Governance is all about the interest and welfare of the general good of the people, the uproar in some quarters regarding Amotekun based on fear of abuses here and there should be jettisoned, because the people stand to gain a lot in strengthening and restoring confidence/hope in a bewildered citizens who hardly go to bed with their two eyes closed, due to an overwhelming sense of insecurity enveloping the land.
5 years agoon

FEBRUARY 21, 2020
The recently established Western Nigerian Security Network code named operation Amotekun is a welcome development geared towards re-tooling our internal security architecture such as to effectively address the yawning gap in the provision of adequate security to the people of the region. This is very much overdue.

The development has a salutary effect on the pervading pessimism on the capacity of the Federal Government to secure lives and properties of citizens and if properly coordinated and managed, will form the pedestal for the emergence of State and Local Government Police respectively.
Amotekun should be seen as a re-enforced and reequipped version of forest guards whose duty is to protect environmental flora and fauna but, Amotekun should go beyond that and be directly charged with the responsibility of combing the nooks and crannies of urban centres, our forests and hinterland in order to fish out criminals like kidnappers who use the bush as their operational base as well as cattle rustlers who invade and kill farmers in their farms.
Hence, Amotekun should be granted the power to harness our traditional ways and means with Light arms and ammunitions in the discharge of their responsibilities as well as the power to arrest and prosecute criminals.
I commend the South Western Governors for coming up with Amotekun, despite their political differences in the interest of securing lives and properties of the people of their region. I believe very strongly that since Operation Amotekun is grass root-oriented security outfit, there is compelling imperative to integrate our traditional institutions like Agbekoya etc and traditional nucleus powers in to its operations with our Oba’s playing direct and effective roles in their operations, for us to achieve the much desire goal in that direction.
Very importantly, Amotekun operational vehicles must be equipped with neon lights at their roofs, which boldly display AMOTEKUN inscriptions. Specific coded identification numbers must be assigned and written on each vehicle. Also, each vehicle must be equipped with radio gadgets and walking-talkies for effective co-ordination and speedier information gathering and dissemination.
Governance is all about the interest and welfare of the general good of the people, the uproar in some quarters regarding Amotekun based on fear of abuses here and there should be jettisoned, because the people stand to gain a lot in strengthening and restoring confidence/hope in a bewildered citizens who hardly go to bed with their two eyes closed, due to an overwhelming sense of insecurity enveloping the land.
FEBRUARY 21, 2020
By The Grace of the Grace, we would like to appeal to your esteemed organization to consider my request on the activities and behaviors of AUNG SAN SUU KYI, one of recipient of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. As The Living Perfect Master, Father of all Creation and Divine Custodian for global Peace, Unity, Freedom, Liberty and Justice, my appeal is predicated on the ongoing global outrage against the atrocities and genocide perpetuated against innocent of people Rohingya by the authorities in Myanmar, for no fault of theirs, simply because of their minority birth and religious belief.

The imperative for this Divine Interventionist role becomes more compelling when juxtaposed against the back-drop of the fact that the current carnage against the ethnic minority citizens of Rakhine State in Myanmar is carried out under the watchful eyes of erstwhile opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who is currently Myanmar defector president, whose party was massively voted to power, considering her past struggles to free the people from years of military dictatorship, which brought her to limelight as an international symbol of peaceful resistance in the face of oppression.
The edifying virtue, which Aung San Suu Kyi represented then was so endearing that the Nobel Prize Committee in 1991, considered it appropriate to honor Ms. Suu Kyi as the winner of Nobel Prize for peace, describing her as “The Lady of an outstanding example of the power of the powerless.” Sadly enough, since Ms. Suu Kyi came to power as de facto head of Buddhists-majority, Myanmar civilian administration in 2016 till date, well over 700,000 out of about a million Rohingya populations have fled their homes to Bangladesh as refugees. Many have lost their lives while women are mindlessly raped by men in military uniform. Ms. Suu Kyi’s failure to condemn the military onslaught against defenseless civilian as well as taking necessary steps to bring the ugly situation under control have provoked some world governments and international organizations that gave her honorary awards in recognition of her laudable role in the past to withdraw their various recognitions since Ms Suu Kyi’s present role no longer fit into her erstwhile nomenclature for justifying her qualification and subsequent nominations for those awards.
From all indications, Ms Suu Kyi has lost track of the realities on ground in Myanmar for her denials of truth and public defense of the murderous Generals in her cabinets, who according to her are rather sweet, not with standing their acts genocide against the people of Myanmar. In the light of the above, men/women of conscience got confounded with the UN investigative report indicting Myanmar authorities and her military for carrying out mass killings and gang rapes with “genocidal intent”, calling for the persecution of Myanmar’s Commander-In-Chief and five other Generals for “the gravest crimes under international law” and the blunt refusal of Nobel Committee to withdraw the honorary award to Ms. Suu Kyi. Your committee’s position that “the prize winners themselves have to safeguard their own reputation” since it is not the duty of your committee “to oversee or censor what a laureate does after the prize has been won” sounds absurd and hence, not in the best interest of worldly acclaimed Nobel Prize because those deemed fit for the honor should serve as Life Ambassadors of the Nobel institution.
This is, no doubt, an awkward position that will not only reduce years of attached prestige and respect as well as public perception for Nobel Prize. Besides, it will equally offend the spirit of Mr Nobel, whose legacy for instituting the Peace Prize has been betrayed. However, if Ms Suu Kyi back-stages and rises to the challenges of ensuring that all rights and privileges due to the people of Rohingya are restored and fully rehabilitated in their homes, then she should be allowed to retain the prize.
I proffer this alternative because Ms Suu Kyi’s case is a symbolic expression of dilemma of life confronting mortal beings living in a state of Godlessness. This therefore calls for the urgent need for all to come back home to Nigeria, for My Divine Knowledge that cleanses all programmed impurities/negatives within man, now that the Great Light is back to rescue humanity from destroying themselves through avoidable acts of omission and commission arising for uncalled for hatred for one another.
MARCH 04, 2020
By The Grace of The Grace, I have severally made it clear that my unalloyed support for Mr President, despite his shortcomings, was because of his unique pedigree, which spiritually elevated him above all aspiring contemporary leaders of our time. Hence, Mr President owes Nigerians the patriotic duty of living above board in all times and circumstances in order to not betray the confidence Nigerians reposed on him. It is on this note that I call on Mr President to decisively move fast to clear the foggy air that is physically surrounding the Defence Minister, Bashir Magashi, who has been indicted on security fund stealing and diversion to the tune of $550,000, being part of Abacha’s recovered loots as reported in the Front page of The Guardian, December 30, 2019.
On the scale of moral probity and considering prevailing public outcry against Magashi, it doesn’t augur well for Mr President’s image to keep mum on this issue, barely five months after the corrupt act was made public. In the interest of natural justice, Mr President should suspend Magashi, in order to restore public confidence in his administration. He could be re-instated if found not guilty. The flies currently chasing Bashir Magashi about spiritually, has disqualified him as a member of Mr President’s team.
Wielding an anti-corruption cudgel with convincing promises to Nigerians to deal frontally with the behemoth called corruption, Buhari Presidency became a practical reality because Nigerians were terribly tasty for good governance, despite his perceived short-comings that made him politically unsellable in previous general polls.
