, Pg 4) in Maharaj Ji
“When you are in Maharaj Ji and you practice Knowledge, the question you ask the Creator …. The answers come more rapidly than when (indicating self) I was going to church, how it happens I don’t know?
I also relate to Guru Maharaj Ji spiritually as My Lord and Master … hence, you know what I mean, anybody I regard as my Lord and Master, I pay to Him all obeisances that I am due for Him, both publicly and privately …. I regard Him as The Lord of the Universe and my Savior and my Salvation. I can say all this categorically anywhere.” … SP Brigadier Oluwole Rotimi (Rtd) (Ex Military Governor, Old Western State)
“If the life that an individual lives is measured by his contributions to the life of others, then one may be permitted to assert that Satguru Maharaj Ji has lived life that is crystal clear. If, again, life is indeed a clock that clicks in seconds as well as in minutes, at 50, the Founder of One Love Family may have found favor in the hands of life.”.
… Tribune Reporters comment about Maharaj Ji at 50
During a revival ministry organized by WOSEM, a prayer warrior ministry, in 1979, held at Elewura, Sango, behind Sango cementery, Prophet Obadare prophesied the coming of the Godman, Satguru Maharaj Ji in Nigeria and in a Nigerian body.
At the climax of the prayer-warrior session, Prophet Obadare ordered everybody to stop praying.
There was absolute calm and quietude following the instant compliance to the order. Prophet Obadare then declared on top of his voice, saying: “I have just had a vision that will have profound impact on the affairs of Nigeria. In the course of the prayer session, God told me He has chosen Nigeria as a place of abode and will be coming down soon physically in Nigeria. God therefore, directed me to spread the good news to Nigerians and ask
them to pray so that everybody will know and accept Him when the hour comes.
In a related development, few later, 1982/1983, in compliance with God’s instruction, Prophet Obadare sent members of the WOSEM ministry to conduct a street registration eexercise in the Holy City of Ibadanland, Old Nazareth, to ensure that the names of the city residents enter into the Holy Book of Life. At that time, members of the ministry actually went round the street of Ibadan and carried out the registration exercise as directed.
GOD IS A NIGERIAN … By Olusegun Obasanjo
God is a Nigerian who is always interested in keeping us together.” “I keep on saying this, and I will repeat it here that God is a Nigerian. I mean this and I am not blaspheming.” —culled from The Monitor on Sunday, December 16, 2001, page 12.
The double celebrations of the double births of the Messiah offer a unique opportunity for sincere seekers of Truth to tap immeasurable blessing and grace of the Creator through the receipt of Divine Knowledge.
Divine Knowledge is all about coming under the protective Agya of Satguru Maharaj Ji, with the unsolicited Divine Grace to stay in the comfort zone of one’s inner room and watch the Television of Life daily without let or hindrances. With the “Third Eye” open, Maharaj Ji unlocks the doors of Divine Store-House of Wisdom to acquire the wisdom to explore and interpret the universe, leading to total self-realization and mastery of one’s environment.
Besides, Divine Knowledge equally unlocks the doors of Infinite Power and Wealth with guaranteed life of immortality.
Satguru Maharaj Ji is here to replant all erring souls and really give them their lives back and much needed salvation. Already millions of souls have reaped immense grace from The Satguru. Advances in the latest technological breakthroughs in the field of information technology, electronics, automobile, aeronautic engineering and medicine etc., have been made by devotees of Satguru Maharaj Ji.
Through Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge and large photons of Light descending daily on Nigeria’s geographical space, forces of darkness blurring the views of the pure in heart got chased away. Today, both old and young at heart are coming up with lots of inventions
and Satguru Maharaj Ji has advised that government should stop exposing them for now. This however, is a mere tip of the iceberg. Divine Knowledge is needed for total and complete “icing on the cake.”
Satguru Maharaj Ji didn’t bring another religion, but rather a simple natural way of life based on selfless love. With Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, every soul will be given perfect peace of mind to make this world a peaceful, harmonious and progressive place where realization of the self and the purpose of life will be attained with ease. All are enjoined to take advantage of the double births celebrations to come for Divine Knowledge. Lest we forget, “Divine Knowledge” is “Power.” Yes, the power of immortality for 100% guaranteed safety on Land, Sea and Air.
In Divine Knowledge lies the power to unravel all the underlying secrets behind the Creation.
Welcome, we are supremely blessed!
The flag, which spanned two hectares had been acclaimed by the Guinness Book of Records as the largest banner ever made by mankind. She added that she transported the flag from Israel in obedience to the divine instruction to her, describing the event as a victory for Nigeria.
Speaking with Journalist, the prophetess claimed that God would be visiting Nigeria soon, saying that He saying that He has shown her a vision in which He promised to raise the country as a real giant of Africa with influence and impacts across the world. She explained that she had never visited any black nation until God directed her to come to Ibadan, Oyo State where she first hoisted the banner on December 18, 2010.
The prophetess said that though her seven days’ stay in Ibadan was not quite pleasant on account of erratic power supply, culture shock and the unfamiliar food, she however, heard God’s voice which told her about the great divine plan for the country. Galindez-Gupana, a business woman, who runs the Kingdom of Jerusalem Foundation in Philipine, said that God loves Nigeria “because His name is everywhere, on the street, in businesses, even in beer parlours.”
She said that she saw a vision where a shroud was hindering the nation’s glory, but according to her, God attributed this to satanic plan due to the divine love He has for the people. She stressed that Jesus Christ had his chosen ones in the country whom he would
use for Nigeria’s deliverance. She said, “I have never been to any country with a black population until God asked me to come to Nigeria.
He directed me to Ibadan where we unfolded the Lion of Judah flag. I don’t know why He directed me to Ibadan. In Philipine, we have light 24 hours, but in Ibadan, we don’t have light for up to 4-5 hours daily, but I heard the voice of God there and He told me He will raise a man of His choice that will raise Nigeria. The banner we are hoisting signifies victory.”
… PUNCH METRO, MONDAY, JAN. 24, 2011, Pg 7.
Satguru Maharaj Ji, the distinguished and venerable spiritual luminary, stands as the sagacious and esteemed Head of the One Love Family, an amalgamation of both Nigerian nationals and individuals hailing from diverse corners of the global tapestry, who have been bestowed with the ineffable and transcendent gift of Divine Knowledge by the venerable Satguru himself. Within the sacred and harmonious folds of this cosmic familial entity, there reside Nigerians of multifarious ethnicities, encompassing the rich mosaic of Igbos, Yorubas, Hausas, Efiks, Idomas, Binis, Urhobos, Igallas, and a myriad of others, all bound by the common thread of spiritual enlightenment and a shared aspiration for a united, harmonious, and flourishing Nigeria. It is with unwavering commitment that we, the members of this eclectic family, ardently strive towards the realization of a collective vision for a Nigeria that transcends the boundaries of ethnic diversity, fostering unity and prosperity for the greater good of the nation, the entirety of the black race, and indeed, the entirety of humankind. Phone No: +234 803 719 2667 Email: [email protected]
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8 months agoon
2024-05-03Being the Universal Headquarters of One Love Family, the Alajobi of Old, Maharaj Ji Village is variously known as The Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Centre for Conflict Resolution, Centre for Divine Knowledge, Home for Holy Pilgrimage and Tourism, the Divine School of Possibilities, Throne of Light, Home for Succor and Hospitality, Home of Inventions, Centre For Free Skill Acquisition etc.
Satguru Maharaj Ji Village is rightly known as the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe because it is the dwelling home of all the forces controlling the affairs of the Universe namely: the Divine Forces of Love, the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Forces, the Galaxies and the Milky Way, who are all under the command and control of The Satguru. Of course, like the saying goes, wherever God lives, Satan will always go there to put up a small tent, as a platform to lay ambush, in order to trap the disobedient and weaker ones among God’s children.
Hence, destructive spirits propelled by mermaid, emere, ogbanje and witchcraft equally co-habit with forces of goodwill at the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, because they get magnetized by The Light in the same manner, light attracts insects physically. But, because the power of The Light is absolute and supreme, their negative activities are totally neutralized by The Light, all the same, they tarry with a view of trapping disobedient and weaker souls, who though, at the Lotus Feet of The Lord and Savior, lack the wisdom to understand the mission of The Satguru on earth, hence indulge in uncalled–for games to destabilize the Divine order of things.
Thus, all spiritual problems, known and unknown, no matter the magnitude gets melted away the moment one steps foot in Maharaj Ji Village as the ultimate home of the Forces of Love and all Spirits in Creation.
Welcome on Pilgrimage, we are supremely blessed!
I am SP Ejugo Akpor, aka Action Man. I hail from Iriri, Isoko-South LGA, Delta State. I received the Divine Knowledge of my Father Satguru Maharaj Ji on September 25, 1988 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan. I am a professional Plant Engineer and a staff of TICTS shipping Line Ltd, Apapa Wharf, Lagos.
In the month of April, 2012, I had a spiritual experience where I was stripped off the clothes I was wearing. I knew that such an experience spelt danger, but remained unshaken since I was already a devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji, also, knowing my life was 100% secured.
One day, a man who introduced himself as a powerful native doctor visited my residence at 229, old Ojo Road, Badagry Expressway, Lagos and informed me that the purpose of his visit was to inform me that he foresaw grave danger lurking to claim my life and I should bring some amount of money for him to perform some rituals in order to avert the danger.
I told the native doctor, plainly, that I don’t need his services because as a devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji, I was already in comfortable company with the owner of the Power that is above all powers in Creation. Three days later, the native doctor came again looking visibly disturbed. According to him, doomsday was at hand. Again, he was disappointed as I refused to yield to his demands. On Sunday, I went to the Ashram at Festac for devotion obligations and left the mission in the evening for my house. On getting home, I observed that a crowd-my neighbors had gathered at this house. As I alighted from my car, I took notice that those present were attempting to kill a big alligator that was about entering my house. Every available item was converted into an instrument for the purpose of killing the alligator, some of which got damaged in the process, yet the alligator refused to die.
