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Satguru Maharaj Ji, the distinguished and venerable spiritual luminary, stands as the sagacious and esteemed Head of the One Love Family, an amalgamation of both Nigerian nationals and individuals hailing from diverse corners of the global tapestry, who have been bestowed with the ineffable and transcendent gift of Divine Knowledge by the venerable Satguru himself. Within the sacred and harmonious folds of this cosmic familial entity, there reside Nigerians of multifarious ethnicities, encompassing the rich mosaic of Igbos, Yorubas, Hausas, Efiks, Idomas, Binis, Urhobos, Igallas, and a myriad of others, all bound by the common thread of spiritual enlightenment and a shared aspiration for a united, harmonious, and flourishing Nigeria. It is with unwavering commitment that we, the members of this eclectic family, ardently strive towards the realization of a collective vision for a Nigeria that transcends the boundaries of ethnic diversity, fostering unity and prosperity for the greater good of the nation, the entirety of the black race, and indeed, the entirety of humankind. Phone No: +234 803 719 2667 Email: [email protected]



MAHARAJ JI WILL SAVE YOU FROM ALL DANGERS “Today, there is somebody called Satguru Maharaj Ji who is bigger than Adam, Abraham, Moses, Oduduwa etc. because He is alive. He is asking you to talk to Him Spiritually, Silently, privately, publicly and secretly and He will take you away from all dangers.”

♬ original sound - ONE LOVE FAMILY (THE NUCLEUS)

BENEFITS OF DIVINE KNOWLEDGE Divine Knowledge of the Living Perfect Master, Satguru Maharaj Ji, is the Key to self-realization and entry into the New Age. The lack or absence of this priceless gift is what accounts for man’s elusive search for truth and happiness, in the material/mundane things of the world. Divine Knowledge itself is the foundation for Divine Intervention in human affairs, since with it, man is equipped to tap from the ocean of Divine abundance and escape poverty. It should be understood that all human problems are not rooted in socio-economic, political or religious factors. They are simply symptoms of man’s lack of touch with the Divine link of communication. Every human problem can be solved only through a Divine Intervention. Any other effort is a grope in the dark, for a helping hand where there is none!

♬ original sound - One Love Family (The Nucleus)
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