Equally instructive is the fact that in his article of faith with Nigerians, tagged “My Covenant with Nigerians,” in which he enunciated in his campaign manifesto Buhari sent forth endearing nationalist messages that raised hope as well as sublimal pride of Nigerians in their fatherland. Then, as the Presidential flag-bearer of APC, Buhari expressed his desired intention to “lead from the front” because “Nigerians are tired of the status quo” and “there is only one Nigeria”.
Bearing in mind Buhari’s post 2015 nationalistic purview, which convinced Nigerians to foresee him as their new born-again hero “coming to judgment” on Project Nigeria, Mr President should eschew any kind of anachronism that tends to becloud his sense of vision for the new Nigeria he promised the electorates, through acts of omission or commission.
Lest we forget, African leaders have unanimously made Mr President Africa’s corruption Czar, hence the saying, to whom much is given, much is expected should apply.
MARCH 15, 2020
By The Grace of all Grace, I wish to crave the indulgence of Mr President by informing him of the strategic need to change our national currency the Naira (N) to Ghai (G). This has become necessary in order to align the Naira with its spiritual name and value. In the Secret Archives of Life, which is well known as The Di vine Scrolls from where all the scriptures emanated, Songhai was known as The City of God, whilst the currency was known as Ghai.

This strategic step has become over-due in the light of our experiences since Your Excellency’s vowed commitment to recover all stolen Nigeria’s patrimony that were hidden here and there. Nigerians will not forget in a hurry the mad rush to withdraw Nigeria’s stolen wealth from bank only to be hidden in farms and in individual building, septic tanks, water tanks etc that were ironically converted into warehouses for money storage, septic tanks, water tanks etc, particularly since Your Excellency’s, introduction of the novel whistle-blowing policy. As we speak, billions of Naira are still stashed away in various hide outs by ingenious and hardened crooks that manipulated their way to position of public trust and wantonly ravaged our treasury due to unbridled greed.
Hence, changing the Naira to Ghai has become necessary as a counter-measure against these professional “stealocrats” who should be tracked along with members of the families and relations and those attempting to exchange sums of money beyond a given ceiling, arrested to give account of the source of such large amount. Again in the Nucleus Culture, so much value is attached to a name. It therefore, follows that by physically merging the name of our national currency with its spiritual counterpart will greatly enhance the value of our currency, which spiritually currently stands at the ratio N1:00 : $2:00 and N 1:00 : ∈1:50.
It could, therefore, be seen that the current exchange rate of the Naira is scandalously manipulated by Euro/American forces to economically strangulate the black race, whose natural endowments sustain Western economies, because they are aware of the fact that addressing and balancing out the inherent anomalies in the global economic situation in our
favor will spell doom for them.
I am highly optimistic that Mr President possesses the strong will and character to allow sycophants and armchair theorists who are under the spell of Western manipulative intelligence to swallow all kinds of Brentwood scholars’ economic jargons that has no bearing with the reality of our existence, to discourage him from taking the needed steps that will
pave way for our rapid economic recovery with enough funds for our roads, refineries and other key projects without traveling abroad with cap in hand to beg anybody for assistance, which will eventually give his regime a formidable position to rank among the best leaders in the new millennium.
To avoid lapses of any kind, money exchange centres, rather than the banks should specifically be created where people can return their old currency notes in exchange for new ones. This will help to check abuses that could hinder achieving the desired goal of tracking down, effectively, those who stole and are hiding their loot outside the conventional financial houses.
Again, either EFCC, ICPC or any other supervisory agency of government, which, in the wisdom of Mr President can perform, should be put in place to ensure effectiveness and compliance on laid down guidelines for the exercise.
Yours In the Service of Almighty Maharaj Ji.
APRIL 03, 2020
From all indications, in view of the global comatose state of affairs, it has become crystal clear to all and sundry that the Oyinbos out of greed and hatred and possessive desire to rule the world by all means, has led the world to a blind alley and there is urgent need for all to wake up!
The blacks, in particular, should live their own lives and stop aping the whites. Yes, the information war they used to hold us down for ages has failed woefully. The Oyinbos deceived us and we agreed to do away with our Deities and Oracles; a legacy the Creator bequeathed to His first children at the beginning of Creation to check-balance man’s activities for guaranteed peaceful and harmonious co-existence on earth.
Sadly enough, there is no health in us any longer since we abandoned our own and embraced oyinboman’s monocultural religious doctrines and dogmas of sin and repent and dying to see God for post mortem judgment in the sky. The whole world is shaking today, because of that monumental deceit! Now that Divine Providence has benevolently heard the cries and
supplications of the innocent, sincere, pure-hearted and unpolluted few among us as well as the begging of our Ancestors who are in desperate need to re-incarnate, we are supremely blessed to have in our midst The Great Light sustaining everything in creation. Now is the hour for Nucleus Children to back stage and rediscover their roots as it was in the beginning and stop aping their younger brothers, the Whites who original were blacks, but whose skin got peeled as a result of long domicile in water after the Atlantis deluge that got parts of Africa submerged in water. The era of the Jacob and Esau scriptural hypocritical deceit is over.
Hence, the blacks have to rise and reclaim his birthright as the first children of the Creator that ruled the world, right from the cradle of life on earth. The secret behind their deceptive and false claim to being closer to God, which made them sole producers of finished goods like cars, television, radio, cell phones, computers has been opened by the Creator-In-Person now, in our human kind, with the melanin coat, Satguru Maharaj Ji. He has brought the Creator’s gift of Divine Knowledge, which when received and practiced unravels all known and unknown secrets and mysteries underlying the creation.
If we listen and embrace Maharaj Ji now, Africa will surely rule the world within the next decade. Previously, we believed materially advanced nations are immune to vagaries of nature like hurricane, tornadoes, tsunamis etc. as well as pandemics like coronavirus etc. To escape these karmic reaction, let’s stop aping the Oyinbos and go back to our culture. The people should minimize merriment, eating, dining and partying till we do all we can to make us realize the fecundity of Maharaj Ji to change everything for good and abundant greatness.
Lo and behold, Maharaj Ji presence has proven to all that man is limited and the Creator in His Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent powers own and controls the Universe
APRIL 03, 2020
By The Grace of all Grace, I wish to remind Your Excellency of the need to avoid all blue colored objects. This is because blue color is not part of the Alajobi culture of old, that was there at the beginning. Blue color belongs to the marine world for those of us who sinned and were buried to live under water are being used to destabilize everybody. Hence, it should
not be entertained at all.
Agents of marine powers have great affinity with blue-color. Because of this, they wear blue items like a mask in order to facilitate their coverts acts of destruction across the world. Statistical records shows that majority of mayhem or disasters with very high mortality rate that befell man in terms of accidents etc is more prevalently associated with the color of blue,
which Oyinbos made us to believe is love, whereas it is danger. This explains the reason why when somebody dies the blood turns to blue color. Research has proven beyond reasonable doubt, where there is concentration of blue dressed police, the crime, accident and death rates are higher.