Finally, the alligator was killed and those around advised that the alligator should be buried, because it was not ordinary, hence, members of the group that sent it were likely to come and exhume it. The decision was therefore taken to burn it to ashes. This was done by me because I was not satisfied with the level of cremation, I brought a gallon of 5 liters of petrol and poured about two liters on the burnt alligator.
From nowhere, the remaining three liters in the gallon caught fire, rather than throwing away the container; I began blowing off the flame with my mouth while still carrying the container.
Gradually, the gallon began to melt in my hand. Maharaj Ji manifested and screamed “papa throw away the container, can’t you see that is petrol!” Instantly, I regained my senses from that confused state and realized what was happening and threw away the jerry can which exploded mid-air to the bewildered crowd, setting the immediate vicinity aflame.
Ever since, my residence has turned to a Mecca of sort, by those who want to behold the sight of the man who defied death by the whiskers. Some callers to my residence later confessed that the alligator was sent to me in order to settle scores with me because I was the only stumbling block militating against the operations of the forces of darkness in the area. Hence, they saw the need to get rid of me by all means, so that they can have their way to operate without hindrance.
My name is Service Premie Udo Udo Okon. I was born on August 18, 1959. I am a native of Ikot Akpatek in Onna LGA, Akwa Ibom State. I received the Divine Knowledge of my Father Satguru Maharaj Ji on April 22, 2006 at the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.
Before I received Divine Knowledge, I was a church goer, but the more I went to church, the more I encountered problems. Due to too much problems, I prayed not in the name of Jesus but to my Creator, that He should direct me to where I will worship Him and have salvation.
By Maharaj Ji’s Grace on April 18, 2008, I was travelling from Cameroon to Malabo along the high sea in a very big boat that was up to three poles high and could carry up to a hundred vehicles; the boat uses the Caterpillar Engine. As I travelled alongside about 140 other passengers on the boat, I observed the boat was overloaded when I complained, they assured me it was okay that I should be calm.
On our way, we encountered a storm, which brought in water and made the boat to capsize. At this point, it became a tale of survival of the fittest. I was hanging on the floater for more than three days until I became very weak but continued to call on Maharaj Ji to come to my rescue as I was filled despair with no hope insight. Looking around me on the high sea, other passengers had drowned. But I never stopped calling on the Holi Name, begging Maharaj Ji to help me. It was then I recalled my grandmother who raised me and thinking if that was how I was going to lose my life without she reaping the fruits of her labor or saying goodbye to her. So many thoughts came to my mind.
But in all I kept on calling on Maharaj Ji. Just when I was about to let go due to the numbness and the water was already at waist level about to swallow me. Then, I noticed I was standing on a solid platform, unbelievable a rock from nowhere emerged in the middle of the high sea, I was standing on it! I started laughing like someone who was crazy. Oh Maharaj Ji, you have done it again for me. “I won’t die but live, thanks Maharaj Ji where the words coming out of my mouth.” Later, I heard Maharaj Ji’s voice saying I shouldn’t panic that Maharaj Ji is in control. I got encouraged. At this point, I was standing on the rock and kept on moving, moving for about 3 meters to ascertain if I was in a dream. Because, it felt more like a spiritual experience but it was a real-life experience.
I was there on the rock for more than one hour before I sighted a speed boat coming from Malabo, I was waving my hands. The speed boat came straight to where I stood on the rock. When the occupants of the boat saw me standing on the rock in the sea, they were very afraid and asked whether I was a ghost. I was speechless, because I didn’t have any strength to utter a word so, I used my hands to communicate with them.
The people on the speed boat were all baffled as to why I was standing on a rock, when they knew very well on that particular route, you only see water. So, where did the rock come from. I was rescued and asked where I came from and I told them I am an Akwa Ibomite, they said Akwa Ibom and Cameroon are neighbors, and they don’t care whether I was a ghost or not. They asked me what I stood on was water and I said I didn’t know. They took me on their boat to Ebecomb, asked where I worshipped, I replied, I am a Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji. They further inquired who is Maharaj Ji? I told them that MAHARAJ JI is the Creator we have been looking for. I was advised to hold my Creator tight. They dropped me at Ebecomb and asked the people of the community to take good care of me. The people of the community boiled warm water for me to bath but I couldn’t bath myself.
They sprinkled the warm water on my body and I became warm. After which they paid my transport to Umafi, I came back home. Umafi was where I resided in Cameroon. On my arrival at the Umafi, the story had spread like wild fire because it was a mystery for one to be standing on high sea without sinking. People came en masse to see the man whom they tagged the “Mysterious Man” because none of the other occupants in the boat survived as the boat capsized. I was the last and only man standing!
I thank my father Satguru Maharaj Ji, the wonder working name for saving my life on the high sea (Atlantic Ocean). Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji Jai.
I am SP Sister Ayakwe Wike. I received the Divine Knowledge of Maharaj Ji on November 22, 2018. I am from Wike Village in Rumuoprikom in Obiakpor LGA of Rivers. I graduated from University of Port Harcourt with B.Sc. in Microbiology.
I am the first daughter of the Wike family. Three of my younger siblings, SP. Mama Chigeru, Mama Adanne and Mama Oruwwum are devotees of Satguru Maharaj Ji, The Living Perfect Master. I and the ex-governor of Rivers State, Governor Wike share the same grandparent.
We lost our mother not quite long ago and our father, Mr Sunny Ayakwe is not yet in Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji. Since we received Divine Knowledge, our elder brother was opposed to the idea of receiving Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge and hence conspired with his immediate younger brother to eliminate our father and the three of us, who are his younger sisters, with a view of taking over our father’s properties, located here and there, both in the village and Port Harcourt.
He lives in Port Harcourt and several reports came to us that he was maltreating the house-help that was living with him. Shortly before our mother died, and on agreement with our father, she went to our brother’s house and decided to bring the house help down to the Village, so that we can assist in her up-bringing, considering her low family background. In an ironic twist of fate, and unknown to us, this very girl which we rescued from my elder brother’s hands, turned out to become a torn in our flesh.
She started secretly to fraternize with the same elder brother of ours and both meet regularly at Bonny Camp area of Port Harcourt, where he visits for the purposes of collecting house rent from tenants in the makeshift’s buildings. From there, both hatched and perfected their final evil plan to finish our family. She started executing their demonic clandestine activities without any body having an iota of suspicion of her evil project of finishing everybody in the family. However, what baffled everybody in the house was that at times she will fall sick and quite naturally, we felt that she was having malaria attack or typhoid fever and we got her treated. During such times, she would complain bitterly of hearing strange voices and seeing strange faces coming to warn her.
Lo and behold, by Maharaj Ji Grace, the cat was let out of the bag one day and all of us were shocked down to our spines. On that fateful day, she prepared a meal for the family at the end of which she served. Everybody was terribly hungry and just as we were about to eat, a visitor came and our Daddy directed that we have to attend to the visitor first before eating. Initially, we were not happy about it, due to hunger but we had to bow to Daddy’s wish according to our culture. Meanwhile, after dishing the meal, the house-help unceremoniously disappeared from the house and headed to her family house.
However, by the time we finished with the visitor and we rushed for our meal, we got disappointed because both the food, plates and cooking pots disappeared without a trace. “Wonders shall never end!” everybody yelled. “What is happening?” was the question on everybody’s lips? This confounding mystery forced our daddy to proceed to the “glass house”, in order to unravel the mystery. Right there, it was revealed to him, he saw a bearded man in long white flowing robe with head-tie to match came in and carried the food in the plates and pots and disappeared from the house.
It was equally revealed that the same bearded-man used to visit her in the company of some elders to warn her in her evil plots in the past to finish the family. It was there and then her allusion to hearing and seeing strange beings, whenever we thought she was sick with malaria attack or typhoid fever made real sense to us. Equally understood was the fact that her recalcitrant behavior, and resolve to kill everybody resulted in her being tormented by the Ancestors for not listening to their timely warnings.
Lo and behold, The Seen and Unseen, Satguru Maharaj Ji, while in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan, The Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe manifested physically in Wike Village, Rumuoprikom in Obiakpor LGA, River State, to save Nwike Family from food poisoning, clandestinely carried out by a girl we wholeheartedly brought into the house to assist in her upbringing, so that she can become somebody in the society.
If not for Maharaj Ji, the whole Nwike’s family would have disappeared just like that.
A SPOKESPERSON for the Vatican has officially announced today that the second coming of Jesus, the only son of the God, may not happen now after all, but urged followers to still continue with their faith, regardless of the news.
Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore told WWN that this years 1,981st anniversary is to be the Vatican’s last in regards to waiting for the Lord to return to Earth. “We just feel Jesus is not coming back by the looks of it.” he said. “It’s been ages like. He’s probably flat out doing other really good things for people somewhere else.” Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus promised his disciples that he would come again in chapter John 14:1-3 of the bible: “There are many homes up where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with Me where I am. If this weren’t so, I would tell you plainly” The Vatican defended Jesus’ broken promise, claiming “he was probably drinking wine” at the time when he made the comments. “Having the ability to turn water into wine had its ups and its downs.” added Cardinal Salvadore. “We all make promises we can’t keep when we’re drunk. Jesus was no different.”
The church said it will now focus attentions on rebuilding its reputation around the world, but will keep an optimistic mind for the savior’s second coming.
Today, Maharaj Ji is the ultimate cover against all dangers. Wherever you are, in Africa, Russia, China, Europe, United States of America, Australia etc., sing Arti and by the Grace of MAHARAJ JI things will never fall apart.