On the other hand, red which has the highest frequency of vibration among other color represents love. This is supported by the fact that the human blood is red. Dignitaries are given red-carpet treatment, while peppers, tomatoes consumed by humans are also red. Your Excellency, the reason for taking you this far is that as Number One Security Officer of the Nigeria’s commercial capital and economic hub of the Black race, that is always bustling with socio-economic activities, issues bordering on securing human lives and properties is paramount, hence there is need to stay clear from acts of commission that will negate our desired objectives to safe-guard lives and properties; which the use of blue color entails.
For instance, it is observed with dismay that most of the BRT buses are bearing blue color. This is very unhealthy for commuters because it enhances the propensity which Marine agents take advantage of to unleash mayhem on road users with dead-accuracy. Remember that it was after Iya Alaro the “marine queen” was arrested that we succeeded in building the Carter
Bridge of old. In the interest of Lagosians, in particular, and Nigerians in general, I am using this medium to implore Your Excellency to passionately look into this seemingly innocuous matter, which have grave implications for human life and properties so as to urgently take steps to redress the issue through executive order directing all blue-colored vehicles to be repainted to any other color of one’s choice.
Due to ignorance of who and what we are, this has been the major cause of the road crashes on our roads that has claimed lots of lives on a daily basis.
I am highly optimistic that Your Excellency will give this matter its much desired attention and take necessary steps to save our race. Eko Oni Baje ooo
MAY 08, 2020

We call on the federal that We are all waiting to see Air Peace converted to Nigeria Airways, without emotions, sentiments and any prejudice. We are unreliably informed that Your wife is
trying to become a board member of Air Peace in order to save the neck of the self-acclaimed owner of Air Peace Chief Onyeama, from prosecution, this is unacceptable and against the ethics of Buhari for change. Get Adesina to clear the air on Your behalf.
We believe in You and Your administration and will do everything for your success today and forever.
MAY 08, 2020
Recent news report that the Federal Government has requested for the account statement of some public officers in ten banks, in order to facilitate on-going EFCC investigation to ascertain individual involvements in the Process and Industrial Developments (NIG) Ltd gas shady deals, is a welcome development in the positive direction. The fact that nothing was put on ground to justify the billions of hard currencies expended on the gas project is suggestive
of the fact that the project was a premeditated scam to swindle the nation by P&ID, its affiliates and Nigeria’s corrupt officials who handled the project.
Hence, the P&ID gas project remains one, among legions of syndicated economic heist to hemorrhage, the nation by heartless neo-colonialist agents who are aiding and abetting the Oyinbos in their covert mission to recolonize the Blacks. In the light of the above, I call on both the ten banks mentioned and the eminent US District Jurist, Lorna Schofield, in the Holy Name of Maharaj Ji, to do everything humanly possible to assist the Federal Government to
recover Nigeria’s patrimony stashed away in bank vaults across Europe and America, because both the spirits of Nigeria and Mother Africa are awake and are watching.
By this token, Nigerian officials/EFCC must be granted access to whatever submission the banks are presenting before the court, such that, for intents and purposes, at the end of the day, it will be clear to all that justice is not only done but seen to be done. I also wish to remind those behind the evil plot of further defrauding Nigeria to the colossal sum of $9.7 billion, which we were told amounts to thirty percent of our foreign reserve, in the guise of judicial debt arising from cost awarded to P&ID for breach of contract against Nigeria, after colluding with Nigerians to rip-off the nation should better have a rethink.
Those involved should thread with utmost caution in the interest of equity, good conscience and sense of fair play, considering the fact that the Divine Forces of Love dictating the affairs of the Universe is using Nigeria as its earth base and hence, stay clear from acts that could destabilize or detract the nation from moving forward. This kind of man’s inhumanity to man is what gave room to COVID-19, as invisible as it is, forced even nations who believed they had power of life and death over less privileged nations, particularly in Africa, to be running up and down grasping for breath today, is unpardonable because it is more or less like an open sore on the face.
Those who are involved in this kind of heinous crime can run and run, but for sure, there is no place for them to hide. They will, surely be exposed at the appropriate time, because I have proclaimed the Kali Yuga Age of ungodliness dead and buried. Hence, we are in a period every mortal being must give a good account of his stewardship to the Creator, right here on earth. The Golden Age of Life has come to stay and it is meant for only those whose hearts are
However, whatever Goodluck Jonathan is saying is neither here nor there, because the buck stops at his table as President and Commander In-Chief. Even if he is the saint he is claiming to be, he should not forget Nigerians entrusted their faith in his hands for six years, and he stood by watching, while his rouge appointees looted the nation dry. He had better go and hide his face in shame, because he has nothing to offer Nigerians this time around.
We are begging that Mr. President should expand the frontiers of his corruption fight, right from IBB’s chop I chop or die for refusing to chop, satanic reign of terror to Abdulsalam’s ludicrous era. Nigerians, despite his perceived short-comings, will always remember him, if he can deliver on his anti-graft war as parting gift to Nigerians, come 2023.
MAY 16, 2020
Former Vice President of Nigeria and Ex-Presidential Aspirant of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in the 2019 Presidential Election, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, threw caution to the wind and went ahead to inundate our national sensibilities with his sanctimony on the state of the political economy of the nation.

In the name of providing credible opposition in our national political space, having lost out during the last presidential polls, Atiku went ahead to condemn in its entirety the latest review of the 2020 budget, which he considers as inconsequential as well as other contingent measures put in place by the Federal Government to address the prevailing economic realities viz-a-viz arising variables, as it affects our national economy due to Coronavirus pandemic. Wearing the deceptive garbs of a first-grade economist, Atiku pontificated on, what is in his mind, is the best way forward to move the economy and nation forward. In his economic bail out postulations, Atiku Abubakar hypocritically linked the scraping of the budgetary allocation for renovating of the National Assembly with the sale of already purchased Presidential jets, which betrays his insincerity as a man of double standard.
He should accept the verdict of Nigerians duly expressed in 2019 poll and allow Mr President
to steer the ship of the State without uncalled for distractions. Why pick on the Presidential air fleet? Unfortunately, Atiku was silent on trillions of Nigeria’s patrimony that was stolen from our national till by public office holders during his regime as Vice President of the nation. A full recovery of the loot siphoned into foreign banks by political “stealocrats” is more than enough to address the short fall in the 2020 budget. Hence, Atiku and his co-horts should move fast and return their loot before nemesis catches up with them.
Lest we forget, Atiku abdicated his constitutional responsibility as Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the area of fixing the economy, which fell within the purview of his office as Vice President under OBJ. Rather than address the issue, he busied himself amassing wealth and scheming on how to become President giving rise to constant flexing of muscle between him and his principal, till the expiration of the administration.
On a sad note, the need never occurred to Atiku on how all his co-practitioners of political stealocrats should return Nigeria’s patrimony he looted and stashed away in foreign banks to assist in our economic recovery process. All the money Atiku languished in his forlorn hope to rule Nigeria during the Presidential Polls against My advice would have gone a long way to assist the economy to recover if he has listened to Me. That colossal waste during 2019 campaign would have been enough to give constant portable water supply to each of the 774 LGA’s in Nigeria.
We have had enough of Atiku’s insults and he should go and hide himself. In enlightened climes, people like Atiku suffer news blackout because, he has nothing to offer.
MAY 18, 2020
The Punch, Friday, May 15, 2020, on Page 15 published a story under the caption: “Osun Monarch, two others arraigned for defiling minor.”