ARTI is the most perfect hotline to The Creator, the victory song which has been hidden from man from time immemorial. Since time past, we did not know that such a Song existed, nor did we know that the original Spiritual name of The Creator is MAHARAJ JI, derived from Sanskrit the mother tongue of Creation, which the European elites changed to God. Allah, Yahweh, El-Shaddai, Jehovah etc., at their illegal Constantinople Conference of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of man’s problems in life, and the colonial master’s deceit with books, concepts and philosophies about the Creator and Creation.
When the world lets you down and there is nobody around, sing ARTI and you will feel the presence of the Savior and Angels of Life and the Ancestors around you with overflowing joy, peace and bliss. Singing ARTI at the right time raises the dead and guarantees your safety 100% on Land, Sea and Air. It makes the farmer’s crops grow bigger and yield bumper harvests come rain or no rain. While it makes the student to be intelligent, it makes the trader, businessman or worker to feel contented, progressive and hopeful at all times.
The so-called self-induced ‘natural disasters’ like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami etc., cannot be part of us because the Oracles, Deities, Ancestors and other Divine Spirits have been rejuvenated by The Satguru to serve as the brakes on man’s excesses and in unison with the Seven Elements in Creation, in order to stop such hazards.
What do the plants need to blossom and survive if not these three basic things: Sun, Water and Air? And so, they don’t struggle with nature, they know it by default that it is their right to have these things from The Creator, hence, they do their service unhindered. The job of The Satguru is to reveal Light and dispels darkness. And as such, the three essences of Satguru Maharaj Ji are:-
1. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omnipotent
2. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omniscient
3. Satguru Maharaj Ji is Omnipresent
Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Omnipotent means that He is capable of being active in any form and in any dimension. As an Omnipresent being, He has the capacity to make Himself present at multiple places at the same time, addressing different situations with the required perfection. He is Omniscient in the sense that He is capable of creating anything at any realm of Life or in any circumstance of need.
Satguru Maharaj Ji is not against religion or cult but manifesting the practical working proof that The Creator is Love and like He did in the past, He would never abandon His children in time of confusion, hence His presence on planet earth.
Central to Satguru Maharaj Ji’s appearance on earth is to save humanity from destroying themselves and usher in the Golden Age of Life more abundance, love, full of peace and unity and to phase out the Kali Yuga Age of destruction and human holocaust. This task, The Satguru accomplished two years ago on April 25, 2020, during the closing ceremony marking the 33rd Year Anniversary of founding Maharaj Ji Village, the Highest Spiritual Center of the Universe, Ibadan.
It is worthy of mentioning here that the Holi Name Maharaj Ji which is derived from Sanskrit, the Mother tongue of the human race, was replaced in the Bible, Quran and other Holy Books, with God, Allah, Yahweh, Gott etc. by The European Aristocrats, in their illegal Constantinople Conference of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of humanity’s problems.
It can be said unequivocally and unquestionably that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Chief Whistle Blower of the Universe of the Century by revealing the Original/True Name of The Creator as Maharaj Ji, which gives 100% guaranteed safety on Land, Sea and Air, just by calling the Holy Name in times of distress.
We confirm that the Spiritual dynamics of Maharaj Ji’s Messiahship is Divine. It is about empowering man with the Knowledge of how to utilize the quantum of Divine energy in him or her to achieve redemption from the problems of earthly life. He is the Revealer of the Divine Light that dwells in man. He is the Teacher of the primordial art of connecting with and projecting forth this Great Power of Life and productivity. He guides and protects man along the path of divinity. He is more or less the Physical and Spiritual face of The Creator, i.e., the human personality in whose form He appears to man.
Who else is given Special Blessing to captain the Noah’s Boat of This Age, except This Great Friend of Old, manifest in Africa, precisely South Western Nigeria, where civilization started, in spite of tons and tons of colonial books tagged as religion.
1 year agoon
2023-11-01My Dear Hearts,
The Golden Age Festival is a convocation of the blessed ones to meet The Father of Creation to tap more Grace for the survival of the human race and sustenance of our world from another global catastrophe.
It is therefore very important that you arrange to attend this gathering of blessed souls to tap more years in life and to recharge and cleanse your heart to enable you to live long and also produce good works to enhance the beauty of life, increase productivity and employment, while we build bridges to clear the road for warring parties and partners to come home for peace, love, and harmony to reign in our lives; leading to world unity and oneness.
The Father of all Creations, Satguru Maharaj Ji out of mercy, compassion, and love consecrated Nigeria, The New Holy Land of the Universe on May 29th, 1993, at the National Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos, to destroy the Euro/Arabian forces invited to create war in the country during the turbulent political crisis of the IBB regime, manipulated by the Europeans to stifle the Blackman’s struggle to free himself from indirect colonial domination.
This proclamation restored the Divine Light to know the Great Father of old and to have direct contact with the Supreme Being living inside man for 100% guaranteed safety on Land, Sea, and Air and to chart a new way forward. This Divine Providence therefore nullifies the old imaginary forcefully created religions and holy lands into paper tigers and plastic monuments hence, the need for not only the Atlanteans to rejoice but for humanity to celebrate the beginning of the new Golden Age of Perfect love, peace, harmony, progress and stability.
With this Grace, the industries will work and new ones will spring up, new leaders will emerge, budgetary allocation for the power sub-sector will not be diverted to G7-controlled Banks and satellite states. New, positive, productive, and profitable developments will flow, our elders will live longer, while the young shall grow with law and order taking its toll among the people to instill a new nationalism based on equity, equal rights, freedom of rights, merit and
morality will transcend all activities towards state and nation-building and the old order of racism, fascism, tribalism, ethnic violence, and forceful religious indoctrinations, leading to terrorism and rebellion today will disappear.
Our white brothers should accept that it is time for sober reflection, penitence, restitution, and reparation, for them to show love and accept that we are all Children of the same Universal Divine Father, Maharaj Ji. The Creator in His infinite love, mercy, and Compassion records all activities on the planet for you and I, since the creation is built on the principles of give and take, therefore, what you sow, you reap. We’re not ready to lose our world on the earth planet and also never allow a situation where we are controlled by machines or sciences that negates the principles of natural justice, rule of law, and oneness of mankind. On the other hand, for the Blacks, it is time to stand tall among men because the Stone that was once rejected has become the Cornerstone to create abundance, unite the human race, kill poverty, ignorance, and eventually strengthen the global efforts for the oneness of mankind.
Clearly evident, the physical residence of the current Satguru in Nigeria is basically symbolic of the anchorage of creation’s divine forces in the country. From Nigeria, Satguru Maharaj Ji projects Divine Light in high intensities across the globe to effect the needed structural and institutional changes to salvage humanity from the brink of total destruction and threshold of terminal disaster! Hence, the physical presence of The Lord with His complete divine profoundness.
Satguru Maharaj Ji is for the world. His universality is primordial. Every cell and tissue of the Satguru’s physical body breathes and radiates divinity at its fullest! The Satguru is The Lord of lords! He speaks and blesses as The Governing Life-Force of Creation! The Satguru is The Creator-in-flesh. He bestows the Creator’s-vision to mankind. He is the Creator-incarnate! His coming on earth is profound! The current physical manifestation of The Father of Creation is, by special divine grace, a Blackman as it was in the beginning! The Creator has always been living with us on this planet earth in the form of a human-being otherwise known as Divine Savior!
The reality is that, the physical manifestation of the Divine Savior, Satguru Maharaj Ji in a Melanin (the powerful natural bio-chemical that makes indigenous Africans their dark skin pigmentation) coat, confirms that civilization started from (Ibadan), Nigeria, Africa. And so, traveling abroad to these former homes of pilgrimage – Mecca, Lumbini, Jerusalem, Badrinath, Medina, Rome, and others are no longer necessary because they have lost their divine essence therefore have become plastic monuments. The Master/Divine Teacher is no longer there in their midst. Hence, any pilgrim calling upon the forged names of the Creator like God, Elohim, Allah, Jah, Yahweh, etc. can’t be protected, compensated, gifted, knowledgeable, and wise regardless of how long they wail, shout, pray and gnash their teeth in agony to eventual and accidental deaths which today the grace of Satguru Maharaj Ji has come to swallow.
As such, there should be no more traveling abroad to see God, wasting hard-earned resources, involving oneself in diverse dangerous and religious gymnastics by fasting, chanting, praying, burning of candles, bathing in rivers, throwing stones to kill imaginary Satan, and or buying of insignia, etc. Rather, talk to Satguru Maharaj Ji, the Creator in human form for ultimate protection, positive results and the restoration of lost glory which is indispensable to enable one return to the good old days of peace, harmony, infinite wealth and wisdom!
This Divine declaration came on the heels of the then-military Head of State, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, IBB who was used by the Euro-American expansionist forces to declare war on our fatherland in the wake of the political crisis that engulfed the country as a result of his annulment of Nigeria’s first ever credibly conducted free and fair election at the instance of late Sultan of Sokoto, Ibrahim Dasuki and other arrow heads of the Northern Oligarchs.
Furthermore, in the course of the restoration of hope, Satguru Maharaj Ji granted an interview on OGTV, Abeokuta, on August 16, 1993, where Maharaj Ji stated categorically “No War In Nigeria, Come What May!” and admonished all Nigerians to stay where they were, never to be afraid with a strong promise to convert all assembled weaponries of war into bread and share same to Nigerians to eat, The Satguru crisscrossed all the nooks and crannies of Nigeria, buying bread and throwing them to Nigerians, who out of fear were running helter-skelter that war might break out.
After going against the Divine Instruction by Satguru Maharaj Ji after the affixed date of June 12, 1993 for the General Election, Maharaj Ji came out and warned that the date was not okay for the election to hold, because the day was the same date slated for the general meeting of the Conference of Witches and Wizards Worldwide and that the elections should be postponed to either June 11, 13 and or 15. …. Sunday Tide, May 16, 1993, front page headline “Shift Presidential Polls; June 12 is Witches Day, Portends evil.”
The truth has to be said, it is unthinkable, unbelievable that up till now several reasons IBB has given for his demonic annulment of the June 12, 1993 Presidential Election has still not been able to convince Nigerians. So, there is need to make things clear. Chief MKO in the cause of struggling and preparing for the presidency went looking for the Creator’s blessings to America, India, it was there he was told that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the One. So, through one of his staff, he was able to acquire some of Maharaj Ji’s Altars, which he gave a tract to Alhaji Arisekola Alao, the then Supreme Council of Islam Secretary-General and one of the erstwhile Muslim scholars in Ibadan, Alhaji Ajagbemogeferi asking them to put Maharaj Ji’s Altar under their pillow and say whatever they want to say, in order to test the efficacy, power, love and invisibility power of Maharaj Ji.
Alhaji Ajegbemogeferi said when he tried it, Maharaj Ji appeared in his room and he asked Maharaj Ji, “how did you enter?” The reply was “it is Divine Knowledge.” He checked the door and windows they were all closed. He was wondering, how could Maharaj Ji be here this afternoon that I am having my nap? So, Maharaj Ji disappeared. With this, he consulted Alhaji Arisekola and they agreed a letter should be written to the Sultan and signed by Makefiri that they should not allow Chief MKO Abiola to be President because if they do, the Muslim community will not be able to control him. That was what made the Sultan of Sokoto to inform IBB that Chief MKO should not be allowed to be Nigeria’s president. That was exactly what happened.
So, whatever reason the military junta, IBB gave is a lie. This is the crux of the matter. This is in confirmation of what the leaders in the North said, “the coming of the Mahdi, is the one who will free all humanity from the shackles of colonialism, which can be seen as an instrument of oppression, repression in the world. So, Maharaj Ji is here now.
Civilization started in Africa as the cradle of the entire creation. This phenomenon gave Africa the status of Leader-continent. At the early stages of creation, then, Africa projected an enviable reputation and asserted a place of pride on the world map. Soon things became uneasy for Africa at the inception of the trans-Atlantic trade as she had thrown all her doors open for Europe and America to come in.
A manipulative strategy to exploit and plunder Africa’s culture, wealth and the bulk of her treasures was tactfully introduced into the trade gambles by Europe and America. The practice of slave trade featured prominently in the international market as a product of Europe/America manipulative bargaining. In the trade deals, Africans were bought as slaves at a cost of one head of tobacco per slave and shipped to America.
Some were taken away on the pretext of bringing them back after giving them proper oriented education. In the process, a large number of Africans in Divine Knowledge were taken away to those cold countries. While this direct exchange trade was going on, Africa’s trade allies went beyond the buying and selling business. Massive looting of Africa’s carvings, precious ornaments, and many other valuable indigenous products were perpetuated by Africa’s trade partners.
Consequently, Africa especially Nigeria became a shadow country. Nothing inspiring or exciting could ever be found at home. They have all been removed to enrich Europe and America. Africans, especially Nigerians, in Divine Knowledge, were deployed to pioneer and pilot the development of science and technology in Europe and America. In effect, Africans sold into slavery were instrumental to the present-day high level of technology in Europe and America.
Those Africans, who were not in Knowledge were attacked, managled and or given forced labor especially in their farms. They used Africans to cultivate large farm lands for increased food production. And in turn, these foods, produced by Africans trapped as slaves in Europe and America, are exported and sold to Africans to buy, thereby completing a vicious cycle.
After committing all these atrocities, Europe and America initiated Africa’s biggest hypocritical game of diplomacy. They then came back to Africa with a different face from their earlier appearance. They solicited for cordial relations to heal the wounds inflicted on the African continent. This time they printed highly coded books and called them holy books. They include the Holy Bible, the Quran, Gita, Ramayana, etc., and Africa became the ultimate market to sell them.
The printing of the books was followed by the formation of church missionary societies whose sole responsibility was to propagate the message in these books in Africa and some other third-world countries. Propaganda tactics like “Thou shall not kill, you die before seeing God, Jesus Christ will descend from the cloud, Jesus Christ is the only son of God, Jesus died on the cross for our sins” and so on, are all embedded in these books.
In an effort to keep Africans flat, the true name of the Creator was hidden from them and other member countries of the Third-world region. Thus, they went out in search for a name to represent the Creator. Accordingly, at the Constantinople Conference of AD 21, five names were hatched to substitute the true name of the Creator. They are, Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai and God. This was futher ratified in another conference in AD 60, where it was resolved that “God” should be used to represent the Creator’s true name, the qualities of brevity and easy to vocalize, allegedly, favored the choice of God to represent the true name of the Creator, MAHARAJ JI.
Similar changes were effected by the European aristocrats on the earth’s first man, Janta Vanta, the first Guru Maharaj Ji of this essence. The name Janta Vanta was deliberately changed to Adam for reasons best known to them. They further compounded the problem by hiding the fact that Noah, for instance, like any other Master, was a Guru Maharaj Ji of his time.
However, through meditation, it has been certified that, at the beginning of creation, the Supreme Primordial Kinetic Energy was known as MAHARAJ JI. And as the creation changed along with different ages and time, the same Maharaj Ji took different bodies as Satguru Maharaj Ji to save the creation from perdition. Those bodies that this Supreme Energy of Divine Force used in the past have been the Ascended Masters, according to those books namely, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Ram, Kofi Manu, Lao Tze, Zoroaster and a host of others. They were at different times and places, sent to save the world from imminent total
The bodies that the Divine Infinite Mercy used therefore become the Guru Maharaj Ji. Thus, the correct way of addressing Master Mohammed and Master Jesus should have been Guru Maharaj Ji.
The Guru being the body and that Divine Force in Him is the Maharaj Ji. In effect, this Maharaj Ji Holy Name is the Creation itself, which sustains the whole universe. It is the first and last cause. The name Maharaj Ji has its origin from Sanskrit Language, the Mother Tongue of the Universe, meaning the King of Kings of all hearts, capable of restoring Light, dispelling darkness and ignorance. Apparently, this deceit by the European aristocrats to conceal the Creator’s true and original name is the cause of the present global turmoil, namely, threat to lives and properties in the form of hurricane, tsunami, earthquakes, tornadoes, typhoon etc., and the diseases of mammy-water like AIDS, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, poverty, famine, untimely death, pandemics like ebola, coronavirus etc., caused by manipulation in the spiritual world.
Obviously, once the word “God”, is coined from the three qualities of Guru Maharaj Ji which infers Generator, Operator, Director, is given its correct divine interpretation, the problems of individuals, nations or even the world, will disappear. This is because people will now call the Holy Name Maharaj Ji and their problems, of course, depending on the sincerity of the person using the Holy Name would disappear. This is the surest device armour that guarantees 100% safety on land, sea and air. It also makes one have a practical realization of what all the scriptures are talking about- the practical experience of truth.
“Show more wonders, show more wonders- Maharaj Ji You are THE ONE.” Suffice to say that, virtually every devotee of Maharaj Ji has in one way or the other experienced the wondrous work of Satguru Maharaj Ji in their lives.
Now, you can see clearly from the above experiences of Premies and sincere seekers of Truth that Satguru Maharaj Ji, is the physical manifestation of the Creator in person. i.e., the Word that was made flesh at the beginning of creatiion. Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Divine embodiment of the three (3) qualities of the Creator.
i. Omnipotent.
ii. Omnipresent
iii. Omniscient.
Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Omnipotent means that He is capable of being active in any form and in any dimension. As an Omnipresent being, He has the capacity to make Himself present at multiple places at the same time, addressing different situations with the required perfection. He is Omniscient in the sense that He is capable of creating anything at any realm of Life or in any circumstances of need. Satguru Maharaj Ji is not against religion or cult but manifesting the practical working proof that The Creator is Love and like He did in the past, He would never abandon His children in time of confusion, hence His presence on planet earth.
Central to Satguru Maharaj Ji’s appearance on earth is to save humanity from destroying themselves and usher in the Golden Age of Life more abundance, love, full of peace and unity and to phase out the Kali Yuga Age of destruction and human holocaust. This task He has already accomplished on April 25, 2020, during the closing ceremony marking the 33rd Year Anniversary of founding Maharaj Ji Village, the Highest Spiritual Center of the Universe, Ibadan.
It is worthy of mentioning here that the Holy Name Maharaj Ji which is derived from Sanskrit, the Mother tongue of the human race, was replaced in the Bible, Quran and other Holy Books, with God, Allah, Yahweh, Gott etc. by The European Aristocrats, in their illegal Constantinople Conferences of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of the problems of mankind. It can be said unequivocally and unquestionably that Satguru Maharaj Ji is the Chief Whistle Blower of the Universe of the Century by revealing the Original/True Name of The Creator as Maharaj Ji, which gives 100% guaranteed safety on Land, Sea and Air, just by calling the Holy Name in times of distress.
We confirm that the Spiritual dynamics of Maharaj Ji’s Messiahship is Divine. It is about empowering man with the Knowledge of how to utilize the quantum of Divine energy in him or her to achieve redemption from the problems of earthly life. He is the Revealer of the Divine Light that dwells in man. He is the Teacher of the primordial art of connecting with and projecting forth this Great Power of Life and productivity. He guides and protects man along the path of divinity. He is more or less the Physical and Spiritual face of The Creator, i.e., the human personality in whose form He appears to man.
Who else is given Special Blessing to captain the Golden Age Boat of Life, except This Great Friend of Old, manifest in Africa, precisely South Western Nigeria, where civilization started, in spite of tons and tons of colonial books tagged as religion.