The story goes that “David Ogungbemi 62, was on Thursday arraigned alongside his son, Idowu and one Sarafa Olayiwola before an Oshogbo Magistrate Court for allegedly defiling a 14-year-old.” The story went further to allege that both father and son conspired with the 3rd accused person to rape and sexually exploit their victim who was living under their roof, to the point of getting her pregnant.
This disgraceful news of royal incest and child abuse is a taboo in Yorubaland, because as Nucleus race, our rich culture and tradition is second to none, the world over. The confused Aketewi of Iketewi, Oba David Ogungbemi has desecrated the Iketewi Stool and should be shown the way out without delay, to save the people of Iketewi from the wrath of their Ancestors.
I think by still bearing the slave name of David as Oba, which from the word go, disqualified him from inheriting the highly revered Obaship Stool in Yorubaland, suggests he will make a better pastor of the beaten religious path, to serve the God of the dead, where anything goes. Because, there, he can freely indulge himself in hedonism; like incest, homosexuality etc and nobody cares and even God Himself “no go vex,” because, he was born to sin and repent.
This is not the case in Yoruba culture. In Yoruba, an Oba is entitled to have as many wives as he wishes, so long as he can take care of all of them. Why then consciously forcefully share the carnal knowledge of a teenage girl with his son at the same time? He needs to undergo psychiatric test to ascertain his state of mental health!
Hence, I call on the Iketewi Stool King makers to take urgent steps to replace this sick Oba that has brought shame and dragged not only the people of Iketewi, but the entire Yoruba race, to disrepute and public opprobrium. Also, the presiding Magistrate in this case should not grant bail to any of the accused in this case and each, should on conviction be given a minimum of 25 years jail term each without option of fine. Failure to heed this warning, is an indirect invitation of Coronavirus in Iketewi land and this certainly will not be in the best interest of Iketewi Kingdom.
MAY 18, 2020

The spate of increasing Southwards movement of beggars, or people who cannot provide for themselves and thus roam the streets in Northern Nigeria’s towns and cities, otherwise known as almajiris, is worrisome and therefore raises real concerns in some quarters down South. Some interest groups in the South, ranging from concerned individuals, traditional rulers, ethnic pressure groups and even state governments are frowning at the surreptitious packaging of human cargoes, made up of disheveled youngs and young-at-heart with no properly defined mission or destination point down to the Southern States.
There is no doubt that the concerns and objections raised by the concerned groups on these latest spurious moves from the North can be justified on some grounds. First, is the health concern; this concern is real, taking into cognizance the global bedlam raised by Coronavirus pandemic that resulted in lockdown of cities and nations across the world, in which Nigeria is not an exception. As a matter of fact, the Federal Government and even State Governments have ordered the closure of our national and state borders against interstate, and even in some cases, intra state movements, with a view to safe-guarding the citizens from COVID-19 and check its spread.
Against this backdrop, how then are these young lads, who are not sure of how to get a square meal a day, not to talk of paying for their transport fare be able to transit down South from far places like Sokoto, Katsina etc undictated? Is the assumption right that some faceless individuals or group, yet to be identified, are behind the almajiris invasion down South, such that our security operatives can’t detect and stop this act of brazen lawlessness? Is our security men compromised to allow these hazardous and illegal movements sail through? Second, is the security concern, in the light of our experiences where herdsmen from the North are ravaging people’s farmland and killing the farmers for raising issues over such dastardly acts, equally raise pertinent questions as follows.
Could it be, these young lads are potential herdsmen foot soldiers? If not, what then is the mission of these kids in the South that naturally harbor zero-tolerance for beggars and begging? In the light of the above, there is justifiable ground to send these potentially health and security risk-prone children back to their home states with immediate effect. It is said that what is good for the goose is equally good for the gander. If the Northern State Governments
are rejecting these children, and are currently sending them packing to their states of origin, why not the Southerners? This is the time for Northern leaders to put on their thinking cap in order to save their face and come out with a holistic solution to the social aberration called almajiris, which they created and sustained to maintain their hegemony over the Northern talakawas, having dominated Nigeria’s political leadership space for 44 out of 60 years of
Nigeria’s political independence, only to give us almajiris all over the place, at the end of the day.
Also, the hour has come for the Northern Oligarchy class to pay for their leadership failures to the people. So they should face it head long or be ready for the consequences of their years of misrule.
If there is anybody who says, Satguru Maharaj Ji is the not The Father of all Creations, The Redeemer, Lord and Saviour of Our Time and the Pump Action Gun that swallows Satan, Poverty and Underdevelopment, he/she or group should swear publicly with the Holy Books, namely The Bible, Quran, Gita, the Deities and Oracles etc., and or his/her family and all the elements in Creation, namely the Sun, Moon, Star, Air, Water, Earth and Fire and see what will
happen to that person within the next twenty one days, for deceiving a fellow being to death.
… our generations will never die anymore.

Satguru Maharaj Ji, the distinguished and venerable spiritual luminary, stands as the sagacious and esteemed Head of the One Love Family, an amalgamation of both Nigerian nationals and individuals hailing from diverse corners of the global tapestry, who have been bestowed with the ineffable and transcendent gift of Divine Knowledge by the venerable Satguru himself. Within the sacred and harmonious folds of this cosmic familial entity, there reside Nigerians of multifarious ethnicities, encompassing the rich mosaic of Igbos, Yorubas, Hausas, Efiks, Idomas, Binis, Urhobos, Igallas, and a myriad of others, all bound by the common thread of spiritual enlightenment and a shared aspiration for a united, harmonious, and flourishing Nigeria. It is with unwavering commitment that we, the members of this eclectic family, ardently strive towards the realization of a collective vision for a Nigeria that transcends the boundaries of ethnic diversity, fostering unity and prosperity for the greater good of the nation, the entirety of the black race, and indeed, the entirety of humankind. Phone No: +234 803 719 2667 Email: [email protected]

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In the interest of Nigeria’s progress and for the success of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu’s economic reform policies, I demand the resignation of Kashim Shettima from the office of Vice President of Nigeria. Shettima’s opposition to Mr President’s Tax Reform Project makes My demand for his immediate resignation necessary.
Kashim Shettima spoke in treacherous tongue when the Tax Reform Initiative was initially announced by President Tinubu. He said the reform should be relaxed!
That betrayal of trust should not be overlooked! It must not be swept under the carpet. It deserves to be treated as a public expression of deep-running disloyalty.
It is imperative for Nigerians to realize that Kashim Shettima is not a known critic of the brigandage of Northern Nigeria’s feudal elites against Nigeria.
His precedence and antecedents do not identify him as a genuine lover of Nigeria.
As Vice President, Shettima is expected, in the spirit of loyalty, to speak and act in tandem with his boss not to disagree or create another office in the Presidency. NO DEFECATIONS ALHAJI!
I call for Kashim Shettima’s statement against Mr President’s Tax Reform Policy to be revisited and analyzed away from sentiments and emotions. At this critical stage of Nigeria’s evolution, it is very dangerous to have a Vice President speaking or acting disharmoniously with the President. We need to know where Kashim Shettima stands! On whose side is he?