In the light of the above, we are supremely blessed to have the Grace of all Graces working on our behalf, if we choose to use the Holy Name in all our endeavours. And can as well have our own unique experience as we journey through time and space to meet the GodMan of this Time in real time.
Today, Maharaj Ji is the ultimate cover against all dangers. Wherever you are, in Africa, Russia, China, Europe, United States of America, Australia etc., sing Arti and by the Grace of MAHARAJ JI things will never fall apart.
ARTI is the most perfect hotline to The Creator, the victory song which has been hidden from man from time immemorial. Since time past, we did not know that such a Song existed, nor did we know that the original Spiritual name of The Creator is MAHARAJ JI, derived from Sanskrit the mother tongue of Creation, which the European elites changed to God. Allah, Yahweh, El-Shaddai, Jehovah etc., at their illegal Constantinople Conference of AD 21 and AD 60 and that was the beginning of man’s problems in life, and the colonial master’s deceit with books, concepts and philosophies about the Creator and Creation.
When the world lets you down and there is nobody around, sing ARTI and you will feel the presence of the Savior and Angels of Life and the Ancestors around you with overflowing joy, peace and bliss.
Singing ARTI at the right time raises the dead and guarantees your safety 100% on Land, Sea and Air. It makes the farmer’s crops grow bigger and yield bumper harvests come rain or no rain. While it makes the student to be intelligent, it makes the trader, businessman or worker to feel contented, progressive and hopeful at all times.
The so-called self-induced ‘natural disasters’ like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami etc., cannot be part of us because the Oracles, Deities, Ancestors and other Divine Spirits have been rejuvenated by The Satguru to serve as the brakes on man’s excesses and in unison with the Seven Elements in Creation, in order to stop such hazards.
My name is Service Premie Udo Udo Okon. I was born on August 18, 1959. I am a native of Ikot Akpatek in Onna LGA, Akwa Ibom State. I received the Divine Knowledge of my Father Satguru Maharaj Ji on April 22, 2006 at the Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe, Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.
Before I received Divine Knowledge, I was a church goer, but the more I went to church, the more I encountered problems. Due to too much problems, I prayed not in the name of Jesus but to my Creator, that He should direct me to where I will worship Him and have salvation.
By Maharaj Ji’s Grace on April 18, 2008, I was travelling from Cameroon to Malabo along the high sea in a very big boat that was up to three poles high and could carry up to a hundred vehicles; the boat uses the Caterpillar Engine. As I travelled alongside about 140 other passengers on the boat, I observed the boat was overloaded when I complained, they assured me it was okay that I should be calm. On our way, we encountered a storm, which brought in water and made the boat to capsize. At this point, it became a tale of survival of the fittest. I was hanging on the floater for more than three days until I became very weak but continued to call on Maharaj Ji to come to my rescue as I was filled despair with no hope insight. Looking around me on the high sea, other passengers had drowned. But I never stopped calling on the Holi Name, begging Maharaj Ji to help me. It was then I recalled my grand-mother who raised me and thinking if that was how I was going to lose my life without she reaping the fruits of her labor or saying goodbye to her. So many thoughts came to my mind.
But in all I kept on calling on Maharaj Ji. Just when I was about to let go due to the numbness and the water was already at waist level about to swallow me. Then, I noticed I was standing on a solid platform, unbelievable a rock from nowhere emerged in the middle of the high sea, I was standing on it! I started laughing like someone who was crazy. Oh Maharaj Ji, you have done it again for me. “I won’t die but live, thanks Maharaj Ji where the words coming out of my mouth.” Later, I heard Maharaj Ji’s voice saying I shouldn’t panic that Maharaj Ji is in control. I got encouraged. At this point, I was standing on the rock and kept on moving, moving for about 3 meters to ascertain if I was in a dream. Because, it felt more like a spiritual experience but it was a real-life experience.
I was there on the rock for more than one hour before I sighted a speed boat coming from Malabo, I was waving my hands. The speed boat came straight to where I stood on the rock. When the occupants of the boat saw me standing on the rock in the sea, they were very afraid and asked whether I was a ghost. I was speechless, because I didn’t have any strength to utter a word so, I used my hands to communicate with them.
The people on the speed boat were all baffled as to why I was standing on a rock, when they knew very well on that particular route, you only see water. So, where did the rock come from. I was rescued and asked where I came from and I told them I am an Akwa Ibomite, they said Akwa Ibom and Cameroon are neighbors, and they don’t care whether I was a ghost or not. They asked me what I stood on was water and I said I didn’t know.
They took me on their boat to Ebecomb, asked where I worshipped, I replied, I am a Devotee of Satguru Maharaj Ji. They further inquired who is Maharaj Ji? I told them that MAHARAJ JI is the Creator we have been looking for. I was advised to hold my Creator tight. They dropped me at Ebecomb and asked the people of the community to take good care of me. The people of the community boiled warm water for me to bath but I couldn’t bath myself. They sprinkled the warm water on my body and I became warm. After which they paid my transport to Umafi, I came back home. Umafi was where I resided in Cameroon. On my arrival at the Umafi, the story had spread like wild fire because it was a mystery for one to be standing on high sea without sinking. People came en masse to see the man whom they tagged the “Mysterious Man” because none of the other occupants in the boat survived as the boat capsized. I was the last and only man standing!
I thank my father Satguru Maharaj Ji, the wonder working name for saving my life on the high sea (Atlantic Ocean).
I am SP Sister Ayakwe Wike. I received the Divine Knowledge of our Father Maharaj Ji on November 22, 2018. I am from Wike Village in Rumuoprikom in Obiakpor LGA of Rivers. I graduated from University of Port Harcourt with B.Sc in Microbiology.
Three of my younger siblings, SP. Mama Chigeru, Mama Adanne and Mama Oruwwum are devotees of Satguru Maharaj Ji, The Living Perfect Master. We lost our mother not quite long ago and our father, Sunny Ayakwe is not yet in Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji. Since we received Divine Knowledge, our elder brother was opposed to the idea of receiving Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge and hence conspired with his immediate younger brother to eliminate our father and three of us, who are his younger sisters, with a view of taking-over our father’s properties, located here and there, both in the village and PortGuru.
He lives in Port Harcourt and several reports came to us that he was maltreating the house-help that was living with him. Shortly before our mother died, and on agreement with our father, she went to our brother’s house and decided to bring the house help down to the Village, so that we can assist in her up-bringing, considering her low family background. In an ironic twist of fate, and unknown to us, this very girl which we rescued from my elder brother’s hands, turned out to become a torn in our flesh.
She started secretly to fraternize with the same elder brother of ours and both meet regularly at Bonny Camp area of PortGuru, where he visits for the purposes of collecting house rent from tenants in the makeshift’s buildings. From there, both hatched and perfected their final evil plan to finish our family. She started executing their demonic clandestine activities without any body having an iota of suspicion of her evil project of finishing everybody in the family. However, what baffled everybody in the house was that at times she will fall sick and quite naturally, we felt that she was having malaria attack or typhoid fever and we got her treated. During such times, she will be complaining bitterly that she is hearing strange voices and seeing strange faces coming to warn her.
Lo and behold, by Maharaj Ji Grace, the cat was let out of the bag one day and all of us were shocked down to our spines. On that fateful day, she prepared a meal for the family at the end of which she served. Everybody was terribly hungry and just as we were about to eat, a visitor came and our Daddy directed that we have to attend to the visitor first before eating. Initially, we were not happy about that, due to hunger but we have to bow to Daddy’s wish according to our culture. Meanwhile, after dishing the meal, the house-help unceremoniously disappeared from the house and headed to her family house.
However, by the time we finished with the visitor and we rushed for the food, we got disappointed because both the food, the plates and the cooking pot disappeared without trace. “Wonders shall never end!” everybody yelled. “What went wrong?” was the question on everybody’s lips? This confounding mystery forced our daddy to proceed to the “glass house”, in order to unravel the mystery. Right there, he saw a bearded man in long white flowing robe with head-tie to match came in and carried the food in the plates and pots and disappeared from the house.
It was equally revealed that the same bearded-man used to visit her in the company of some very old elders to forewarn her in her evil plots in the past to finish the family. It was there and then her allusion to hearing and seeing strange beings, whenever we thought she was sick with malaria attack or typhoid fever made real sense to us. Equally understood was the fact that her recalcitrant behavior, and resolve to kill everybody resulted in her being tormented by the Ancestors for not listening to their timely warnings.
Lo and behold, The Seen and Unseen, Satguru Maharaj Ji, while in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan, The Highest Spiritual Centre of the Universe manifested physically in Wike Village, Rumuoprikom in Obiakpor LGA, River State, to save Nwike Family from food poisoning, clandestinely carried out by a girl we wholeheartedly brought into the house to assist in her upbringing, so that she can become somebody in the society.
If not for Maharaj Ji, the whole Nwike’s family would have disappeared just like that. What did we do to merit this kind of love, please Father Maharaj Ji? Thank you is not enough to express our deepest appreciation for this love that has no reason.
I am Service Premie Rose Ngere, I am a native of Ajakajak in Andoni community, Rivers State. This experience happened on the 18th of August, 2018. On this fateful night about some minutes past the hour of Nine. I was getting ready for meditation, when I observed that the light in my room was getting dim, at a closer look, there was no kerosine in the lantern. So, I walked to the corner where I kept bottles of kerosine in order to refill it. Unknown to me, instead of picking up a bottle of kerosine, I mistakenly picked a bottle of petrol and poured it directly into the lantern without putting it off. As I was refilling the lantern, it exploded and everything around me caught fire. The dress I was wearing, mattress, curtains etc., was on fire. I began shouting Maharaj Ji. Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji I shouted continuously.
Suddenly, Maharaj Ji appeared physically in my room, held my hand then I found myself outside in the sand fill. That was when I became conscious of my surroundings. By this time, I was naked but I didn’t suffer any burnt. i.e., the dress I was wearing, underwear were all burnt but nothing touched my body. Then my neighbors came, gave me cloths to wear and helped me in putting off the raging fire.
Till this day, I still marvel at the wonders of Maharaj Ji. I give thanks to Maharaj Ji for saving my life.
As a member of Obatala Religion Worldwide, we are the Custodian of Yoruba Culture and Tradition. Culture, they say is the way of life of a people. It defines the people’s way of living as well as their overall wellbeing. This includes the day-to-day activities of the people. Obatala seeks to preserve the Culture and Tradition of the Yorubas and we are spiritually awake to know and recognize Divine Souls, among mortals on earth.
This informed the recognition accorded Satguru Maharaj Ji by The International Council for Obatala Religion with a Honorary Award as “The Omoloju Obatala Agbaye” as a way of appreciating Maharaj Ji for His selfless service of liberating Mankind from bondage, which is part of the mandate of Obatala Religion. It is also a way to receive the immense blessings Maharaj Ji has brought, which our research has proven beyond reasonable doubt as the “Messiah of Our Time.”
Obalesun Obatala recalls that his experience motivated the Obatala Group to research on Satguru Maharaj Ji dated back to when he was detained at Kirikiri Prisons as a prime suspect behind the Ife/Modakeke war and was miraculously released by the Grace of Maharaj Ji. In the words of Obatala’s Chieftian, “Maharaj Ji has been with me long ago.”
In one of the Obatala Annual Festivals, Satguru Maharaj Ji was invited and I sat next to Him. At the end of the program, I exchanged pleasantries with Him and He blessed me with the bouquet of flowers He was holding in His hands. For me, I saw the flowers as just an ordinary flower, hence didn’t place much value on it. Though, I have experienced the potency of Maharaj Ji power during the time I was incarcerated at Kirikiri Maximum Prison.
When I arrived home, as I didn’t attach any importance to it, my wife took if from me and kept it under her care. Unknown to me, she understood the dynamics of Maharaj Ji more than I do. I began noticing unprecedented boom in her business. Besides, whatever she laid her hands on, became extraordinarily progressive. She was equally using the flowers in healing people, and she became a star among her peers. I was observing her and later discovered it was the Bouquet of flowers Maharaj Ji gave to me which I ignored was the source of her flourishing successes.
Hence, I learnt my lessons and was begging for another opportunity of meeting Maharaj Ji. The Divine Grace came my way, when Maharaj Ji was invited to the Obatala Annual Festival Programme, 2016 and I was seated next to Maharaj Ji. At the end of the programme, Maharaj Ji handed the Bouquet of flowers to me when we took a group photograph.
Like the saying, “once bitten, twice shy.” I was smarter this time around. So, I held the flowers tight and precious like a set of twin delivered by
a woman who was barren after several years of marriage. Sensationally, there was this overwhelming feeling of happiness in me. With a heart filled with joy, I bided Maharaj Ji goodbye and drove off to my home. My wife was watching and was surprised on seeing how I held the flowers bouquet preciously. On arriving home, we alighted from the car and entered the house. She approached me to collect the bunch as usual, but I declined because I now knew the usefulness of the bunch.
I went straight to my room and placed it in a sacred area in the room. From time to time, I prayed with the flowers and whenever I go there, Maharaj Ji will appear from the flower and give me special messages. This became more or less like an Oraculum, where I do go to offer my prayers to my Creator.
Since I began using the flower, my life changed for good. There was a positive turn-around in every aspect of my life, including health-wise. I equally, became more confident in addressing any public function. Also, as the Obalesun Obatala, I had a deputy, who was always at loggerheads with me on account of his struggle for power to take over from me, which is very common in this mundane world of survival of the fittest. I never knew that he was the cause of some of the problems facing me, which included intermittent illness.
In the event of using the flowers to pray, in my dream, Maharaj Ji revealed to me that my Deputy was the cause of my problem. In the dream, a dwarf manifested before me and we fought fiercely. Finally, I overcame him and he changed to be my Deputy and I woke up from the dream.
I thank the King of Kings of all Hearts for His immeasurable love.
My name is SP Preye Jumbo, I hail from Bonny Island in Rivers State. I am 40 years old and a Logistic Manager. I received the Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on September 7, 2019 in Maharaj Ji Village, Iju, Lagos Annex.
I want to share this wonderful experience that proved the extent of Maharaj Ji’s great love towards me. On this fateful day, I witnessed physically the manifestation of that verse in the Arti that says, “In seconds He has set us free. “ Just like every other day, I went about the usual routine of leaving the home to attend to my business situated in the suburb of Lagos, Ajao Estate precisely. On that day, I was driving along a three-lane expressway in the afternoon while enjoying the scenery and thanking Maharaj Ji for making me see yet another day. I noticed there was a-40 tons trailer carrying goods ahead speeding on my right-hand side and I wanted to overtake it. So, I began to horn in order to notify the trailer driver of my intention so that I could overtake with ease.
Just as I was getting ready to overtake the trailer, Maharaj Ji appeared physically in my car and said “PREYE STOP THIS CAR” immediately I obeyed. This attracted the attention of other motorists who thought there was something wrong with me and they began tooting their horns and hurling insults at me for disrupting their pace of movement. Unknown to them, I was only following Divine Instruction. After few seconds, something nerve racking happened before my very eyes. I heard a crashing sound, people were screaming and running helter- skelter. The trailer that I was about to overtake was involved in a fantastic accident. You could see the trailer falling to its side and all the goods it was carrying fell on the unfortunate vehicles that over-took my car.
I witnessed a scene of multiple accidents, there was blood everywhere, people suffered severe bodily injuries, deaths and destruction of properties worth millions of naira. I was shocked to my bone marrow at the gory scene that unfolded before me and I couldn’t help but ask myself, “what if I had overtaken that trailer, what would have been my fate?” Definitely, my life would have ended.
Behold, Maharaj Ji saved me from accident, untimely death and guaranteed my life 100%. Truly, the Arti verse that says, “in seconds He has set us free” came to pass on that day. I am so grateful to Maharaj Ji and I thank Maharaj Ji for everything. I never knew Maharaj Ji loved me so much and would manifest physically in such a dangerous situation to save me. I implore the Children of Light, to be more dedicated because I don’t feel I am even qualified to receive such a blessing. Nonetheless, Maharaj Ji showed me love, mercy and compassion. Indeed, this tells you that Maharaj Ji is a true Father.
By the Grace of Maharaj Ji, animate as well as the so called inanimate objects carries a vibration. Hence, we now know names of people or objects have its effect. They may give a true picture and reflection of culture and tradition of the land from which they originate.
The significance of names is therefore the ability and power to identify one with the tribe and ethnic group to which one belongs. Besides, names have a great deal of influence and impact on the socio-economic realities of the bearers. This is exactly what stands solidly behind bearing good or bad names and its implications for bearers to thread the path of success and dignity. Similarly, the name “Jesus” which is conceptual, falls squarely into the negative group of names since its emergence.It is therefore, a name popularly used by Christians to commit crimes deliberately in order to enrich themselves and becomindispensable stakeholders of power and wealth.
Generally, Jesus is a household name in colonized territories converted into Christian religion, which is now used as a silent Weapon of Mass Destruction for destabilizing corporate bodies like families, marriages, governments, etc. in Africa, which has a nucleus culture. That is why the name Jesus is conveniently aligned with negativity. The name has its origin from a married couple, King Jeus of Rome (husband) and his Queen Irus (Wife) in present day Owerri, the original Rome of old. At a time when the biblical Saul was reported to have undertaken criminal journey to Jerusalem (now Lagos) with a deadly plan to kill Christians, as we were made to understand by the scriptures. Unfortunately, Saul had a surprised package when he saw a dreadful beam of light intensity which caused him to become blind.
Later, Saul was brought to Ananias, a high devotee and an Initiator of Guru Maharaj Ji of that time and was healed of his blindness. The Guru Maharaj Ji of that time was the former Oluorogbo, son of Ela (Father) and Moremi (mother) both were of Ibadan (old Nazareth). Indeed, the couples left for Ijebu-Ode (Bethlehem of old) under serious threat to life, while Moremi was carrying a six month pregnancy. It was from here Oluorogbo who later became known as Guru Maharaj Ji after receiving the Divine Knowledge, grew up. Eventually, the blind Saul recovered his sight and became known as Paul shortly after receiving the Divine Knowledge of Ananias. Paul was given a service delivering a letter that invited Guru Maharaj Ji to visit King Jeus’ in Owerri, Headquarters of Old Rome. Nevertheless, instead of going to register his physical presence as was requested, a reply with instructions of delivering a letter that invited Guru Maharaj Ji to visit King Jeus’ in Owerri, a reply with instructions of placing his photograph at public places including schools and doing flower service to the photographs, was forwarded to King Jeus.
A careful study of the reply from Guru Maharaj Ji made the King of Rome appreciate the significance of flowers in the service of the Creator and consented but his Queen, Irus protested with the argument that such a step will amount to having two Kings in Rome. This according to Queen Irus will pose a serious threat to the authority of the King and they reached an accord to use Jeus (husband) photograph in place of that of Guru Maharaj Ji. Subsequently, a compromise was struck when both husband and wife agreed on developing a con name instead of using their respective names. Therefore amalgamated “JES” as part of the husband’s name, Jeus, and “us” as part of the wife’s name Irus, to form JESUS, claimed to be the only son of God, and savior of that time, to deceive the world an ultimately marked the Almighty Creator, who we believe possesses full Omnipotent powers to look like a horse on paper.