Is he for the Tinubu administration or for the Northern cabal secretly led by the Chief Darudapo Maradona General Ibrahim Banbagida the Nebuchadenazzar of modern times, that insists that Nigeria is its birthright that must be pillaged and destituted till the day after forever? For now, Kashim Shettima looks more like a cross between a snake and a
Such a specie is not an asset to the progress that most Nigerians desire for Nigeria reminding us of what happened during the tenure of OBJ as President, his VP Alhaji Atiku Abubakar did egregious bad things which led to the death of Chief Bola Ige who had disconnected from IFA teachings.
Kashim Shettima as President Tinubu’s Vice is a breathing liability and a covert saboteur to the commitment of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to undoing the economic damage that constitute the foundation of the private and parasitic empires of Shettima’s Northern political fellows in brigandage.
It will be necessary to create a new ministry, The Ministry of Strategic Communications and Economic Development and Social Welfare to strictly and meticulously monitor the VP and other members of the Renew Hope team to ensure that they dance to the tunes of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu.
The earlier Kashim Shettima is offloaded from the office of Vice President, the better for Nigeria if he is going to continue behaving as an ingrate and unafrican while millions are starving to death on the roads, homes and trenches for the mistakes of humans like him, He is warned!
Long Live President Ahmed Tinubu
Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria.

8 months agoon
Our Ref: SGMJJ/DLM/OLF/162024/OS
Our Ref:_________________
Date: June 10, 2024
…Says They Want To Blackmail and tumbled the Elected Government.
The Living Perfect Master and founder of One Love Family, Satguru Maharaj Ji has said that the planned strike by Labour leaders to force another shutdown from next week if the government does not agree to a minimum wage amount to “economic sabotage” and blackmail of the government and as a result they should be arrested for trying to cover up their aggression against the country for attacking the National Grid.
Recall Nigeria’s Trade unions earlier this week went on a nationwide strike, shutting down the country’s power grid and disrupting flights as they resorted to drastic measures to press the government to hike minimum wages amid a cost-of-living crisis.
The labour unions suspended the indefinite strike on Tuesday after government officials invited them for negotiations as the industrial action affected power supply for the country’s 200 million people and stranded thousands due to flight cancellations.
Labour officials, for the first time in Nigeria’s long history of strikes, went to substations housing the country’s electricity grids, chased workers home, and cut off power supply nationwide. This is a heinous crime and a mutiny against the state just like attacking the Defence Headquarters, the Senate or the House of Representatives and_or attacking the Chief of Defence Staff etc. of the Nation.
All airports, including two international ones, were shuttered. Workplaces and schools were closed and health services were disrupted. Crude oil production – Nigeria’s bread and butter – was also paralysed, likely amounting to a loss of millions of dollars.
This was contained in a press statement by Satguru Maharaj Ji through the One Love Family Minister for Information, Ojo Mogbadewa, at the weekend and
made available to newsmen at the weekend.
Maharaj Ji said “that going on strike again would cause negative repercussions on the overall economy.
“While the arguments put forward by the NLC and TUC on their decision to embark on the indefinite strike are well noted, there is need to thread with caution on account of negative repercussions on the overall economy.
“Abandoning negotiations and shutting down the country will have untold hardship on all segments of the country.
“This hard stance Will also fatally impact on the survival, resilience, productive capacity, and competitive advantage of the more than 39 million – strong MSMEs ecosystem,” He said.
Maharaj Ji explained that the MSMES contribute significantly _ to economic stability through job and wealth creation as they account for 48 percent of
Nigeria’s GDP and 84 percent of employment.
He called on the Labour leaders to sheath its sword and go back to negotiation table. They should stop threatening lives of Nigerian workers.
According to Maharaj Ji, “It’s the fourth time Nigerian workers have been striking since May last year when President Tinubu was first elected. Last August, resident doctors demanding better pay went on a three-week strike that ravaged the public health sector in defiance to a restraining court order barring them from embarking on the industrial action and we are yet to determine those who lost their lives.
“The two major labour unions, NLC and TUC, had last year declared a strike action, following the brutalisation of the NLC president, Joe Ajaero, in lmo State on 1 November, Mr Ajaero was attacked in Owerri, the state capital, during an NLC protest against the Imo State government over alleged maltreatment of workers in the state. “This is despite the restraining order issued by the National.
Industrial Court, in Abuja, on Friday, stopping the labour unions from embarking on the strike. What a leader disobeying court order.
“Going on strike again is an illegal and unwarranted act, a blackmail of the government.
“Joel Ajaero and his gang are not economists, and worse still, they are supporters of Peter Obi. They endorsed him during the election. They campaigned for him.
They defended him. Please assume 1 am a liar and fact-check me. They are fighting a proxy war for Peter Obi. Obviously, the 2027 election is affecting their direction. They do not have an economic agenda. They have a political objective. Where there is no motive strike is done perfectly okay with workers carrying placards to present their protest letter to the authorities concerned.
Mark you, this is not the first time this group of men called the Labour leaders have tried to to cause trouble in some states.
Remember, how, inspite of court order to stop strike few days to the elections in one of the Eastern states, the NLC President disobeyed and he nearly lost his life.
We can remember vividly well during the oil windfall, the workers demanded for payment 18,000 in 2008 as recommended, in Anambra, the then Governor failed because the Labour Group who were visiting the states compromised which lea to the Labour leaders being bribed but the salary awarded was not given. Some had gifts of bus while the local labour leaders were given free tickets to the lsrael Holyland.
The unpatriotic zeal and mischievousness of the Labour Leaders influenced the Governor to hijack Pension Scheme for workers into the Fidelity Bank and uptil now workers funds have not been paid whilst we wait for another Mbonu Ojike to resurrect to help them.
How can a Labour leader who compromised with the Governors become the spokesmen for workers at this crucial time and whose leadership supported the opposition candidate in the last Presidential elections be the one to be allowed to attack the national grid during their striking hours goes a long way to prove that those guys have a hidden agenda to truncate the new government into anarchy.
So what do we call this, the attack on the National grid is a total attack on the nation, this cannot happen in UK, Russia, China, France, Germany and or USA for striking workers to attack the national grid while the soldiers guiding the area fold their arms. No, something has gone wrong otherwise, the soldiers on duty too are complicit They too have to be arrested and tried. This is an act of aggression.
The price of bread led to the revolt in France in which almost all the leaders were killed. This can’t happen here because the story is different.
The difference is that an offer has been made to the workers and labour leaders for the fifth time running against a new government who should be supported to lead the country from the deadwoods of neglect, squalor and self-imposed poverty, arising from indirect rule from Europe. Edo has taken the lead with 70,000 per month (we hope this is not another Atiku game of the untouchables in PDP) whilst the other state Governments have expressed their unability to even pay for the Federal Government 60,000 per month goes a long way to prove that dialogue is better than the coupist way of trying to use the wage protest to over throw the Government. This is unacceptable.
Another example is the attack by the Muslim Cleric Zaki Zaki and his followers who were opiomised by the horse on paper called religion and who do not fully recognize that Allah who created Nigeria like any other country has a constitution in administering it and so Zaki got arrested and many died along with it, for terrorism. Today Zaki Zaki would never attempt to attack the Army Chief of Staff or block his path.