Consequently, Paul was brought under serious threat for using Guru Maharaj Ji as the master of that time in all his public preaching, contrary to using the name of the King of Rome, Jeus and Queen, Irus who were more or less regarded as the Almighty God of Rome. From the root of its formation, it is clear the name Jesus is a concept that emerged from a built-up component part of two different names. That is why the name Jesus has no vibration to generate new situations and flush out old ones. People in the Christian religion are attracted to use the name “Jesus” to accomplish their criminal motives, which stands far away from divinity.
Nigeria and Africa would have been the best place to live in the world with millions of Africans using the name Jesus in their daily prayers every second, every minute, after it has been forced on them. Almost every street in all African towns and cities are littered with Churches and Mosques shouting Jesus, Awusubilahi Mina Shetani, morning, afternoon and evening. Yet, Africa becomes terror stricken, a condition that changed the country to a state of insurgency, armed robbery, stealing, killing amidst other offensive and criminal activities featuring every day. The truth is, if the name Jesus was Holy and positive, Nigeria would have been the safest, and indeed because there is no element of vibration in the name, Jesus, God and Allah we find the country horror-stricken and an awful place for living.
It is the coming of MAHARAJ JI, The Holy Spirit, The HOLY NAME that never fails that Nigeria and Nigerians are jubilating now as the spread of the Holy Name Maharaj Ji is gradually exposing and phasing out all acts of criminality in all parts of Africa and the world. The much talked about industrial revolution can only be possible through the receipt of Divine Knowledge of the Holy Father, Satguru Maharaj Ji to churn out new inventions that would create jobs, secure people’s lives, good health and promote trust and co-operation in the society. Come to Maharaj Ji and win forever.
1 year agoon
2023-07-06By the Grace, I am inviting You to the 43 Years Anniversary Celebrations marking My physical presence on earth to reveal The Light, end all manners of oppression, to transform our world from diseases, poverty, upheavals and perennial obstacles into an egalitarian society where every country and state would produce enough to share unconditionally to others to ensure peace, love and harmony for oneness of mankind to become a reality.
In a world saturated with artificialism living on the fringe of mercy and compassion, My physical presence has impacted on the people to lean towards traditional and cultural values to find the ideal structural foundation of man plagiarized with sectarianism, idealism, racism, nepotism, tribalism, making it possible for man to clear doubts, fear and hatred in life in order to give birth to freedom, justice, liberty and confidence. Everybody, like the Bee, is a potential Millionaire.
I am therefore begging that you attend to celebrate, jubilate and appreciate the humongous Grace that the Creator has bestowed on us and to righteously channel our thoughts and actions positively for the safety of the people and our environment.
It’s been an unending wonderful experience, moving with the high and low, rich and poor, a path that makes one to realize the importance of this life and being alive, in the face of daunting self-induced surmountable challenges, which the Light gives one the grace to melt within seconds, restores the energy, vibration, stamina, courage, determination and understanding to do more every step of the way. Like the saying: “Givers Never Lack” has come to play when through Divine Knowledge, you are able to know why this and that happened in your life, how one can recover, what to do and where to go for spiritual fortification and solution, is the hallmark of Self Realization. What a Grace!
You must be wondering how Nigeria was able to survive in the face of heavy manipulation from all the G7 Countries and their neo-colonialists agents here and abroad, bombarding us with toxic waste, jalopies, junks of all kinds and of course, compromising corruption at all levels superintended with officially recognized religious advisers who fail to recognize that you cannot milk a dead cow and/or tie firewood together through shouting.
Today, we feel strongly that Nigeria has arrived with a new Federal Government that has been blessed to change the terror polarized state of Nigeria and Africa and by extension the global world into One Love Family as it was in the beginning.
The 43 Years Appearance Program is it, that would give you the Absolute and Ultimate Grace to make it in this lifetime, come what may, and therefore I just cannot relax until I see you for us to merge forever to be crowned with a LIFE CREDIT CARD FOR 13 YEARS that would be added to your present age each time we meet. This Earth is our heaven. The Workshop for Reincarnation is Divine Knowledge.
The ONLY fundamental change that has saved the human race in the search for the Genius of Divinity to guide, protect and integrate our energies in one direction and give us meaning to our isolated existence is the sudden appearance of the Satguru Maharaj Ji, proclaiming that the True/Original name of the Creator before Africa, Europe, North-America, South-America, Asia, Australia and Antarctica were created is MAHARAJ JI pronounced (MARAAJI) and that the Mother Tongue before the Atlantis Deluge is SANSKRIT.
With the Holy Name, no power can cheat you and get away with it, while scientific and technological innovations has been flowing from all corners of Africa since His arrival in 1980, signaling the final melt down of principalities that have held the world in bondage.
Most Christians believe that they get their mandate for exclusivist claims from the Bible. Jesus does say that no one can come to the Father except through Him, and in Acts we hear it proclaimed that there is no other name under Heaven that is given for salvation (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Those passages seem to be categorical enough to make all debates superfluous. But is this all that the Bible says, with nothing, as it were, on the side of inclusiveness and universality, and does the exclusivist case seem reasonable in the light of human history and development?
To claim God exclusively for Christians is to make God too small and in a real sense is blasphemous. God is bigger than Christianity and cares for more than Christians only. He has to, if only for the simple reason that Christians are quite late arrivals on the world scene. God has been around since even before creation, and that is a very long time. If God’s love is limited to Christians, what must be the fate of all who existed before Christ? Are they condemned to eternal perdition for no fault of their own, as they must be if the exclusivist position is to be pushed to its logical conclusion? If that were the case, we would be left with a totally untenable situation of a God who could be guilty of such bizarre justice.
I hope I have done enough to convince die-hard exclusivists that the Christian cause is served better by a joyful acknowledgment that God is not the special preserve of Christians and is the God of all human beings, to whom He has vouch safe, a revelation of His nature and with whom it is possible for all to have a real encounter and relationship.
. ….. Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Nobel Peace Laureate and First Black Archbishop of Cape Town, in his book Titled “ God is not A Christian”
Speaking before a delegation of Jewish leaders at the Vatican on Thursday, Pope Francis revealed he has instructed the Vatican Secret Archives to unseal a set of ancient scrolls that have been kept hidden from public knowledge for centuries by the Church. The scrolls, which were encased in marble and buried in 463 A.D. are said to contain the true name of God as communicated to Moses in the Book of Exodus.
The Pope told an audience during an event celebrating a new version of the Torah that his decision to upend over fifteen hundred years of secrecy was driven in part by a need for “greater transparency” within the Catholic Church. “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another,” declared Pope Francis before adding that the Church is “leading a double life” by continuing to keep God’s name secret.
…… Real News Right Now Online Media. By R. Hobbus J. D Febrost
Like every other mortal being that is not conscious, SP Segun Adeyeye passed through the thick and thin of life. Before he met Satguru Maharaj Ji, little did he realize that the “kokoro” in the leaf that was programming him to death was his physical mother and one of his uncles, who is a business man. This uncle of his, he diligently served and gave his business a boost at the prime of his life. Here is SP Papa Adeyeye, who is above 70 years, reliving his ordeal in the hands of his “beloved mother and maternal uncle before he saw the Light at the end of the tunnel and became a free man.
I am SP Papa Segun Adeyeye. I hail from Ilesha Town in Ilesha-West LGA, Osun State. I spent my youthful and productive years in Ibadan, the then capital of the old Western Region. At the age of 27, I was already mobile and my peers respected me so much and nicknamed me “bullet” because I could perform with ease tasks that would puzzle them with awe. In terms of economic prowess, I was far ahead of them. I got married and had my first child at that relatively young age.
At a stage, I joined my maternal uncle who was a cocoa merchant, then, cocoa was the major item of trade and exportation. This was with a view that he will settle me one day. My uncle recognized and appreciated my hard work to an extent that I was the one managing his business and when he wanted to do “juju” in order to boost his business, he called on me to follow him. When the items needed for the rituals were made known to him, he gave me money and instructed me to go and make the purchase. When it was time for the rituals to be performed, he insisted that I would be the one to put the life pigeon inside the pot that was to be buried at his business location and I obeyed. Afterwards, problems started coming up and my uncle began to maltreat me. Since I was in charge of the produce store, I would from time to time go and collect some items, which I sold to get upkeep allowance. Finally, I left my uncle and tried several other means for survival. So far, the journey was sweet. Somehow along the line, the table turned and life became like the garrison of hell and all my struggling efforts came to nothing.
Some how, my maternal uncle’s produce business gradually folded up when I left him. It was around 1985 when I realized that I had a very serious problem to battle with. The journey for solutions to my problems began. I visited Wolis, Alfas, evangelists, pastors and Babalawos houses. I even crossed the border to Cotonou in Benin Republic yet no answer came. In all the places I visited the question that was put to me, which came like re-occurring decimal was, “where is your mother? Hmm, you’re to take good care of her ooo” My usual reaction to the above question is: “she is well, I take good care of her. She is my mother and she loves me. As a danfo driver then, one day a woman chartered my vehicle and asked me to take her to Oke Ado area in Ibadan. In the course of discussing with her, I narrated my life ordeal to her, she took me to a church owned by a 75-year-old pastor from Ondo State.
The Baba saw me and started crying. I was embarrassed by his strange behavior and I was forced to ask “Baba, why are you crying” his reply was “I am crying because of you.” He went further to add “can’t you see, you are supposed to be one of those ruling the country but the forces are turning you upside down.” Within that same period, a man took me to the shrine of Osanyin Deity which was behind my backyard. Upon consultation, the Deity had this to say “you are going to somewhere, but from the look of things, you can’t get there, for you to get there, you need to serve Ogun”. Three days from the day you start to serve Ogun, you’ll meet with the ONLY MAN on earth who can help you find solutions to your problems in life. In that state of helplessness, I complied with what Osanyin Deity said and became Ogun worshipper anticipating how help will come my way.
Unbelievably, the third day after performing the rites and rituals involved in Ogun worshipping, my late biological father came in my dream and held me by my left hands and took me through Sango to Awolowo Road in Bodija, down to Housing Corporation then we crossed over to Osuntoku area. We proceeded and came out at Akintola Road in New Bodija and finally headed to Kongi Street and stopped at where Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Ashram was and my late father said, “this is where your problems will be solved.” Then I came to my physical body, there and then, it dawned on me that it was a dream.
It then occurred to me that someone had earlier given me a tract of Satguru Maharaj Ji but I didn’t take it seriously. Miraculously, on the third day, I practically saw myself moving along those very paths my late father took me through in my dream with someone. As we were going, we got to a point where I saw a billboard with the inscription “Satguru Maharaj Ji” when I looked forward I sighted the gateman who was dressed fully on a white attire having beards with head tie. As I wanted to pass through the gate, the man said, “baba, wait, how are you, what about your family?” I replied “everything is okay” The gateman went further to say, “I am the One Osanyin Deity at your backyard said you will meet after three days of worshipping Ogun.” He continued, “is it not Ogun you served the day before yesterday? Did Osanyin Deity not tell you you will meet a man dressed in white attire? Look at Me, am I not wearing white attire? Baba, welcome back home!” That was it!! The link has been restored! After the brief dialogue, I went inside and joined others and listened to Satsang (testimonies of Premies).
Right from that day, I got to know that witches/wizards, emere, obanje etc., are human beings and could be anybody, only that one needs Divine Knowledge to know who is who. Soon after receiving Satguru Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge, hope was restored in my life. All the problems facing me started melting away one after the other, because I was inspired to know myself and all the things happening around me. Today I can beat my chest, proudly and confidently say, no power anywhere in the world can threaten or take away my life.
The ancient wisdom of old said if you don’t know where you are going, you must remember where you are coming from. Equally, the scripture said, I am not the God of the dead, but for the living….”Matt 22:32. Hey, let’s be careful about the concept of paradise in the sky above, where one can see God after death, yet no one wants to die to see God up there. It is a hoax! There is salvation in the land. Paradise is right here on earth. Yes, it is on earth one can eat sumptuous meals like pounded yam with egusi soup, dress well etc.
Divine Knowledge of Maharaj Ji is the key to unlock all the hidden secrets in creation as well as eternal life, if one is serious about enjoying the fruits of his labor, right here on earth.
Don’t believe Him! Just try, test and experience Maharaj Ji before you believe Him!! The difference is clear!!!
I am SP Dr. Oghenemahro Akpotu, I am a researcher, I hail from Isoko-North LGA in Delta State and I received the Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on November 23, 1993 in Maharaj Ji Village, Ibadan.
I thank My Father, Satguru Maharaj Ji who has always been there for me and my family. It is by the Special Grace of my Father Maharaj Ji, that I share this experience in wholesomeness. Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji jai.
Sometime in August, 2015, I had a near death experience, such that, if it wasn’t for the Grace of Maharaj Ji that took total control, I would have been disfigured beyond one’s imagination/recognition and or probably lost my life. On this day, at the University of Ibadan, as a Master’s student, I was carrying out an experiment at the Chemistry laboratory, the material I was using was acid. These acids were of two types; one was sulphuric acid while the other was phosphoric acid. The effect of combinating both acids can be so powerful. Nevertheless, I continued with my experiment. It got to a point, I became careless and within a tinkle of an eye, all the acid meant for the experiment spilled on my body i.e from head to down to my legs. to know the harsh intensity of the chemical, the underwear, cloth and jacket I wore melted as though it was salt inside water. Worse was the burning sensation in my eyes.
But as Maharaj Ji would have it, about this time, a colleague of mine, who had left some hours ago and had virtually no business being within the school premises, suddenly came into the laboratory and found me in such hallowing distress. Taken aback, asking what happened and how it happened, he gently led me to a tap and began to run the flowing water on me to wet my body. While this was on, I kept on saying, ‘my eye, my eye, I can’t see anymore,” my colleague told me not to panic that all will be well.
Subsequently, he led me to my hostel at the school campus. I cannot explain how I fell asleep that night? But, one thing I know, is that by day break, I was fine. It was as if the experience of the previous evening didn’t happen. My skin was perfectly normal and my sight sharp and clear. I give all glory and thanks to Maharaj Ji. Some days later, I went in for medical check up, particularly, for an eye test, and the optician assured me, my sight was good.
Today, I still remain in awe as to the wonders of Maharaj Ji. Because, judging by my skin, no one can tell I had an acid bath. I look fresh by the Special Grace of Maharaj Ji. I thank Maharaj Ji for sparing my life and putting to shame all the voices that had spoken against me in condemnation. Thanks Maharaj Ji
I am SP Obafemi Rubgarugba, I hail from Ughelli L.G.A of Delta State, a driver by profession and recieved Maharaj Ji’s Divine Knowledge on August 7, 1987 in Iju, Lagos State.
Maharaj Ji has made me number one in anything I do. On this day, my wife, the kids and I were at home enjoying family time. After eating, the children were playing hide and seek. Later my son came to meet me, saying, daddy, I am satisfied. I just laughed and asked him to go play with his siblings. At bed time, we ensured the kids were sleeping before retiring to our room. I took my Instrument of Life to meditate. While I was meditating, I came back to myself suddenly, it was then I heard my wife calling on me papa Kome, Papa Kome, papa Kome. She was shouting at the top of her voice. I wondered what the emergency was. When I got to meet her, I saw our son on the floor with his mouth tightly shut and she was trying to force a spoon into his mouth.
She was saying hospital, hospital, hospital. I wondered how we would leave the house by 2:00 am in the morning not only that, it was a distance from us. So, the only line of action was to use the Holy Name, Maharaj Ji. I told my wife to be calm that our son won’t die and every thing will be okay. I took our child from her and I went into strong Holy Name, calling Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, Maharaj Ji, before I knew it, our son opened his eyes and started crying. We gave him some food to eat; his mother was just staring at us. By the time he had finished eating, I handed him over to his mother.
I thank Maharaj Ji for bringing my son back to life.
My name is SP Preye Jumbo, I hail from Bonny Island in Rivers State. I am a Logistic Manager. I received the Divine Knowledge of Satguru Maharaj Ji on September 7, 2019 in Maharaj Ji Village, Iju, Lagos Annex.
I want to share this wonderful experience that proved the extent of Maharaj Ji’s great love towards me. On this fateful day, I witnessed physically the manifestation of that verse in the Arti that says, “In seconds He has set us free. “ Just like every other day, I went about the usual routine of leaving the home to attend to my business situated in the suburb of Lagos, Ajao Estate precisely.
On that day, I was driving along a three-lane express way in the afternoon while enjoying the scenery and thanking Maharaj Ji for making me see yet another day. I noticed there was a-40 ton trailer carrying goods ahead speeding on my right-hand side and I wanted to overtake it. So, I began to horn in order to notify the trailer driver of my intention so that I could overtake with ease. Just as I was getting ready to overtake the trailer, Maharaj Ji appeared physically in my car and said “PREYE STOP THIS CAR” immediately I obeyed. This attracted the attention of other motorists who thought there was something wrong with me and they began tooting their horns and hurling insults at me for disrupting their pace of movement. Unknown to them, I was simply following a Divine Instruction. After some seconds, something nerve racking happened before my very eyes. I heard a crashing sound, people were screaming and running helter-skelter. The trailer that I was about to overtake was involved in an accident. The trailer had fallen to its left and all the goods it was carrying fell on the unfortunate vehicles that overtook my car I witnessed a scene of multiple accidents, there was blood everywhere, people who suffered severe bodily injuries, deaths and destruction of properties worth millions of naira. I was shocked to my bone marrow at the gory scene that unfolded before me and I couldn’t help but ask myself, “what if I had overtaken that trailer, what would have been my fate?” definitely, my life would have ended.
Behold, Maharaj Ji saved me from accident, untimely death and guaranteed my life 100%. Truly the Arti verse that says, “In seconds He has set us free” came to past on that day. I am so grateful to Maharaj Ji and I thank Maharaj Ji for everything. I never knew that Maharaj Ji would manifest physically in such a dangerous situation to save me. I implore the Children of Light, to be more dedicated because I don’t feel I am even qualified to receive such a blessing, Nonetheless, Maharaj Ji showed me mercy and compassion.
Indeed, this tells you that Maharaj Ji is a true Father.
Bole Shri Satguru Dev Maharaj Ji Jai.
Maharaj Ji thank you for honoring Onuiyi Haven with Your presence today at a time I have planned to travel out of the country for medical treatment as I had done in the last two years, 1991 and 1992. “I hoped then that MAHARAJ JI will appreciate that as far as I am concerned, I have followed Your activities with interest and it coincided with my own idea of life and I said, when will I be able to meet MAHARAJ JI, I asked.
“But the presence of Maharaj Ji today has given me a new lease of life and made me feel that I still belong to this planet. My continued association with such individuals will not only make me grow, but will make me have full confidence that no matter the disease, I will always conquer and be alive. “When You spoke, You spoke the same language, You interpreted the world, You interpreted the Universe. You interpreted humanity. You interpreted our reactions, one to another and I said to myself; am I listening to myself or am I listening to my other self ” “I want to thank you, Maharaj Ji for Your presence, with all the noble words you said, the promises and interpretation of history which you gave. “These are enough to inspire one and the way our friends here reacted, coincided with my own reaction, so I beg to be allowed to be one of Your followers
(Applause)….… Great Zik of the Universe at his Onuiyi Haven, Nsukka while responding to the Divine speech made by The Father of Creation who visited to bless the Owelle of Onitsha at his Onuiyi Haven on Wednesday, March 31, 1993.
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2023-09-01 at 12:33 PM
Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.