This is not to talk of Ken Saro Wiwa who met his untimely death in a non-violent manner, fighting for equity.
In Okuama, 18 Army Officers were killed which led to the town being flattened and more than hundred died, as reported in the dailies, for taking law into their hands.
Remember how Odi in Bayelsa was knocked down by General Yar’Adua for the death of some security men on duty.
Nigerians are law abiding people and would be ready to take the new salary offer while negotiations continue, because half bread is better than none.
Thereafter, the Labour Leaders, if they are sincere will go round the country to ensure compliance and if possible picket employers who refuse to pay the recommended salary award and recommend then to the government for sanctions or trial.
The Labour Leaders should not forget that the 5% gift for whistle blowers is still in force and it would benefit them to take full advantage of this policy to enrich themselves instead of putting their integrity at stake on the platter of sin and repent when it is quite clear that what you sow you reap.
We are yet to ascertain how many died during the stampede in many homes, hospitals, business centers, etc. when the National Grid was attacked by the Labour Leaders Group without due respect for the people whom the Labour Leaders claim to represent.
The same way today if we do not teach the Labour Leaders the lessons of how not only to win elections by fraud, we should be able to let them know that they have fumbled by attacking the National Grid and if they are not prosecuted, they might go beyond that so prevention is better than cure.
Nobody is against strike action with protests but it has to be non-violent to show how serious the matter is. But to decide to attack the National Grid is a serious crime and an act of terror that should not be overlooked.
In the words of the Secretary to the Federal Government of Nigeria no where in the world would striking workers dare to attack the national grid of the country
as if we are in a lawless country.
The Federal Government of Nigeria must act now to arrest the Labour Leaders and the security men at the National Grid at the time of the attack for terrorism, treasonable felony charges while at the same time find true patriotic Nigerians to replace them.
The security men who are responsible for guarding the place needs to be arrested and treated as terrorists as such along with the Labour Leaders to serve as a deterrent against others who might likely wish to attempt this dastardly act.
Pleașe arrest them for trial as terrorists. They are on their own, the don’t believe in the workers plight, they are servicing their personal interests.
All I am asking for is that Nigeria is our home and we need to protect it at all costs by telling or showing the Oyinbos that we are wiser now, we will not fight ourselves anymore and that we will use what we have to get what we need, and what is our weapon, LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!!
We strongly believe that the NEF would apologise to the President and assure him of your cooperation and Love in order to join progressive forces in the north to tap from the endless Grace that would flow from the Presidency. Give honor to whom honor is due else no honor for you till the end of time.
9 months agoon
Our Ref: SGMJJ/OLF/HSCU/02923
Your Ref:_____________________
Date: May 25, 2024
The Living Perfect Master and founder of One Love Family, Satguru Maharaj Ji, has knocked the Northern Elders Forum saying He would make the animals, birds and the fishes in the water to vote for President Bola Tinubu come 2027, If the Northern Elders feel today that they are not for progress, stability, security and continuity.
Maharaj Ji disclosed that “I will ask the animals, birds and the fishes in the river to vote for President Tinubu come 2027” like He did to other past presidents.
Maharaj Ji in a statement on Tuesday, regretted that the recent outbursts of the NEF did not represent the northern agenda for peace and national unity of the country which is not negotiable.
Maharaj Ji finds it pertinent to respond to the recent statement made public by the Northern Elders Forum (NEF) wrongly depicting the government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as a failure.
“The spokesperson of NEF expressed the regret of the forum for supporting and voting for Tinubu without clearly stating why. More so, the group’s spokesperson ratted that the north will not accept a second term for Tinubu.”
To Maharaj Ji, it was an error for any group or political association to come out openly and announce their regret over majority decisions.
According to The Father of Creation, it was an unwise move for NEF to engage in “such a slander,” as Nigerians see the NEF as a source of inspiration but why are they pretending on the hard work of the president as manifesting practically.
The Living Perfect Master said, “The northern elders should not derail from their counseling and advisory role to the government on national issues as it affects the region.”
“This is another arrogant demonstration of a sense of exclusive right to determine who becomes President of Nigeria by the North. Tinubu is on 11 months into his four – year renewable tenure and the North is already talking about regretting voting for him.
“The North does not seem to like it when presidents emerge from other regions other than theirs. They do everything to cause disaffection for the person and unnecessarily heat up the polity with all manner of infantile criticisms just to lower the estimation of government before the people and make it look incapable of leading the nation.
“This same Northern Elders Forum saw absolutely nothing wrong with former President Muhammadu Buhari’s government that was arguably seen by political analysts and public commentators the most nepotistic, clueless, corrupt, unjust, inept and incompetent in the history of Nigeria. For eight years, Nigerians endured that government of anyhowness while the North cheered him on with impudent ecstasy.
“Today, they have suddenly found their voice and are doing everything to discredit the Tinubu’s government. But beyond the facade of advocating for good governance, discerning Nigerians understand why the North has developed a beliyance so early into Tinubu’s presidency.
“With decades of lopsidedness in appointments, siting of institutions and infrastructure by past presidents of northern extraction, to the detriment of other regions, which in turn weakens our unity as a nation and erodes the principles of equity, any attempt by any government to correct this age-long anomalies in our body polity will surely be perceived as witch-hunt by the protagonists of such blatant nepotism. Tinubu as a progressive who believes in true federalism and restructuring is already exhibiting the needed courage to correct those anomalies to give every part of Nigeria their deserved sense of belonging.
“For example, the north seemed to have forgotten that Abuja belongs to all Nigerians and not to any particular region of the country, hence, some of their leaders whipped up regional and religious sentiments against the appointment of Nyesom Wike, a Christian southerner, as minister of the Territory.
But Tinubu did not budge. They heated up the polity unnecessarily when the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, took a purely administrative decision to relocate some of its departments from Abuja to Lagos for greater efficiency and effectiveness. Of all regions in the country, only Northern leaders cried foul over that decision until one of them, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, a former CBN governor himself, backed the relocation exercise with incontrovertible reasons.
“The Northern Elders Forum does seem shocked that a non-northerner is now the Inspector-General of Police, while their hitherto seemingly unbreakable grip on the Chairmanship of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has finally been broken.
“They also probably can’t believe that for the first time in the history of our collective ownership of Abuja, a south easterner is the Commissioner of Police, FCT Command, an assignment CP Benneth Igwe has carried out with uncommon courage, fervour and patriotism, clearing the FCT of violent crimes and criminality in record time after his appointment.
And as the military gained more ground in the fight against terrorism, neutralizing many while rescuing victims and recovering swathes of lands from them, some of these northern leaders continued to bicker with the security agencies over their exploits against these terrorists. Why not? After all, some of them have been named as financiers of these criminal groups while others are well known sympathizers to them.
El-Rufia in his 8 years did not put a single industry in the Southern Kaduna because as he claims, they are Kafiris. There is saying, “when the Elders are alive, the kids would not fallwhat did the Elders do in the case.
“Or is it possible that these northern elders are angry that instead of constructing a highway and a railway from Katsina to Niger Republic like Buhari did, an action which many Nigerians considered a gross misplacement of priorities and an attempt to pander to his cousins outside the country at the expense of the nation, Tinubu has chosen to commence the construction of a more beneficial 700-kilometre 10-lane coastal highway cutting across several states from Lagos to Calabar with a rail line in its middle? They probably would have preferred it to be another highway of 861 km leading from Yobe to Chad. But Tinubu chose Nigeria for hardworking Nigerians first, and the north cannot seem to understand why.
“It is even possible that their anger stems from the fact that Tinubu’s presidency has effectively clamped down on black market operators of foreign exchange market nationwide most of whom could be agents of these political hawks parading as ethnic leaders who would have preferred the continued rapid fall of the Naira as long as they are selfishly smiling to the bank as neo colonialists?
“Maybe they are also alarmed that shortly after Buhari had unreasonably shut out the southeast from heading any of our nation’s security outfits for the entirety of his inglorious eight-year reign, Tinubu swiftly reversed that absurdity by making one the Chief of Naval Staff. That must have ruffled the feathers of some ethnic jingoists in the North even though they head the Office of the National Security Adviser, Minister of Defense, Minister of State for Defense, DSS, Chief of Air Staff among others.
They rather not see anyone from the southeast head any of our military or paramilitary agencies. They celebrated that ugly trend under Buhari and when those affected complained and reminded them about the need to be fair in such appointments, they quickly retorted that Buhari had the liberty to work with only those he trusted and that he should be allowed to make his appointments based on merits only as if the other regions do not have even more competent hands than the north.
“While it is true that Nigeria experienced excruciating hardship at the initial stage of the Tinubu presidency due to unavoidable reforms that must be carried out to put the nation on the right track, things are easing off lately. The President and his team deserve some accolades for that, not some irritable distractions churned out from an impudent and sickening sense of entitlement by elders of a region.
“Tinubu is already the president and should be supported to succeed because his success is Nigeria’s success. That way, even if the northern elders regret his presidency because of their selfish interests, the majority of Nigerians will rejoice because of the overall general interest that benefit them as a people,” Maharaj Ji declared.
According to him, the people behind the claim were more interested in turning personal gains than the unity and survival of Nigeria.
What of the threat directly and indirectly from the entire Myetti Allah which is treasonable and threaten the security of the country with herdsmen in political cassocks, killing by the day.
Remember former President Olusegun Obasanjo was arrested and accused for staging a coup just because Olusegun Obasanjo invited Maharaj Ji to the Africa Leadership Conference in Otta against IBB inspired military order that soldiers are banned from attending the Kingdom of Maharaj Ji but by The Grace of Maharaj Ji, Olusegun Obasanjo returned to become the President in 1999.
Throughout the election campaign, the Northern Elders were hammering Olusegun Obasanjo to assure them that he will deal with Guru as soon as he wins the elections, that he must arrest Guru but the wise Olusegun Obasanjo on clinching victory asked the NEF to produce any evidence of breach of peace requiring the arrest. This angered the NEF and the next thing they did with their men in the Army was to hurriedly arrange for the newly elected President to go for inspection of the Ikeja cantonment In order to finish Mr. President, but The Lord played the game so well that their plan failed and the President lived to finish his tenure.
“Northern elders should be seen as mediators or opinion shapers on national unity, cohesion, and progress without regional bias. This is key because Nigeria’s unity can’t be negotiated on the page of newspapers if we are to stop all agitations like those of Kanu and Sunday Igboho.
“The same elders that ignored and failed to unite some of our political gladiators that are fighting one another in Kano, Sokoto, Zamfara, and Kaduna States are talking about the region being abandoned to its plights.”
Maharaj Ji challenged NEF on their whereabouts when Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara was attacking his predecessor, Mr. Matawalle, over issues that could have been amicably resolved.
He added, “The same with Umar Ganduje and Rabiu Kwankwaso or Aliyu Wamakko and Attahiru Bafarawa before going into a fight with Aminu Tambuwal? In Kaduna, there is a brewing misunderstanding between Governor Uba Sani and his predecessor Nasir El-Rufai about unaccounted debts. All the Northern elders cared about was President Tinubu.
“We are concerned that the northern elders have one of their members as an Adviser on political matters to the Vice-President, Dr Hakeem BabaAhmed.
“He could have facilitated a meeting with who and who in the seat of power to discuss issues affecting the region or the country in general rather than rushing to the press.”
“We are of the view that President Tinubu’s approach to the issues of security in the North so far, especially North-West is one of the best compared to his immediate past Presidents predecessor, Muhammadu Buhari’s approach,” Maharaj Ji said.
Why is the Elders forum silent about lands illegally occupied by the Northern Elders in Benue, are they blind to the grave insecurity and consequences. We can’t accept that they are Nigerians nor qualified to be addressed as Northern Elders, if so, couldn’t they have done something positive also, to call those land grabbers to leave Benue.
“It baffles all right-thinking Nigerians that the NEF was silent when former President Muhammadu Buhari’s regime hundreds of innocent men died including women and children when it clamped down on Shi’ite members in Kaduna in 2015. Were they not northerners who were murdered in an extrajudicial manner? Mark you, we are against the religious madness exhibited by Eastern educated Zaki Zaki because any person in his right mind will not behave like that.
“Was it not during the Buhari regime that the banditry became more prominent in the Northwest and many parts of the country, a situation that has virtually killed the farming profession in the region and destroyed lives and property? Yet the NEF never rose against that.”
We are unreliably informed that all Local Government Authority allocation meant for projects are always shared by the Chairmen and the Elders Forum are always given their share. Could this be true, please the Elders should answer, otherwise, where are the projects.
Is it also true that the Elders supports polygamy and that children from such marriages must undergo Almajiri course to go begging in the public instead of going to school, to be used for money ritual.
Why the agitation for the return of the remaining Chibok girls has a Southern Mother as their leader, the Northern Elders Forum appears to be silent on the matter because of monetary benefits the Northern Elders derive in such negative schemes. Where are the remaining Chibok girls? We have enough serving and retired officers who could turn the tide against the kidnappers but the Elders are confused.
NEF’s expression of regret in respect of supporting President Tinubu’s ambition in 2023 tells that Jagaban is not towing their very dirty line of looting and misappropriation at all levels.
That is why, death is often declared on persons who actively resist their feudalist and diabolical dictates against peace, unity and progress in sub–Saharan Africa several Nigerians, it is being alleged, have lost their lives to the unpatriotic northern political groups who facilitates the spiritual termination of targeted persons before pumping hired assassins hot bullets into them. This must stop now.
Nigeria deserves to be prosperous not to be ranked among the most wretched. To the extent that President Tinubu actually works against felony and brigandage of the notorious feudal elites in any part of Nigeria and the African Continent, I stand by Him.
“I have made Presidents, Governors, Chairmen, and Scientists for the World. You will recall, in 2008, I decreed, not prophecy that Barrack Obama, from African root will become the President of America. “Obama is that man who will change the image of America and make America embrace all nation that is at ill with her. With Obama America will not lose
her mighty power but will use it to better the life of younger nations not to oppress, repress, suppress, depress poor nation.
And that why Barack Obama must be there whether they like it or not, he must be there. We must call all the fishes in the ocean, all the plant in the bush, all the trees in the forest to vote for him if America must be great once again. Oh, that is my ideal president, a president that will put together the ideas of the elder statesmen of the past and put them in such a way America will put her past behind and forge a new one. All the Ancestors are behind Obama.”
“Ex-President Bill Clinton of the United States of America, till date, remains the first head of state who has come out frankly to tell the world that the Creator is now walking on the planet. President Clinton’s open declaration was contained in his inaugural speech title “Renew America” said inter alia:
“We earn our livelihood in America today in peaceful competition with people all across the earth. Profound and Powerful Forces are shaping and remaking our world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy” However, although President Clinton’s step seems commendable, it is not enough.
His reference to what he described as “Profound and Powerful Forces” lacks specification and direction. Logically, Clinton’s recognition of the Divine Power of Love is only as good, making a scratch on the surface of the whole spectrum, hence, it did not direct the people to know who and what is Satguru Maharaj Ji, now walking on the planet.
“In 2002, Former President Olusegun Obasanjo exclamation in major newspaper publications during his tenure that “God is a Nigerian, and in a Nigerian body. I am not blaspheming.”
He praised Mr. Tinubu’s approach to tackling insecurity in the North as being far better than that of his predecessor, Muhammadu Buhari.
NEF had claimed to have regretted voting for Mr. Tinubu in the 2023 elections, with a threat that the North had learned its lesson over heightened security challenges under the Tinubu-led administration.
Today, it can be said that the Northern Elites with Koran on one hand and the guns on the other, are the principal looters of Nigeria’s purse, yet the North is the most wretched, the most backward region of stupendously endowed Nigeria! Brigandage is their daily mantra-dark ritual that all progressive forces like Tinubu and all those working hard day and night do not subscribe to and want to change.
They have rendered the youth helpless and hopeless by diverting moneys for their education and training for investments in Middle East and some other colonialist countries, creating bandits so violent and deadly threatening the security of the state.
The Northern Youths are wiser now and would now ignore the Northern Elders Forum to vote an anarchist tribal or religious leader who does not really know the dynamics of the Nigerian political terrain.
Hence, it can be said that the NEF and other notorious gangs of the Northern political class have a widely known history of threatening war in Nigeria and of sabotaging progressive and nationalistic ideas conceived for the improvement of our country as the only hope for the black race, hence the Renewed Hope, for all to change for good.
But if the minority Northern Elders Group feel that Britain handed Nigeria over the Fulani political class to suppress the Atlantis Children, leaving Nigeria and Africa destitute in every aspect of life, with the Elders insisting that their so called protracted multi-dimensional retardation must be replicated in the South, then we have to beg the Forum to think twice because there is a parable in Sanskrit (the mother tongue of Creation) which states that, and I quote … “Agba Akin sinile ki ori omotuntun wo” which means that with the Elders around, the younger ones will succeed or and or I quote … “Eni Deru Leru To” meaning what you sow you reap.
We are aware that the statement allegedly credited to the Maradona of a potential Coup d’état which was denied and other calls for military takeover, through the media were all aimed at stopping the new government from blocking all the loopholes moneys are being stolen abroad to create confusion to war which I have tried to stop with the true original Name of the Creator known as Satguru Maharaj Ji because once there is war, the Europeans will throw their weight and support behind the Fulani and that will be the end of the blackman struggle for recognition and acceptance in global scheme of things and we become refugees in the name of God, Allah, Yahweh, the names the Europeans brought down with slush money to trap us, and which has failed the black race in all dimension.
It was Bola Tinubu who freed Lagos from the leprous grip of the Northern political class who saw Lagos as their latrine excreting everything filthy on the city to the expansion and excitement of scruffy and reeking “almajiri” population while the Northern elites feed fat on the city’s finances looting day and night to the admiration of the Koran wielding henchmen whose loyalty is primordially to the neo-colonial roguery of the Arab/Euro Aristocracy.
When the situation become hot, I called on Papa Jakande to come for Divine Knowledge to equip him for the elections but he said how can he come to Maharaj Ji and eventually he lost shamefully. We got to Papa Otedola who graciously agreed to come but his excuse was that the political campaign going on could not permit him but through him we succeeded in hiring the NIIA Hall so that he can join the queue for blessing when attendees queue for blessing after program and which he did and I blessed him.
The Lagos elections were held but was found to be irregular in some ways and that was why it was decided the most Elderly should occupy the seat until the crisis was restored and that was how Papa Otedola whom I blessed became the Governor. You see you stand to be blessed to become anything you want, only the Creator’s Time is the best and today it is the turn of the blacks to lead the world and no amount of pressure can derail it.
We want a positive change of attitude from the minority Fulani being used to heat the polity in order to destabilize Nigeria.
There is no perfect human being living or breathing anywhere on the planet. I do not uphold President Tinubu as a Mr. Perfect, The truth is that he is my current President of Nigeria who deserve to be respected and encouraged to set Nigeria aright by freeing the country from the Luciferian caprices of the likes of Northern Elders Forum who I expect within the next few months would pay a visit to the President for not allowing another gaza genocide in Nigeria.
By the way, when is the murderous herdsmen going to be gainfully employed to stop illegal entry to farmlands to eat up hard earned crops and kill their owners, to prevent karmic reaction and retributive justice.
We have agreed that the cows be properly handled by ferrying them down in railway coaches or trailers to designated points whereby people would go buy whole or part meat. Such areas would be supported by abattoir and supermarket for anybody to buy head, tail, or leg of a cow. Anything short of this, the NEF is looking for trouble because this is the best option that can move the Nation forward in a modern and altruistic way. It meets with global standards.
We need to learn the odious fact that religion was created by the Oyinbo after they survived thousands of years under water and reappeared in a light skin and now equipped with the manuscripts of events of life in Africa that was stolen from the S/W Nigeria from which they churned out religion and supported with slush funds, made the people to falsely believe that they are following their will not knowing that our minds are conditioned and manipulated to suffer all manners of disgrace, disillusion, and agony before painful death.
Imagine the contraption that the world is vanity and so the rich and wealthy is buried like a log of wood. The whole idea is to ensure that the dead person’s spirit does not reincarnate back to Africa but to Europe so Africa needs to reverse this negative manipulation. Bury the Elderly, rich and wealthy with pomp and lavish party.
All I am asking for is that Nigeria is our home and we need to protect it at all costs by telling or showing the Oyinbos that we are wiser now, we will not fight ourselves anymore and that we will use what we have to get what we need, and what is our weapon, LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!!
We strongly believe that the NEF would apologise to the President and assure him of your cooperation and Love in order to join progressive forces in the north to tap from the endless Grace that would flow from the Presidency. Give honor to whom honor is due else no honor for you till the end of time.
Don’t forget, I will make all the animals, the birds and fishes to vote for Mr. President so comot for road, Satguru the bulldozer of hatred and injustice is here.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed, since nobody is above the constitution of the land so be a Lover and live forever.




Stop Evil Predictions About Tinubu, Nigeria – Satguru Maharaj Ji Warns Primate Elijah Ayodele






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Ap Omamerie Ariegwe
2022-09-23 at 11:46 PM
Nigerians should listen to the lord ( Maharaj Ji) he’s to lead us to a better peace of Life.
2023-11-23 at 6:52 PM
Thank you very much for sharing, I learned a lot from your article. Very cool. Thanks. nimabi